366 research outputs found

    Prevalence of and factors associated with human cysticercosis in 60 villages in three provinces of Burkina Faso

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    Background : Taenia solium, a zoonotic infection transmitted between humans and pigs, is considered an emerging infection in Sub-Saharan Africa, yet individual and community-level factors associated with the human infection with the larval stages (cysticercosis) are not well understood. This study aims to estimate the magnitude of association of individual-level and village-level factors with current human cysticercosis in 60 villages located in three Provinces of Burkina Faso. Methodology/Principal Findings : Baseline cross-sectional data collected between February 2011 and January 2012 from a large community randomized-control trial were used. A total of 3609 individuals provided serum samples to assess current infection with cysticercosis. The association between individual and village-level factors and the prevalence of current infection with cysticercosis was estimated using Bayesian hierarchical logistic models. Diffuse priors were used for all regression coefficients. The prevalence of current cysticercosis varied across provinces and villages ranging from 0% to 11.5%. The results obtained suggest that increased age, being male and consuming pork as well as a larger proportion of roaming pigs and percentage of sand in the soil measured at the village level were associated with higher prevalences of infection. Furthermore, consuming pork at another village market had the highest increased prevalence odds of current infection. Having access to a latrine, living in a household with higher wealth quintiles and a higher soil pH measured at the village level decreased the prevalence odds of cysticercosis. Conclusions/Significance : This is the first large-scale study to examine the association between variables measured at the individual-, household-, and village-level and the prevalence odds of cysticercosis in humans. Factors linked to people, pigs, and the environment were of importance, which further supports the need for a One Health approach to control cysticercosis infection

    Tobacco-Free Healthcare Policy Assessment Tool and Scoring Guide

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    The Tobacco-Free Healthcare Assessment Tool is a standardized method to assess the comprehensiveness of tobacco-free or smoke-free policies in healthcare settings. Each policy is scored in the following four areas: Policy Communication, Environment, Enforcement, and Cessation Services. A fifth non-rated section includes two additional items related to emerging trends in tobacco control

    Dr. Mary Edwards Walker: years ahead of her time.

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    Women phsycians in the United States were virtually nonexistent in the early to mid-1800s. Traditional medical schools still did not accept women, and few secretarian or eclectic medical schools were beginning to open their doors to female students. In 1849 at Geneva College, Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman to achieve a medical degree in the United States.1 At the time of the Civil War, the few women who had managed to obtain medical degrees mainly served as nurses in the war, because society was not yet ready to accept the female physician.2 Dr. Mary Edwards Walker would help change the role of women physicians, becoming not only a valuable surgeon for the Union Army, but also a catalyst for the introduction and advancement of women in medicine

    Teaching with Feminist Judgments: A Global Conversation

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    This conversational-style essay is an exchange among fourteen professors—representing thirteen universities across five countries—with experience teaching with feminist judgments. Feminist judgments are ‘shadow’ court decisions rewritten from a feminist perspective, using only the precedent in effect and the facts known at the time of the original decision. Scholars in Canada, England, the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, India, and Mexico have published (or are currently producing) written collections of feminist judgments that demonstrate how feminist perspectives could have changed the legal reasoning or outcome (or both) in important legal cases. This essay begins to explore the vast pedagogical potential of feminist judgments. The contributors to this conversation describe how they use feminist judgments in the classroom; how students have responded to the judgments; how the professors achieve specific learning objectives through teaching with feminist judgments; and how working with feminist judgments—whether studying them, writing them, or both—can help students excavate the multiple social, political, economic, and even personal factors that influence the development of legal rules, structures, and institutions. The primary takeaway of the essay is that feminist judgments are a uniquely enriching pedagogical tool that can broaden the learning experience. Feminist judgments invite future lawyers, and indeed any reader, to re-imagine what the law is, what the law can be, and how to make the law more responsive to the needs of all people

    Urinary phthalate metabolite concentrations and blood glucose levels during pregnancy

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    Purpose: To examine associations between phthalate metabolite urinary concentrations during early pregnancy and blood glucose levels obtained at the time of screening for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Methods: Upon initiation of prenatal care, women with a mean gestational age of 12.8 weeks were recruited for a study of environmental chemical exposures (n = 110) and provided a spot urinary specimen. Blood glucose concentrations (mg/dl) were obtained from the electronic medical record for those patients who did not experience a pregnancy loss and did not transfer care to another facility prior to glucose screening (n = 72). Urinary concentrations of nine phthalate metabolites and creatinine were measured at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Associations between tertiles of phthalate metabolites concentrations and blood glucose levels were estimated using linear regression. Results: Compared to pregnant women in the lowest concentration tertile, women with the highest urinary concentrations (≥ 3 rd tertile) of mono-iso-butyl phthalate (tertile: ≥ 15.3 μg/l, β = -18.3, 95% CI: -35.4, -1.2) and monobenzyl phthalate (tertile: ≥ 30.3 μg/l, β = -17.3, 95% CI: -34.1, -0.4) had lower blood glucose levels at the time of GDM screening after adjustment for urinary creatinine and demographic covariates. Conclusion: Because maternal glucose levels increase during pregnancy to provide adequate nutrition for fetal growth and development, these findings may have implications for fetal health. However, given the limitations of our study, findings should be interpreted cautiously

    Is bisphenol-A exposure during pregnancy associated with blood glucose levels or diagnosis of gestational diabetes?

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    Recent epidemiological studies indicate bisphenol A (BPA), an estrogenic chemical used in production of epoxy, polycarbonate, and plastic may increase risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Exposure to BPA during pregnancy may contribute to development of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), a precursor to type 2 diabetes in women. This pilot study examined the association between BPA exposure, fasting blood glucose levels (FBG), and GDM diagnosis during pregnancy. Banked urine samples from 22 cases of GDM and 72 controls were analyzed for total (free BPA + conjugates) urinary BPA concentrations (μg/L). FBG levels (mg/dl) were obtained from 1-h 50-g glucose tolerance tests (GTT) that women underwent for routine GDM screening (mean gestational age = 26.6 weeks, SD = 3.8). Those with an initial screening value ≥ 135 mg/dl underwent 3-h 100 g oral GTT. GDM diagnoses were made when the initial screening value was ≥ 200 mg/dl or when values at ≥ 2 time points exceeded 3-h oral GTT thresholds. Among controls, median FBG levels (mg/dL) did not differ across exposure tertiles, defined according to the distribution of total specific-gravity-adjusted urinary BPA concentrations. Logistic regression models controlling for race/ethnicity did not provide evidence of association between BPA exposure and case status across increasing tertiles of BPA exposure (number of GDM cases/controls in tertile1: 13/24; in tertile 2: 6/24; in tertile 3: 3/24). Findings do not support a relationship between total urinary BPA concentrations and altered glucose metabolism during pregnancy. However, due to study limitations, findings need to be interpreted with caution

    Ephrin-B2 reverse signaling is required for axon pathfinding and cardiac valve formation but not early vascular development

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    AbstractVascular development begins with the formation of a primary vascular plexus that is rapidly remodeled by angiogenesis into the interconnected branched patterns characteristic of mature vasculature. Several receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands have been implicated to control early development of the vascular system. These include the vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2) that bind VEGF, the Tie-1 and Tie-2 receptors that bind the angiopoietins, and the EphB4 receptor that binds the membrane-anchored ligand ephrin-B2. Targeted mutations in the mouse germline have revealed essential functions for these molecules in vascular development. In particular, protein-null mutations that delete either EphB4 or ephrin-B2 from the mouse have been shown to result in early embryonic lethality due to failed angiogenic remodeling. The venous expression of EphB4 and arterial expression of ephrin-B2 has lead to the speculation that the interaction of these two molecules leads to bidirectional signaling into both the receptor-expressing cell and the ligand-expressing cell, and that both forward and reverse signals are required for proper development of blood vessels in the embryo. Indeed, targeted removal of the ephrin-B2 carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic tail by another group was shown to perturb vascular development and result in the same early embryonic lethality as the null mutation, leading the authors to propose that ephrin-B2 reverse signaling directs early angiogenic remodeling of the primary vascular plexus [Cell 104 (2001) 57]. However, we show here that the carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic domain of ephrin-B2, and hence reverse signaling, is not required during early vascular development, but it is necessary for neonatal survival and functions later in cardiovascular development in the maturation of cardiac valve leaflets. We further show that ephrin-B2 reverse signaling is required for the pathfinding of axons that form the posterior tract of the anterior commissure. Our results thus indicate that ephrin-B2 functions in the early embryo as a typical instructive ligand to stimulate EphB4 receptor forward signaling during angiogenic remodeling and that later in embryonic development ephrin-B2 functions as a receptor to transduce reverse signals involved in cardiac valve maturation and axon pathfinding

    Monetary impact of Taenia solium cysticercosis in four countries

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    The societal monetary burden of cysticercosis in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, Honduras, India and the United States of America were estimated. Data on the frequency of infection and on associated morbidity in both human and pig populations and their costs were collected. Decision trees were used to assess the frequency of medical care and loss of value of pigs with their monetary impact

    Accuracy of Serological Testing for the Diagnosis of Prevalent Neurocysticercosis in Outpatients with Epilepsy, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

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    Epilepsy is a significant contributor to morbidity world-wide in persons of all ages. Little is known, however, about its causes. In the developing world, parasitic infections of the brain, in particular Taenia solium neurocysticercosis (NCC) are thought to be important factors. Determining whether or not there is infection in the brain is difficult since to be certain, specialized imaging studies, such as CT scans, are required. These are expensive and not widely available. In addition, they are not appropriate for use in large, population-based studies. Thus, blood tests for evidence of infection with T. solium are often done instead to estimate the presence of NCC. In this study's population of persons with epilepsy being seen at a hospital out-patient clinic in South Africa, 37% had CT evidence of NCC, a percentage similar to that reported in other developing countries. The study also found that blood tests were not generally useful compared to CT for correctly identifying those persons who did or did not have NCC, and thus, they cannot be relied upon for field studies of NCC
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