4,555 research outputs found

    Accelerating Gauss-Newton filters on FPGA's

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 123-128).Radar tracking filters are generally computationally expensive, involving the manipulation of large matrices and deeply nested loops. In addition, they must generally work in real-time to be of any use. The now-common Kalman Filter was developed in the 1960's specifically for the purposes of lowering its computational burden, so that it could be implemented using the limited computational resources of the time. However, with the exponential increases in computing power since then, it is now possible to reconsider more heavy-weight, robust algorithms such as the original nonrecursive Gauss-Newton filter on which the Kalman filter is based. This dissertation investigates the acceleration of such a filter using FPGA technology, making use of custom, reduced-precision number formats

    Le Conseil d’État, le droit public français et le «foulard»

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    Jean Marcou : Monsieur le Conseiller, pouvez-vous nous rappeler tout d’abord ce que l’on entend désormais en France par “affaire du foulard islamique” ? Jean-Paul Costa : L’affaire dite du “foulard islamique” a fait couler beaucoup d’encre depuis près de cinq ans en France. On sait que cette affaire a commencé par des incidents dans plusieurs collèges, résultant du port par des jeunes filles de confession musulmane durant les classes du foulard dit islamique, interprété comme un signe d’appar..

    Le Conseil d'Etat, le droit français et le foulard

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    Entretien avec Jean_Paul Costa, Conseiller d'Etat, sur l'attitude d'arbitre adoptée par cette institution au moment de l'affaire du "foulard islamique" en France. Les décisions prises jusqu'à présent doivent être comprises comme des mesures provisoires, car le droit français sur la laïcité devra à terme être révisé afin de prendre en compte les évolutions de la société française et, notamment, la place occupée par l'islam, devenu deuxième religion en France

    Development of software used to analyse the combustion and energy release characteristics of diesel fuels

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    Software to analyse the combustion and energy release characteristics of fuels was designed and developed. The software was used to investigate the characteristics of diesel fuels at varying loads by performing thermodynamic analysis techniques and displaying the results. The software performed the analysis directly according to the objectives as to which it was designed for. It obtained the same energy release curves and other energy modelling characteristics as compared to the original software. The software was also found to increase the power of analysis through its improved analysis components. The results obtained for the diesel tests appear to be representative of all speeds and loads showing the typical behaviour expected, indicating that the engine and the data analysis techniques performed by the software are consistent and correct. It is apparent that the trends obtained follow the expected patterns and are complementary of each other, demonstrating the absence of any major problems. The software will be used to further the research into alternative fuels and will make the analysis process more efficient and less time consuming


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    Esta pesquisa insere-se no contexto dos estudos comparativos e aborda a temática da correspondência entre as artes e a multiplicidade dos sentidos. Assumindo a postura dialógica defendida e munidos de referencial estético, filosófico e fenomenológico, procuramos investigar o romance Lavoura arcaica, de Raduan Nassar, e o filme LavourArcaica, dirigido por Luiz Fernando Carvalho, atentando sobretudo para a correspondência estabelecida entre as duas linguagens para explicar a condição humana a partir das memórias do personagem-narrador André. Dessa forma, voltar o olhar às duas narrativas e reconstruí-las neste trabalho, implicou o nascimento de algumas problematizações em torno das subjetividades que compõem o corpo da família de André

    O cinema e novos cenários epistêmicos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem

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    O presente artigo caminha pelas nuances da linguagem cinematográfica como um tecido epistêmico e como uma metodologia capaz de potencializar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem pelos múltiplos cenários de uma sala de aula. O cinema é uma pilha radioativa de interações e identificações, mas ainda é subutilizado na reorganização epistêmica dos conteúdos em nossa educação. Nesse sentido, faz-se mister reinventarmos o cinema como experiência do sensível. As problematizações seguirão o fluxo teórico de kant (1995), Lipman (2001), Vanoye & Goliot-Lété (1994), em algumas obras cinematográficas a fim de problematizarmos caminhos para novas recepções e sentidos no processo de reeducação a partir do cinema.This article walks through the nuances of cinematographic language as an epistemic fabric and as a methodology capable of potentiating the teaching-learning process through the multiple scenarios of a classroom. Movie theater is a radioactive pile of interactions and identifications, but it is still underutilized in the epistemic reorganization of content in our education. In this sense, it is necessary to reinvent movie theater as an experience of the sensitive. The problematizations will follow the theoretical flow of kant (1995), Lipman (2001), Vanoye * Goliot-Lété (1994), in some cinematographic works in order to problematize paths to new receptions and senses in the process of re-education from movie theater


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    Este artigo problematiza o jogo poético e conflituoso de alguns sentidos e construções da memória na narrativa entre o romance Lavoura arcaica (1989), de Raduan Nassar, e o filme LavourArcaica (2001), de Luiz Fernando Carvalho. Certos disso, chamemos, pois, Iohána, pai do narrador-personagem André, corretíssimo ao afirmar que “toda palavra, sim, é uma semente; entre as coisas humanas que podem nos assombrar, vem a força do verbo em primeiro lugar” (NASSAR, 1989, p. 162). Assim, neste trabalho, aborda-se, então, uma questão que desenha não apenas o tecido desse conflito sólido e, muitas vezes, tênue entre o visível e invisível, o real e o imaginário, entre o texto e a tela; sobretudo, aborda-se acerca do tecido das experiências, do corpo das coisas materiais e também das abstratas que sustentam o espaço da nossa existência como seres de palavras e, também, de imagens.This article problematizes the poetic and conflicting play of some meanings and constructions of memory in the narrative between the novel Lavoura arcaica (1989), by Raduan Nassar, and the film LavourArcaica (2001), by Luiz Fernando Carvalho. In certain of this, let us call, Yohána, father of the narrator-character Andrew, correct to affirm that \"every word, yes, is a seed; among the human things that can haunt us comes the strength of the verb first\" (NASSAR, 1989, p. 162). Thus, in this work, a question is addressed that draws not only the fabric of this solid conflict and, often, tenuous between the visible and invisible, the real and the imaginary, between the text and the screen; above all, it is about the fabric of experiences, the body of material things and also the abstracts that sustain the space of our existence as beings of words and also of images

    Group-Conditional Conformal Prediction via Quantile Regression Calibration for Crop and Weed Classification

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    As deep learning predictive models become an integral part of a large spectrum of precision agricultural systems, a barrier to the adoption of such automated solutions is the lack of user trust in these highly complex, opaque and uncertain models. Indeed, deep neural networks are not equipped with any explicit guarantees that can be used to certify the system's performance, especially in highly varying uncontrolled environments such as the ones typically faced in computer vision for agriculture.Fortunately, certain methods developed in other communities can prove to be important for agricultural applications. This article presents the conformal prediction framework that provides valid statistical guarantees on the predictive performance of any black box prediction machine, with almost no assumptions, applied to the problem of deep visual classification of weeds and crops in real-world conditions. The framework is exposed with a focus on its practical aspects and special attention accorded to the Adaptive Prediction Sets (APS) approach that delivers marginal guarantees on the model's coverage. Marginal results are then shown to be insufficient to guarantee performance on all groups of individuals in the population as characterized by their environmental and pedo-climatic auxiliary data gathered during image acquisition.To tackle this shortcoming, group-conditional conformal approaches are presented: the ''classical'' method that consists of iteratively applying the APS procedure on all groups, and a proposed elegant reformulation and implementation of the procedure using quantile regression on group membership indicators. Empirical results showing the validity of the proposed approach are presented and compared to the marginal APS then discussed

    A estética da crueldade nas fronteiras identitárias em Mia Couto

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    This work aims to investigate the paths of aesthetics of cruelty built in the novel “God's Poison, Devil's Relief” by Mia Couto, from the hybridization, deterritorialization and pathways of  diasporal identities created and fragmented in speeches in the village Cacimba, the scenario illustrates the story of Bartolomeu Sozinho, his wife Dona Munda, the physician Sidónio Rosa and the woman, Deolinda, who he loves and tries to meet her again in the village named Cacimba. In this scenario the texts about the language as colonization take place, the supposed epidemic while multietnicity, diaspora, miscegenation seen much resistance, and certain inversions of meanings taken as maniqueísm and taboos, as suggested by the title itself God's Poison, Devil's Relief, reveal aesthetic of cruelty in crossing  borders and borders crossing in speeches identities.O presente trabalho pretende investigar as veredas da estética da crueldade construídas no romance Venenos de Deus, remédios do Diabo, de Mia Couto, a partir da hibridização, desterriorização e dos percursos das identidades diaspóricas criadas e fragmentadas nos discursos existentes na Vila Cacimba, cenário que documenta a  história de Bartolomeu Sozinho, sua esposa Dona Munda, o médico Sidónio Rosa e a mulher que este ama e busca reencontrar em Vila Cacimba, Deolinda. Nesse cenário é que os textos acerca da língua enquanto colonização, da suposta epidemia enquanto multietnicidade, da diáspora, das miscigenações vistas com muita resistência, e certas inversões de significados tidos como maniqueísmos e tabus, como sugere o próprio título Venenos de Deus, remédios do Diabo, desvelam estéticas da crueldade nos cruzamentos de fronteiras e nas fronteiras que se cruzam em discursos identitários