5,181 research outputs found

    A longer XMM-Newton look at I Zwicky 1: Distinct modes of X-ray spectral variability

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    The short-term spectral variability of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy I Zwicky 1 (I Zw 1) as observed in an 85 ks XMM-Newton observation is discussed in detail. I Zw 1 shows distinct modes of variability prior to and after a flux dip in the broad-band light curve. Before the dip the variability can be described as arising from changes in shape and normalisation of the spectral components. Only changes in normalisation are manifested after the dip. The change in the mode of behaviour occurs on dynamically short timescales in I Zw 1. The data suggest that the accretion-disc corona in I Zw 1 could have two components that are co-existing. The first, a uniform, physically diffuse plasma responsible for the "typical'' long-term (e.g. years) behaviour; and a second compact, centrally located component causing the rapid flux and spectral changes. This compact component could be the base of a short or aborted jet as sometimes proposed for radio-quiet active galaxies. Modelling of the average and time-resolved rms spectra demonstrate that a blurred Compton-reflection model can describe the spectral variability if we allow for pivoting of the continuum component prior to the dip.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Effects of Chia Seed Supplementation on Biochemical Markers of Cardiometabolic Diseases in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

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    Some studies suggested a positive effect against cardiometabolic diseases of supplementation of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, C18:3 n-3) rich foods in pathological subjects, even if the total literature is controversial. In order to clarify ALA-rich chia seed action in hypertensive model with the overt pathology and without drug interference, in the present study the biochemical markers of cardiometabolic diseases (endothelin-1, ET-1; nitric oxide, NO; and bradykinin, BK) in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRs) were analysed after 5% chia seed dietary supplementation for five weeks, and compared with the staple raw material wheat and corn. At the end of the experimental period, also plasma antioxidant capacity and inflammatory condition were evaluated. Our results showed that the chia seed group was more oxidized. On the other hand, ET-1 significantly decreased in chia seed group, and there was no difference between groups for NO, BK, and the inflammatory C-reactive protein (CRP). In conclusion, some positive effects of chia seed consumption on cardiometabolic markers in SHRs were observed, despite this the association of chia seeds with antioxidants is suggested to avoid plasma oxidation increase

    XMM-Newton observation of the ULIRG NGC 6240: The physical nature of the complex Fe K line emission

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    We report on an XMM-Newton observation of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy NGC 6240. The 0.3-10 keV spectrum can be successfully modelled with: (i) three collisionally ionized plasma components with temperatures of about 0.7, 1.4, and 5.5 keV; (ii) a highly absorbed direct power-law component; and (iii) a neutral Fe K_alpha and K_beta line. We detect a significant neutral column density gradient which is correlated with the temperature of the three plasma components. Combining the XMM-Newton spectral model with the high spatial resolution Chandra image we find that the temperatures and the column densities increase towards the center. With high significance, the Fe K line complex is resolved into three distinct narrow lines: (i) the neutral Fe K_alpha line at 6.4 keV; (ii) an ionized line at about 6.7 keV; and (iii) a higher ionized line at 7.0 keV (a blend of the Fe XXVI and the Fe K_beta line). While the neutral Fe K line is most probably due to reflection from optically thick material, the Fe XXV and Fe XXVI emission arises from the highest temperature ionized plasma component. We have compared the plasma parameters of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy NGC 6240 with those found in the local starburst galaxy NGC 253. We find a striking similarity in the plasma temperatures and column density gradients, suggesting a similar underlying physical process at work in both galaxies.Comment: 8 pages including 9 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Drag reduction induced by superhydrophobic surfaces in turbulent pipe flow

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    The drag reduction induced by superhydrophobic surfaces is investigated in a turbulent pipe flow. Wetted superhydrophobic surfaces are shown to trap gas bubbles in their asperities. This stops the liquid from coming in direct contact with the wall in that location, allowing the flow to slip over the air bubbles. We consider a well-defined texture with streamwise grooves at the walls in which the gas is expected to be entrapped. This configuration is modeled with alternating no-slip and shear-free boundary conditions at the wall. With respect to the classical turbulent pipe flow, a substantial drag reduction is observed which strongly depends on the grooves’ dimension and on the solid fraction, i.e., the ratio between the solid wall surface and the total surface of the pipe’s circumference. The drag reduction is due to the mean slip velocity at the wall which increases the flow rate at a fixed pressure drop. The enforced boundary conditions also produce peculiar turbulent structures which on the contrary decrease the flow rate. The two concurrent effects provide an overall flow rate increase as demonstrated by means of the mean axial momentum balance. This equation provides the balance between the mean pressure gradient, the Reynolds stress, the mean flow rate, and the mean slip velocity contribution

    Revealing structure and evolution within the corona of the Seyfert galaxy I Zw 1

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    X-ray spectral timing analysis is presented of XMM-Newton observations of the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy I Zwicky 1 (I Zw 1) taken in 2015 January. After exploring the effect of background flaring on timing analyses, X-ray time lags between the reflection-dominated 0.3-1.0keV energy and continuum-dominated 1.0-4.0keV band are measured, indicative of reverberation off the inner accretion disc. The reverberation lag time is seen to vary as a step function in frequency; across lower frequency components of the variability, 3e-4 to 1.2e-3Hz a lag of 160s is measured, but the lag shortens to (59 +/- 4)s above 1.2e-3Hz. The lag-energy spectrum reveals differing profiles between these ranges with a change in the dip showing the earliest arriving photons. The low frequency signal indicates reverberation of X-rays emitted from a corona extended at low height over the disc while at high frequencies, variability is generated in a collimated core of the corona through which luminosity fluctuations propagate upwards. Principal component analysis of the variability supports this interpretation, showing uncorrelated variation in the spectral slope of two power law continuum components. The distinct evolution of the two components of the corona is seen as a flare passes inwards from the extended to the collimated portion. An increase in variability in the extended corona was found preceding the initial increase in X-ray flux. Variability from the extended corona was seen to die away as the flare passed into the collimated core leading to a second sharper increase in the X-ray count rate.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Using supernova neutrinos to monitor the collapse, to search for gravity waves and to probe neutrino masses

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    We discuss the importance of observing supernova neutrinos. By analyzing the SN1987A observations of Kamiokande-II, IMB and Baksan, we show that they provide a 2.5{\sigma} support to the standard scenario for the explosion. We discuss in this context the use of neutrinos as trigger for the search of the gravity wave impulsive emission. We derive a bound on the neutrino mass using the SN1987A data and argue, using simulated data, that a future galactic supernova could probe the sub-eV region.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Proceeding for the Galileo-Xu Guangqi meeting: The Sun, the Stars, the Universe and General Relativity; October 26-30, 2009, Shanghai (China). Accepted for publication at International Journal of Modern Physics

    Norovirus Infection and Disease in an Ecuadorian Birth Cohort: Association of Certain Norovirus Genotypes With Host FUT2 Secretor Status.

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    BACKGROUND: Although norovirus is the most common cause of gastroenteritis, there are few data on the community incidence of infection/disease or the patterns of acquired immunity or innate resistance to norovirus. METHODS: We followed a community-based birth cohort of 194 children in Ecuador with the aim to estimate (1) the incidence of norovirus gastroenteritis from birth to age 3 years, (2) the protective effect of norovirus infection against subsequent infection/disease, and (3) the association of infection and disease with FUT2 secretor status. RESULTS: Over the 3-year period, we detected a mean of 2.26 diarrheal episodes per child (range, 0-12 episodes). Norovirus was detected in 260 samples (18%) but was not found more frequently in diarrheal samples (79 of 438 [18%]), compared with diarrhea-free samples (181 of 1016 [18%]; P = .919). A total of 66% of children had at least 1 norovirus infection during the first 3 years of life, and 40% of children had 2 infections. Previous norovirus infections were not associated with the risk of subsequent infection. All genogroup II, genotype 4 (GII.4) infections were among secretor-positive children (P < .001), but higher rates of non-GII.4 infections were found in secretor-negative children (relative risk, 0.56; P = .029). CONCLUSIONS: GII.4 infections were uniquely detected in secretor-positive children, while non-GII.4 infections were more often found in secretor-negative children

    Physical Conditions in Quasar Outflows: VLT Observations of QSO 2359-1241

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    We analyze the physical conditions of the outflow seen in QSO 2359-1241 (NVSS J235953-124148), based on high resolution spectroscopic VLT observations. This object was previously studied using Keck/HIRES data. The main improvement over the HIRES results is our ability to accurately determine the number density of the outflow. For the major absorption component, level population from five different Fe II excited level yields n_H=10^4.4 cm^-3 with less than 20% scatter. We find that the Fe ii absorption arises from a region with roughly constant conditions and temperature greater than 9000 K, before the ionization front where temperature and electron density drop. Further, we model the observed spectra and investigate the effects of varying gas metalicities and the spectral energy distribution of the incident ionizing radiation field. The accurately measured column densities allow us to determine the ionization parameter log(U) = -2.4 and total column density of the outflow (log(N_H) = 20.6 cm^-2). Combined with the number density finding, these are stepping stones towards determining the mass flux and kinetic luminosity of the outflow, and therefore its importance to AGN feedback processes.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures (accepted for publication in the ApJ

    Exploitation of a natural pasture by wild horses: comparison between nutritive characteristics of the land and the nutrient requirements of the herds over a 2-year period

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    In the Molise region (Italy), some autochthonous populations are still bred and, between them, some wild horses named 'Pentro horses.' The breeding area is a natural pasture. It is 2200 ha extended including a broad plane surrounded by wooden hills. The aim of this research was to determine the nutritional characteristics of this area over a 2-year period to improve the management of the herd and to define the stocking rate in relation to the forage production in terms of production and quality. The forage samples were collected over two successive years during the grazing period (May to October) from five experimental areas and analysed for dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), neutral-detergent fibre (NDF), acid-detergent fibre (ADF), acid-detergent lignin (ADL) and gross energy (GE). Horse feed units (HFU) and horse-digestible crude protein (HDCP) were also predicted. Data were analysed with a one-way ANOVA test using month and area as factors. The DM, HFU and HDCP total production was determined to be compared with the total nutrient requirements of the herds from May to October. The results show that seasonal and yearly climatic variations significantly affect chemical composition and nutritive value of the pasture. The parameters most influenced were DM, CP, ADF and to a less extent NDF, while OM, ADL and GE show smaller differences during the observed period. The results show a low production per ha; nevertheless, because of the low stocking rate (0.3 to 0.6 head per ha), nutrient production meets the nutrient requirements of the horses regarding DM and energy. The differences among the areas have to be ascribed to the different botanical compositions and to the different draining capacity of the soil, and also in this case the greatest variations are for DM, CP and ADF
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