1,016 research outputs found

    Bienal em Revista

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Jornalismo.Bienal em RevistaA Bienal Internacional do Livro de São Paulo é a maior feira literária da América Latina e em 2014 chegou à sua 23ª edição, com cerca de 720 mil visitantes. Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso propõe a edição zero de uma revista impressa para ser distribuída durante o evento, com o objetivo de complementar a experiência de visita do público. São pautas da revista: influência da internet na literatura, locais literários para visitar em São Paulo, popularização da literatura distópica, relatos de escritores sobre a profissão, resenhas e entrevistas

    Contributo para o estudo de adaptação e validação do instrumento : dectección de malester emocional para a população portuguesa : avaliação de mal estar emocional-AME

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    O presente estudo intitulado de «Contributo para o estudo de Adaptação e Validação do Instrumento: “Detección de Malestar Emocional” para a população Portuguesa (Avaliação de Mal estar Emocional-AME)» teve como objetivo contribuir para a adaptação do instrumento AME “Avaliação de Mal estar Emocional” para a população Portuguesa, perspetivando a sua validação em estudos posteriores. O instrumento original, designado de “Detección de Malestar Emocional”-(DME), foi desenvolvido por Limonero e colaboradores (2012) com o objetivo de avaliar e diminuir o mal estar emocional em doentes oncológicos acompanhados no contexto de cuidados paliativos. A versão original Espanhola foi traduzida para o idioma Português. Foi realizada a tradução e retroversão do instrumento original, discussão e análise da equivalência concetual, cultural e linguística. O instrumento AME é constituído por 4 itens tal como o instrumento DME. Através do método da reflexão falada junto de uma especialista (enfermeira) e de dois doentes oncológicos acompanhados em contexto de consulta externa em cuidados paliativos, procedeu-se à substituição no primeiro item, de “estado de ânimo” por “ânimo” e “regular” por “normal”, de forma a proporcionar uma melhor compreensão aos futuros destinatários, ou seja, profissionais de saúde e doentes. O AME manteve os quatro itens da versão original.Cristina Pinto | v ABSTRACT The present study, entitled «Contribution to the study of Adaptation and Validation of The Instrument “Detección de Malestar Emocional” for the Portuguese population (Assessment of Distress-AME)» aims to contribute to the adaptation of the “Assessment of Distress” for the Portuguese population overlooking its validation in further studies. The original instrument, named “Detección de Malestar Emocional” (DME), was developed by Limonero and colleagues (2012) in order to assess and reduce the distress in cancer patients in the context of palliative care. The original Spanish version was translated into Portuguese language. We performed the translation and retroversion of the original instrument, discussion and analysis of conceptual, cultural and linguistic. AME instrument consists in four items such as DME instrument. Through the method of thinking aloud with a health professional (nurse) and two outpatient followed in the context of palliative care, we proceeded to replace the first item the words “mood state” by “mood” and “regular” by “normal”, in order to provide a better understanding for future beneficiaries, i.e., health care professionals and patients. The AME kept the four items of the original versio

    Knowledge of Dentists about Hypomineralization Enamel Defects: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: To evaluate a group of Brazilian dentists on their knowledge of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) and Hypomineralized Second Primary Molars (HSPM) related to clinical aspects, consequences, and diagnostic criteria. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional, the participants were invited by e-mail and Whatsapp® to answer a questionnaire about their knowledge of hypomineralization enamel defects (MIH/HSPM) on the Google Forms® platform. The questionnaire comprised eight questions about personal data and multiple-choice questions about their knowledge concerning clinical aspects, diagnostic criteria of MIH/HSPM and differential diagnosis through clinical images. Chi-square test was applied with the significance level set at 5%. Results: Most participants (n = 492; 91.1%) reported having knowledge about MIH/HSPM. The general dentists gave more incorrect answers (n = 40; 65.6 %;) about dental tissues affected by MIH/HSPM. Overall, 83.3% of the dentists gave the correct answer to which dentitions are associated with this condition. In addition, most dentists presented knowledge about the consequences related to possible fractures (n= 487; 90.2%) and about an increased risk of caries (n= 479; 88.9%) in the affected teeth.  Regarding the differential diagnosis performed through clinical images, most participants gave incorrect answers (p≤0.001). Conclusion: The participants presented knowledge about the dentition associated with this condition and possible consequences related to the teeth affected by MIH/HSPM; however, they showed difficulties concerning clinical diagnostic criteria

    Relapse of cervical cancer 12 years after the treatment

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    Cervical cancer is the third most common gynecologic cancer in women and it remains one of the main causes of death. With rare exceptions, it results from an HPV infection and about 5% of this infection will culminate in the development of CIN 2 or CIN 3 lesions. After treatment with surgery or radiotherapy, 10 to 20% of the patients will have a relapse and/or metastases usually in the first two years after completing their treatment. In this article, we present a clinical case of a lymph node relapse 12 years after treatment in a 43-year-old patient with a microinvasive cervical cancer history, Figo stage IA1, without lymphovascular invasion

    Ant Fauna in Megadiverse Mountains: a Checklist for the Rocky Grasslands

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    The rocky grasslands, environments locally known as campos rupestres, occur mainly along the Espinhaço Mountains and are considered local centers of biodiversity and endemism in Brazil. However, knowledge of ant species richness (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in this kind of environment is still poor. Aiming at filling this gap, we compiled information from empirical studies and literature records. We found a total of 288 species of 53 genera and eight subfamilies recorded in rocky grasslands. Myrmicinae and Formicinae were the most representative subfamilies, with 53% and 18% of the total species richness, respectively. The genera with the largest number of species were Pheidole (41) and Camponotus (40). This large number of ant species recorded for the rocky grasslands surpasses those found in other studies conducted in several different places. Ant species richness decreased with altitude; most species occur below 800 m a.s.l. (171), and only a few species occur above1600 m a.s.l. (17). Some genera occur only at a specific altitude (e.g., Azteca and Dolichoderus at 800/900 m a.s.l.; Leptogenys and Labidus at 1400 m a.s.l.), which points out to the potential use of ants as biological indicators. Our results suggest that the rocky grasslands favor high ant diversity. The patterns of ant richness associated with the altitude gradient reinforce the idea of considering the rocky grasslands as priority areas for biological conservation. Moreover, we observed a lack of records on the occurrence of most ant species considered in the present study (93%), which shows that Brazilian myrmecologists need to invest more in taxonomy, management, and data sharing

    Occupational Therapy in Multidisciplinary Residency in Family and Community Health

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    In this study, we report the experiences of occupational therapist during the Multidisciplinary Residency Program in Family and Community Health in Fortaleza, Ceará state, Brazil. With the creation of the Support Center for Family Health – NASF, occupational therapists began to participate more effectively in the Family Health Strategy of the Brazilian National Health System. Given this rocess, the category, which historically has trained its professionals following the biomedical model, is faced with the challenge to build a new field of knowledge. Objective: To analyze the inclusion of occupational therapy in the Family Health Strategy within the scope of Multidisciplinary Residency. Methodology: This is a descriptive study of qualitative approach, which was based on the experience of four occupational therapy resident students, performed through the documental analysis of field diaries, scientific papers, and case studies produced between 2009 and 2011. Results: The occupational therapists as well as the other NASF professionals operated the logic of Matrix Support to the Family Health teams, sharing their knowledge and assisting in resolving complex cases of the families, groups, and communities served. In this context, we found people with different relationships with their doings and a reduced repertoire of activities. The occupational therapists invested in the creation or consolidation of groups in the Family Health Centers and in the territory, which also stood as living and socializing spaces, focusing on prevention and health promotion

    The effect of high-fat diet on rat’s mood, feeding behavior and response to stress

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    An association between obesity and depression has been indicated in studies addressing common physical (metabolic) and psychological (anxiety, low self-esteem) outcomes. Of consideration in both obesity and depression are chronic mild stressors to which individuals are exposed to on a daily basis. However, the response to stress is remarkably variable depending on numerous factors, such as the physical health and the mental state at the time of exposure. Here a chronic mild stress (CMS) protocol was used to assess the effect of high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity on response to stress in a rat model. In addition to the development of metabolic complications, such as glucose intolerance, diet-induced obesity caused behavioral alterations. Specifically, animals fed on HFD displayed depressive- and anxious-like behaviors that were only present in the normal diet (ND) group upon exposure to CMS. Of notice, these mood impairments were not further aggravated when the HFD animals were exposed to CMS, which suggest a ceiling effect. Moreover, although there was a sudden drop of food consumption in the first 3 weeks of the CMS protocol in both ND and HFD groups, only the CMS-HFD displayed an overall noticeable decrease in total food intake during the 6 weeks of the CMS protocol. Altogether, the study suggests that HFD impacts on the response to CMS, which should be considered when addressing the consequences of obesity in behavior.EU Marie Curie Initial Training Fellowships from the NINA Project. FM (IF/00231/2013) is an assistant researcher and NV (SFRH/BPD/91250/2012) is a post-doctoral fellow supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal)/FEDER. This work was funded by the Portuguese North Regional Operational Program (ON.2 - O Novo Norte) under the National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN), through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)

    Influence of Environmental Factors on the Presence and Severity of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization

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    Objective: To assess the association between environmental factors during pregnancy and early childhood with the presence and severity of Molar Incisor Hipomineralization (MIH). Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 120 patients between 7 and 14 years of age. MIH was evaluated according to EAPD criteria. Data collected included the child’s medical history and the mother’s health. Chi-square and logistic regression were performed to determine any statistical evidence of the environmental factors, with the significance level set at 5%. Results: The participants were divided into groups with MIH (n=60) and without MIH (n=60), with average ages of 9.9 (±1.9) and 9.7 (±1.7) years, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between intercurrences during pregnancy (OR=3.55; IC95%=1.35-10.57) and medication taken by the child (OR=3.01; IC95%=1.74-8.42) and the presence of MIH. In addition, other variables were also associated with the MIH (p≤0.05). However, there was no association with variables and degree of MIH severity (p>0.05). Conclusion: The use of medications in childhood and complications during pregnancy can be association to the presence of MIH. However, these factors do not interaction to MIH severity

    Homeologous regulation of Frigida-like genes provides insights on reproductive development and somatic embryogenesis in the allotetraploid Coffea arabica

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    Coffea arabica is an allotetraploid of high economic importance. C. arabica transcriptome is a combination of the transcripts of two parental genomes (C. eugenioides and C. canephora) that gave rise to the homeologous genes of the species. Previous studies have reported the transcriptional dynamics of C. arabica. In these reports, the ancestry of homeologous genes was identified and the overall regulation of homeologous differential expression (HDE) was explored. One of these genes is part of the FRIGIDA-like family (FRL), which includes the Arabidopsis thaliana flowering-time regulation protein, FRIGIDA (FRI). As nonfunctional FRI proteins give rise to rapid-cycling summer annual ecotypes instead of vernalization-responsive winter-annuals, allelic variation in FRI can modulate flowering time in A. thaliana. Using bioinformatics, genomic analysis, and the evaluation of gene expression of homeologs, we characterized the FRL gene family in C. arabica. Our findings indicate that C. arabica expresses 10 FRL homeologs, and that, throughout flower and fruit development, these genes are differentially transcribed. Strikingly, in addition to confirming the expression of FRL genes during zygotic embryogenesis, we detected FRL expression during direct somatic embryogenesis, a novel finding regarding the FRL gene family. The HDE profile of FRL genes suggests an intertwined homeologous gene regulation. Furthermore, we observed that FLC gene of C. arabica has an expression profile similar to that of CaFRL genes9FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2013/17544-

    Prevention and Management of Dental Trauma in Primary Teeth in the Context of the COVID-19: A Critical Literature Review

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    Objective: To evaluate and discuss the prevention and management of dental trauma in primary teeth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and Methods: Critic literature review, searching electronic databases and Google for articles and guidelines published in English that described prevention and management of dental trauma in primary dentition during the pandemic of COVID-19. Results: 5 publications regarding management and 1 leaflet about prevention for parents were identified. Urgent care is required when the child presents tooth fracture resulting in pain or causing soft tissue trauma and luxation affecting bite. Avulsed teeth should not be replanted and advice and self-help may be sufficient in some situations. Instructions about soft diet and hygiene must be provided. Remote consults are recommended for non-urgent situations and during follow-up to evaluate the presence of sequelae. Aerosol generating procedures should be avoided and, in cases of poor prognosis, extraction is recommended to prevent recurring visits to the dental office. Conclusion: During COVID-19 pandemic, remote consults should be recommended to evaluate traumatic dental injuries in primary dentition. Follow-up should not be neglected and may be performed through remote consultation