117 research outputs found

    Second-order nonlinear optical properties induced by thermal poling in photonic oxide glasses and transparent glass-ceramics

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    In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in oxide glasses due to advances in lasers for information transport. Oxide glasses combine low cost of fabrication and good compatibility with silica glass fibers, which offer the opportunity for developing structures with nonlinear optical properties in integrated optical devices. The creation of an axial symmetry under thermal poling is currently necessary to induce Second-Order NonLinear (SONL) optical properties in glasses. A description of theoretical models which have been proposed for charge migration during thermal poling is presented. A review of SONL efficiencies which have been obtained for different glass compositions by this method is reported. Correlations between SONL properties and structural modifications under poling are also presented. Finally, we focus on the challenging fabrication of transparent glass-ceramic composites, especially when they are obtained by the precipitation of ferroelectric nanoparticle phases in the glassy matrix which adds the advantageous SONL properties of ferroelectric crystals

    Band-width control in a perovskite-type 3d^1 correlated metal Ca_1-xSr_xVO_3. II. Optical spectroscopy investigation

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    Optical conductivity spectra of single crystals of Ca_1-xSr_xVO_3 have been studied to elucidate how the electronic behavior depends on the strength of the electron correlation without changing the nominal number of electrons per vanadium atom. The effective mass deduced by the analysis of the Drude-like contribution do not show critical enhancement, even though the system is close to the Mott transition. Besides the Drude-like contribution, two anomalous features were observed in the optical conductivity spectra of the intraband transition within the 3d band. These features can be assigned to transitions involving the incoherent and coherent bands near the Fermi level. The large spectral weight redistribution in this system, however, does not involve a large mass enhancement.Comment: 12 pages in a Phys. Rev. B camera-ready format with 16 EPS figures embedded. LaTeX 2.09 source file using "camera.sty" and "prbplug.sty" provided by N. Shirakawa. For OzTeX (Macintosh), use "ozfig.sty" instead of "psfig.sty". "ozfig.sty" can be also obtained by e-mail request to N. Shirakawa: . Submitted to Phys. Rev. B. See "Part I (by Inoue et al.)" at cond-mat/980107

    Human γδ T cells recognize CD1b by two distinct mechanisms

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    γδ T cells form an abundant part of the human cellular immune system, where they respond to tissue damage, infection, and cancer. The spectrum of known molecular targets recognized by Vδ1-expressing γδ T cells is becoming increasingly diverse. Here we describe human γδ T cells that recognize CD1b, a lipid antigen-presenting molecule, which is inducibly expressed on monocytes and dendritic cells. Using CD1b tetramers to study multiple donors, we found that many CD1b-specific γδ T cells use Vδ1. Despite their common use of Vδ1, three CD1b-specific γδ T cell receptors (TCRs) showed clear differences in the surface of CD1b recognized, the requirement for lipid antigens, and corecognition of butryophilin-like proteins. Several Vγ segments were present among the CD1b-specific TCRs, but chain swap experiments demonstrated that CD1b specificity was mediated by the Vδ1 chain. One of the CD1b-specific Vδ1+ TCRs paired with Vγ4 and shows dual reactivity to CD1b and butyrophilin-like proteins. αβ TCRs typically recognize the peptide display platform of MHC proteins. In contrast, our results demonstrate the use of rearranged receptors to mediate diverse modes of recognition across the surface of CD1b in ways that do and do not require carried lipids

    Peripheral blood T-cell signatures from high-resolution immune phenotyping of γδ and αβ T-cells in younger and older subjects in the Berlin Aging Study II

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    Background Aging and latent infection with Cytomegalovirus (CMV) are thought to be major factors driving the immune system towards immunosenescence, primarily characterized by reduced amounts of naïve T-cells and increased memory T-cells, potentially associated with higher morbidity and mortality. The composition of both major compartments, γδ as well as αβ T-cells, is altered by age and CMV, but detailed knowledge of changes to the γδ subset is currently limited. Results Here, we have surveyed a population of 73 younger (23–35 years) and 144 older (62–85 years) individuals drawn from the Berlin Aging Study II, investigating the distribution of detailed differentiation phenotypes of both γδ and αβ T-cells. Correlation of frequencies and absolute counts of the identified phenotypes with age and the presence of CMV revealed a lower abundance of Vδ2-positive and a higher amount of Vδ1-positive cells. We found higher frequencies of late-differentiated and lower frequencies of early-differentiated cells in the Vδ1+ and Vδ1-Vδ2-, but not in the Vδ2+ populations in elderly CMV-seropositive individuals confirming the association of these Vδ2-negative cells with CMV-immunosurveillance. We identified the highest Vδ1:Vδ2 ratios in the CMV-seropositive elderly. The observed increased CD4:CD8 ratios in the elderly were significantly lower in CMV-seropositive individuals, who also possessed a lower naïve and a larger late-differentiated compartment of CD8+ αβ T-cells, reflecting the consensus in the literature. Conclusions Our findings illustrate in detail the strong influence of CMV on the abundance and differentiation pattern of γδ T-cells as well as αβ T-cells in older and younger people. Mechanisms responsible for the phenotypic alterations in the γδ T-cell compartment, associated both with the presence of CMV and with age require further clarification

    Clonal selection in the human Vδ1 T cell repertoire indicates γδ TCR-dependent adaptive immune surveillance

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    γδ T cells are considered to be innate-like lymphocytes that respond rapidly to stress without clonal selection and differentiation. Here we use next-generation sequencing to probe how this paradigm relates to human Vδ2neg T cells, implicated in responses to viral infection and cancer. The prevalent Vδ1 T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire is private and initially unfocused in cord blood, typically becoming strongly focused on a few high-frequency clonotypes by adulthood. Clonal expansions have differentiated from a naive to effector phenotype associated with CD27 downregulation, retaining proliferative capacity and TCR sensitivity, displaying increased cytotoxic markers and altered homing capabilities, and remaining relatively stable over time. Contrastingly, Vδ2+ T cells express semi-invariant TCRs, which are present at birth and shared between individuals. Human Vδ1+ T cells have therefore evolved a distinct biology from the Vδ2+ subset, involving a central, personalized role for the γδ TCR in directing a highly adaptive yet unconventional form of immune surveillance

    Mortalidad de aves marinas producida por luces artificiales terrestres

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    Artificial lights at night cause high mortality of seabirds, one of the most endangered groups of birds globally. Fledglings of burrow-nesting seabirds, and to a lesser extent adults, are attracted to and then grounded (i.e., forced to land) by lights when they fly at night. We reviewed the current state of knowledge of seabird attraction to light to identify information gaps and propose measures to address the problem. Although species in families such as Alcidae and Anatidae can be grounded by artificial light, the most affected seabirds are petrels and shearwaters (Procellariiformes). At least 56 species of Procellariiformes, more than one-third of them (24) threatened, are subject to grounding by lights. Seabirds grounded by lights have been found worldwide, mainly on oceanic islands but also at some continental locations. Petrel breeding grounds confined to formerly uninhabited islands are particularly at risk from light pollution due to tourism and urban sprawl. Where it is impractical to ban external lights, rescue programs of grounded birds offer the most immediate and employed mitigation to reduce the rate of light-induced mortality and save thousands of birds every year. These programs also provide useful information for seabird management. However, these data are typically fragmentary, biased, and uncertain and can lead to inaccurate impact estimates and poor understanding of the phenomenon of seabird attraction to lights. We believe the most urgently needed actions to mitigate and understand light-induced mortality of seabirds are estimation of mortality and effects on populations; determination of threshold light levels and safe distances from light sources; documentation of the fate of rescued birds; improvement of rescue campaigns, particularly in terms of increasing recovery rates and level of care; and research on seabird-friendly lights to reduce attraction.RESUMEN: Las luces artificiales nocturnas causan una mortalidad alta de aves marinas, uno de los grupos de aves en mayor peligro de extinción a nivel mundial. Los polluelos de aves marinas que anidan en madrigueras, y en menor medida los adultos, son atraídos y forzados a aterrizar por las luces cuando vuelan de noche. Revisamos el estado actual del conocimiento sobre la atracción de las aves marinas por la luz para identificar vacíos de información y proponer medidas para resolver el problema. Aunque las especies de familias como Alcidae y Anatidae pueden ser forzadas a aterrizar por la luz artificial, las aves marinas más afectadas son los petreles y las pardelas (Procellariiformes). Por lo menos 56 especies de Procellariiformes, más de un tercio (24) de ellas amenazadas, son propensas al aterrizaje atraídas por las luces. Las aves marinas forzadas a aterrizar han sido halladas en todo el mundo, principalmente en islas oceánicas, pero también en algunas localidades continentales. Los sitios de anidación de los petreles confinados anteriormente a islas deshabitadas están particularmente en riesgo de sufrir contaminación lumínica debido al turismo y al crecimiento urbano. En donde no es práctico prohibir las luces externas, los programas de rescate de las aves accidentadas ofrecen la mitigación más inmediata y empleada para reducir la tasa de mortalidad inducida por la luz y salvar a miles de aves cada año. Estos programas también proporcionan información útil para el manejo de aves marinas. Sin embargo, estos datos están típicamente fragmentados, sesgados y son inciertos, y pueden llevar a estimaciones inexactas del impacto y a un entendimiento pobre del fenómeno de la atracción de las aves marinas por la luz. Creemos que las acciones necesarias de mayor urgencia para mitigar y entender la mortalidad de aves marinas producida por la luz son: la estimación de la mortalidad y los efectos sobre la población; la determinación de umbrales de niveles de luz y de distancias seguras a las fuentes de luz; el estudio del destino de las aves rescatadas; la mejora de las campañas de rescate, particularmente en términos de incrementar las tasas de recogida y el nivel de cuidado; y la investigación sobre las características de la luz para reducir la atracción de las aves marinas.This research was supported by a Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Programme (Project ID: 330655 FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IOF)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dielectric properties and dynamical conductivity of LaTiO3: From dc to optical frequencies

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    We provide a complete and detailed characterization of the temperature-dependent response to ac electrical fields of LaTiO3, a Mott-Hubbard insulator close to the metal-insulator transition. We present combined dc, broadband dielectric, mm-wave, and infrared spectra of ac conductivity and dielectric constant, covering an overall frequency range of 17 decades. The dc and dielectric measurements reveal information on the semiconducting charge-transport properties of LaTiO3, indicating the importance of Anderson localization, and on the dielectric response due to ionic polarization. In the infrared region, the temperature dependence of the phonon modes gives strong hints for a structural phase transition at the magnetic ordering temperature. In addition, a gap-like electronic excitation following the phonon region is analyzed in detail. We compare the results to the soft-edge behavior of the optical spectra characteristic for Mott-Hubbard insulators. Overall a consistent picture of the charge-transport mechanisms in LaTiO3 emerges.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    PLoS Pathog

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a leading infectious cause of morbidity in immune-compromised patients. γδ T cells have been involved in the response to CMV but their role in protection has not been firmly established and their dependency on other lymphocytes has not been addressed. Using C57BL/6 αβ and/or γδ T cell-deficient mice, we here show that γδ T cells are as competent as αβ T cells to protect mice from CMV-induced death. γδ T cell-mediated protection involved control of viral load and prevented organ damage. γδ T cell recovery by bone marrow transplant or adoptive transfer experiments rescued CD3ε-/- mice from CMV-induced death confirming the protective antiviral role of γδ T cells. As observed in humans, different γδ T cell subsets were induced upon CMV challenge, which differentiated into effector memory cells. This response was observed in the liver and lungs and implicated both CD27+ and CD27- γδ T cells. NK cells were the largely preponderant producers of IFNγ and cytotoxic granules throughout the infection, suggesting that the protective role of γδ T cells did not principally rely on either of these two functions. Finally, γδ T cells were strikingly sufficient to fully protect Rag-/-γc-/- mice from death, demonstrating that they can act in the absence of B and NK cells. Altogether our results uncover an autonomous protective antiviral function of γδ T cells, and open new perspectives for the characterization of a non classical mode of action which should foster the design of new γδ T cell based therapies, especially useful in αβ T cell compromised patients