392 research outputs found

    As (in)adequações das decisões dos tribunais superiores e da doutrina acerca da admissão da prescrição retroativa parcial após o advento da Lei n.º 12.234, de 5 de maio de 2010

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.Esta monografia trata das (in)adequações das decisões dos tribunais superiores e da doutrina acerca da admissão da prescrição retroativa parcial após o advento da Lei n.º 12.234, de 5 de maio de 2010. Para isso, busca-se, num primeiro momento, descrever os principais aspectos históricos e filosóficos da prescrição no Brasil e no mundo, bem como retratar o funcionamento das espécies de prescrição dispostas no atual Código Penal brasileiro, aprofundando-se na reflexão a respeito do instituto da prescrição retroativa. Depois, passa-se a analisar o processo legislativo que culminou na Lei n.º 12.234/2010 a fim de verificar os objetivos da referida norma, bem como a sua compatibilidade com a Constituição Federal. Bem assim, apontam-se os debates doutrinário e jurisprudencial acerca da revogação total ou parcial da prescrição retroativa após a vigência da citada lei. Por fim, analisam-se as (in)adequações dessas posições e das decisões dos tribunais superiores acerca do tema, para, então, adotar posição minoritária e demonstrar que a prescrição retroativa foi totalmente extinta do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro

    What do managers think about the success potential of CRM campaigns?

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    This research analyzes cause-related marketing (CrM) from the perspective of companies. The study aims to achieve a better understanding about what managers think about CrM by analyzing the level of acceptance and usage of this marketing tool, based on the UTAUT model. Using in-depth interviews as research method, we conclude that managers see the benefit of company partaken in initiatives as such, but not necessarily CrM. The reasons why managers choose to participate in Cause-related Marketing initiatives originate from the mix obtained through improving the firm by doing something considered socially positive. CrM was well evaluated by the participants and considered well positioned in terms of acceptance and usage, based on four factors: performance and effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. Interviewees expressed excitement towards CrM and believe in it as a powerful tool to improve the firms’ image and consumers feeling towards it. While the literature uses several concepts (Corporate Social Responsibility or Social Marketing), the interviewees emphasize genuine caring and showing interest, time and funds to support consumers social concerns.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improving communication skill training in patient centered medical practice for enhancing rational use of laboratory tests: The core of bioinformation for leveraging stakeholder engagement in regulatory science.

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    Requests for laboratory tests are among the most relevant additional tools used by physicians as part of patient's health problemsolving. However, the overestimation of complementary investigation may be linked to less reflective medical practice as a consequence of a poor physician-patient communication, and may impair patient-centered care. This scenario is likely to result from reduced consultation time, and a clinical model focused on the disease. We propose a new medical intervention program that specifically targets improving the patient-centered communication of laboratory tests results, the core of bioinformation in health care. Expectations are that medical students training in communication skills significantly improve physicians-patient relationship, reduce inappropriate use of laboratorial tests, and raise stakeholder engagement

    Do Transe à Vertigem, de Rodrigo Nunes

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    Esta resenha aborda o livro Do transe à vertigem: ensaios sobre bolsonarismo e um mundo em transição, publicado pelo professor e filósofo Rodrigo Nunes, que investiga a consolidação da extrema-direita no Brasil e a ascensão do bolsonarismo, fenômeno político e social que supera o governo que lhe deu forma. A publicação reúne sete ensaios, escritos entre 2019 e 2022, que analisam de forma lúcida e abrangente o cenário político brasileiro e mundial, bem como as dificuldades que ele nos impõe. No livro, são destrinchados temas que se relacionam com o contexto investigado, como a convergência entre política e cultura, que deu base para que emergisse o negacionismo, as guerras culturais e as fake news, além da acentuação de crises sociais e econômicas desencadeadas pela globalização neoliberal. Por fim, Nunes aponta caminhos para suplantar tais desafios, sendo um deles a radicalização

    Técnicas ecocardiográficas para la evaluación de la presión de la arteria pulmonar

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    This paper aims to perform an analysis of the indirect methods of pulmonary artery pressure assessment based on the scientific literature. Through bibliographic survey, scientific articles were selected according to their relevance to the theme.The assessment of pulmonary artery pressure allows to infer whether the individual has pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), which is associated with a poor prognosis in dogs diagnosed with mitral valve degeneration. The standard examination is pulmonary artery catheterization, but this method has not been used in routine veterinary medicine because the clinical status of the animal usually does not allow sedation and it is a costly procedure. The diagnosis of PAH in small animals through Doppler echocardiography can be obtained by evaluating the regurgitation of the tricuspid or pulmonary valve, subjective characteristics and measurement of the acceleration time (AT) and the acceleration time-to-ejection time ratio of pulmonary artery (AT:ET), pulmonary artery-to-pulmonary vein ratio, distensibility of the right pulmonary artery (RAPD), and assessment of right ventricular function, especially TEI index and strain. The aim of this review was to demonstrate the main echocardiographic techniques to estimate PAH, with the intention of contributing to the cardiologist in the diagnosis of PAH. All techniques have positive and negative factors however, it is important to emphasize that there is no ideal technique, and the most assertive way to arrive at the diagnosis is to associate the different techniques.Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis de los métodos indirectos de evaluación de la presión de la arteria pulmonar con base en la literatura científica. A través de la encuesta bibliográfica, los artículos científicos se seleccionaron de acuerdo con su relevancia para el tema. La evaluación de la presión de la arteria pulmonar permite inferir si el individuo tiene hipertensión arterial pulmonar (HAP), que se asocia con un mal pronóstico en perros diagnosticados con degeneración de la válvula mitral. El examen estándar es el cateterismo de la arteria pulmonar, pero este método no se ha utilizado rutinariamente en medicina veterinaria porque el estado clínico del animal generalmente no permite la sedación y es un procedimiento costoso. El diagnóstico de HAP en animales pequeños a través de la ecocardiografía Doppler puede obtenerse evaluando la regurgitación de la válvula tricúspide o pulmonar, las características subjetivas y la medición del tiempo de aceleración (AT) y la relación tiempo de aceleración / tiempo de expulsión de la arteria pulmonar (TA:TE), relación arteria pulmonar-vena pulmonar, distensibilidad de la arteria pulmonar derecha (RAPD) y evaluación de la función ventricular derecha, especialmente el índice TEI y strain. El objetivo de esta revisión fue demostrar las principales técnicas ecocardiográficas para estimar la HAP, con la intención de ayudar al cardiólogo en el diagnóstico de la HAP. Todas las técnicas tienen factores positivos y negativos, sin embargo es importante enfatizar que no existe una técnica ideal, y la forma más asertiva de llegar al diagnóstico es asociar las diferentes técnicas.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma análise dos métodos indiretos da avaliação da pressão da artéria pulmonar com base na literatura científica. Por meio de levantamento bibliográfico, artigos científicos foram selecionados conforme a sua relevância para o tema. A avaliação da pressão da artéria pulmonar permite inferir se o paciente apresenta hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP), a qual está associada a um prognóstico ruim em cães.  O exame padrão é a cateterização da artéria pulmonar, porém este método não tem sido utilizado na rotina da medicina veterinária porque o quadro clínico do animal comumente não permite a sedação e por se tratar de um procedimento oneroso. O diagnóstico da HAP em pequenos animais por meio da ecodopplercardiografia pode ser obtido com a avaliação da regurgitação da valva tricúspide ou pulmonar, características subjetivas e mensuração do tempo de aceleração (TA) e relação entre o tempo de aceleração e o tempo de ejeção do fluxo pulmonar (TA:TE), relação entre a artéria pulmonar e a veia pulmonar, distensibilidade da artéria pulmonar direita (RPAD), e ainda por avaliação da função do ventrículo direito, principalmente o índice de TEI e o strain. O objetivo desta revisão foi demonstrar as principais técnicas ecocardiográficas para estimar HAP, com o intuito de contribuir com o cardiologista no diagnóstico da HAP. Todas as técnicas apresentam fatores positivos e negativos, porém é importante ressaltar que não existe uma técnica ideal, e a forma mais assertiva de se chegar ao diagnóstico é associando as diversas técnicas

    Fruit culture growth in Northeast Brazil and its relationship with work

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    Fruit growing in Brazil enhances regional development, as it generates income and absorbs local labor. The Brazilian Northeast presents ideal edaphoclimatic conditions for the development of several fruit trees, mainly in irrigated areas. The objective was to analyze the educational level and the relationship between the wages of men and women employed in the fruit sector in the Northeast region of Brazil. Thus, constituting historical series obtained from SIDRA-IBGE. The selected crops were coconut, mango and grape between the years 2001 to 2018; literacy rate and level of education in Brazil and the northeast region, the relationship between male and female genders, percentage of women in formal jobs in the years 2004 to 2015 and average monthly income in Brazil and the Northeast region and male and female genders in the years 2012 to 2015. There was a reduction in the area cultivated with coconut, however, in mango and grape cultures there was no increase in the area. Regarding the harvested area, the coconut-da-baia crop has a larger cultivated area, however, this area has been gradually reduced. In mango and grape crops, no variations were detected in the harvested areas. As for the average production, the grape crop has higher productivity. In the percentage of formal jobs, literacy and level of schooling of women both at national and regional level, there was a linear growth and higher than that of men, however there was a discrepancy in salary between genders even though women had a higher level of schooling.Fruit growing in Brazil enhances regional development, as it generates income and absorbs local labor. The Brazilian Northeast presents ideal edaphoclimatic conditions for the development of several fruit trees, mainly in irrigated areas. The objective was to analyze the educational level and the relationship between the wages of men and women employed in the fruit sector, in the Northeast region of Brazil. The selected crops were those of coconut, mango and grape, between the years 2001 to 2018; literacy rate and level of education in Brazil and the northeast region, the relationship between male and female genders, percentage of women in formal jobs in the years 2004 to 2015 and average monthly income in Brazil and the Northeast region and male and female genders in the years 2012 to 2015. There was a reduction in the area cultivated with coconut, however there was no increase in the area for mango and grape crops. Regarding the harvested area, the coconut crop showed a larger cultivated area, however, this area has been gradually reduced. In mango and grape crops, no variations were detected in the harvested areas. As for the average production, the grape crop has higher productivity. In the percentage of formal jobs, literacy and level of education of women, both nationally and regionally, there was a linear growth and higher than those of men. It is concluded that between men and women in the Northeast region, the salary difference was R$ 354.00, even with women with a higher educational level

    Mandible metastasis of small cell lung cancer mimicking a residual cyst

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    Small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) is an uncommon tumor characterized by an aggressive behavior with early metastasis, usually to the contralateral lung, liver, brain, and bones. There are only five cases of this particular tumor metastasizing to the oral cavity described in the English literature. We present the case of metastatic SCLC in the mandible with radiographic findings resembling a residual cyst. A 66-year-old man with previous diagnosis and treatment for a SCLC was referred to the Stomatology Department with a history of persistent pain in the mandible 1 year after the inferior right pre-molar tooth extraction. The radiographic exam showed a well-delimited radiolucent area on that extracted tooth’s region resembling a residual cyst. Biopsy was performed yielding the diagnosis of metastatic SCLC. The patient was referred to the clinical oncologist for chemotherapy. Although uncommon, this tumor should be included in the differential diagnosis of jawbone lesions, particularly when the patient presents a previous diagnosis of SCL

    Acceptance and commitment therapy and drug use: a systematic review

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    O uso prejudicial de substâncias psicoativas tem sido considerado um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública. Diversas abordagens são utilizadas para o tratamento dos transtornos relacionados ao uso de substâncias diante dos desafios impostos. O presente estudo teve por objetivo  identificar os trabalhos empíricos que utilizaram a ACT para o tratamento do uso de substâncias e seus respectivos resultados no que diz respeito à aceitação, viabilidade e redução da gravidade da dependência, bem como dos resultados relacionados às  comorbidades e demais aspectos associados ao uso através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura acerca do tema, utilizando-se das recomendações do guia Preferred Report Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) e buscas nas bases Pubmed, APA PsycNET, SciELO, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, BVS e LILACS. Foram analisados 17 estudos, permitindo observar aumento da flexibilidade psicológica, atenuação das taxas de abandono do tratamento e redução do consumo de substâncias nas intervenções analisadas.El uso nocivo de sustancias psicoactivas se ha considerado como uno de los mayores problemas de salud pública. Se utilizan varios enfoques para el tratamiento de los trastornos relacionados con el consumo de sustancias frente a los desafíos impuestos. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar los trabajos empíricos que utilizaron ACT para el tratamiento del consumo de sustancias y sus respectivos resultados en cuanto a la aceptación, viabilidad y reducción de la gravedad de la dependencia, así como los resultados relacionados con las comorbilidades y otros aspectos asociados al uso, desde una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre el tema y utilizando las recomendaciones de la guía Preferred Report Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA) y búsquedas en PubMed, APA PsycNET, SciELO, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, VHL y LILACS. Se analizaron 17 estudios, lo que permitió observar un aumento de la flexibilidad psicológica, una atenuación de las tasas de abandono del tratamiento y una reducción del consumo de sustancias en las intervenciones analizadas.The harmful use of psychoactive substances has been considered one of the biggest public health issues. Several approaches are used for the treatment of disorders related to substance use in the face of the challenges imposed. This study aimed to identify the empirical works that used ACT for the treatment of substance use and their respective results regarding acceptance, feasibility, and reduction in the severity of dependence, as well as the results related to comorbidities and other aspects associated with drugs use by a systematic review of the literature on the subject, using the recommendations of the Preferred Report Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guide and searches in PubMed, APA PsycNET, SciELO, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, VHL, and LILACS. In total, 17 studies were analyzed, allowing the observation of an increase in psychological flexibility, attenuation of treatment dropout rates, and a reduction in substance use in the analyzed interventions

    Dor pós-operatória em mulheres submetidas à cesariana

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    Objective: To estimate the incidence, intensity and quality for pain post-cesarean section. Methods: Cross-sectional study. A total of 1062 post-cesarean section women were interviewed in immediates pre- and post-operative. Pain intensity and quality were evaluated through the Numerical Rating Scale (0-10) and McGill Pain Questionnaire-SF. The variables were explored by descriptive measures and the incidence of postoperative pain calculated with a 95% confidence interval. Results: The incidence of pain was 92,7% (IC 95%: 90,9 - 94,2). The average level of pain intensity at the time of worst pain was 6,6 (dp=2,2). The descriptors more frequently chosen were “aching” (91.6%) “tender” (70.0%) and “throbbing” (56.1%). Conclusions: High-intensity postoperative pain is a reality for post-cesarean section women, showing the importance of pain assessment for implementation of curative and preventive actions to reduce losses in the recovery of women.Objetivo: Estimar la incidencia, intensidad y calidad del dolor postoperatorio en mujeres sometidas a cesárea. Método: Estudio de corte transversal. Fueron entrevistadas 1062 mujeres sometidas a cesárea en el periodo pre y post cirurgía inmediatos. La intensidad del dolor y la calidad fueron evaluadas por la Escala Numérica del Dolor (0-10) y el Test de Dolor de McGill. Las variables se analizaron utilizando medidas descriptivas y la incidencia de dolor postoperatorio calculado con un Intervalo de Confianza del 95%. Resultados: La incidencia de dolor fue del 92,7% (IC 95%: 90,9 - 94,2) y las puntuaciones de intensidad media en el momento de peor dolor, igual a 6,6 (dp=2,2) . Los descriptores más frecuentes escogidos fueron "dolorida" (91,6%), "dolorida a la palpación" (70,0%) y "palpitante" (56,1%). Conclusiones: El dolor postoperatorio de alta intensidad es una realidad en este grupo, señalando la importancia de la evaluación del dolor para la ejecución de las acciones curativas y preventivas para reducir las pérdidas en la recuperación de las mujeresObjetivo: Estimar a incidência, intensidade e qualidade da dor pós-operatória em mulheres submetidas à cesariana. Método: Estudo tipo corte transversal. Foram entrevistadas 1062 mulheres submetidas à cesariana nos períodos pré e pós-operatório imediatos. A intensidade e qualidade da dor foram avaliadas por meio da Escala Numérica de Dor (0-10) e Questionário de Dor de McGill. As variáveis foram exploradas por meio de medidas descritivas e a incidência de dor pós-operatória calculada com Intervalo de Confiança de 95%. Resultados: A incidência de dor foi de 92,7% (IC 95%: 90,9 - 94,2). A média dos escores de intensidade, no momento de pior dor, igual a 6,6 (dp=2,2). Os descritores escolhidos com maior frequência foram “dolorida” (91,6%), “dolorida à palpação” (70,0%) e “latejante” (56,1%). Conclusões: A dor pós-operatória de elevada intensidade é uma realidade neste grupo, apontando a importância da avaliação da dor para implementação de ações curativas e preventivas que reduzam prejuízos na recuperação das mulheres

    Unusual Acute Pancreatitis associated with Varicella-Zoster virus in immunocompetent

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    Viral etiology represents less than 1% of acute pancreatitis (AP) in adults, even rarer if associated with varicella-zoster (VZ), having poor prognosis especially in immunocompromised. Reported 77-year-old male at emergency, with 24 hours of strong epigastric pain. Clinical signs with laboratory and imaging tests diagnosed AP. After clinical treatment, was discharged at 6th day. At follow up, exams excluded differential etiological diagnoses and, with the three mild annual herpes zoster crises, IgG strongly reactive for VZ virus and lumbosacral lesions, hypothesized herpetic pancreatitis. Herpetic AP in immunocompetent emphasizes thorough examination for etiological identification and better treatment targeting at emergency