384 research outputs found

    reThink Your Commute: Good for the Planet & You

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    Transportation choices have a big impact on the environment, as well as individual health and wellness. Many times, people may feel like they don\u27t have any other choice than to drive to get to school, work, and other places. But exploring other options can lead to more sustainable choices and save individuals a lot of money. At reThink Your Commute, we help people make informed decisions on how, when, and where they travel. We do this by promoting sustainable choices, connecting people to local resources, and supporting equitable access to transportation options. This 10-minute presentation will provide an overview of these resources and the services available through reThink Your Commute, which is a program of the Florida Department of Transportation

    The Impact of Pedestrian Crossing Flags on Driver Yielding Behavior in Las Vegas, NV

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    Walking is the most affordable, accessible, and environmentally friendly method of transportation. However, the risk of pedestrian injury or death from motor vehicle crashes is significant, particularly in sprawling metropolitan areas. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of pedestrian crossing flags (PCFs) on driver yielding behaviors. Participants crossed a marked, midblock crosswalk on a multilane road in Las Vegas, Nevada, with and without PCFs, to determine if there were differences in driver yielding behaviors (n = 160 crossings). Trained observers recorded (1) the number of vehicles that passed in the nearest lane without yielding while the pedestrian waited at the curb and (2) the number of vehicles that passed through the crosswalk while the pedestrian was in the same half of the roadway. ANOVA revealed that drivers were significantly less likely to pass through the crosswalk with the pedestrian in the roadway when they were carrying a PCF (M = 0.20; M = 0.06); drivers were more likely to yield to the pedestrian waiting to enter the roadway when they were carrying a PCF (M = 1.38; M = 0.95). Pedestrian crossing flags are a low-tech, low-cost intervention that may improve pedestrian safety at marked mid-block crosswalks. Future research should examine driver fade-out effects and more advanced pedestrian safety alternatives

    Rhea Breast Pump: Implementation of Biomimicry Technology

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    Rhea Breast Pump is an innovative breast pump that implements biomimicry informed technology for a more efficient and comfortable breastfeeding experience. Our design implements a tongue actuator in conjunction with vacuum to mimic the suckling motion of a baby’s mouth, a heating element for pain alleviation, and a soft flange to maximize comfort. The development of this device is motivated by the goal of empowering women, specifically nursing mothers, to maintain their independence and individuality while raising a family. Our team, consisting of all female engineers, strongly believes in and supports the notion that women can and should have the freedom to effectively balance both aspects of their lives

    Contingency Management for Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy

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    This pilot study examined the feasibility of applying Contingency Management (CM), where the woman receives financial compensation for abstinence from smoking. Eleven subjects were recruited from Marshall’s OB clinic for the program. CO levels were measured daily using online video recording. Quit rates were determined at the end of pregnancy. Birth outcomes were measured at delivery. 21 pregnant smokers from Marshall’s OB clinic were used as the control group. The results demonstrated a trend toward improved rates of smoking abstinence in CM participants as compared with the control group. Our study also showed a trend towards improved birth outcomes in the CM group. However, the results were not statistically significant, and we believe a larger study in our population is warranted

    “Is it Hard Out Here for a Player?”: Understanding the Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Athletic Identity Among College Student Athletes

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    It is unclear what impact, if any, early experiences with trauma may have on athletic identity. Athletic identity may serve as a protective shield for those who have adverse childhood experiences. Self-identifying as an athlete as opposed to the identity that experienced the trauma could be a defense mechanism for self-protection. The primary purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and athletic identity as well as determine any influence from gender, ethnicity, and sport in a group of college athletes. Using Qualtrics software, 102 collegiate athletes currently enrolled in higher education institutions across varying NCAA divisions within the United States completed three measures: Personal Data Form, Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS), and Adverse Childhood Experiences Survey (ACES). Results found adverse childhood experiences were not significantly associated with Athletic Identity. However, results did show a difference between men and women, with a significant relationship between adverse childhood experiences and athletic identity in men but not women. Upon further examination, it was found that for men, consideration of ethnicity in conjunction with gender highlighted an even stronger relationship among Black men specifically. Implications for these findings, suggestions for university athletic departments, and recommendations for future research were made

    Attributable healthcare utilization and cost of pneumonia due to drug-resistant streptococcus pneumonia: a cost analysis

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    Background: The burden of disease due to S. pneumoniae (pneumococcus), particularly pneumonia, remains high despite the widespread use of vaccines. Drug resistant strains complicate clinical treatment and may increase costs. We estimated the annual burden and incremental costs attributable to antibiotic resistance in pneumococcal pneumonia. Methods: We derived estimates of healthcare utilization and cost (in 2012 dollars) attributable to penicillin, erythromycin and fluoroquinolone resistance by taking the estimate of disease burden from a previously described decision tree model of pneumococcal pneumonia in the U.S. We analyzed model outputs assuming only the existence of susceptible strains and calculating the resulting differences in cost and utilization. We modeled the cost of resistance from delayed resolution of illness and the resulting additional health services. Results: Our model estimated that non-susceptibility to penicillin, erythromycin and fluoroquinolones directly caused 32,398 additional outpatient visits and 19,336 hospitalizations for pneumococcal pneumonia. The incremental cost of antibiotic resistance was estimated to account for 4% (91million)ofdirectmedicalcostsand591 million) of direct medical costs and 5% (233 million) of total costs including work and productivity loss. Most of the incremental medical cost (82million)wasrelatedtohospitalizationsresultingfromerythromycinnonsusceptibility.Amongpatientsunderage18years,erythromycinnonsusceptibilitywasestimatedtocause1782 million) was related to hospitalizations resulting from erythromycin non-susceptibility. Among patients under age 18 years, erythromycin non-susceptibility was estimated to cause 17% of hospitalizations for pneumonia and 38 million in costs, or 39% of pneumococcal pneumonia costs attributable to resistance. Conclusions: We estimate that antibiotic resistance in pneumococcal pneumonia leads to substantial healthcare utilization and cost, with more than one-third driven by macrolide resistance in children. With 5% of total pneumococcal costs directly attributable to resistance, strategies to reduce antibiotic resistance or improve antibiotic selection could lead to substantial savings

    Contingency Management for Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy

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    This pilot study examined the feasibility of applying Contingency Management (CM), where the woman receives financial compensation for abstinence from smoking. Eleven subjects were recruited from Marshall’s OB clinic for the program. CO levels were measured daily using online video recording. Quit rates were determined at the end of pregnancy. Birth outcomes were measured at delivery. 21 pregnant smokers from Marshall’s OB clinic were used as the control group. The results demonstrated a trend toward improved rates of smoking abstinence in CM participants as compared with the control group. Our study also showed a trend towards improved birth outcomes in the CM group. However, the results were not statistically significant, and we believe a larger study in our population is warranted

    eHealth Parent Education for Hearing Aid Management: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objective: Parents frequently experience challenges implementing daily routines important for consistent hearing aid management. Education that supports parents in learning new information and gaining confidence is essential for intervention success. We conducted a pilot study to test an eHealth program to determine if we could implement the program with adherence and affect important behavioral outcomes compared to treatment as usual. Design: Randomized controlled trial Study sample: Parents of children birth to 42 months who use hearing aids. Eighty-two parents were randomly assigned to the intervention or treatment-as-usual group. Four parents assigned to the intervention group did not continue after baseline testing. Results: The intervention was delivered successfully with low drop out (10%), high session completion (97%), and high program adherence. The intervention conditions showed significantly greater gains over time for knowledge, confidence, perceptions, and monitoring related to hearing aid management. Significant differences between groups were not observed for hearing aid use time. Conclusion: We found that we could successfully implement this eHealth program and that it benefitted the participants in terms of knowledge and confidence with skills important for hearing aid management.Future research is needed to determine how to roll programs like this out on a larger scale

    The Axial Organ and the Pharynx Are Sites of Hematopoiesis in the Sea Urchin

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    Background: The location of coelomocyte proliferation in adult sea urchins is unknown and speculations since the early 1800s have been based on microanatomy and tracer uptake studies. In adult sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) with down-regulated immune systems, coelomocyte numbers increase in response to immune challenge, and whether some or all of these cells are newly proliferated is not known. The gene regulatory network that encodes transcription factors that control hematopoiesis in embryonic and larval sea urchins has not been investigated in adults. Hence, to identify the hematopoietic tissue in adult sea urchins, cell proliferation, expression of phagocyte specific genes, and expression of genes encoding transcription factors that function in the conserved regulatory network that controls hematopoiesis in embryonic and larval sea urchins were investigated for several tissues.Results: Cell proliferation was induced in adult sea urchins either by immune challenge through injection of heat-killed Vibrio diazotrophicus or by cell depletion through aspiration of coelomic fluid. In response to either of these stimuli, newly proliferated coelomocytes constitute only about 10% of the cells in the coelomic fluid. In tissues, newly proliferated cells and cells that express SpTransformer proteins (formerly Sp185/333) that are markers for phagocytes are present in the axial organ, gonad, pharynx, esophagus, and gut with no differences among tissues. The expression level of genes encoding transcription factors that regulate hematopoiesis show that both the axial organ and the pharynx have elevated expression compared to coelomocytes, esophagus, gut, and gonad. Similarly, an RNAseq dataset shows similar results for the axial organ and pharynx, but also suggests that the axial organ may be a site for removal and recycling of cells in the coelomic cavity.Conclusions: Results presented here are consistent with previous speculations that the axial organ may be a site of coelomocyte proliferation and that it may also be a center for cellular removal and recycling. A second site, the pharynx, may also have hematopoietic activity, a tissue that has been assumed to function only as part of the intestinal tract

    Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness floor and corresponding functional loss in glaucoma

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    To estimate the floor of retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness measurements and the corresponding retinal sensitivity loss in glaucoma