370 research outputs found

    Au large de Marseille – Cap Morgiou, grotte Cosquer

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    En juin 1992, une campagne d’étude de 3 semaines a été conduite par Jean Courtin (CNRS-CRA) (travaux en plongée) et Jean Clottes (coordination scientifique en surface), sous l’autorité de Robert Lequément avec l’appui de L’Archéonaute, du personnel Drasm (Luc Long, Guy Dauphin, Jo Vicente, Denis Metzger), de Jacques Collina-Girard, géologue et préhistorien (Bordeaux), de Michel Girard (CNRS-CRA) et d’Antoine Chéné (CNRS, Centre Camille-Jullian). Fig. 1 – Localisation du site Une couverture p..

    Building and Analyzing a Corpus of Contextualized Traces Collected during a Technology Enhanced Teaching Module

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    International audience—Sharing and analyzing data collected within Technology Enhanced Learning environments is an interesting issue for researchers to validate their models and systems. In this paper we present a corpus we built and analyzed in order to validate our proposed " Proxy approach " as an approach for sharing and analyzing learning data corpora

    Cosquer, grotte

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    Le siteLa grotte Coquer, du nom de son inventeur, se trouve à 8 km au sud de Marseille, dans le massif des Calanques, à l’extrémité ouest du cap Morgiou. Bien qu’elle ait été découverte en 1985, son existence n’a été révélée qu’en août 1991. Plusieurs campagnes de relevés et d’études, dirigées par J. Clottes et J. Courtin, s’y sont succédé entre 1992 et 2003 (Clottes & Courtin 1994, Clottes et al. 2005).La plus grande partie du réseau a été envahie par la mer lors de la transgression postgla..

    Museum augmented interface for historical scale models: towards a new way for cultural heritage promotion

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    International audienceIn this paper, we describe an interactive museum application dedicated to historical scale models. This comes from a joint work between multidisciplinary teams: industrial engineering researchers, historians, museum curators and interactive interface designers. We present here theresult of the project, based on scientific methodology. Results include system architecture, hardware and software, some use cases and user evaluation figures. This paper also underlines some methodology issues that illustrate future possibilities

    Metals retention after weathering of a sulphide ore body: unexploited gossan versus mine tailings.

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    Numerous studies have highlighted the fact that the bioavailability of potentially toxic trace elements (PTTE), such as As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Pb, is strongly related to the redox state and chemical form. Since dissolved forms of trace elements are the most bioavailable, the issue of greatest concern is to define the conditions under which these elements may be remobilized in solution up to levels higher than those recommended by National agencies as e.g. the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In order to understand and then ideally to prevent trace element mobilization, the characterisation of the contaminant sources, i.e. the solid fraction, is crucial

    Nantes 1900 - la maquette du port: Une valorisation scientifique et musicographique innovante

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    National audienceLe plan-relief du port de Nantes, présenté à l’Exposition universelle de 1900 à Paris, intègre à la fin des années 1920 les collections des musées nantais : objet promotionnel pendant deux décennies au service de l’excellence des aménagements portuaires, il devient dès lors un objet patrimonial d’exception.Son insertion dans le parcours scénographique du musée d’histoire de Nantes amène rapidement les équipes de la conservation à porter un nouveau regard sur cette maquette, à la questionner et à imaginer une médiation pour « la faire parler ».Très vite, une collaboration entre l’Université, l’École Centrale de Nantes et le musée voit le jour afin de mettre en place un outil numérique issu de champs de recherches variés.Désormais, par ce dispositif innovant mis à la disposition du public, le plan-relief devient, au-delà d’un précieux indicateur de l’histoire de l’architecture industrielle et des paysages nantais du début du 20e siècle, un support dynamique à la compréhension du territoire actuel, au cœur de la réflexion sur le devenir de Nantes et de son rapport à la Loire

    Towards understanding the presence/absence of Human African Trypanosomosis in a focus of Côte d'Ivoire: a spatial analysis of the pathogenic system

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed at identifying factors influencing the development of Human African Trypanosomosis (HAT, or sleeping sickness) in the focus of Bonon, located in the mesophile forest of Côte d'Ivoire. A previous study mapping the main daytime activity sites of 96 patients revealed an important disparity between the area south of the town- where all the patients lived- and the area north of the town, apparently free of disease. In order to explain this disparity, we carried out a spatial analysis of the key components of the pathogenic system, i.e. the human host, the tsetse vector and the trypanosomes in their environment using a geographic information system (GIS). RESULTS: This approach at the scale of a HAT focus enabled us to identify spatial patterns which linked to the transmission and the dissemination of this disease. The history of human settlement (with the rural northern area exploited much earlier than the southern one) appears to be a major factor which determines the land use pattern, which itself may account for differences found in vector densities (tsetse were found six times more abundant in the southern rural area than in the northern). Vector density, according to the human and environmental context in which it is found (here an intense mobility between the town of Bonon and the rural areas), may explain the observed spatial differences in HAT prevalence. CONCLUSION: This work demonstrates the role of GIS analyses of key components of the pathogenic system in providing a better understanding of transmission and dissemination of HAT. Moreover, following the identification of the most active transmission areas, and of an area unfavourable to HAT transmission, this study more precisely delineates the boundaries of the Bonon focus. As a follow-up, targeted tsetse control activities starting north of Bonon (with few chances of reinvasion due to very low densities) going south, and additional medical surveys in the south will be proposed to the Ivoirian HAT control program to enhance the control of the disease in this focus. This work also shows the evolution of HAT regarding time and environment, and the methodology used may be able to predict possible sleeping sickness development/extinction in areas with similar history and space organization

    Tsetse elimination : its interest and feasibility in the historical sleeping sickness focus of Loos Islands, Guinea

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    Guinea is the West African country which is currently the most prevalent for sleeping sickness. The littoral area is the region where most of the recent sleeping sickness cases have been described, especially the mangrove sleeping sickness foci of Dubreka and Boffa where Glossina palpalis gambiensis is the vector. Loos islands constitute a small archipelago 5 km apart from the capital, Conakry. Medical, animal, and entomological surveys were implemented in these islands in Oct-Nov 2006. No pathogenic tryponosomes were found in these surveys. The locally very high tsetse densities (up to more than 100 tsetse/trap/day) linked to pig rearing, constitute a high potential risk for humans (taking into account populations movements with neighboring active sleeping sickness foci,of the Guinea littoral, and the history of sleeping sickness on these islands), and for the economically important pig rearing, as well as a danger for tourism. This situation, associated to the possibility of elimination of these tsetse populations due to low possibility of reinvasion, led the National Control Program to launch a tsetse elimination project following an "area wide" strategy for the first time in West Africa, which participates in the global objective of the PATTEC (Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign)

    Updating the Northern Tsetse Limit in Burkina Faso (1949–2009): Impact of Global Change

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    The northern distribution limit of tsetse flies was updated in Burkina Faso and compared to previous limits to revise the existing map of these vectors of African trypanosomiases dating from several decades ago. From 1949 to 2009, a 25- to 150-km shift has appeared toward the south. Tsetse are now discontinuously distributed in Burkina Faso with a western and an eastern tsetse belt. This range shift can be explained by a combination of decreased rainfall and increased human density. Within a context of international control, this study provides a better understanding of the factors influencing the distribution of tsetse flies

    Delivering ‘tiny targets’ in a remote region of southern Chad: a cost analysis of tsetse control in the Mandoul sleeping sickness focus

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    Background: Since 2012, the World Health Organisation and the countries affected by the Gambian form of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) have been committed to eliminating the disease, primarily through active case-finding and treatment. To interrupt transmission of T. b. gambiense and move more rapidly towards elimination, it was decided to add vector control using ‘tiny targets’. Chad’s Mandoul HAT focus extends over 840 km2, with a human population of 39 000 as well as 14 000 cattle and 2 000 pigs. Some 2 700 tiny targets were deployed annually from 2014 onwards. Methods: A protocol was developed for the routine collection of tsetse control costs during all field missions. This was implemented throughout 2015 and 2016, and combined with the recorded costs of the preliminary survey and sensitisation activities. The objective was to calculate the full costs at local prices in Chad. Costs were adjusted to remove research components and to ensure that items outside the project budget lines were included, such as administrative overheads and a share of staff salaries. Results: Targets were deployed at about 60 per linear km of riverine tsetse habitat. The average annual cost of the operation was USD 56 113, working out at USD 66.8 per km2 protected and USD 1.4 per person protected. Of this, 12.8% was an annual share of the initial tsetse survey, 40.6% for regular tsetse monitoring undertaken three times a year, 36.8% for target deployment and checking and 9.8% for sensitisation of local populations. Targets accounted for 8.3% of the cost, and the cost of delivering a target was USD 19.0 per target deployed. Conclusions: This study has confirmed that tiny targets provide a consistently low cost option for controlling tsetse in gambiense HAT foci. Although the study area is remote with a tsetse habitat characterised by wide river marshes, the costs were similar to those of tiny target work in Uganda, with some differences, in particular a higher cost per target delivered. As was the case in Uganda, the cost was between a quarter and a third that of historical target operations using full size targets or traps
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