20 research outputs found

    Benchmarking for Bayesian Reinforcement Learning

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    In the Bayesian Reinforcement Learning (BRL) setting, agents try to maximise the collected rewards while interacting with their environment while using some prior knowledge that is accessed beforehand. Many BRL algorithms have already been proposed, but even though a few toy examples exist in the literature, there are still no extensive or rigorous benchmarks to compare them. The paper addresses this problem, and provides a new BRL comparison methodology along with the corresponding open source library. In this methodology, a comparison criterion that measures the performance of algorithms on large sets of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) drawn from some probability distributions is defined. In order to enable the comparison of non-anytime algorithms, our methodology also includes a detailed analysis of the computation time requirement of each algorithm. Our library is released with all source code and documentation: it includes three test problems, each of which has two different prior distributions, and seven state-of-the-art RL algorithms. Finally, our library is illustrated by comparing all the available algorithms and the results are discussed.Comment: 37 page

    Learning a Move-Generator for Upper Con dence Trees

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    International audienceWe experiment the introduction of machine learning tools to improve Monte-Carlo Tree Search. More precisely, we propose the use of Direct Policy Search, a classical reinforcement learning paradigm, to learn the Monte-Carlo Move Generator. We experiment our algorithm on di erent forms of unit commitment problems, including experiments on a problem with both macrolevel and microlevel decisions

    Continuous Upper Con dence Trees

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    International audienceUpper Con dence Trees are a very e cient tool for solving Markov Decision Processes; originating in di cult games like the game of Go, it is in particular surprisingly e cient in high dimensional problems. It is known that it can be adapted to continuous domains in some cases (in particular continuous action spaces). We here present an extension of Upper Con dence Trees to continuous stochastic problems. We (i) show a deceptive problem on which the classical Upper Con dence Tree approach does not work, even with arbitrarily large computational power and with progressive widening (ii) propose an improvement, termed double-progressive widening, which takes care of the compromise between variance (we want in nitely many simulations for each action/state) and bias (we want su ciently many nodes to avoid a bias by the rst nodes) and which extends the classical progressive widening (iii) discuss its consistency and show experimentally that it performs well on the deceptive problem and on experimental benchmarks. We guess that the double-progressive widening trick can be used for other algorithms as well, as a general tool for ensuring a good bias/variance compromise in search algorithms

    The 2014 General Video Game Playing Competition

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    This paper presents the framework, rules, games, controllers, and results of the first General Video Game Playing Competition, held at the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games in 2014. The competition proposes the challenge of creating controllers for general video game play, where a single agent must be able to play many different games, some of them unknown to the participants at the time of submitting their entries. This test can be seen as an approximation of general artificial intelligence, as the amount of game-dependent heuristics needs to be severely limited. The games employed are stochastic real-time scenarios (where the time budget to provide the next action is measured in milliseconds) with different winning conditions, scoring mechanisms, sprite types, and available actions for the player. It is a responsibility of the agents to discover the mechanics of each game, the requirements to obtain a high score and the requisites to finally achieve victory. This paper describes all controllers submitted to the competition, with an in-depth description of four of them by their authors, including the winner and the runner-up entries of the contest. The paper also analyzes the performance of the different approaches submitted, and finally proposes future tracks for the competition

    Monte Carlo Tree Search pour les problèmes de décision séquentielle en milieu continus et stochastiques

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    In this thesis, I studied sequential decision making problems, with a focus on the unit commitment problem. Traditionnaly solved by dynamic programming methods, this problem is still a challenge, due to its high dimension and to the sacrifices made on the accuracy of the model to apply state of the art methods. I investigated on the applicability of Monte Carlo Tree Search methods for this problem, and other problems that are single player, stochastic and continuous sequential decision making problems. In doing so, I obtained a consistent and anytime algorithm, that can easily be combined with existing strong heuristic solvers.Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié les problèmes de décisions séquentielles, avec comme application la gestion de stocks d'énergie. Traditionnellement, ces problèmes sont résolus par programmation dynamique stochastique. Mais la grande dimension, et la non convexité du problème, amènent à faire des simplifications sur le modèle pour pouvoir faire fonctionner ces méthodes. Nous avons donc étudié une méthode alternative, qui ne requiert pas de simplifications du modèle: Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). Nous avons commencé par étendre le MCTS classique (qui s'applique aux domaines finis et déterministes) aux domaines continus et stochastiques. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé la méthode de Double Progressive Widening (DPW), qui permet de gérer le ratio entre largeur et profondeur de l'arbre, à l'aide de deux méta paramètres. Nous avons aussi proposé une heuristique nommée Blind Value (BV) pour améliorer la recherche de nouvelles actions, en utilisant l'information donnée par les simulations passées. D'autre part, nous avons étendu l'heuristique RAVE aux domaines continus. Enfin, nous avons proposé deux nouvelles méthodes pour faire remonter l'information dans l'arbre, qui ont beaucoup amélioré la vitesse de convergence sur deux cas tests. Une part importante de notre travail a été de proposer une façon de mêler MCTS avec des heuristiques rapides pré-existantes. C'est une idée particulièrement intéressante dans le cas de la gestion d'énergie, car ces problèmes sont pour le moment résolus de manière approchée. Nous avons montré comment utiliser Direct Policy Search (DPS) pour rechercher une politique par défaut efficace, qui est ensuite utilisée à l'intérieur de MCTS. Les résultats expérimentaux sont très encourageants. Nous avons aussi appliqué MCTS à des processus markoviens partiellement observables (POMDP), avec comme exemple le jeu de démineur. Dans ce cas, les algorithmes actuels ne sont pas optimaux, et notre approche l'est, en transformant le POMDP en MDP, par un changement de vecteur d'état. Enfin, nous avons utilisé MCTS dans un cadre de méta-bandit, pour résoudre des problèmes d'investissement. Le choix d'investissement est fait par des algorithmes de bandits à bras multiples, tandis que l'évaluation de chaque bras est faite par MCTS. Une des conclusions importantes de ces travaux est que MCTS en continu a besoin de très peu d'hypothèses (uniquement un modèle génératif du problème), converge vers l'optimum, et peut facilement améliorer des méthodes suboptimales existantes

    Improving the exploration in Upper Confidence Trees

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    International audienceIn the standard version of the UCT algorithm, in the case of a continuous set of decisions, the exploration of new decisions is done through blind search. This can lead to very inefficient exploration, par- ticularly in the case of large dimension problems, which often happens in energy management problems, for instance. In an attempt to use the information gathered through past simulations to better explore new de- cisions, we propose a method named Blind Value (BV). It only requires the access to a function that randomly draws feasible decisions. We also implement it and compare it to the original version of continuous UCT. Our results show that it gives a significant increase in convergence speed, in dimensions 12 and 80

    Improving the exploration in Upper Confidence Trees

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    International audienceIn the standard version of the UCT algorithm, in the case of a continuous set of decisions, the exploration of new decisions is done through blind search. This can lead to very inefficient exploration, par- ticularly in the case of large dimension problems, which often happens in energy management problems, for instance. In an attempt to use the information gathered through past simulations to better explore new de- cisions, we propose a method named Blind Value (BV). It only requires the access to a function that randomly draws feasible decisions. We also implement it and compare it to the original version of continuous UCT. Our results show that it gives a significant increase in convergence speed, in dimensions 12 and 80

    Consistent Belief State Estimation, with Application to Mines

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    International audienceAbstract--Estimating the belief state is the main issue in games with Partial Observation. It is commonly done by heuristic methods, with no mathematical guarantee. We here focus on mathematically consistent belief state estimation methods, in the case of one-player games. We clearly separate the search algorithm (which might be e.g. alpha-beta or Monte-Carlo Tree Search) and the belief state estimation. We basically propose rejection methods and simple Monte-Carlo Markov Chain meth- ods, with a time budget proportional to the time spent by the search algorithm on the situation at which the belief state is to be estimated; this is conveniently approximated by the number of simulations in the current node. While the approach is intended to be generic, we perform experiments on the well- known Mines game, available on most Windows and Linux distributions. Interestingly, it detects non-trivial facts, e.g. the fact that the probability of winning the game is not the same for different moves, even those with the same probability of immediate death. The rejection method, which is slow but has no parameter and which is consistent in a non-asymptotic setting, performed better than the MCMC method in spite of tuning efforts. pomm

    Continuous Upper Confidence Trees with Polynomial Exploration - Consistency

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    International audienceUpper Confidence Trees (UCT) are now a well known algorithm for sequential decision making; it is a provably consistent variant of Monte-Carlo Tree Search. However, the consistency is only proved in a the case where both the action space is finite. We here propose a proof in the case of fully observable Markov Decision Processes with bounded horizon, possibly including infinitely many states and infinite action spaces and arbitrary stochastic transition kernels. We illustrate the consistency on two benchmark problems, one being a legacy toy problem, the other a more challenging one, the famous energy unit commitment problem