14,843 research outputs found

    Intrusive origin of the Sudbury Igneous Complex: Structural and sedimentological evidence

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    In recent years, many geoscientists have come to believe that the Sudbury event was exogenic rather than endogenic. Critical to a recent exogenic hypothesis is the impact melt origin of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC). Such origin implies that the SIC was emplaced before deposition of the Whitewater Group, in contrast to origins in which the SIC postdates the lithification of the Onaping Formation. Structural and sedimentological evidence is summarized herein that supports an intrusion of the SIC after lithification of all Whitewater Group strata, and conflicts with the hypothesis advanced by other researchers

    Caldolysin, a highly active protease from an extremely Thermophilic Bacterium

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    Proteases comprise a significant proportion of those proteins which have been subject to detailed characterisation (amino acid sequence and high resolution crystallographic analysis). The extent of research interest in proteolytic enzymes reflects both their historical status, and the practical advantages of proteases as research subjects (available in quantity, extracellular etc.) widely occurring

    The industrial potential of enzymes from extremely thermophilic bacteria

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    The thermal regions of the central North Island of New Zealand are some of the most extensive in the world. In addition, they are readily accessible and contain a diversity of ecological habitats, including a large number at 100°C. These areas are regarded as an important tourist attraction, and as a source of geothermal power, It is now clear that they also contain an important and unique genetic resource

    Resonant x-ray scattering spectra from multipole orderings: Np M_{4,5} edges in NpO2

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    We study resonant x-ray scattering (RXS) at Np M_{4,5} edges in the triple-\textbf{k} multipole ordering phase in NpO_{2}, on the basis of a localized electron model. We derive an expression for RXS amplitudes to characterize the spectra under the assumption that a rotational invariance is preserved in the intermediate state of scattering process. This assumption is justified by the fact that energies of the crystal electric field and the intersite interaction is smaller than the energy of multiplet structures. This expression is found useful to calculate energy profiles with taking account of the intra-Coulomb and spin-orbit interactions. Assuming the \Gamma_{8}-quartet ground state, we construct the triple-\textbf{k} ground state, and analyze the RXS spectra. The energy profiles are calculated in good agreement with the experiment, providing a sound basis to previous phenomenological analyses.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Relativistic many-body calculations of the Stark-induced amplitude of the 6P1/2 -7P1/2 transition in thallium

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    Stark-induced amplitudes for the 6P1/2 - 7P1/2 transition in Tl I are calculated using the relativistic SD approximation in which single and double excitations of Dirac-Hartree-Fock levels are summed to all orders in perturbation theory. Our SD values alpha S = 368 a0 3 and beta S= 298 a 0 3 are in good agreement with the measurements alpha S=377(8) a 0 3$ and beta S = 313(8) a 0 3 by D. DeMille, D. Budker, and E. D. Commins [Phys. Rev. A 50, 4657 (1994)]. Calculations of the Stark shifts in the 6P1/2 - 7P1/2 and 6P1/2 - 7S1/2 transitions are also carried out. The Stark shifts predicted by our calculations agree with the most accurate measured values within the experimental uncertainties for both transitions

    Implementation of a Standardized Handoff System for a General Surgery Residency Program

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    Introduction: The I-PASS Handoff Bundle is an evidence based standardized set of educational materials designed to decrease handoff failures in patient care. Two of every three sentinel events , the most serious events reported to the Joint Commission, are due to failures of communication, including miscommunication during patient care handoffs. Implementation of the I-PASS method results in decreased medical errors and preventable adverse events There are few studies that evaluate this validated method in the context of a General Surgery resident program We aim to implement the I-PASS system into the transition of care process for General Surgery residents at our institution, and to analyze of the quality of the handoff process before and after the implementation.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1047/thumbnail.jp

    Alton Ochsner, MD (1896-1981): surgical pioneer and legacy linking smoking and disease.

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    Edward William Alton Ochsner kept a plain, metal card file in which he recorded close to 50 years worth of medical experiences, research, and insights. The most populated topics were filed as Cancer, Lung and Cancer, Bronchogenic. These reflected his areas of greatest interest, for which he would go on to produce groundbreaking work. Of his many lifetime accomplishments, he is perhaps best known for being the first to report a link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. This was just one of the many ways in which Ochsner worked to effect social change. The establishment of the Ochsner Health System in New Orleans was born from this similar passion. Ochsner went on to become one of the giants of his generation as a result of this tireless work as a leader, educator, and mentor

    Near-UV Observations of CS29497-030: New Constraints on Neutron-Capture Nucleosynthesis Processes

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    Employing spectra obtained with the new Keck I HIRES near-UV sensitive detector, we have performed a comprehensive chemical composition analysis of the binary blue metal-poor star CS29497-030. Abundances for 29 elements and upper limits for an additional seven have been derived, concentrating on elements largely produced via neutron-capture nucleosynthesis. Included in our analysis are the two elements that define the termination point of the slow neutron-capture process, lead and bismuth. We determine an extremely high value of [Pb/Fe] = +3.65 +/- 0.07 (sigma = 0.13) from three features, supporting the single-feature result obtained in previous studies. We also detect Bi for the first time in a metal-poor star. Our derived Bi/Pb ratio is in accord with those predicted from the most recent FRANEC calculations of the slow neutron-capture process in low-mass AGB stars. We find that the neutron-capture elemental abundances of CS29497-030 are best explained by an AGB model that also includes very significant amounts of pre-enrichment of rapid neutron-capture process material in the protostellar cloud out of which the CS29497-030 binary system formed. Thus, CS29497-030 is both an ``r+s'' and ``extrinsic AGB'' star. Furthermore, we find that the mass of the AGB model can be further constrained by the abundance of the light odd-element [Na/Fe] which is sensitive to the neutron excess.Comment: 7 pages = 4 + 2 colour encapsulated postscript figures + 1 table; to appear in ApJ Letters; additional jpeg figure available at ftp://www.astro.caltech.edu/users/iii/cs2949703

    Multiplet ligand-field theory using Wannier orbitals

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    We demonstrate how ab initio cluster calculations including the full Coulomb vertex can be done in the basis of the localized, generalized Wannier orbitals which describe the low-energy density functional (LDA) band structure of the infinite crystal, e.g. the transition metal 3d and oxygen 2p orbitals. The spatial extend of our 3d Wannier orbitals (orthonormalized Nth order muffin-tin orbitals) is close to that found for atomic Hartree-Fock orbitals. We define Ligand orbitals as those linear combinations of the O 2p Wannier orbitals which couple to the 3d orbitals for the chosen cluster. The use of ligand orbitals allows for a minimal Hilbert space in multiplet ligand-field theory calculations, thus reducing the computational costs substantially. The result is a fast and simple ab initio theory, which can provide useful information about local properties of correlated insulators. We compare results for NiO, MnO and SrTiO3 with x-ray absorption, inelastic x-ray scattering, and photoemission experiments. The multiplet ligand field theory parameters found by our ab initio method agree within ~10% to known experimental values

    Non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering involving excitonic excitations

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    In a recent publication Larson \textit{et al.} reported remarkably clear dd-dd excitations for NiO and CoO measured with x-ray energies well below the transition metal KK edge. In this letter we demonstrate that we can obtain an accurate quantitative description based on a local many body approach. We find that the magnitude of q⃗\vec{q} can be tuned for maximum sensitivity for dipole, quadrupole, etc. excitations. We also find that the direction of q⃗\vec{q} with respect to the crystal axes can be used as an equivalent to polarization similar to electron energy loss spectroscopy, allowing for a determination of the local symmetry of the initial and final state based on selection rules. This method is more generally applicable and combined with the high resolution available, could be a powerful tool for the study of local distortions and symmetries in transition metal compounds including also buried interfaces
