11 research outputs found

    La folle du logis

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    Cuesta 0 : Guy Blackburn, Claudine Cotton, Ronald Thibert, Yves Tremblay

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    In a book characterized by an elaborate presentation (punctured rice paper and oculus, cardboard separators and fold-outs), the works of four Saguenay-based artists are assembled in the context of a two-year project that explores our relationship to territorial environment. Harvey studies the impact of modes of presentation on the reception of art works, while Sioui Durand expounds how the artist's book functions as a non social strategy. With texts by and about the artists. Biographical notes. 1 bibl. ref

    The shape of supertrees to come: tree shape related properties of fourteen supertree methods

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    Using a simple example and simulations, we explore the impact of input tree shape upon a broad range of supertree methods. We find that input tree shape can affect how conflict is resolved by several supertree methods and that input tree shape effects may be substantial. Standard and irreversible matrix representation with parsimony (MRP), MinFlip, duplication-only Gene Tree Parsimony (GTP), and an implementation of the average consensus method have a tendency to resolve conflict in favor of relationships in unbalanced trees. Purvis MRP and the average dendrogram method appear to have an opposite tendency. Biases with respect to tree shape are correlated with objective functions that are based upon unusual asymmetric tree-to-tree distance or fit measures. Split, quartet, and triplet fit, most similar supertree, and MinCut methods (provided the latter are interpreted as Adams consensus-like supertrees) are not revealed to have any bias with respect to tree shape by our example, but whether this holds more generally is an open problem. Future development and evaluation of supertree methods should consider explicitly the undesirable biases and other properties that we highlight. In the meantime, use of a single, arbitrarily chosen supertree method is discouraged. Use of multiple methods and/or weighting schemes may allow practical assessment of the extent to which inferences from real data depend upon methodological biases with respect to input tree shape or size

    L’homme inachevé

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    Allons-nous, comme le dit Albert Jacquard, mourir tous ensemble comme des idiots pour avoir laissé faire et pour avoir trop longtemps succombé à nos funestes passions pour la puissance et le pouvoir ? A rêver d’un monde meilleur, on finit par croire qu’il est à notre portée. Le « nouvel ordre de l’humanité » ne peut naître que d’une analyse lucide de ce que nous avons fait jusqu’ici et de ce qu’il est possible d’envisager pour demain. A cette lucidité, ajoutons l’imagination qui seule permettra de nous repenser et de nous re-créer autrement. En abandonnant la démesure, notre devenir peut être à notre mesure… Le présent Cahier s’articule en trois parties sur une problématique centrale que nous donne Albert Jacquard et qui sert de fil conducteur: qu’est l’homme dans la biosphère? Quels sont ses espaces de liberté? Quelle dynamique pour l’humanité, quelles interdépendances

    Identification of six new susceptibility loci for invasive epithelial ovarian cancer.

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