82 research outputs found

    Stores healthy options project in remote indigenous communities (SHOP@RIC): a protocol of a randomised trial promoting healthy food and beverage purchases through price discounts and in-store nutrition education

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    BackgroundIndigenous Australians suffer a disproportionate burden of preventable chronic disease compared to their non-Indigenous counterparts – much of it diet-related. Increasing fruit and vegetable intakes and reducing sugar-sweetened soft-drink consumption can reduce the risk of preventable chronic disease. There is evidence from some general population studies that subsidising healthier foods can modify dietary behaviour. There is little such evidence relating specifically to socio-economically disadvantaged populations, even though dietary behaviour in such populations is arguably more likely to be susceptible to such interventions.This study aims to assess the impact and cost-effectiveness of a price discount intervention with or without an in-store nutrition education intervention on purchases of fruit, vegetables, water and diet soft-drinks among remote Indigenous communities.Methods/DesignWe will utilise a randomised multiple baseline (stepped wedge) design involving 20 communities in remote Indigenous Australia. The study will be conducted in partnership with two store associations and twenty Indigenous store boards. Communities will be randomised to either i) a 20% price discount on fruit, vegetables, water and diet soft-drinks; or ii) a combined price discount and in-store nutrition education strategy. These interventions will be initiated, at one of five possible time-points, spaced two-months apart. Weekly point-of-sale data will be collected from each community store before, during, and for six months after the six-month intervention period to measure impact on purchasing of discounted food and drinks. Data on physical, social and economic factors influencing weekly store sales will be collected in order to identify important covariates. Intervention fidelity and mediators of behaviour change will also be assessed.DiscussionThis study will provide original evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of price discounts with or without an in-store nutrition education intervention on food and drink purchasing among a socio-economically disadvantaged population in a real-life setting

    Aboriginal health policy: is nutrition the ‘gap’ in ‘Closing the Gap’?

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    Nutrition in remote Aboriginal communities: Lessons from Mai Wiru and the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands

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    © 2015 The Authors. Objective: To examine the impact of efforts to improve nutrition on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands from 1986, especially in Mai Wiru (good food) stores. Methods: Multiple methods were employed. Literature was searched systematically. In 2012, the store-turnover method quantified dietary intake of the five APY communities that have a Mai Wiru store. The price of a standard market basket of basic foods, implementation of store nutrition policy requirements and healthy food checklists were also assessed in all seven APY community stores at intervals from 2012. Results were compared with available data from 1986. Results: Despite concerted efforts and marked achievements, including decreased intake of sugar, increased availability and affordability of healthy foods (particularly fruit and vegetables) and consequent improvement in some nutrient intakes, the overall effect has been a decrease in total diet quality since 1986. This is characterised by increased supply and intake of discretionary foods high in saturated fat, added sugar and salt, particularly sugar sweetened beverages, convenience meals and take-away foods. Conclusions: The documented improvements confirm that residing in these communities can help Aboriginal residents exert control over key aspects of their food supply. However, the overall findings reflect broader changes to the general Australian food supply, and reinforce the notion that, in the absence of supportive regulation and market intervention, adequate and sustained resources are required to improve nutrition and prevent diet-related chronic disease on the APY Lands. Implications: This study also provides insights into food supply/security issues affecting other remote communities and wider Australia
