555 research outputs found

    Volume de pulverização reduzido para controle de Leucoptera coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) em plantas de café

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    The present work evaluated reducing on spray volume for the control of Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville & Perrottet, 1842; Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) in coffee. Were used a conventional sprayer to apply the volumes 400 and 200 L ha-1 and an ultra-low-volume (ULV) sprayer to apply 46, 67 and 92 L ha-1. Sprays utilized 800 mL.ha-1 of the insecticide profenofos+lufenuron. The tracer MnSO4 was mixed to the spraying liquids at 20 g L-1. Leaves were collected from different parts of the coffee tree to evaluate the volume of insecticide spraying liquid deposited. For the L. coffeella control, leaves were collected before and 7, 14, and 21 days after spraying (DAS) to evaluate the number of live and dead L. coffeella larvae. The variables data were subjected to variance analysis and the means compared by Tukey’s test (p<0.05). There was no significant difference for spraying liquid deposit between the volumes of 200 and 400 L ha-1, as well as among the ULVs at 46, 67 and 92 L ha-1, however with lower deposit for the latter. The estimated insecticide volume deposited was significantly higher for the 200 L ha-1. The untreated control had higher number of live L. coffeella larvae compared to the sprays at 7 and 21 DAS, as exception for the 14 DAS. The volume of 200 L ha-1 by the conventional sprayer and 92 L.ha-1 by the ULV sprayer may be adopted for coffee plantations providing insecticide deposit and control of L. coffeella with efficiency above 80%.Avaliou-se, no presente trabalho, a redução do volume de calda no controle de Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville & Perrottet, 1842) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae, no café. Foi utilizado um pulverizador convencional nos volumes de 200 e 400 L ha-1 e um pulverizador de ultrabaixo volume (UBV) a 46, 67 e 92 L ha-1. As pulverizações utilizaram 800 mL ha-1 do inseticida profenofós+lufenuron. O marcador MnSO4 foi adicionado às caldas, na proporção de 20 g L-1. Folhas foram coletadas em diferentes partes da planta para avaliar a quantidade de calda inseticida depositada. Para o controle de L. coffeella, folhas foram coletadas antes e depois de 7, 14 e 21 dias após pulverização (DAP), para a avaliação do número de larvas de L. coffeella vivas e mortas. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância com médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (p<0,05). Não houve diferença significativa na quantidade de calda depositada entre 200 e 400 L ha-1, bem como entre os UBVs 46, 67 e 92 L ha-1, porém estes últimos tiveram depósitos significativamente menores, comparados aos dois  maiores volumes. O volume estimado de inseticida depositado foi significativamente maior para 200 L ha-1. O controle sem pulverização teve maior número de larvas vivas de L. coffeella comparado às pulverizações aos 7 e 21 DAP, com exceção para 14 DAP. O volume de 200 L ha-1, por meio do pulverizador convencional, e 92 L ha-1, com o pulverizador UBV, podem ser adotados em plantações de café, proporcionando depósito de inseticida e controle de L. coffeella com eficiência acima de 80%

    Subprojeto pibid em educação física: experiências com o ensino de esportes não tradicionais

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O trabalho trata de um relato de experiência proposto por um grupo de acadêmicos participantes do subprojeto PIBID/PUCPR em Educação Física. Inicialmente foi feito um diagnóstico buscando mapear os espaços físicos e materiais para as aulas de Educação Física. Com a análise realizada na escola e na comunidade, a escolha de trabalhar os Esportes não tradicionais (futebol americano e beisebol), teve o propósito de apresentar o direito de conhecer práticas corporais que pertencem a outras culturas e de pouca expressividade no Brasil. Foram apresentados os materiais e a linguagem característica das modalidades. Também foram feitas adaptações enquanto ao jogo e aos materiais diante da realidade da escola. A aceitação da proposta por parte dos alunos do Colégio João Bettega foi bem sucedida, isso percebido através dos depoimentos e da curiosidade dos mesmos durante as aula

    Avaliação do clube de revista de anestesiologia por meio de mudanças semânticas

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    ResumoJustificativa e objetivosa abordagem interativa de um clube de revista foi descrita na literatura de ensino médico. O objetivo desta investigação é apresentar uma avaliação do clube de revista como uma ferramenta para discutir a questão da leitura crítica entre os residentes.Métodoseste estudo relata o desempenho dos médicos residentes de anestesiologia do Hospital das Clínicas – Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Todos os médicos residentes foram convidados a responder a cinco perguntas derivadas de artigos discutidos. A folha de resposta consistia em uma declaração afirmativa com uma escala do tipo Likert (discordo totalmente, discordo, não tenho certeza, concordo, concordo totalmente), cada declaração relacionada a um dos artigos escolhidos. Os resultados foram avaliados por meio da análise de itens – índice de dificuldade e poder de discriminação.Resultadosos residentes completaram 173 avaliações nos meses de dezembro de 2011 (n=51), julho de 2012 (n=66) e dezembro de 2012 (n=56). O primeiro teste apresentou todos os itens com declaração direta e o segundo e terceiro testes apresentaram itens mistos. Separar “concordo totalmente” de “concordo” aumentou os índices de dificuldade, mas não melhorou o poder de discriminação.Conclusõeso uso de uma avaliação do clube revista com declarações diretas e inversas e com o uso de uma escala de cinco pontos para acordo mostrou aumentar a dificuldade do item e o poder de discriminação. Isso pode refletir o envolvimento com a leitura ou com a discussão durante as reuniões do clube.AbstractBackground and objectivesThe interactive approach of a journal club has been described in the medical education literature. The aim of this investigation is to present an assessment of journal club as a tool to address the question whether residents read more and critically.MethodsThis study reports the performance of medical residents in anesthesiology from the Clinics Hospital – University of São Paulo Medical School. All medical residents were invited to answer five questions derived from discussed papers. The answer sheet consisted of an affirmative statement with a Likert type scale (totally disagree–disagree–not sure–agree–totally agree), each related to one of the chosen articles. The results were evaluated by means of item analysis – difficulty index and discrimination power.ResultsResidents filled one hundred and seventy three evaluations in the months of December 2011 (n=51), July 2012 (n=66) and December 2012 (n=56). The first exam presented all items with straight statement, second and third exams presented mixed items. Separating “totally agree” from “agree” increased the difficulty indices, but did not improve the discrimination power.ConclusionsThe use of a journal club assessment with straight and inverted statements and by means of five points scale for agreement has been shown to increase its item difficulty and discrimination power. This may reflect involvement either with the reading or the discussion during the journal meeting

    Psychophysical Measurements of Luminance Contrast Sensitivity and Color Discrimination with Transparent and Blue-Light Filter Intraocular Lenses

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    The purpose of this study was to measure luminance contrast sensitivity and color vision thresholdfs in normal subjects using a blue light filter lens and transparent intraocular lens material. Monocular luminance grating contrast sensitivity was measured with Psycho for Windows (version 2.36; Cambridge Research Systems) at 3.0, 6.0, 12.0, 20.0, and 30.0 cycles per degree of visual angle (cpd) in 15 normal subjects (eight female), with a mean age of 21.6 years (SD = 3.8 years). Chromatic discrimination was assessed with the Cambridge colour test (CCT) along the protan, deutan, and tritan color confusion axes. Both tests were performed in a darkened room under two situations: with a transparent lens and with blue light filter lens. Subjective impressions were taken by subjects regarding their visual experience under both conditions. No difference was found between the luminance contrast sensitivity measured with transparent and blue light filter. However, 13/15 (87%) of the subjects reported more comfortable vision with the blue filter. In the color vision test, tritan thresholds were significantly higher for the blue filter compared with the transparent filter (p = 0.003). For protan and deutan thresholds no differences were found. Blue-yellow color vision is impaired with the blue light filter, and no impairment occurs with the transparent filter. No significant differences in thresholds were found in the luminance contrast sensitivity comparing the blue light and transparent filters. The impact of short wavelength light filtering on intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells is also discussed.FAPESP Projeto TematicoFINEPCNPqUniv Sao Paulo, Dept Psicol Expt, Inst Psicol, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Nucleo Neurociencias & Comportamento & Neurocienc, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Oftalmol, Sao Paulo, BrazilHosp Israelita Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Oftalmol, Sao Paulo, BrazilFAPESP Projeto Tematico: 02/12733-8FINEP: 66.95.0407.00CNPq: 523303/95-5Web of Scienc

    Impact of glycemic control on the incidence of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients: a comparison of two strategies using the RIFLE criteria

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the renal outcome in patients submitted to two different regimens of glycemic control, using the RIFLE criteria to define acute kidney injury. INTRODUCTION: The impact of intensive insulin therapy on renal function outcome is controversial. The lack of a criterion for AKI definition may play a role on that. METHODS: Included as the subjects were 228 randomly selected, critically ill patients engaged in intensive insulin therapyor in a carbohydrate-restrictive strategy. Renal outcome was evaluated through the comparison of the last RIFLE score obtained during the ICU stay and the RIFLE score at admission; the outcome was classified as favorable, stable or unfavorable. RESULTS: The two groups were comparable regarding demographic data. AKI developed in 52% of the patients and was associated with a higher mortality (39.4%) compared with those who did not have AKI (8.2%) (p<0.001). Renal function outcome was comparable between the two groups (p=0.37). We observed a significant correlation between blood glucose levels and the incidence of acute kidney injury (p=0.007). In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, only APACHE III scores higher than 60 were identified as an independent risk factor for unfavorable renal outcome. APACHE III scores>60, acute kidney injury and hypoglycemia were risk factors for mortality. CONCLUSION: Intensive insulin therapy and a carbohydrate-restrictive strategy were comparable regarding the incidence of acute kidney injury evaluated using RIFLE criteria

    Thalassemia: essential radiographic and clinical features of interest to dentistry

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    Thalassemia is a type of hereditary anemia that predominantly affects individuals born in or descendents of countries bathed by the Mediterranean Sea, such as Italy and Greece. Also known as Cooley’s anemia and Mediterranean anemia, the disease causes alterations in hemoglobin formation and malformations of the cranium, long bones, maxilla and mandible. It presents two distinct clinical conditions: one severe, called “major” thalassemia, and the other mild, denominated “minor” thassalemia. Hematologic exam diagnoses the two forms of the disease. Its clinical and radiographic manifestations include hepatosplenomegalia, lymphadenopathy, augmented mandible, increase in medullary spaces, thick bone trabeculae and in lower quantity, resembling a “spider web”, displacement of the mandibular canal, with loss of detail of its superior and inferior corticals and a radiographic aspect of “hair standing on end” at the surface of the cranium. Some of these manifestations are so characteristic and capable of being observed in radiographs that they form part of the dentist’s routine. This case report discusses the alterations observed in the panoramic radiograph of a patient with thalassemia diagnosed by means of hematologic exam

    Species diversity and community structure of fruit-feeding butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in an eastern amazonian forest

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    Deforestation has negative impacts on diversity and community patterns of several taxa. In the eastern Amazon, where much deforestation is predicted for the coming years, forests patches may be essential to maintain the local biodiversity. Despite increasing concerns about the conservation of threatened areas, few studies have been performed to analyze the communities of diversified groups, such as insects, in the eastern Amazon. Here, we investigated species diversity and community structure of fruit-feeding butterflies, a well-known bioindicator group, in a threatened remnant of an eastern Amazonian forest located on Maranhão Island, northeastern Brazil. Fruit-feeding butterflies were sampled monthly for one year. Diversity and evenness indices, richness estimators, rarefaction curve, and rank-abundance plot were used to describe community structure in the study area. We captured 529 fruit-feeding butterflies in four subfamilies, 23 genera and 34 species. The three most abundant species, Hamadryas februa, Hamadryas feronia, and Hermeuptychia cf. atalanta are indicators of disturbed habitats and represented more than half of the collected individuals. Richness estimators revealed that between 87 and 94% of the fruit-feeding butterfly species were sampled, suggesting few additional records would be made for the area. Our results indicate that human-caused disturbances have altered local community patterns and provide baseline data for future research in threatened regions of the eastern Amazon

    Estudo comparativo da letalidade hospitalar da leptospirose entre pacientes pediátricos e adultos de diferentes grupos etários

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    O objetivo principal foi comparar a letalidade hospitalar da leptospirose entre pacientes pediátricos (; 19 anos), levando em consideração gênero, função renal, duração dos sintomas e icterícia. Prontuários de 1016 pacientes foram revistos. Análise comparativa foi restrita a 840 pacientes (100 pediátricos, 740 adultos) com informações sobre as variáveis incluídas na análise. Entre estes pacientes 81,4% eram do sexo masculino e 91,5% apresentavam icterícia à admissão. A letalidade da leptospirose foi 14,4%. A razão entre número de pacientes que morreram e número de pacientes que sobreviveram, ajustada para gênero, icterícia, duração de sintomas, uréia sérica e creatinina sérica foi quase quatro vezes maior no grupo adulto do que no pediátrico (odds ratio (OR) = 3,94; intervalo de confiança de 95% = 1,19-13,03, p = 0,029). Em adultos, idade mais avançada foi também significantemente e independentemente associada com maior risco de morte (p ;19 years) patients, taking into account gender, renal function, duration of symptoms and jaundice. Medical records of 1016 patients were reviewed. Comparative analysis was restricted to 840 patients (100 pediatric, 740 adults) with recorded information on the variables included in the analysis. Among these patients 81.7% were male and 91.5% were icteric. The case-fatality rate of leptospirosis was 14.4%. The odds of death adjusted for gender, jaundice, duration of symptoms, serum urea and serum creatinine were almost four times higher for the adult than for the pediatric group (odds ratio (OR) = 3.94; 95% confidence interval = 1.19-13.03, p = 0.029). Among adults, increased age was also significantly and independently associated with increased risk of death (p < 0.01). Older patients were also more often treated by dialysis. In conclusion, the data suggest that the in-hospital case fatality rate of leptospirosis is higher for adults than for children and adolescents, even after taking into account the effects of several potential risk factors of death. Among adults, older age was also strongly and independently associated with higher risk of death