3,757 research outputs found

    High resolution spectroscopy of HgMn stars: a time of surprises

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    We present the results of a high spectral resolution study of a few spectroscopic binaries with HgMn primary stars. We detect for the first time in the spectra of HgMn stars that for many elements the line profiles are variable over the rotation period. The strongest profile variations are found for the elements Pt, Hg, Sr, Y, Zr, Mn, Ga, He and Nd. The slight variability of He and Y is also confirmed from the study of high resolution spectra of another HgMn star, alpha And.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in "Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics

    Nonlinear mirror instability

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    Slow dynamical changes in magnetic-field strength and invariance of the particles' magnetic moments generate ubiquitous pressure anisotropies in weakly collisional, magnetized astrophysical plasmas. This renders them unstable to fast, small-scale mirror and firehose instabilities, which are capable of exerting feedback on the macroscale dynamics of the system. By way of a new asymptotic theory of the early nonlinear evolution of the mirror instability in a plasma subject to slow shearing or compression, we show that the instability does not saturate quasilinearly at a steady, low-amplitude level. Instead, the trapping of particles in small-scale mirrors leads to nonlinear secular growth of magnetic perturbations, ήB/B∝t2/3\delta B/B \propto t^{2/3}. Our theory explains recent collisionless simulation results, provides a prediction of the mirror evolution in weakly collisional plasmas and establishes a foundation for a theory of nonlinear mirror dynamics with trapping, valid up to ήB/B=O(1)\delta B/B =O(1).Comment: 5 pages, submitte

    New Mn II energy levels from STIS-HST spectrum of the HgMn star HD 175640

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    The NIST database lists several Mn II lines that were observed in the laboratory but not classified. They cannot be used in spectrum synthesis because their atomic line data are unknown. These lines are concentrated in the 2380-2700 A interval. We aimed to assign energy levels and log gf values to these lines. Semi-empirical line data for Mn II computed by Kurucz were used to synthesize the ultraviolet spectrum of the slow-rotating, HgMn star HD 175640. The spectrum was compared with the high-resolution spectrum observed with the HST-STIS equipment. A UVES spectrum covering the 3050-10000 A region was also examined. We determined a total of 73 new energy levels, 58 from the STIS spectrum of HD 175640 and another 15 from the UVES spectrum. The new energy levels give rise to numerous new computed lines. We have identified more than 50% of the unclassified lines listed in the NIST database and have changed the assignement of another 24 lines. An abundance analysis of the star HD 175640, based on the comparison of observed and computed ultraviolet spectra in the 1250-3040 A interval, is the by-product of this study on Mn II.Comment: Paper accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Dynamical detection of three triple stellar systems in open clusters

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    We present a kinematic analysis of three triple stellar systems belonging to two open clusters: CPD-60{\deg}961 and HD66137 in NGC2516, and HD315031 in NGC6530. All three systems are hierarchical triples with a close binary bound to a third body in a wider orbit, whose presence is detected through velocity variations of the close binary barycentre. Orbital parameters are derived from radial velocity curves. Absolute parameters for all stars are estimated assuming cluster membership. Some dynamical and evolutionary aspects of these systems are discussed, particularly the possible influence of Kozai cycles. The two systems of NGC2516 have similar orbital configurations with inner periods of 11.23 d and 8.70 d and outer periods of 9.79 yr and 9.24 yr. We report also radial velocity measurements of the components of the visual binary CPD-60{\deg}944 in NGC2516. Including results from previous works, this cluster would harbor 5 hierarchical triples. The young system HD315031 has an inner binary with a period of 1.37 d and a very eccentric (e=0.85) outer orbit with a period of 483 d. Possible dynamical evolutionary scenarios are discussed. Long-term radial velocity monitoring is highlighted as strategy for the detection of subsystems with intermediate separations, which are hard to cover with normal spectroscopic studies or visual techniques.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Lanthanides and other spectral oddities in a Centauri

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    Context: There is considerable interest in the helium variable a Cen as a bridge between helium-weak and helium-strong CP stars. Aims: We investigate Ce III and other possible lanthanides in the spectrum the of hottest chemically peculiar (CP) star in which these elements have been found. A {Kr II line appears within a broad absorption which we suggest may be due to a high-level transition in C II. Methods: Wavelengths and equivalent widths are measured on high-resolution UVES spectra, analyzed, and their phase-variations investigated. Results: New, robust identifications of Ce III and Kr II are demonstrated. Nd III is likely present. A broad absorption near 4619[A] is present at all phases of a Cen, and in some other early B stars. Conclusions: The presence of lanthanides in a Cen strengthens the view that this star is a significant link between the cooler CP stars and the hotter helium-peculiar stars. Broad absorptions in a Cen are not well explained.Comment: Research Note accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics; 4 pages, 4 Figs. 2 Table

    From Small-Scale Dynamo to Isotropic MHD Turbulence

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    We consider the problem of incompressible, forced, nonhelical, homogeneous, isotropic MHD turbulence with no mean magnetic field. This problem is essentially different from the case with externally imposed uniform mean field. There is no scale-by-scale equipartition between magnetic and kinetic energies as would be the case for the Alfven-wave turbulence. The isotropic MHD turbulence is the end state of the turbulent dynamo which generates folded fields with small-scale direction reversals. We propose that the statistics seen in numerical simulations of isotropic MHD turbulence could be explained as a superposition of these folded fields and Alfven-like waves that propagate along the folds.Comment: kluwer latex, 7 pages, 7 figures; Proceedings of the International Workshop "Magnetic Fields and Star Formation: Theory vs. Observations", Madrid, 21-25 April 2003 -- published version (but the e-print is free of numerous typos introduced by the publisher

    C II abundances in early-type stars: solution to a notorious non-LTE problem

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    We address a long-standing discrepancy between non-LTE analyses of the prominent C II 4267 and 6578/82 A multiplets in early-type stars. A comprehensive non-LTE model atom of C II is constructed based on critically selected atomic data. This model atom is used for an abundance study of six apparently slow-rotating main-sequence and giant early B-type stars. High-resolution and high-S/N spectra allow us to derive highly consistent abundances not only from the classical features but also from up to 18 further C II lines in the visual - including two so far unreported emission features equally well reproduced in non-LTE. These results require the stellar atmospheric parameters to be determined with care. A homogeneous (slightly) sub-solar present-day carbon abundance from young stars in the solar vicinity (in associations and in the field) of log C/H +12= 8.29+/-0.03 is indicated.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Stratification and Isotope Separation in CP Stars

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    We investigate the elemental and isotopic stratification in the atmospheres of selected chemically peculiar (CP) stars of the upper main sequence. Reconfiguration of the UVES spectrograph in 2004 has made it possible to examine all three lines of the Ca II infrared triplet. Much of the material analyzed was obtained in 2008. We support the claim of Ryabchikova, Kochukhov & Bagnulo (RKB) that the calcium isotopes have distinct stratification profiles for the stars 10 Aql, HR 1217, and HD 122970, with the heavy isotope concentrated toward the higher layers. Better observations are needed to learn the extent to which Ca-40 dominates in the deepest layers of all or most CP stars that show the presence of Ca-48. There is little evidence for Ca-40 in the spectra of some HgMn stars, and the infrared triplet in the magnetic star HD 101065 is well fit by pure Ca-48. In HR 5623 (HD 133792) and HD 217522 it is likely that the heavy isotope dominates, though models are possible where this is not the case. While elemental stratification is surely needed in many cases, we point out the importance of including adjustments in the assumed Teff and log(g) values, in attempts to model stratification. We recommend emphasis on profiles of the strongest lines, where the influence of stratification is most evident. Isotopic mixtures, involving the 4 stable calcium nuclides with masses between 40 and 48 are plausible, but are not emphasized.Comment: 16 Pages, 20 Figures, 10 Tables. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the RA

    Turbulent transport in tokamak plasmas with rotational shear

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    Nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations have been conducted to investigate turbulent transport in tokamak plasmas with rotational shear. At sufficiently large flow shears, linear instabilities are suppressed, but transiently growing modes drive subcritical turbulence whose amplitude increases with flow shear. This leads to a local minimum in the heat flux, indicating an optimal E x B shear value for plasma confinement. Local maxima in the momentum fluxes are also observed, allowing for the possibility of bifurcations in the E x B shear. The sensitive dependence of heat flux on temperature gradient is relaxed for large flow shear values, with the critical temperature gradient increasing at lower flow shear values. The turbulent Prandtl number is found to be largely independent of temperature and flow gradients, with a value close to unity.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR
