7,776 research outputs found

    Characterization of a rat model of moderate chronic renal failure: focus on hematological, biochemical, and cardio-renal profiles

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    The pathophysiological modifications underlying chronic which will determine the moment to start therapy. As there is yet limited information about animal models of moderate chronic renal failure, we intended to perform a complete characterization 60 of the hematological and cardio-renal alterations induced by partial nephrectomy. Blood samples from control and chronic renal failure rats were collected at 0, 3, 9, and 15 weeks in order to evaluate renal function, hematological parameters, iron metabolism, blood lipids, peripheral sympathetic nervous system, and 65 inflammatory and redoz status markers. BP, tissues trophy indexes, and kidney histomorphology were also assessed. Our data are consistent with a sustained moderate degree of chronic renal failure with a quickly compensated modest anaemia, though presenting iron metabolism disturbances. Despite the reasonable degree of functionality of the remnant kidney, as sug- 70 gested by the anaemia correction and by the kidney hypertrophy and moderate lesions, several important cardiovascular modifications were developed. Our model presented hypertension, dyslipidemia, erythropoietic disturbances, sympathetic activation, and oxidative stress. This model might be a good tool to study the cellular/molecular mechanisms underlying moderate stages of chronic renal failure and to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy for prevention and treatment/correction of cardio-renal anaemia syndromes and complications in early stages

    Mineralogical and petrographic characterization of Preguiça and Vila Ruiva mines

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    This study was performed on the Preguiça and Vila Ruiva mines and aimed at petrographic and mineralogical characterization of various geological media. The Preguiça and Vila Ruiva mines are two examples of the different types of Zn-Pb(-Ag-Sb-Au) deposits that occur in the Ossa Morena Zone, more specifically in the Moura-Ficalho region. Both deposits are in Serra da Preguiça, Beja district, and were explored for Fe-Zn-Pb in the early 20th century and between 1960 and 1966. In Preguiça and Vila Ruiva mines, the old exploration mainly targeted supergene enrichment areas, and information available on the primary mineralisation is scarce. The geology of the Preguiça-Vila Ruiva mining area consists of carbonate rocks that are affected by significant hydrothermal alteration (dolomitization and chertification), essentially composed of dolomite, calcite, and minor ankerite. Recent studies suggest that the Preguiça and Vila Ruiva deposits correspond to very rich secondary Zn-ores located in metadolostones of Lower Cambrian age due to strong in situ oxidation and supergene enrichment processes on previous sulphide mineralisation. Rock samples were collected from the gossans and the host rocks in the spring of 2022. In addition, local soil was sampled from the first 15cm of the soil profile. All rock and soil samples collected from Preguiça and Vila Ruiva were analysed by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and the host rock specimens were further studied using a petrographic microscope. The study of the Preguiça and Vila Ruiva thin sections suggests that the host rocks correspond to dolomitic meta-limestones manly with granoblastic texture, composed of dolomite, calcite, quartz, and opaque minerals. For the Preguiça mine, XRD shows that the dolomitic metalimestone has average dolomite contents of ~30%, while Vila Ruiva shows significantly higher contents (~80%) of this mineral. The Preguiça gossan is characterized by significant amounts of willemite (~52%), quartz (~40%), and iron oxides (goethite, hematite, and minor magnetite). Accessory minerals include chalcophanite and anglesite. At Vila Ruiva, the gossan is dominated by iron oxides, manly magnetite (~33%) and minor hematite (~17%) and goethite (~12%). In this mine, mineral phases such as willemite, chalcophanite and anglesite were not identified. The soils of Vila Ruiva present slightly higher amounts of quartz and lower contents of carbonate minerals than Preguiça soils. However, smithsonite (~12%) was only identified for Vila Ruiva, while cerussite (~3%) was identified only for Preguiça. Hematite is the most abundant iron oxide in the soils of both mines. Although the results suggest some differences in the gossans mineralogy of both mines, the small number of samples analysed largely justify further investigation

    Recurrent refractory Kawasaki disease

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    Background: Kawasaki disease is a common childhood vasculitis. Unrelenting fever after treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) occurs in 10-15% of patients and is associated with a greater risk of developing coronary aneurysms. Aim: Describe a very unique case of recurrent and refractory Kawasaki disease. Case report: A 3 year old boy presented with 3 days of fever, rash, pharyngeal and gingival erythema, and swollen extremities. Laboratory investigations revealed leukocytosis, C–reactive protein 25.8 mg/dl, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate 100 mm/hr. Echocardiography disclosed diffuse dilatation of all proximal coronary arteries. The child received IVIG (2g/kg) and aspirin (100 mg/kg/d) with no response. IVIG was repeated, followed by methylprednisolone 30 mg/kg for 3 days, but the child remained febrile. Infliximab (5 mg/kg) was thereupon employed with prompt defervescence. Low-dose aspirin was continued, as well as clopidogrel. Echocardiographic findings remained stable. Six months after the initial episode, the child again presented with fever, irritability, sore throat and nuchal rigidity. Physical examination revealed cracked, swollen lips, oropharyngeal erythema, posterior cervical lymphadenopathy, and rash. Desquamation of the distal extremities was observed some days later. Aneurysms were detected, involving the left and right main coronary arteries, as well as the left anterior descending coronary. Magnetic resonance angiography of the chest and abdomen revealed no other involved vessels. The child again received IVIG, pulse methylprednisolone, and infliximab, but remained febrile and developed significant arthritis, requiring daily prednisolone. He is now asymptomatic. Conclusions: Currently, recurrent and refractory Kawasaki disease still represents a therapeutic challenge

    Efeito do fogo nas propriedades químicas do solo em um fragmento de floresta nativa e plantio de cupuaçu em porto Velho, Rondônia.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar as alterações químicas do solo em uma área de floresta nativa, e uma de plantio de cupuaçu com idade de 20 anos, após um incêndio, ocorrido no Campo Experimental da Embrapa, no município de Porto Velho - RO

    Desenvolvimento de recursos didácticos informatizados no âmbito da educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável. o exemplo do courseware SeRe

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    A falta de recursos didácticos informatizados de qualidade para o 1º e 2º Ciclos do Ensino Básico (1º/2º CEB), concebidos no âmbito da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS), numa perspectiva de Ensino por Pesquisa, determinou a organização de uma equipa multidisciplinar para o desenvolvimento do «Courseware Sere - O Ser Humano e os Recursos Naturais». Ajustando alguns princípios de desenvolvimento de software, particularmente de Design Centrado no Utilizador (DCU), o trabalho da equipa multidisciplinar, constituída por elementos com diversas competências (ao nível da Didáctica das Ciências, da Tecnologia Educativa, de Design e de Programação), centrou-se no desenvolvimento de um recurso didáctico informatizado que integra várias tipologias de software, nomeadamente simulações e visualizações, com as actividades didácticas. A orientação do recurso, as temáticas propostas e as metodologias e estratégias de exploração privilegiadas fundamentam-se: i) na identificação das orientações nacionais e internacionais da EDS; ii) na identificação das necessidades e interesses dos professores quanto à implementação de actividades com orientação EDS (Sá, 2008; Sá e Martins, 2007), iii) no paradigma de ensino por competências (Cachapuz, Sá-Chaves e Paixão, 2004) e iv) no recurso a um design interactivo centrado no utilizador (Costa, Loureiro, Reis, Sá, Guerra e Vieira, 2009; Guerra, 2007). Neste artigo faz-se uma apresentação do processo de desenvolvimento do recurso didáctico, das temáticas propostas e das metodologias e estratégias de exploração perspectivadas pelos autores do recurs

    Quality costs and Industry 4.0: inspection strategy modelling and reviewing

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    Inspection strategy (IS) is a key component impacting quality costs. Although often considered an infexible output of initial quality plans, it may require revisions given the dynamic quality situation of the manufacturing system. It is from this background that the present study aims to model and compare diferent IS based on the cost of quality (CoQ) approach for a case study in the automotive manufacturing industry. While many computational inspection strategy models (ISMs) are available in the literature, most of them face application challenges and struggle to incorporate real-world data. The present study addresses this gap by developing a model that not only represents a real testing station in a manufacturing line but also uses historical production data. Additionally, in relation to model inputs, this study explores the challenges and opportunities of acquiring reliable quality cost estimates in the Industry 4.0 context. Among the main contributions of this work, the developed CoQ-based ISM can be used as a decision-making aiding tool for inspection revision and improvement, while conclusions about quality cost data collection in the industrial digitalization context can help advance the CoQ approach in practiceFCT|FCCN (b-on

    A novel bioreactor design for enhanced stem cells proliferation and differentiation in tissue engineered constructs

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    [Excerpt] Recent studies have shown that culturing undifferentiated stem cells in appropriate biochemical environments and under mechanical stimulation could provide the correct signals for cellular proliferation, differentiation and subsequent extracellular matrix production. This triggered a growing interest about in vitro biomechanically-stimulating culture environments. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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