125 research outputs found

    Pautas de distribuciĂłn espacial y modelizaciĂłn mediante SIG del habitat de Larvas de Solea solea, Pleuronectes flesus y limanda en la parte oriental del Canal de la Mancha durante la primavera

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    The spring distribution of larval fish stages of flatfishes in the Dover Strait (eastern English Channel) was studied in 1995 and 1999. Fish larvae were identified and sorted according to developmental stages in order to study their ontogenic distribution. The French coastal waters are characterised by an unstable tide-dependent front, which influences larval dispersion. In spring, the French coastal waters have a high phytoplanktonic production. They have higher temperatures, lower salinities and differences in current intensity compared with the central English Channel waters. Generalised Additive Models (GAM) combined with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were used to model the potential habitats of life stages considering data from three major surveys in this area. The models were developed by coupling presence-absence models with non-null abundance models. The potential habitat of larval stages was then mapped using a geostatistical method (kriging). This revealed different species strategies in which young stages were abundant in central waters and older ones were distributed mainly along the French and Belgian coasts. It is concluded that the central English waters are important for young stages after hatching and that coastal waters are essential nurseries for future juveniles. The models of three flatfish species having similar life cycle strategies are presented here: Limanda limanda, Platichthys flesus and Solea solea.Durante 1995 y 1999 se estudió la distribución primaveral de los estadios larvarios de peces planos en el Estrecho de Dover (parte oriental del Canal de la Mancha).Las larvas de peces fueron identificadas y separadas en función de su estadio de desarrollo con objeto de estudiar su distribución ontogénica. Las aguas costeras francesas se caracterizan por un frente de marea inestable, que influencia la dispersión larvaria. Durante la primavera, dichas aguas presentan una elevada producción fitoplanctónica. Asimismo, presentan altas temperaturas, bajas salinidades y diferencias en la intensidad de la corriente, comparado con las aguas centrales del Canal de la Mancha. A partir de datos obtenidos en tres amplias campañas en este área, se utilizaron Modelos Aditivos Generalizados (GAM) con Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) para modelizar los hábitats potenciales de los estadios larvarios. Los modelos se desarrollaron uniendo modelos de “presencia-ausencia” con modelos de “abundancia no nula”. A continuación, usando métodos geoestadísticos (kriging) se representó el mapa del hábitat potencial de los estadios larvarios. Esto reveló diferencias en las estrategias de aquellas especies cuyos primeros estadios son abundantes en las aguas centrales y cuyos estadios más avanzados están distribuidos principalmente a lo largo de la costa francesa y belga. Se mostró la importancia de las aguas centrales del Canal de la Mancha para las larvas lecitotróficas, y como las aguas costeras son áreas de cría esenciales para los futuros juveniles. Aquí se presentan los modelos para tres especies de peces planos que tienen estrategias de vida similares: Limanda limanda, Platichthys flesus and Solea solea

    Population Pharmacokinetic Modelling of FE 999049, a Recombinant Human Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, in Healthy Women After Single Ascending Doses

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this analysis was to develop a population pharmacokinetic model for a novel recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (FE 999049) expressed from a human cell line of foetal retinal origin (PER.C6(®)) developed for controlled ovarian stimulation prior to assisted reproductive technologies.METHODS: Serum FSH levels were measured following a single subcutaneous FE 999049 injection of 37.5, 75, 150, 225 or 450 IU in 27 pituitary-suppressed healthy female subjects participating in this first-in-human single ascending dose trial. Data was analysed by nonlinear mixed effects population pharmacokinetic modelling in NONMEM 7.2.0.RESULTS: A one-compartment model with first-order absorption and elimination rates was found to best describe the data. A transit model was introduced to describe a delay in the absorption process. The apparent clearance (CL/F) and apparent volume of distribution (V/F) estimates were found to increase with body weight. Body weight was included as an allometrically scaled covariate with a power exponent of 0.75 for CL/F and 1 for V/F.CONCLUSIONS: The single-dose pharmacokinetics of FE 999049 were adequately described by a population pharmacokinetic model. The average drug concentration at steady state is expected to be reduced with increasing body weight

    Fonctionnement géomorphologique des régions nord sahéliennes : exemple des cordons d’Ajar dans l’Ouest du Hodh mauritanien

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    Le Hodh mauritanien est une grande dépression de quelque 500 km d’ouest en est et de 250 km du nord au sud. Une couverture sableuse plus ou moins densément végétalisée s’étend au sud du 17e parallèle. Elle laisse par place des sables vifs et affleurements rocheux. Dans un contexte climatique sec (200 à 300 mm de précipitations moyennes annuelles sur 3 mois), le système des cordons dunaires d’Ajar situé au sud de Kiffa (Hodh occidental) est analysé. Les indicateurs des processus hydriques et éoliens et leur enchaînement temporel à l’échelle annuelle sont mis en évidence ainsi que leurs interactions. Les différenciations spatiales des bilans géomorphologiques sont contrôlées par les organisations locales héritées dans un contexte régional situé à l’aval vent du système global éolien saharien.The Hodh region is a 500 x 250 km large depression in the south east of Mauritania. A sandy area is extending in the southern part and is covered by a variable density of grass vegetation. The studied region is located in the South of Kiffa in the western Hodh and it is characterized by a 9 months dry season and a short wet season and an average rainfall of 200 to 300 mm. The analyse of the sandy system of Ajar shows the interaction of hydrological and aeolian process for scale time of the year. Geomorphological and sediment budgets varie a lot with sandy areas patchwork combinating relative stability or net exportation of sands. This patchwork is depending of geomorphic patterns in a down wind regional location

    Utilisation de données SPOT5 pour la cartographie des habitats benthiques littoraux. Application à l’archipel des îles Chausey (golfe normand-breton, France)

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    Cette étude présente l’intérêt et les limites des données de télédétection à Haute Résolution Spatiale issues du capteur SPOT5 pour la cartographie des habitats benthiques médiolittoraux. Le site d’étude, l’archipel des îles Chausey (golfe normand-breton, France) se caractérise par un très vaste estran parsemé d’une multitude d’îlots. Par ses contraintes physiques, il constitue un site de recherche privilégié pour répondre aux problèmes actuels de cartographies des habitats littoraux, par ailleurs en cours de réalisation (programme REBENT-IFREMER) et initiées par les instances publiques (services délocalisés de l’État) suite aux nombreuses pollutions côtières. Des méthodes de traitement d’images traditionnelles et couramment utilisées ont été testées et validées à l’échelle de l’archipel par des photographies aériennes récentes et des campagnes d’échantillonnages faites sur le terrain. La classification retenue est très proche de celle de la nomenclature NATURA 2000 en ce qui concerne les habitats naturels de l’estran. Les traitements apportés permettent d’explorer quelques potentialités de SPOT5 et d’afficher ainsi une première évaluation de ces données pour la caractérisation, l’inventaire et le suivi des habitats naturels littoraux.Recent coastal pollutions have induced local and national authorities (research institutes – IFREMER, CNES, IFEN –, decentralised state agencies) to evaluate present mapping techniques and to assess their ability to map coastal benthic habitats. Within these research programs a test site has been choosen to evaluate data from the High Spatial Resolution Satelite SPOT5. It is the Chausey archipelago, in the English Channel which is characterized by a very wide macro tidal shore line with many skerries and very small islands. Such a rugged inter-and sub-tidal topography makes it a very demanding site for cartography. SPOT5 data has been classified (using usual routines of image processing), compared to photos, cross checked with field evidences. This has allowed to point out SPOT5 potential : the classification is very similar to the Natura 2000 check list and shows a good ability to map this type of shore. This preliminary test is a begining to a wider program of coastal monitoring by SPOT5
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