26 research outputs found

    Recent climatic and anthropogenic imprints on lacustrine systems in the Pyrenean Mountains inferred from minerogenic and organic clastic supply (Vicdessos valley, Pyrenees, France)

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    High-resolution seismic profiling has been combined with geochemical analyses of both watershed samples and five lacustrine cores retrieved from two natural lacustrine basins of glacial origin: Lake Majeur and Lake Sigriou (1630 m a.s.l. and 1995 m a.s.l., respectively, Eastern French Pyrenees). Identifying specific minerogenic and organic markers of autochthonous and allochthonous supply, data allow documenting past climatic and anthropogenic pressures. Over the past century, the lacustrine sediment of Lake Majeur has been essentially composed of algae, drastically contrasting with the natural sedimentary infill of the basin, mainly resulting from soil erosion from the mid–late Holocene. Since ad 1907, the Lake Majeur has been used for hydroelectricity production. Human-induced lake-level regulations, affecting up to 37% of the lacustrine surface, have increased by fourfold the accumulation rate of the lake and favoured water enrichment. Rubidium abundance within the lacustrine sediments of the two lakes reflects the mid–late Holocene palaeohydrology. After dam construction in ad 1907, greater quantities of rubidium found in Lake Majeur sedimentary infills indicate drier climatic periods, such as from ad 1975 to ad 1982, during which water reservoirs were particularly in demand. Inversely, before the dam was built, rubidium fluctuations were correlated with wetter conditions and hydrological events were recorded as sandy layers deposited by canyon reactivation, synchronous with European climatic deterioration phases. We notably document that the Mediaeval Climate Anomaly was interrupted by some humid periods dated c. ad 940, ad 1080, ad 1100 and ad 1250. We also date the onset of the ‘Little Ice Age’ c. ad 1360 and identify that this period was wetter after c. ad 1500

    Flux et bilans de matiere dans un environnement de marge continentale: la marge Nord-occidentale Mediterraneenne

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    SIGLEINIST T 76478 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Beachrocks and lithified barriers in the Gulf of Lions (western Mediterranean Sea) as new markers of the last sea-level rise

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    The Gulf of Lions shelf (southern part of the French Mediterranean coast) displays several occurrences of beachrocks, thus offering an exceptional opportunity to determine the stages of the last marine transgression. These beachrocks crop out especially on the outer shelf and near the modern shoreline. In addition, several other exposures are located on the inner shelf between 10 m and 25 m). The absence of exposure on the middle shelf (water depths of 25 to 90 m) is probably related to a higher rate of sea-level rise. Most of the beachrocks occur at the top of two or three parallel and contiguous barriers. The seaward barriers are generally less lithified than the inner barriers. Each barrier displays an asymmetric profile, the seaward slope being more accentuated. This gently-dipping landward slope forms part of the outer trough resulting from resuspension due to enhanced turbulence at the barrier toe. Almost all of these beachrocks are coarse quartz-rich sandstones and conglomerates, whose large pore space has been first filled by magnesian calcite (ca 11 mol.% MgCO3), which predominantly fills the voids. Secondary sparites or microsparites, also composed of high-magnesian calcite, may develop locally in the last remaining voids. Finally, more rarely and very locally (for example, Pierres de SĂšte), a late-stage cementation of low-magnesian calcite is observed which expresses a brief episode of influence from a nearby freshwater groundwater table. ÎŽ18O and ÎŽ13C values reflect the relative geochemical homogeneity of these Gulf of Lions beachrocks. However, they are quite distinct from other marine cements, and in particular, those of the eastern Mediterranean, expressing lower temperatures and a lack of influence of dissolved carbon linked to terrigenous fluxes. Based on the radiocarbon ages of these calcitic cements, this study proposes new index points on sea-level positions in the Gulf of Lions from -95 to 108 m to -0.3 m water depths, between ca 18,583 a cal BP and 633 a cal BP

    Reconstitution du détristisme au cours du néoglaciaire : vers l'identification d'un signal météorologique régional pyrénéen

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    International audienceDans le cadre de l’Observatoire Homme Milieu Haut Vicdessos et des programmes de recherche EMPAL, DYVAH, ALTOS et ARCHIVOS, nous proposons l’étude Ă  hautes rĂ©solutions spatiale et temporelle de cinq sĂ©quences lacustres pyrĂ©nĂ©ennes holocĂšnes. L’objectif de cette dĂ©marche intĂ©grĂ©e est de reconstituer l’érosion diachronique des surfaces continentales via l’analyse et la datation de chaque sĂ©quence sĂ©dimentaire, afin d’en dĂ©gager un signal mĂ©tĂ©orologique, voire climatique. LocalisĂ© dans un rayon de 20 kilomĂštres, chaque lac d’origine glaciaire se caractĂ©rise cependant par des bassins versants aux caractĂ©ristiques gĂ©omorphologiques et gĂ©ologiques contrastĂ©es (canyons rocheux, granite, roches mĂ©tamorphiques), ainsi que par des pressions an- thropiques diffĂ©rentes (pastoralisme ou hydroĂ©lectricitĂ©). La caractĂ©risation de l’ensemble des systĂšmes Ă©tudiĂ©s repose alors sur une approche multi-paramĂštres incluant un ou plusieurs carottages lacustres, et des analyses dĂ©taillĂ©es hautes rĂ©solutions des propriĂ©tĂ©s minĂ©rales des sĂ©diments (susceptibilitĂ© magnĂ©tique, radiographie etmicrofluorescence X). Ces propriĂ©tĂ©s sont par ailleurs comparĂ©es aux signatures gĂ©ochimiques de chaque bassin versant afin de rĂ©aliser une approche source-puits spĂ©cifique de chaque systĂšme. Enfin, l’étude diachronique des signaux est rendue possible via des datations radionuclĂ©ides et radiocarbones qui ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es sur chaque sĂ©quence sĂ©dimentaire prĂ©levĂ©e afin de gĂ©nĂ©rer des modĂšles Ăąges-profondeurs indĂ©pendants, dont certains ont d’ores et dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© discutĂ©s (Simonneau et al., 2013). La description sĂ©dimentaire, couplĂ©e aux radiographies X, a permis de distinguer diffĂ©rentsfaciĂšs en fonction de leurs densitĂ©s apparentes et de leurs granularitĂ©s. Quelle que soit la sĂ©quence sĂ©dimentaire considĂ©rĂ©e, la sĂ©dimentation de fond est systĂ©matiquement interrompue par le dĂ©pĂŽt de sables plus ou moins grossiers. Les analyses gĂ©ochimiques rĂ©alisĂ©es sur les formations gĂ©ologiques permettent alors d’avoir une lecture appropriĂ©e des signaux minĂ©raux mesurĂ©s sur chaque sĂ©quence. Ainsi, en prĂ©sence de substrats granitiques, le rubidium s’avĂšre ĂȘtre l’élĂ©ment le plus reprĂ©sentatif des flux dĂ©tritiques, tandis qu’en prĂ©sence de roches mĂ©tamorphiques, ce sont les Ă©lĂ©ments potassium ettitane qui sont considĂ©rĂ©s. Certains pics de concentration en ces Ă©lĂ©ments chimiques s’avĂšrent contemporains des dĂ©pĂŽts sableux prĂ©cĂ©demment dĂ©crits, d’autres non. Cette double signature, granulomĂ©trique et gĂ©ochimique, permettrait de hiĂ©rarchiser l’intensitĂ© des flux dĂ©tritiques et donc l’intensitĂ© des Ă©vĂšnements mĂ©tĂ©orologiques hydrologiques locaux sur chaque systĂšme. Les Ă©vĂ©nements sableux tĂ©moignant alors d’épisodes pluvieux ou de fontes nivales plus marquĂ©s. Au-delĂ  de la signature locale, la comparaison inter-sites des flux dĂ©tritiques reconstituĂ©s sur ces cinq sĂ©quences autorise une discussion plus approfondie de la signature mĂ©tĂ©orologique rĂ©gionale enregistrĂ©e. En effet, la comparaison diachronique des flux reconstituĂ©s Ă  partir des modĂšles d’ñges de chaque sĂ©quence met enĂ©vidence des Ă©vĂšnements simultanĂ©s entre les sites. Avec des pressions anthropiques diffĂ©rentes, ce 388 synchronisme rĂ©gional suggĂšre que le facteur de forçage Ă  l’origine de ces phases Ă©rosives soit davantage d’origine climatique. 13 Ă©pisodes intenses de dĂ©tritisme liĂ©s Ă  des pĂ©jorations climatiques ont donc Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s et datĂ©s aux alentours de 4715, 4455, 3875, 2620, 1670, 1380, 1035, 845 (AD1105), 620(AD1330), 430 (AD1520), 215 (AD1735) et 105 (AD1845) cal BP, ainsi qu’en AD1955 et AD1985. Chaque Ă©pisode s’avĂšre contemporain de pĂ©jorations climatiques humides largement documentĂ©es dans les Alpes, suggĂ©rant que ces deux massifs montagnards soient soumis aux mĂȘmes influences climatiques. Par ailleurs, la comparaison inter-sites dĂ©montre Ă©galement une augmentation de la frĂ©quence des Ă©vĂšnements hydrologiques pendant le Petit Âge Glaciaire, ainsi que lors des minimas solaires

    La branche orientale de l'arc de Chypre. Morphostructure d'une frontiÚre de plaques d'aprÚs les résultats de la campagne BLAC (2003)

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    International audienceThe eastern bend of the Cyprus Arc, at the transition between the submerged Mediterranean subduction and the onshore fault zones that underline the Eurasian, African and Arabic plates boundaries is a submarine feature undergoing a complex tectonic deformation. The BLAC marine geophysical survey helps to better assess the type of the deformation that affects the Messinian to Quaternary sediments along this plate boundary. The deformation, focussed between two tectonic corridors, displays compressive and transpressive features in the central part, becoming thrusting when moving westward in connection with the Cyprus accretionnary wedge. The northeastern end of this submarine range connects with the Latakia Ridge, which is, together with its continental extension, under a tensional tectonic regime. To cite this article: J. Benkhelil et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005)

    Archives lacustres de l’évolution du climat et des activitĂ©s humaines rĂ©centes dans les PyrĂ©nĂ©es ariĂ©geoises au cours de l’HolocĂšne (Étang Majeur, vallĂ©e du Haut-Vicdessos, PyrĂ©nĂ©es, France)

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    Dans le cadre de l’Observatoire Hommes Milieux Haut-Vicdessos, des archives lacustres sont utilisĂ©es pour distinguer les impacts de l’Homme ou du climat dans les PyrĂ©nĂ©es (AriĂšge, 42°N). AssociĂ©e Ă  la cartographie acoustique de l’Étang Majeur, les analyses des sols et des sĂ©diments lacustres mettent en Ă©vidence une sĂ©dimentation Tardiglaciaire riche en titane, qui contraste avec une sĂ©dimentation HolocĂšne de type dy rĂ©sultant de l’érosion diffuse des tourbes prĂ©sentes en amont du lac. L’enregistrement indique des pĂ©riodes plus humides, datĂ©es en 1200, 1950, 3400 et 4550 cal BP et associĂ©es aux apports d’un canyon drainant les zones d’altitude. Depuis 1907, le niveau d’eau du lac est rĂ©gulĂ© par deux barrages hydroĂ©lectriques. Il en rĂ©sulte un marnage de 10 m affectant jusqu’à 37 % du bassin. Ceci a pour consĂ©quences de remobiliser le matĂ©riel issu des berges, et d’augmenter la productivitĂ© algaire et les taux d’accumulation.The Human-Environment Observatory from the Haut-Vicdessos valley (42°N, France) enabled us to use sediment archives from a Pyrenean lake to discriminate the environmental impacts of societies on the one hand and of climate on the other one. Our analyses of soil samples and sediment cores, jointly with the high-resolution seismic profiling of the Étang Majeur, demonstrated that late glacial sediments are titanium rich, whereas Holocene sedimentation -which can be typed as “dy”, relies on the slow erosion of upstream bogs. More humid periods, dated ca. 1200, 1950, 3400 and 4550 cal. yrs BP, were also detected and, then, linked to the inputs from higher soils brought in by a canyon. Since 1907, two dams have regulated the level of the lake for hydropower production. The resulting 10 meters tidal range affects no less than 37% of the area. As a consequence, sediments are set in motion along the shores, while algae production is also favoured and the overall sedimentation rate doubles.En el marco del l’Observatoire Hommes-Milieux Haut-Vicdessos, son utilizados archivos lacustres para distinguir los impactos del hombre o del clima en los Pirineos (AriĂšge, 42N). Asociados a la cartografĂ­a acĂșstica del Lago Mayor, los anĂĄlisis de los suelos y de los sedimentos lacustres ponen en evidencia una sedimentaciĂłn Tardiglaciar rica en titanio que contrasta con una sedimentaciĂłn del holoceno de tipo dy que resulta de la erosiĂłn difusa de las turbas presentes mas arriba del lago. Los registros indican perĂ­odos mas hĂșmedos en 1.200, 1.950, 3.400 y 4.550 cal BP y asociados a los aportes de un cañón que drena las zonas de altitud. Desde 1907 el nivel de agua del lago es regulado por dos diques hidroelĂ©ctricos. De ello resulta una diferencia entre los niveles de agua de 10 metros que afectan hasta el 37% de la cuenca. Esto tiene como consecuencia la removilizaciĂłn del material nacido en las riberas y de aumentar la producciĂłn de algas y las tasas de acumulaciĂłn

    Holocene evolution of a Languedocian lagoonal environment controlled by inherited coastal morphology (northern Gulf of Lions, France)

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    The Maguelone shore extends along the northern coast of the Gulf of Lions margin, West of the Rhone delta and East of some high gradient coastal streams that have been providing most of the elastic sediments to the Gulf of Lions margin since the early Miocene. This 10 km wide area comprises an onshore small coastal watershed (15 km long) in low-lying carbonate hills, kilometer wide marshes, sandy beach and shoreface featuring local low sedimentation. Deposit architecture in such a coastal zone records dynamics of incised valley fill under the influence of rivers and wave/current hydrodynamics in a microtidal environment during an eustatic cycle.;A detailed analysis of about 250 km of very high resolution seismic profiles, tens of cores and outcrops data revealed the evolution of the Maguelone coastal system from Late-Quaternary to present-day. It highlighted also dominant denudation processes in the upstream catchments associated to the formation of incised valley seaward during Quaternary. Combination of this inherited morphology together with hydrodynamics controlled the lagoonal environment evolution since the last transgression. In particular, the Maguelone shore is characterized by the formation of built-over-rias lagoonal systems and records an evolution from partially protected lagoon to isolated lagoon environment. These two stages of lagoon evolution correspond to distinct deposit environments. Correlation of fauna contents with deposit geometry improves lagoonal environment models