59 research outputs found

    A measurement of parity-violating gamma-ray asymmetries in polarized cold neutron capture on 35Cl, 113Cd, and 139La

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    An apparatus for measuring parity-violating asymmetries in gamma-ray emission following polarized cold neutron capture was constructed as a 1/10th scale test of the design for the forthcoming n+p->d+gamma experiment at LANSCE. The elements of the polarized neutron beam, including a polarized 3He neutron spin filter and a radio frequency neutron spin rotator, are described. Using CsI(Tl) detectors and photodiode current mode readout, measurements were made of asymmetries in gamma-ray emission following neutron capture on 35Cl, 113Cd, and 139La targets. Upper limits on the parity-allowed asymmetry sn(kγ×kn)s_n \cdot (k_{\gamma} \times k_n) were set at the level of 7 x 10^-6 for all three targets. Parity-violating asymmetries snkγs_n \cdot k_{\gamma} were observed in 35Cl, A_gamma = (-29.1 +- 6.7) x 10^-6, and 139La, A_gamma = (-15.5 +- 7.1) x 10^-6, values consistent with previous measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    Lifetime reproductive output in a hermaphrodite cestode when reproducing alone or in pairs : a time cost of pairing

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    The cestode Schistocephalus solidus is a facultatively self-fertilising simultaneous hermaphrodite. Here we test for di€erences in the starting point, the rate, and the magnitude of egg production between individuals allowed to reproduce alone (only self-fertilisation possible) or in pairs (both self- and cross-fertilisation possible). Specifically, we want to distinguish between alternative processes responsible for the lower egg production in paired individuals observed in an earlier study (Wedekind et al., 1998). We designed an improved in vitro system, replacing the bird final host that allows us to measure, with high temporal resolution, the timing and magnitude of lifetime egg production of worms in these two social situations. We found that the experimental groups did not di€er significantly in the starting point of egg production. However, the temporal pattern in egg production di€ered between them, in that paired individuals had a lower rate of egg production. This, however, did not lead to a significant reduction in lifetime egg production, as pairs compensated for the lower rate by producing eggs longer than single individuals. We argue that the lower rate of egg production may nevertheless lead to a time cost of pairing in the study species, and that this cost is likely to represent a cost of outcrossing due to sexual selection

    Tuberculosis : spatial and demographic incidence in Bradford 1980-82.

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    Between 1980 and 1982 the incidence of tuberculosis in Bradford Health Authority was approximately 20 times higher among the New Commonwealth and Pakistani population than the rest of the population. It was also possible to see a clustering of cases within this time period, spatially and demographically--in certain age groups and by sex. The difference between the two populations was not due to race but rather reflects the socioeconomic position that the New Commonwealth and Pakistani population has within Bradford as a whole. The incidence of non-Asian tuberculosis rose in 1982 due to an outbreak among unvaccinated young adults. Much still needs to be done to eradicate the environmental conditions within which the tubercle bacillus thrives as well as to educate the population at risk

    Qualidade do sêmen de touros das raças Aberdeen Angus e Brangus-Ibagé em frente à degeneração testicular experimental induzida por dexametasona Bulls semen quality of Aberdeen Angus and Brangus-Ibagé breeds after experimental testicular degeneration induced by dexamethasone

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    Foi administrada dexametasona para indução de degeneração testicular experimental em touros de uma raça taurina pura (Aberdeen Angus) e de sua sintética derivada (Brangus-Ibagé). O objetivo deste estudo foi o de averiguar a diferença de sensibilidade na função gametogênica em frente à degeneração experimental. Para tal, foram avaliados os aspectos físicos e morfológicos do sêmen. Os dados obtidos foram analisados considerando o dia de coleta e genótipo. Os resultados revelaram que os dois grupos raciais comportaram-se semelhantemente ao longo das coletas. A despeito do número de animais empregados, o uso da degeneração testicular experimental possibilitou evidenciar que não há diferença entre as duas raças quanto à intensidade da degeneração e tempo necessário para o restabelecimento do quadro espermático normal.<br>Testicular degeneration was induced by dexamethasone injection in bulls from a European breed Aberdeen Angus and a derived synthetic crossbreed (Brangus-Ibagé). Aiming to investigate differential sensibility on gametogenic function in these genotypes, physical and morphological semen characteristics were evaluated. The data analysed considered the day of the semen samples and the breed. Our results reveal that both breeds behave similarly during the experimental period. Even considering the number of bulls used in this experiment, the employed methodology gives no evidence of any difference between breeds, intensity of degeneration or time required to the reestablishment of normal sperm frequencies after experimental induction of testicular degeneration