4,170 research outputs found

    Understanding divergent zoochorous dispersal

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    The mechanisms which underpin passive dispersal (zoochory) of organisms (or propagules) by other, usually more mobile animals (vector species), are frequently poorly understood. While certain dispersal networks have received considerable scientific interest, basic questions concerning the relative importance of vector species, propagule survival, and likely dispersal distances, often remain unanswered. Here, we propose and apply a series of novel metrics, the Dispersal Potential (DP), the Relative Dispersal Potential (RDP) and the Combined Dispersal Potential (CDP), to predict and classify likely dispersal and vector importance. In essence, DP = Np × Tv, whereby Np is the per capita propagule load (e.g. mean, minimum, or maximum abundance) or species richness of propagules carried per individual vector species, while Tv is the total number of possible vectors (e.g. individuals of a single species at a source site, local scale abundances, or entire continental populations). Further, the ratio based metric RDP allows for DP comparison between species, while the CDP accumulates the DP of a variety of vector species. An additional Relative CDP (RCDP) metric facilitates comparison between the CDP for multiple vectors to that of one or more additional vectors. The proposed metrics can also be used to assess intraspecific differences (e.g. ontogeny or reproductive status). Accordingly, we examine a variety of case studies and present calculations to ascertain the usefulness of our proposed metrics. Finally, we argue that adoption of these metrics and variants thereof, will enhance understanding of zoochory within and across dispersal networks

    When worlds collide: Invader-driven benthic habitat complexity alters predatory impacts of invasive and native predatory fishes

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    Interactions between multiple invasive alien species (IAS) might increase their ecological impacts, yet relatively few studies have attempted to quantify the effects of facilitative interactions on the success and impact of aquatic IAS. Further, the effect of abiotic factors, such as habitat structure, have lacked consideration in ecological impact prediction for many high-profile IAS, with most data acquired through simplified assessments that do not account for real environmental complexities. In the present study, we assessed a potential facilitative interaction between a predatory invasive fish, the Ponto-Caspian round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), and an invasive bivalve, the Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea). We compared N. melanostomus functional responses (feeding-rates under different prey densities) to a co-occurring endangered European native analogue fish, the bullhead (Cottus gobio), in the presence of increased levels of habitat complexity driven by the accumulation of dead C. fluminea biomass that persists within the environment (i.e. 0, 10, 20 empty bivalve shells). Habitat complexity significantly influenced predation, with consumption in the absence of shells being greater than where 10 or 20 shells were present. However, at the highest shell density, invasive N. melanostomus maximum feeding-rates and functional response ratios were substantially higher than those of native C. gobio. Further, the Relative Impact Potential metric, by combining per capita effects and population abundances, indicated that higher shell densities exacerbate the relative impact of the invader. It therefore appears that N. melanostomus can better tolerate higher IAS shell abundances when foraging at high prey densities, suggesting the occurrence of an important facilitative interaction. Our data are thus fully congruent with field data that link establishment success of N. melanostomus with the presence of C. fluminea. Overall, we show that invader-driven benthic habitat complexity can alter the feeding-rates and thus impacts of predatory fishes, and highlight the importance of inclusion of abiotic factors in impact prediction assessments for IAS

    Gimme Shelter: differential utilisation and propagule creation of invasive macrophytes by native caddisfly larvae

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    In aquatic systems, invasive submerged macrophytes considerably alter the structure and functioning of communities, thus potentially compromising ecosystem services. The prolific spread of invasive macrophytes is often aided by vegetative fragment propagation, yet the contributions of various commonly occurring invertebrates to such fragmentation are often unquantified. In the present study, we examine fragmentary spread of invasive macrophytes by a group of shredder-herbivores, larval caddisflies. Through novel application of the comparative functional response (FR; resource use as a function of density) approach to the native case-building species Limnephilus lunatus, we compared utilisation of non-native waterweeds Elodea canadensis and E. nuttallii in mono- and polycultures. Furthermore, we quantified de-cased and cased caddisfly-induced fragment production and length changes among non-native E. canadensis, E. nuttallii, Crassula helmsii and Lagarosiphon major under two different plant orientations: horizontal (floating) versus vertical (upright) growth forms. Larval caddisflies exhibited Type II (hyperbolic) FRs towards both Elodea species, and utilised each plant at similar rates when plants were provided separately. When plant species were presented in combination horizontally, E. canadensis was significantly less utilised compared to E. nuttallii, corroborating observations in the field. De-cased larvae produced new plant fragments for all four aquatic macrophytes, whereas cased larvae fragmented plants significantly less. Elodea nuttalii and C. helmsii were fragmented the most overall. Crassula helmsii was utilised to the greatest extent when plants were horizontally orientated, and Elodea species when vertically orientated. This study identifies and quantifies a mechanism from a novel species group that may contribute to the spread of invasive macrophytes in aquatic systems. Whilst exploititative interactions are thought to impede invasion success, here we demonstrate how resource utilisation by a resident species may exacerbate propagule pressure from an invasive species

    Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking in Four Dimensions, Naturally

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    We present a simple four-dimensional model in which anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking naturally dominates. The central ingredient is that the hidden sector is near a strongly-coupled infrared fixed-point for several decades of energy below the Planck scale. Strong renormalization effects then sequester the hidden sector from the visible sector. Supersymmetry is broken dynamically and requires no small input parameters. The model provides a natural and economical explanation of the hierarchy between the supersymmetry-breaking scale and the Planck scale, while allowing anomaly mediation to address the phenomenological challenges posed by weak scale supersymmetry. In particular, flavor-changing neutral currents are naturally near their experimental limits.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    The CMS Tracker Readout Front End Driver

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    The Front End Driver, FED, is a 9U 400mm VME64x card designed for reading out the Compact Muon Solenoid, CMS, silicon tracker signals transmitted by the APV25 analogue pipeline Application Specific Integrated Circuits. The FED receives the signals via 96 optical fibers at a total input rate of 3.4 GB/sec. The signals are digitized and processed by applying algorithms for pedestal and common mode noise subtraction. Algorithms that search for clusters of hits are used to further reduce the input rate. Only the cluster data along with trigger information of the event are transmitted to the CMS data acquisition system using the S-LINK64 protocol at a maximum rate of 400 MB/sec. All data processing algorithms on the FED are executed in large on-board Field Programmable Gate Arrays. Results on the design, performance, testing and quality control of the FED are presented and discussed

    Models of Neutrino Masses and Baryogenesis

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    Majorana masses of the neutrino implies lepton number violation and is intimately related to the lepton asymmetry of the universe, which gets related to the baryon asymmetry of the universe in the presence of the sphalerons during the electroweak phase transition. Assuming that the baryon asymmetry of the universe is generated before the electroweak phase transition, it is possible to dicriminate different classes of models of neutrino masses. While see-saw mechanism and the triplet higgs mechanism are preferred, the Zee-type radiative models and the R-parity breaking models requires additional inputs to generate baryon asymmetry of the universe during the electroweak phase transition.Comment: 27 pages including 5 figures; Review article for Pramana: the Indian Journal of Physic

    Synthetic biology and biomass conversion: a match made in heaven?

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    To move our economy onto a sustainable basis, it is essential that we find a replacement for fossil carbon as a source of liquid fuels and chemical industry feedstocks. Lignocellulosic biomass, available in enormous quantities, is the only feasible replacement. Many micro-organisms are capable of rapid and efficient degradation of biomass, employing a battery of specialized enzymes, but do not produce useful products. Attempts to transfer biomass-degrading capability to industrially useful organisms by heterologous expression of one or a few biomass-degrading enzymes have met with limited success. It seems probable that an effective biomass-degradation system requires the synergistic action of a large number of enzymes, the individual and collective actions of which are poorly understood. By offering the ability to combine any number of transgenes in a modular, combinatorial way, synthetic biology offers a new approach to elucidating the synergistic action of combinations of biomass-degrading enzymes in vivo and may ultimately lead to a transferable biomass-degradation system. Also, synthetic biology offers the potential for assembly of novel product-formation pathways, as well as mechanisms for increased solvent tolerance. Thus, synthetic biology may finally lead to cheap and effective processes for conversion of biomass to useful products

    Creativity Bento Box: a physical resource pack to support interaction in virtual space

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    The Creativity Bento Box is a physical resource pack, designed to support casual social interaction and break taking in an intensive, computer-mediated social activity. It was developed within the Creativity Greenhouse project, which piloted a mechanism to create research proposals and distribute funding at a distance. This involved facilitated phases of collaboration and competition over multiple days of computer-mediated work, where participants communicate and interact through a virtual world. During the iterative development process, the lack of time for socialising, the intense focus on virtual resources, and a lack of time spent away from the screen were reported as negative issues in feedback from participants. We report on the development of the Creativity Bento Box and how it helped to address these issues. By providing physical resources that contrasted with the properties of the virtual world, it supported people to socialise and take breaks from their primary activity, allowed them to include physical space and artefacts in their interactions, and provoked moves away from the otherwise intense focus on the computer. We reflect on the roles of the Bento Box as a gift, in bridging between physical and virtual contexts, its higher suitability during the earlier phases of ideation and group development, and its perception by participants as something ‘framed’. Through this, we highlight the underexplored potential of using physical, offline resources as a means to solve difficulties in distanced social interactions