320 research outputs found

    Case report of a phantom pheochromocytoma

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    Plasma free metanephrines or urinary fractionated metanephrines are the biochemical tests of choice for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma as they have greater sensitivity and specificity than catecholamines for pheochromocytoma detection. This case highlights the preanalytical factors which can influence metanephrine measurement and cause a false positive result. It describes a patient with a high pre-test probability of pheochromocytoma due to hypertension and a past medical history of adrenalectomy for a purported pheochromocytoma in her home country. When biochemical screening revealed grossly elevated urine normetanephrine in the presence of a previously identified right adrenal lesion, there was high clinical suspicion of a pheochromocytoma. However, functional imaging did not support this view which prompted additional testing with plasma metanephrines. Results for plasma and urine metanephrines were discordant and preanalytical drug interference was suspected. Patient medications were reviewed and sulfasalazine, an anti-inflammatory drug was identified as the most likely analytical interferent. Urinary fractionated metanephrines were re-analysed using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and all metanephrines were within their reference intervals. This case illustrates how method-specific analytical drug interference prompted unnecessary expensive imaging, heightened patient anxiety and resulted in lengthy investigations for what turned out to be a phantom pheochromocytoma

    Challenges of providing biochemistry results in a patient with Evans syndrome

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    Highlights A case report of in vivo hemolysis in patient with Evans syndrome is described Hemolysis disrupts biochemistry analysis, yielding unreliable results A laboratory designed algorithm ensures results with interpretative comments Close communication between the laboratory and the clinical team is essential A case report of in vivo hemolysis in a female patient with Evans syndrome is described. The patient was admitted with anemia and jaundice and, during her 26-day hospital admission, had 83 samples taken for biochemistry analyses. The laboratory hemolytic index (HI) was frequently elevated due to persistent complement-mediated in vivo hemolysis despite multiple lines of therapy. Initially, the release of many biochemical parameters was blocked per the manufacturer´s recommendations and reported as “sample hemolyzed”. The patient developed severe acute kidney injury, ultimately requiring dialysis. Automated and timely reporting of indicative creatinine and other biochemical results in the context of ongoing hemolysis, therefore, became essential to patient care. Following a review of literature from various sources, a laboratory algorithm was designed to ensure the timely release of numerical biochemical values, where possible, with appropriate interpretative comments appended. Biochemistry, hematology, and nephrology teams were in regular communication to ensure patient samples were rapidly identified, analyzed and validated according to the algorithm, informing timely, safe and appropriate patient care. Ultimately, the patient died due to multiple disease- and treatment-related complications. In conjunction with clinical users, laboratories should plan for situations, such as in vivo hemolysis, where significant unavoidable interferences in biochemistry methodologies may occur in an ongoing manner for certain patients. Reporting categorical or best-estimate biochemistry results in such cases can be safer for patients than failing to report any results. Interpretation of these results by clinical teams requires input from appropriately trained and qualified laboratory personnel

    Paracetamol plus ibuprofen for the treatment of fever in children (PITCH): randomised controlled trial

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    Objective To investigate whether paracetamol (acetaminophen) plus ibuprofen are superior to either drug alone for increasing time without fever and the relief of fever associated discomfort in febrile children managed at home

    Medicine dosing by weight in the home: Can parents accurately weigh preschool children? A method comparison study

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    Objective: To determine the accuracy with which parents can estimate preschool children's weight using home scales in order to calculate antipyretic dose. Design: Cross-sectional, method comparison study. Setting and participants: 156 preschool children aged 6 months to 6 years recruited from primary care and the community to an antipyretic strategies trial and managed at home. Comparison and outcome measures: Research nurse weight estimate using Seca 835-2 digital paediatric scales compared with parental weight estimate using usual home scales. Results: Parents of 62 (40%) preschool children had home scales. Research scale estimated weights were heavier than home scale weight estimates, with a mean difference of 0.41 kg (95% CI -0.24 to 0.74 kg), with 95% limits of agreement of -2.44 to 1.47 kg. Conclusion: Weight can be estimated accurately enough to calculate antipyretic medicine doses by the minority of parents having scales that can be used to estimate their child's weight

    Report 29: The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on all-cause attendances to emergency departments in two large London hospitals: an observational study

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    The health care system in England has been highly affected by the surge in demand due to patients afflicted by COVID-19. Yet the impact of the pandemic on the care seeking behaviour of patients and thus on Emergency department (ED) services is unknown, especially for non-COVID-19 related emergencies. In this report, we aimed to assess how the reorganisation of hospital care and admission policies to respond to the COVID-19 epidemic affected ED attendances and emergency hospital admissions. We performed time-series analyses of present year vs historic (2015-2019) trends of ED attendances between March 12 and May 31 at two large central London hospitals part of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (ICHNT) and compared these to regional and national trends. Historic attendances data to ICHNT and publicly available NHS situation reports were used to calibrate time series auto-regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) forecasting models. We thus predicted the (conterfactual) expected number of ED attendances between March 12 (when the first public health measure leading to lock-down started in England) to May 31, 2020 (when the analysis was censored) at ICHNT, at all acute London Trusts and nationally. The forecasted trends were compared to observed data for the same periods of time. Lastly, we analysed the trends at ICHNT disaggregating by mode of arrival, distance from postcode of patient residence to hospital and primary diagnosis amongst those that were subsequently admitted to hospital and compared these data to an average for the same period of time in the years 2015 to 2019. During the study period (January 1 to May 31, 2020) there was an overall decrease in ED attendances of 35% at ICHNT, of 50% across all London NHS Trusts and 53% nationally. For ICHNT, the decrease in attendances was mainly amongst those aged younger than 65 and those arriving by their own means (e.g. personal or public transport). Increasing distance (km) from postcode of residence to hospital was a significant predictor of reduced attendances, which could not be explained by weighted (for population numbers) mean index of multiple deprivation. Non-COVID emergency admissions to hospital after March 12 fell by 48% at ICHNT compared to previous years. This was seen across all disease areas, including acute coronary syndromes, stroke and cancer-related emergencies. The overall non-COVID-19 hospitalisation mortality risk did not differ (RR 1.13, 95%CI 0.94-1.37, p=0.19), also in comparison to previous years. Our findings suggest emergency healthcare seeking to hospitals drastically changed amongst the population within the catchment area of ICHNT. This trend was echoed regionally and nationally, suggesting those suffering a medical emergency may not have attended other (i.e. closer-to-home) hospitals. Furthermore, our time-series analyses showed that, even after COVID-19 cases and deaths decreased (i.e. from early April), non-COVID-19 ED attendances did not increase. The impact of emergency triaging systems (e.g. 111 calls) and alternative (e.g. private hospital, chemist) health services on these trends remains unknown. However, another recent report found increased non-COVID excess deaths in the community, which may be partially explained by people experiencing an emergency and not attending health services at all. Whether those that attended ED services have done so with longer delays from the moment of emergency onset also remains unknown. National analyses into the factors causing reduced attendances to ED services and strategies to revert these negative trends are urgently needed

    The frequency distribution of presenting symptoms in children aged six months to six years to primary care.

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    Primary care providers and researchers wishing to estimate study recruitment rates need estimates of illness frequency in primary care. Previous studies of children's symptoms have found that presentations are most common for the symptoms: cough, fever, earache, rash, diarrhoea and vomiting. Since 2000, primary care provision in the United Kingdom has changed with the introduction of Walk-in-Centres (WICs) and new Out of Hours (OoHs) providers. To describe the type and frequency of parent-reported presenting symptoms at a range of primary care sites between 2005 and 2007. Parent-reported presenting symptoms, recorded in their own words, were extracted from data collected from all children aged six months to six years during recruitment to a randomised controlled trial. Presenting symptoms were coded and presented as frequency per 100 'consulting sessions' by type of primary care site. Results were evaluated from 2491 episodes of illness at 35 sites. When grouped by primary care site, respiratory symptoms were the most common at OoHs centres, the WIC and general practitioner (GP) surgeries. Trauma symptoms were common in the Emergency Department, but unexpectedly, diarrhoea and vomiting were more common in the Emergency Department and skin presenting symptoms more common at the WIC than at GP sites. We report the relative frequency of acute symptoms by type of primary care provider. These data may be useful to those planning recruitment to primary care paediatric studies and policy makers for planning primary care service provision

    A national quality incentive scheme to reduce antibiotic overuse in hospitals; evaluation of perceptions and impact

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    In 2016/2017, a financially-linked antibiotic prescribing quality improvement initiative (AMR-CQUIN) was introduced across acute hospitals in England. This aimed for >1% reductions in Defined Daily Doses / 1000 admissions of total antibiotics, piperacillin/tazobactam and carbapenems compared with 2013/2014 and improved review of empiric antibiotic prescriptions
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