34 research outputs found

    Cultural adaptation and validation of the Freiburg Life Quality Assessment - Wound Module to Brazilian Portuguese

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    Objectives: to adapt the Freiburg Life Quality Assessment - Wound Module to Brazilian Portuguese and to measure its psychometric properties: reliability and validity. Method: the cultural adaptation was undertaken following the stages of translation, synthesis of the translations, back translation, committee of specialists, pre-test and focus group. A total of 200 patients participated in the study. These were recruited in Primary Care Centers, Family Health Strategy Centers, in a philanthropic hospital and in a teaching hospital. Reliability was assessed through internal consistency and stability. Validity was ascertained through the correlation of the instrument's values with those of the domains of the Ferrans and Powers Quality of Life Index - Wound Version and with the quality of life score of the visual analog scale. Results: the instrument presented adequate internal consistency (Cronbach alpha =0.86) and high stability in the test and retest (0.93). The validity presented correlations of moderate and significant magnitude (-0.24 to -0.48, p<0.0001). Conclusion: the results indicated that the adapted version presented reliable and valid psychometric measurements for the population with chronic wounds in the Brazilian culture

    The Pain Disability Questionnaire: a reliability and validity study

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    The goal of this study was to translate and adapt The Pain Disability Questionnaire (PDQ) to Brazilian Portuguese, as well as to assess its psychometric properties and practicability. The following methodological steps were followed: translation, synthesis, back-translation, expert committee assessment and pre-test. The psychometric properties were assessed through the application of a questionnaire to 119 patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders. The results indicated the reliability of the instrument, with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.86, and high stability in the test-retest. A moderate correlation was found between the PDQ scores and the numerical pain scale. Negative correlations were found between the Spitzer Quality of Life Index and the functional condition, psychosocial component and total PDQ score. Construct validity demonstrated significant difference in PDQ scores between symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. The PDQ revealed fast application and easy understanding. The results indicated a successful cultural adaptation and reliable psychometric properties.El objetivo de este estudio fue traducir y adaptar el Cuestionario The Pain Disability Questionnaire (PDQ) para el portugués de Brasil, evaluando sus propiedades psicométricas y la usabilidad. Fueron seguidos los siguientes pasos metodológicos: traducción, síntesis, retrotraducción, evaluación por un comité de expertos y realización de una prueba piloto. Las propiedades psicométricas fueron evaluadas por la aplicación del cuestionario en 119 pacientes con lesiones musculares. Los resultados indican la confiabilidad del instrumento con el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0,86, y alta estabilidad en la prueba piloto. Una correlación moderada se encontró entre las puntuaciones de la PDQ y la escala numérica del dolor. Correlaciones negativas fueron observadas entre el Spitzer Quality of Life Index y la condición funcional, el componente psicosocial, y la puntuación total de la PDQ. La validez del constructo demostró una diferencia significativa en las puntuaciones del PDQ entre sujetos sintomáticos y asintomáticos. El PDQ demostró ser rápido y comprensible. Los resultados indicaron una exitosa adaptación cultural y propiedades psicométricas confiables.O objetivo deste estudo foi traduzir e adaptar The Pain Disability Questionnaire (PDQ) para o português do Brasil, avaliar suas propriedades psicométricas e praticabilidade. Os seguintes passos metodológicos foram seguidos: tradução, síntese, retrotradução, avaliação por comitê de especialistas e pré-teste. As propriedades psicométricas foram avaliadas pela aplicação do questionário a 119 pacientes com lesões musculoesqueléticas crônicas. Os resultados indicaram a confiabilidade do instrumento com o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0,86, e alta estabilidade na aplicação do teste-reteste. Uma correlação moderada foi encontrada entre os escores do PDQ e a escala numérica de dor. Correlações negativas foram encontradas entre o Spitzer Quality of Life Index e a condição funcional, componente psicossocial e escore total do PDQ. A validade de construto demonstrou diferença significativa nos escores do PDQ entre indivíduos sintomáticos e assintomáticos. O PDQ mostrou aplicação rápida e fácil entendimento. Os resultados indicaram sucesso na adaptação cultural e propriedades psicométricas confiáveis

    Instrument for evaluating care given by undergraduate nursing students to people with wounds

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    OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to present the process of construction and validation of an instrument for evaluating the care provided to people with wounds, to be used with undergraduate nursing students. METHOD Methodological study, with quantitative approach, using the Delphi technique in two rounds, the first with 30 judges and the second with 18. The analysis was made with Kappa coefficient ≥0.80, and content validity index greater than >0.80, also using the Wilcoxon test for comparison of the indices between the rounds. RESULTS It was found that of the 20 categories of the instrument, 18 presented better scores in the second Delphi round. Scores were greater in the second round in seven of the ten evaluation categories. CONCLUSION Based on the evaluation by the judges, a version of the instrument was defined with adequate indices of agreement and validity, which will be able to help in evaluating care of people with cutaneous injury given by undergraduate nursing students

    Nursing diagnoses related to skin: operational definitions

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    OBJECTIVE: to validate the operational definitions of the defining characteristics and risk factors of the three NANDA International (NANDA-I) nursing diagnoses and to revise these diagnoses' definitions. METHOD: content validation of nursing diagnosis. 146 defining characteristics and risk factors were identified in the literature in Brazilian and international databases. This was followed by content validation of the definitions of these diagnoses (presented by NANDA-I) and of the operational definitions (developed by the researchers) of the defining characteristics and risk factors, carried out by six expert nurses, regarding relevance, clarity and comprehensiveness. RESULT: of the 146 defining characteristics and risk factors, 22 were considered redundant and were excluded. The experts proposed changing the definitions of the diagnoses of Impaired Tissue Integrity and Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity. It was possible to identify various defining characteristics and risk factors which are not present in the NANDA-I taxonomy but which are indicated in the literature. CONCLUSION: the process attained its objective of producing valid operational definitions for defining characteristics and risk factors, which will permit the undertaking of validation studies for these diagnoses. The study's contribution to advancing scientific knowledge consists in its presenting clearer operational definitions for these diagnoses and a higher number of defining characteristics and risk factors, which will assist the nurses in the identification and use of the same with greater accuracy in clinical practice.OBJETIVO: validar las definiciones operacionales de las características definidoras y factores de riesgo de los tres diagnósticos de enfermería relacionados a la piel de la NANDA International (NANDA-I) y revisar las definiciones de eses diagnósticos. MÉTODO: validación de contenido de diagnóstico de enfermería. Se identificaron 146 características definidoras y factores de riesgo en la literatura en las bases de datos nacionales e internacionales. Enseguida, se realizó la validación de contenido de las definiciones de estos diagnósticos, presentadas por la NANDA-I y de las definiciones operacionales, elaboradas por las investigadoras, de las características definidoras y factores de riesgo, por seis enfermeras expertas, en cuanto a la pertinencia, clareza y abarcamiento. RESULTADO: de las 146 características definidoras y factores de riesgo, 22 fueron considerados redundantes y excluidos. Los peritos propusieron alterar la definición de los diagnósticos de Integridad Tisular Dañada y Riesgo de Integridad de la Piel Dañada. Fue posible identificar varias características definidoras y factores de riesgo que no están presentes en la taxonomía de la NANDA-I, pero, que fueron apuntados por la literatura. CONCLUSIÓN: el proceso alcanzó el objetivo de producir definiciones operacionales válidas para características definidoras y factores de riesgo, lo que permitirá realizar estudios de validación de estos diagnósticos. La contribución del estudio para el avance del conocimiento científico consiste en presentar definiciones operacionales más claras de estos diagnósticos y un número mayor de características definidoras y factores de riesgo que podrá aportar con los enfermeros en la identificación y utilización de los mismos con mayor precisión en la práctica clínica.OBJETIVO: validar as definições operacionais das características definidoras e fatores de risco dos três diagnósticos de enfermagem, relacionados à pele, da NANDA International (NANDA-I), e revisar as definições desses diagnósticos. MÉTODO: validação de conteúdo de diagnóstico de enfermagem. Identificaram-se 146 características definidoras e fatores de risco na literatura, nas bases de dados nacionais e internacionais. Em seguida, realizou-se a validação de conteúdo das definições desses diagnósticos, apresentadas pela NANDA-I e das definições operacionais, elaboradas pelas pesquisadoras, das características definidoras e fatores de risco, por seis enfermeiras peritas, quanto à pertinência, clareza e abrangência. RESULTADOS: das 146 características definidoras e fatores de risco, 22 foram considerados redundantes e excluídos. Os peritos propuseram mudar a definição dos diagnósticos de Integridade Tissular Prejudicada e Risco de Integridade da Pele Prejudicada. Foi possível identificar várias características definidoras e fatores de risco que não estão presentes na taxonomia da NANDA-I, mas que foram apontados pela literatura. CONCLUSÃO: o processo atingiu o objetivo de produzir definições operacionais válidas para características definidoras e fatores de risco, o que permitirá realizar estudos de validação desses diagnósticos. A contribuição do estudo para o avanço do conhecimento científico consiste em apresentar definições operacionais mais claras desses diagnósticos e número maior de características definidoras e fatores de risco que poderão contribuir para que os enfermeiros identifiquem e se utilizem dos mesmos com maior acurácia na prática clínica