29 research outputs found

    Imaging Technique for High Precision Measurement of Detector Stability for the Ocean Color Instrument

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    One of the new projects by NASA to explore environmental change is the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) spacecraft. The primary instrument aboard the PACE spacecraft is the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI), an advanced optical spectrometer that will measure the color of the ocean from the ultraviolet to shortwave infrared range for the purpose of observing and monitoring ocean and coastal biology. As part of the optical alignment testing that must be completed before the instrument is built, the measurement stability of the detectors at space flight operating temperatures must be determined to ensure alignment is maintained. Therefore, this project focuses on the development of an imaging technique that adheres to testing requirements and can be used to determine the stability of the OCI detector. The movements of targets affixed to a high-precision stage were analyzed through an image processing program to test the ability of the imaging technique to detect very small (under 10 micrometers) movements. It was found that movements as small as half a pixel (~6 microns) and 1 pixel (~12 microns) were able to be accurately and consistently detected with this imaging technique. This project found that the designed image analysis technique fulfills testing and measurement requirements and will be an effective metrology technique for the OCI detector stability test


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    The utility of genes PTEN and FAS as prognostic markers for the identification of early and/or aggressive prostatic adenocarcinomas is seemingly validated in the study results we obtained using fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) of archived paraffin embedded surgical prostate core biopsy samples obtained from two CLIA and CAP licensed anatomical pathology labs (Bostwick Laboratories, Uniondale, NV and GoPath Laboratories, Buffalo Grove, IL). From early benign subsets of sample cases to aggressive extracapsular invasive tumors, the presence of random deletions evolves into clonal populations of co-deletion of both genes at question. We identify independent research that demonstrates the ability of these two genes to work together in a pathway of rapid cell division and then (or sometimes concomitant) evasion of said neoplastic tumor cell lines from innate cell mediated immunity. Sample size limitations limits predictive values in our study, however this research adds credence to personal anecdotal observation I have made in the past in the capacity of FISH clinical operations and validation management and personal “bench work.” Further, since the onset of our research, using a completely different modality, scientists have studied the same markers together and reached the similar if not the same conclusions

    Method for the Absolute Calibration of the Location and Orientation of Large-Format Detectors Using Laser Radar

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    A method of mapping pixel locations of a detector array includes measuring a location on the detector array, initiating a frame readout of the detector array, measuring a location of one or more metrology targets on the detector array, analyzing the frame readout to identify a pixel at the location on the detector array, and defining a location of the identified pixel with respect to the location of the one or more metrology targets. Subsequent measurement of the metrology targets alone by another metrology system allows one to infer the six degree of freedom alignment of the detector array in space

    Diversity of methyl halide-degrading microorganisms in oceanic and coastal waters

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    Methyl halides have a significant impact on atmospheric chemistry, particularly in the degradation of stratospheric ozone. Bacteria are known to contribute to the degradation of methyl halides in the oceans and marine bacteria capable of using methyl bromide and methyl chloride as sole carbon and energy source have been isolated. A genetic marker for microbial degradation of methyl bromide ( cmuA ) was used to examine the distribution and diversity of these organisms in the marine environment. Three novel marine clades of cmuA were identified in unamended seawater and in marine enrichment cultures degrading methyl halides. Two of these cmuA clades are not represented in extant bacteria, demonstrating the utility of this molecular marker in identifying uncultivated marine methyl halide-degrading bacteria. The detection of populations of marine bacteria containing cmuA genes suggests that marine bacteria employing the CmuA enzyme contribute to methyl halide cycling in the ocean

    Laser Radar Through the Window (LRTW) Coordinate Correction Method

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    A method for corrections of measurements of points of interests measured by beams of radiation propagating through stratified media including performance of ray-tracing of at least one ray lunched from a metrology instrument in a direction of an apparent point of interest, calculation a path length of the ray through stratified medium, and determination of coordinates of true position of the point interest using the at least one path length and the direction of propagation of the ray

    Functional drug screening reveals anticonvulsants as enhancers of mTOR-independent autophagic killing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis through inositol depletion.

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) remains a major challenge to global health made worse by the spread of multidrug resistance. We therefore examined whether stimulating intracellular killing of mycobacteria through pharmacological enhancement of macroautophagy might provide a novel therapeutic strategy. Despite the resistance of MTB to killing by basal autophagy, cell-based screening of FDA-approved drugs revealed two anticonvulsants, carbamazepine and valproic acid, that were able to stimulate autophagic killing of intracellular M. tuberculosis within primary human macrophages at concentrations achievable in humans. Using a zebrafish model, we show that carbamazepine can stimulate autophagy in vivo and enhance clearance of M. marinum, while in mice infected with a highly virulent multidrug-resistant MTB strain, carbamazepine treatment reduced bacterial burden, improved lung pathology and stimulated adaptive immunity. We show that carbamazepine induces antimicrobial autophagy through a novel, evolutionarily conserved, mTOR-independent pathway controlled by cellular depletion of myo-inositol. While strain-specific differences in susceptibility to in vivo carbamazepine treatment may exist, autophagy enhancement by repurposed drugs provides an easily implementable potential therapy for the treatment of multidrug-resistant mycobacterial infection

    Landsat 9 Thermal Infrared Sensor 2 Architecture and Design

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    The Thermal Infrared Sensor 2 (TIRS-2) will fly aboard the Landsat 9 spacecraft and leverages the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) design currently flying on Landsat 8. TIRS-2 will provide similar science data as TIRS, but is not a buildto-print rebuild due to changes in requirements and improvements in absolute accuracy. The heritage TIRS design has been modified to reduce the influence of stray light and to add redundancy for higher reliability over a longer mission life. The TIRS-2 development context differs from the TIRS scenario, adding to the changes. The TIRS-2 team has also learned some lessons along the way