924 research outputs found

    Modeling Socially Desirable Responding and Its Effects

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    The impact of socially desirable responding or faking on noncognitive assessments remains an issue of strong debate. One of the main reasons for the controversy is the lack of a statistical method to model such response sets. This article introduces a new way to model faking based on the assumption that faking occurs due to an interaction between person and situation. The technique combines a control group design with structural equation modeling and allows a separation of trait and faking variance. The model is introduced and tested in an example. The results confirm a causal nfluence of faking on means and covariance structure of a Big 5 questionnaire. Both effects can be reversed by the proposed model. Finally, a real-life criterion was implemented and predicted by both variance sources. In this example, it was the trait but not the faking variance that was predictive. Implications for research and practice are discussed

    Salivary gland-specific <i>P. berghei</i> reporter lines enable rapid evaluation of tissue-specific sporozoite loads in mosquitoes

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    Malaria is a life-threatening human infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Levels of the salivary gland sporozoites (sgs), the only mosquito stage infectious to a mammalian host, represent an important cumulative index of &lt;i&gt;Plasmodium&lt;/i&gt; development within a mosquito. However, current techniques of sgs quantification are laborious and imprecise. Here, transgenic &lt;i&gt;P. berghei&lt;/i&gt; reporter lines that produce the green fluorescent protein fused to luciferase (GFP-LUC) specifically in sgs were generated, verified and characterised. Fluorescence microscopy confirmed the sgs stage specificity of expression of the reporter gene. The luciferase activity of the reporter lines was then exploited to establish a simple and fast biochemical assay to evaluate sgs loads in whole mosquitoes. Using this assay we successfully identified differences in sgs loads in mosquitoes silenced for genes that display opposing effects on &lt;i&gt;P. berghei&lt;/i&gt; ookinete/oocyst development. It offers a new powerful tool to study infectivity of &lt;i&gt;P. berghei&lt;/i&gt; to the mosquito, including analysis of vector-parasite interactions and evaluation of transmission-blocking vaccines

    IL-6 and TNF-alpha polymorphisms in portuguese psoriatic patients

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    Introduction: Cytokines regulate the growth, function and differentiation of cells and help to steer immune response and inflammation. In this study we focused our attention in two proinflammatory cytokines: IL-6 and TNFa. It is known that their overexpression is responsible for initiation, maintenance and recurrence of skin lesions in psoriatic patients. Therefore, it is important to investigate genetic biomarkers with functional effects in the genes of those cytokines that could help to predict the severity of Psoriasis. Objectives: To investigate the hypothesis that allelic variants in IL-6 and TNF-a genes are a risk factor for the developing of severe Psoriasis. Materials and Methods: A cohort of 178 (74 females, 104 males) psoriatic patients with severe plaque type psoriasis [according to the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI)] and 206 healthy individuals were selected. Several polymorphisms in the IL-6 gene (rs1800795, rs1800796, rs2069827, rs2069840) and TNF-a (rs361525, rs1799964, rs1800629) promoter region were genotyped. SNP genotyping was performed using Mass Spectrometry (MassARRAY iPLEX–Sequenom). Results: We observed a lower frequency in the minor allele (C) of the TNFa rs1799964 SNP in psoriatic patients, compared with controls [(21.9% vs. 29.4%), p = 0.02, OR = 0.675 (0.49–0.94)]. The frequency of the CC genotype in patients was 3.93% while in the healthy control group it was 9.22% [(p = 0.04, OR = 0.403 (0.17–0.98)]. No statistical significant differences were found in the other polymorphisms. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the rs1799964 C allele could be a protective factor for developing severe psoriasis. These results were similar to the findings of Gallo et al (2012) in a Spanish population. The mechanism to explain this association remains elusive, given the lack of evidence of a functional association

    Giant magnetoresistance in quantum magnetic contacts

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    We present calculations of quantized conductance and magnetoresistance in nanosize point contacts between two ferromagnetic metals. When conductance is open for only one conduction electrons spin-projection, the magnitude of magnetoresistance is limited by the rate of conduction electron spin-reversal processes. For the case when both spin-channels contribute to the conductance we analyze the influence of the point contact cross-section asymmetry on the giant megnetoresistance. Recent experiments on magnetoresistance of magnetic point contacts are discussed in the framework of the developed theory.Comment: 11 pages, TEX, 2 Figures. Journ. Magn. Magn. Mater. (2002) submitte

    The signed loop approach to the Ising model: foundations and critical point

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    The signed loop method is a beautiful way to rigorously study the two-dimensional Ising model with no external field. In this paper, we explore the foundations of the method, including details that have so far been neglected or overlooked in the literature. We demonstrate how the method can be applied to the Ising model on the square lattice to derive explicit formal expressions for the free energy density and two-point functions in terms of sums over loops, valid all the way up to the self-dual point. As a corollary, it follows that the self-dual point is critical both for the behaviour of the free energy density, and for the decay of the two-point functions.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, with an improved Introduction. The final publication is available at link.springer.co

    A dual-target herbicidal inhibitor of lysine biosynthesis

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    Herbicides with novel modes of action are urgently needed to safeguard global agricultural industries against the damaging effects of herbicide-resistant weeds. We recently developed the first herbicidal inhibitors of lysine biosynthesis, which provided proof-of- concept for a promising novel herbicide target. In this study, we expanded upon our understanding of the mode of action of herbicidal lysine biosynthesis inhibitors. We previously postulated that these inhibitors may act as proherbicides. Here, we show this is not the case. We report an additional mode of action of these inhibitors, through their inhibition of a second lysine biosynthesis enzyme, and investigate the molecular determinants of inhibition. Furthermore, we extend our herbicidal activity analyses to include a weed species of global significance.Emily RR Mackie, Andrew S Barrow, Rebecca M Christoff, Belinda M Abbott, Anthony R Gendall, Tatiana P Soares da Cost

    Universality in two-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang growth

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    We analyze simulations results of a model proposed for etching of a crystalline solid and results of other discrete models in the 2+1-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) class. In the steady states, the moments W_n of orders n=2,3,4 of the heights distribution are estimated. Results for the etching model, the ballistic deposition (BD) model and the temperature-dependent body-centered restricted solid-on-solid model (BCSOS) suggest the universality of the absolute value of the skewness S = W_3 / (W_2)^(3/2) and of the value of the kurtosis Q = W_4 / (W_2)^2 - 3. The sign of the skewness is the same of the parameter \lambda of the KPZ equation which represents the process in the continuum limit. The best numerical estimates, obtained from the etching model, are |S| = 0.26 +- 0.01 and Q = 0.134 +- 0.015. For this model, the roughness exponent \alpha = 0.383 +- 0.008 is obtained, accounting for a constant correction term (intrinsic width) in the scaling of the squared interface width. This value is slightly below previous estimates of extensive simulations and rules out the proposal of the exact value \alpha=2/5. The conclusion is supported by results for the ballistic deposition model. Independent estimates of the dynamical exponent and of the growth exponent are 1.605 <= z <= 1.64 and \beta = 0.229 +- 0.005, respectively, which are consistent with the relations \alpha + z = 2 and z = \alpha / \beta.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    O Sistema Endocanabinóide – uma perspetiva terapêutica

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    Although the medicinal use of Cannabis sativa derivatives is well known since antiquity, the study of their properties expanded recently with the discovery of an endogenous cannabinoid system, which comprises the endogenous cannabis-like ligands (endocannabinoids), the cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) and the enzymes involved in their metabolism. Since the discovery of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), the scientific community focused on research of its clinical use and achieved important findings during the last decade. In some countries, cannabis derivatives are a pharmacological option for appetite stimulation and pain treatment. However, the first ECS-based drug rimonabant (a CB1 antagonist), approved for the treatment obesity with associated risk factors, was withdrawn due to safety concerns. Nowadays, based on the growing evidences resulting from preclinical and clinical studies of ECS modulators, these drugs are currently pointed out as novel therapeutic approaches for several pathophysiological conditions. Here, we review the potential role of (endo)cannabinoid system in therapeutics and the recent designed strategies for the development of drugs that target this system. A utilização terapêutica da Cannabis sativa ou seus derivados é conhecida há muitos anos, no entanto, o estudo das suas propriedades despontou recentemente com a descoberta de um sistema canabinóide endógeno (ECS). O ECS compreende os compostos endógenos similares ao tetrahidrocanabinol (endocanabinóides), os recetores canabinóides (CB1 e CB2) e as enzimas envolvidas no seu metabolismo. Desde a descoberta do ECS, a comunidade científica focou-se na investigação do seu potencial clínico com resultados encorajadores. Em alguns países, os derivados da cannabis constituem uma opção farmacológica na estimulação do apetite e tratamento da dor. O primeiro medicamento baseado no ECS, o rimonabant (um antagonista CB1), foi aprovado para o tratamento da obesidade associada a outros fatores de risco, no entanto foi retirado por questões de segurança. Atualmente, e baseadas nos estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos, existem várias evidências do seu interesse clínico na modulação de diversas condições fisiopatológicas. Neste artigo discutimos o papel potencial do sistema (endo)canabinóide na terapêutica e as recentes estratégias desenvolvidas na modulação do sistema.

    Comment on "Critique of q-entropy for thermal statistics" by M. Nauenberg

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    It was recently published by M. Nauenberg [1] a quite long list of objections about the physical validity for thermal statistics of the theory sometimes referred to in the literature as {\it nonextensive statistical mechanics}. This generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) statistical mechanics is based on the following expression for the entropy: S_q= k\frac{1- \sum_{i=1}^Wp_i^q}{q-1} (q \in {\cal R}; S_1=S_{BG} \equiv -k\sum_{i=1}^W p_i \ln p_i) . The author of [1] already presented orally the essence of his arguments in 1993 during a scientific meeting in Buenos Aires. I am replying now simultaneously to the just cited paper, as well as to the 1993 objections (essentially, the violation of "fundamental thermodynamic concepts", as stated in the Abstract of [1]).Comment: 7 pages including 2 figures. This is a reply to M. Nauenberg, Phys. Rev. E 67, 036114 (2003