58 research outputs found

    Protocol assessment issues in low duty cycle sensor networks: The switching energy

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    Energy assessment of MAC protocols for wireless sensor networks is generally based on the times of transmit, receive and sleep modes. The switching energy between two consecutive states is generally considered negligible with respect to them. Although such an assumption is valid for traditional wireless ad hoc networks, is this assumption valid also for low duty cycle wireless sensor networks? The primary objective of this work is to shed some light on relationships between node switching energy and node duty cycle over the total energy consumption. In order to achieve the target, initially, we revisit the energy spent in each state and transitions of three widespread hardware platforms for wireless sensor networks by direct measurements on the EYES node. Successively, we apply the values obtained to the SMAC protocol by using the OmNet++ simulator

    Small Private Key Attack Against a Family of RSA-like Cryptosystems

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    Let N=pqN=pq be the product of two balanced prime numbers pp and qq. Elkamchouchi, Elshenawy and Shaban presented in 2002 an interesting RSA-like cryptosystem that uses the key equation edk(p21)(q21)=1ed - k (p^2-1)(q^2-1) = 1, instead of the classical RSA key equation edk(p1)(q1)=1ed - k (p-1)(q-1) = 1. The authors claimed that their scheme is more secure than RSA. Unfortunately, the common attacks developed against RSA can be adapted for Elkamchouchi \emph{et al.}\u27s scheme. In this paper, we introduce a family of RSA-like encryption schemes that uses the key equation edk(pn1)(qn1)=1ed - k (p^n-1)(q^n-1) = 1, where n>0n>0 is an integer. Then, we show that regardless of the choice of nn, there exists an attack based on continued fractions that recovers the secret exponent

    Generalized Galbraith\u27s Test: Characterization and Applications to Anonymous IBE Schemes

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    The main approaches currently used to construct identity based encryption (IBE) schemes are based on bilinear mappings, quadratic residues and lattices. Among them, the most attractive approach is the one based on quadratic residues, due to the fact that the underlying security assumption is a well understood hard problem. The first such IBE scheme was constructed by Cocks and some of its deficiencies were addressed in subsequent works. In this paper, we will focus on two constructions that address the anonymity problem inherent in Cocks\u27 scheme and we will tackle some of their incomplete theoretical claims. More precisely, we rigorously study Clear et. al and Zhao et. al\u27s schemes and give accurate probabilities of successful decryption and identity detection in the non-anonymized version of the schemes. Also, in the case of Zhao \emph{et. al}\u27s scheme, we give a proper description of the underlying security assumptions

    Elementary Remarks on Some Quadratic Based Identity Based Encryption Schemes

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    In the design of an identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme, the primary security assumptions center around quadratic residues, bilinear mappings, and lattices. Among these approaches, one of the most intriguing is introduced by Clifford Cocks and is based on quadratic residues. However, this scheme has a significant drawback: a large ciphertext to plaintext ratio. A different approach is taken by Zhao et al., who design an IBE still based on quadratic residues, but with an encryption process reminiscent of the Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem. In the following pages, we will introduce an elementary method to accelerate Cocks\u27 encryption process and adapt a space-efficient encryption technique for both Cocks\u27 and Zhao et al.\u27s cryptosystems

    Continued Fractions Applied to a Family of RSA-like Cryptosystems

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    Let N=pqN=pq be the product of two balanced prime numbers pp and qq. Murru and Saettone presented in 2017 an interesting RSA-like cryptosystem that uses the key equation edk(p2+p+1)(q2+q+1)=1ed - k (p^2+p+1)(q^2+q+1) = 1, instead of the classical RSA key equation edk(p1)(q1)=1ed - k (p-1)(q-1) = 1. The authors claimed that their scheme is immune to Wiener\u27s continued fraction attack. Unfortunately, Nitaj \emph{et. al.} developed exactly such an attack. In this paper, we introduce a family of RSA-like encryption schemes that uses the key equation edk[(pn1)(qn1)]/[(p1)(q1)]=1ed - k [(p^n-1)(q^n-1)]/[(p-1)(q-1)] = 1, where n>1n>1 is an integer. Then, we show that regardless of the choice of nn, there exists an attack based on continued fractions that recovers the secret exponent

    Analysis of aflatoxins in rustically wines from eastern Romania using the direct real time method (DART)

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    Romania has a long tradition regarding the production of wine rustically or household products. Each householder has the possibility for making its own wine from its own grape vines. Most of them are made and kept using almost no interventions or treatments no corrections or added substances, which could protect them from eventual diseases, which may appear during the winemaking process. The grapes are collected manually by each family alone and it can be called is itself a ritual specific to the each area and a symbol of autumn. In this context, several samples of wine were collected from households located in five Romania eastern counties (Iaşi, Vaslui, Galaţi, Brăila, Ialomiţa and Tulcea). The samples were neither filtered, nor treated against the developing secondary fermentations. This fact increases the risk of infestation with mycotoxins. Twenty samples belonging to the aforementioned regions were analysed using the direct real time method (DART). This method is very fast and does not require any prior preparation of the samples. The goal was to identify the aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 that are known to be frequently present in wines. From the total of the analysed samples, in four of them it was detected a concentration greater than 20 μg/kg

    Contributions concerning the study of the antiseptic effect of sulfur dioxide on the yeasts present in two wines provided by Cotnari vineyard

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    Sulfur dioxide is one of the most used antiseptics in vinification. Its action on the "infection" microorganisms found in wine cellars is demonstrated by numerous studies. The present study shows that the antiseptic potential of sulfur dioxide is highly dependent on the concentration of its free form. The high concentrations of free sulfur dioxide corroborated with the prolonged contact period lead to the killing of the yeast cells quickly and evenly, while at low concentrations its lethal effect is greatly diminished. At low concentrations the lethal effect of sulfur dioxide is highly dependent on the contact time of the yeast cells with the environment. In this case, their mortality rate is very uneven. This phenomenon is also explained by the losses that occur due to the volatilization of sulfur dioxide, of oxidation or on account of its binding to other compounds

    Influenţa negativă a temperaturii asupra compuşilor de aromă din vin

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    The aromatic profile of wine is offered by the variety of volatile chemical compounds, especially esters, alcohols, carboxylic acids and nitrogen compounds.These substancescan determine different aromas depending on concentration. One of the very important factors in forming aromasis the fermentation temperature whose which has anoptimal value between 15-17 °C. This study evaluated winessamples which were fermented without temperature control, reaching an average temperature inbetween 21-24°C. Following this experiment it was observed how the compounds that give floral and fruity aromas can give unwanted sensations in high concentrations. At the same time, several esters of the fatty acids were observe which give a heavy smell and cause the sensation of fats. The aromatic profile of the sample which was fermented at higher temperature is more affected, even becoming repulsive once the temperature is rising

    The Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response in Neuroprogressive Diseases: Emerging Pathophysiological Role and Translational Implications

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    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the main cellular organelle involved in protein synthesis, assembly and secretion. Accumulating evidence shows that across several neurodegenerative and neuroprogressive diseases, ER stress ensues, which is accompanied by over-activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR). Although the UPR could initially serve adaptive purposes in conditions associated with higher cellular demands and after exposure to a range of pathophysiological insults, over time the UPR may become detrimental, thus contributing to neuroprogression. Herein, we propose that immune-inflammatory, neuro-oxidative, neuro-nitrosative, as well as mitochondrial pathways may reciprocally interact with aberrations in UPR pathways. Furthermore, ER stress may contribute to a deregulation in calcium homoeostasis. The common denominator of these pathways is a decrease in neuronal resilience, synaptic dysfunction and even cell death. This review also discusses how mechanisms related to ER stress could be explored as a source for novel therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative and neuroprogressive diseases. The design of randomised controlled trials testing compounds that target aberrant UPR-related pathways within the emerging framework of precision psychiatry is warranted