36 research outputs found

    Assessment Of Self-perception Of Physical Fitness And Proposal For Standards Among Chilean Adolescent Students: The Eapaf Study

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    Physical fitness may be assessed among children and adolescents in a quantitative and qualitative manner. At present, in Chile, there are no tools available to assess self-perception of physical fitness. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a valid and reliable instrument that would allow to assess self-perception of physical fitness among adolescents and propose standards for age and sex. Material and methods: A survey was administered among adolescent students from six public schools in the Maule Region, Chile, selected in a probabilistic (stratified) fashion. To measure self-perception of physical fitness, a qualitative instrument was developed: the Self-Perception of Physical Fitness Scale (EAPAF, escala de autopercepcion de la aptitud fisica), which is made up of four dimensions and 18 questions. The LMS method (L: Box-Cox coefficient, M: median curve, and S: variation coefficient) was used to establish percentiles and propose references by dimension, age and sex. Results: A total of 3060 adolescents (1702 boys and 1358 girls) aged 11.0 to 18.9 years old were included. The factor analysis evidenced four factors. Saturation values were above 0.40. The percentage of instrument explanation reached 54.24%. In terms of reliability, the 18 questions reflected that Cronbach's alpha was between 0.82 and 0.85. Percentiles (p15, p50 and p85) were developed to classify self-perception of physical fitness by dimension, age and sex. Boys showed higher scores in the self-perception of physical fitness scale when compared to girls (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The instrument developed in this study was valid and reliable. In addition, the standards proposed may become a useful tool to classify adolescents in relation to their self-perception of physical fitness.1144319328Fondecyt [1141295

    Changes In Abdominal Obesity In Chilean University Students Stratified By Body Mass Index

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    Background: Studies based on Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) are generally used to examine the prevalence and tendency of overweight and obesity. These studies help determine the socioeconomic development of a country and improve public health policies. Therefore, the goal of this research was to determine the trend of change in abdominal obesity of Chilean university students according to the Body Mass Index (BMI) measured in intervals of three and six years. Methods: For this study, a total of 1598 students of both sexes ranging in age from 18 to 26 from a Chilean university were evaluated. Students were assessed commencing in 2007 (372 males and 315 females), 2010 (250 males and 330 females), and ending in 2013 (153 males and 178 females). During the three transversal assessments, weight, height, and waist circumference were evaluated. BMI was calculated for both sexes. Results: No significant differences were found in age and BMI during the three years evaluated (2007, 2010, and 2013). In 2013, waist circumference (WC) increased significantly (p < 0.001 for both sexes). Moreover, in 2013, in all the percentiles evaluated, high values of WC were compared in relation to previous years. Furthermore, in 2013, in all four BMI categories (underweight, normal, overweight, and obese), the university students showed significant increases in WC (Females: p = 0.004; Males: p = 0.035) whereas in 2007 and 2010, the values remained relatively stable. Conclusions: BMI remained constant during 2007, 2010, and 2013. However, the university students of both sexes showed greater risk of abdominal obesity as a result of increased WC in 2013.1

    Physical Growth, Biological Age, And Nutritional Transitions Of Adolescents Living At Moderate Altitudes In Peru

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    Background: Peru is experiencing a stage of nutritional transition where the principal characteristics are typical of countries undergoing development. Objectives: The objectives of this study were the following: (a) compare physical growth patterns with an international standard; (b) determine biological age; and (c) analyze the double nutritional burden of adolescents living at a moderate altitude in Peru. Design: Weight, standing height, and sitting height were measured in 551 adolescents of both sexes (12.0 to 17.9 years old) from an urban area of Arequipa, Peru (2328 m). Physical growth was compared with the international standard of the CDC-2000. Biological age was determined by using a non-invasive transversal technique based on years from age at peak height velocity (APHV). Nutritional state was determined by means of weight for age and height for age. Z scores were calculated using international standards from the CDC-2000. Results: Body weight for both sexes was similar to the CDC-2000 international standards. At all ages, the girls' height (p < 0.05) was below the standards. However, the boys' height (p < 0.05) was less at ages, 15, 16, and 17. Biological age showed up in girls at age 12.7 years and for boys at 15.2 years. Stunted growth (8.7% boys and 18.0% girls) and over weight (11.3% boys and 8.8% girls) occurred in both groups. A relationship existed in both sexes between the categories of weight for the age and stunted growth by sex. Conclusions: Adolescents living at a moderate altitude exhibited stunted linear growth and biological maturation. Furthermore, adolescents of both sexes showed the presence of the double nutritional burden (stunted growth and excessive weight).1210120821209

    Assessment of sleep disorders and proposed percentiles for adolescents

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    Objectives. The objectives of this study included: a) to develop a valid and reliable self-reporting instrument to assess sleep disorders among Chilean adolescent students and b) to develop percentiles for age and sex. Methodology. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study in 2310 adolescent students conducted in the Maule Region, Chile. The sleep disorder self-report was developed considering five categories: duration, alterations, breathing problems, fatigue, and stimulant use. The instrument was validated using a confirmatory factor analysis. Reliability was assessed based on internal consistency. Percentiles were developed using the LMS method (L: lambda, asymmetry; M: mu, median; S: sigma, coefficient of variation). Results. Questions 3, 9, and 12 showed saturation values below 0.40, while the rest had saturation values above 0.41. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of adequacy was 0.749 and the test of sphericity X-2 was 4790.09; the percentage of variance accounted for 62.1 %. Cronbach's alpha ranged between 0.71 and 0.76. Conclusion. The self-report developed to measure sleep disorders in adolescents is valid and reliable for its use in health, education, and sports science programs. Percentiles should be used to identify normal patterns and/or sleep disorders by sex and age.1172738

    Propuesta de una ecuación lineal para valorar la velocidad de crecimiento somático a partir de la masa corporal de ratas machos Wistar

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    Introduction: In order to determine the degree of biological maturation in rodents it is necessary to apply non-invasive and invasive methods, for which studies covering different strains of rats need simple procedures to control the confounding effects of biological maturation they may cause. Objectives: To determine from body mass growth velocity of Wistar male rats and to propose linear regression equations to predict growth velocity peak (GVP). Design: Longitudinal cohort study. Institution: State University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, Department of Pharmacology. Methods: From 101 rats 25 male Wistar rats 21 days old were selected in probabilistic-random (randomized tables). Body mass (g) was assessed every week until 16 weeks of life. For statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used in arithmetic average (X) and standard deviation (SD). To determine significant differences between ages ANOVA for repeated measures was used (p &lt;0.001) and to correlate age variables weight and GVP Pearson (r) was used (p &lt;0.01). GVP prediction was carried out through simple linear regression analysis and multiple stepwise (p &lt;0.001). Main outcome measures: Growth speed; proposal of linear regression equations to predict growth velocity peak. Results: Growth velocity peak assessed by body mass appeared at about 42 days of life. Three equations and multiple linear regression were generated, where determination of (R2) coefficient for model 1 was 0.99, for model 2 0.89 and model 3 0.99, respectively. These equations predicted the proximity and separation of male Wistar rats GVP and results could be interpreted through 14 levels. Conclusions: GVP occurred at 42 days of life and linear regression equations were generated from body weight and age in order to predict somatic maturation degree of male Wistar rats.Introducción: Para conocer el grado de maduración biológica de los roedores es necesaria la aplicación de métodos invasivos y no-invasivos, para lo cual los estudios que engloban diversas cepas de ratas necesitan de procedimientos simples de manera de controlar los efectos de confusión que la maduración biológica pudiera ocasionar. Objetivos: Determinar la velocidad de crecimiento (VC) de ratas machos Wistar a partir de la masa corporal y proponer ecuaciones de regresión lineal para predecir el pico de velocidad de crecimiento (PVC). Diseño: Estudio longitudinal de cohorte. Institución: Universidad Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil, Departamento de Farmacología. Métodos: De un total de 101 ratas, se seleccionó de forma probabilística-aleatoria (tablas aleatorias) 25 ratas machos Wistar de 3 semanas de vida (21 días de edad). Se evaluó la masa corporal (g) cada semana, hasta las 16 semanas de vida. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la estadística descriptiva de la media aritmética (X) y desviación estándar (DE). Para determinar las diferencias significativas entre las edades se usó ANOVA para medidas repetitivas (p&lt;0,001) y para correlacionar las variables de edad, peso y PVC se utilizó (r) de Pearson (p&lt;0,001). La predicción del PVC se efectuó a través del análisis de regresión lineal simple y múltiple StepWise (p&lt;0,001). Principales medidas de resultados: Velocidad de crecimiento; propuesta de ecuaciones de regresión lineal para predecir el pico de velocidad de crecimiento. Resultados: Los resultados muestran que la velocidad de crecimiento evaluada a través de la masa corporal se presentó alrededor de los 42 días de vida. Con dichos resultados se generó tres ecuaciones de regresión lineal simple y múltiple, donde el coeficiente de determinación (R2) para el modelo 1 fue 0,99, para el modelo 2, 0,89 y para el modelo 3, 0,99, respectivamente. Estas ecuaciones permiten predecir la proximidad y el alejamiento del PVC de ratas machos Wistar y los resultados pueden ser interpretados a través de 14 niveles. Conclusiones: El PVC se produjo a los 42 días de vida y las ecuaciones de regresión lineal generadas a partir del peso corporal y la edad permitieron predecir el grado de maduración somática de ratas machos Wistar

    Physical growth and body adiposity curves in students of the Maule Region (Chile)

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    Objectives: Physical growth and body adiposity patterns provide relevant information to infer the nutritional and health status of students. Our objectives were (a) to compare the variables of body adiposity and physical growth of Chilean children and adolescents with data from the CDC-2012 and international studies, and (b) to develop regional reference curves to evaluate growth and body adiposity. Methods: 8,261 children and adolescents were studied. We evaluated the weight, height, and waist circumference (WC). The Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated. Their physical growth and body adiposity were compared with the CDC-2012 references as well as with other international references. Percentile curves for weight, height, BMI, and WC were constructed with the LMS method. Results: The Chilean students showed reduced weight and height during adolescence when compared with the CDC-2012 reference. During early ages, the BMI for the Chilean sample was lower while at advanced ages, the WC values were greater in comparison to the CDC-2012 reference. Graphic comparisons with international studies indicated that Chilean students weighed more at all ages. However, height was slightly greater until age 14 for males and age 11 for females. Body adiposity (BMI and WC) for the Chilean students was slightly higher at early ages while at later ages, adiposity values were relatively similar for both sexes. Conclusions: Discrepancies were observed between the physical growth and body adiposity trajectories and the American CDC-2012 references and the international studies. The proposed percentiles for weight, height, BMI, and WC for each age and sex may be useful for health sciences professionals and researchers7sem informaçãosem informaçãoThis work was supported by the National Commission of Science and Technology, CONICYT, Chile under Grant [number 1141295], and MEC Project 8018003

    Secular Trends Of Physical Growth And Abdominal Adiposity Of School Children And Adolescents Living At A Moderate Altitude In Peru

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    Identify changes in physical growth and abdominal adiposity at an interval of 14 years in children and adolescents living at a moderate altitude in Peru. Materials and MethodsThe data comes from two cross-sectional studies carried out in the city of Arequipa, Peru, located at a moderate altitude of 2,320 meters. In 2001, 473 males and 482 females were assessed, and in 2015, 432 males and 403 females between 6.0 and 12.9 years old were evaluated. Data were collected in public state schools and measured using the anthropometric variables for weight, height, and waist circumference. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated according to age and sex. ResultsPositive trends for weight were identified for both males and females at all ages (p.05) occurred in height for females between the ages of 6 and 8 years. However, commencing at age 9 until 12 years, females showed positive and significant increases (p<.001) in height. In 2015, BMI and waist circumference increased significantly for both sexes at all ages. DiscussionBetween 2001 and 2015, positive trends in physical growth and abdominal adiposity were identified for children and adolescents living in Arequipa, Peru. These changes may be associated with the rapid economic development in the country.162238539

    Study Of Physical Growth Of Students To Moderate Altitude Using Arm Muscle Area By Height And Age

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    Objective. To compare the physical growth of schoolchildren to moderate altitude with reference standards proposed by Frisancho and Tracer for arm muscle area by height and Frisancho for arm muscle area by age. Method. A cross-sectional study of urban schoolchildren in the province of Arequipa (Perú). The sample was stratified by age and sex, with 473 men and 482 women ranging in age from 6 to 12 years for belonging to the education system at primary level socioeconomic status Peruvian media. Anthropometric variables were assessed weight, height, arm circumference and triceps skinfold and arm muscle area for height and age. Data were compared by Z scores according to the fraction: 100 log (percentile of the reference / percentile calculated). The differences between the sample and reference were analyzed by the paired t test with a significance of p < 0.001. Results. The values of the reference arm muscle areas in relation to height and age are higher in comparison with students of moderate altitude. Was observed 2 years behind men and women according to the comparison with age-muscle area. Similarly, using the muscle area by height 17cm lag was observed in men and 20cm in women. Conclusions. Overall, the results suggest the physical growth retardation and muscle linear, attributing this phenomenon to environmental factors such as altitude. © 2013 Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.626672Rosenbloom, A., Fisiologia del crecimiento (2007) Ann Nestle [Esp], 65, pp. 99-110Cameron, N., Growth patterns in adverse environments (2007) Am J Hum Biol, 19, pp. 615-621Cossio-Bolanos, M.A., Arruda, M., Nunez Alvarez, V., Lancho Alonso, J.L., Efectos de la altitud sobre el crecimiento fisico en ninos y adolescentes (2011) Rev Andal Med Deporte., 4 (2), pp. 71-76Malina, R., Bouchard, C., Beunen, G., Human growth: Selected aspects of current research on well-nourished children (1988) Annual Review of Anthropology., 17, pp. 187-219Frisancho, A.R., Tracer, D., Standards of arm muscle by stature for assessment of nutritional status of children (1987) Am J Phys Anthropol., 73, pp. 469-475Frisancho, A.R., Baker, P.T., Altitude and growth -A study of the pattern of physical growth of a high altitude Peruvian Quechua population (1970) Am J Phys. 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    Apunts. Educació física i esports

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónEl estudio es descriptivo de corte transversal. Se estudiaron 369 atletas varones practicantes de fútbol entre 11 y 18 años a quienes se evaluó las variables antropométricas de masa corporal, estatura y los pliegues cutáneos tricipital y subescapular, así como las variables de rendimiento físico de flexibilidad, velocidad en 30 metros, salto vertical con contra-movimiento (SMJ), salto horizontal y el yo-yo Endurance test nivel 1. En este estudio se verificaron diferencias significativas a partir de los 13 a los 14 años, tanto en la fuerza explosiva y en la velocidad como en el yo-yo Endurance test nivel 1. Sin embargo, la flexibilidad de los 14 a los 15 años comienza a estabilizarse hasta los 18 años. Por lo tanto, las pruebas físicas de fuerza explosiva y la resistencia aeróbica aumentan de forma progresiva y el tiempo en el test de velocidad disminuye con el transcurso de la edad. Por el contrario, los valores de la flexibilidad involucionan de forma regresiva con el pasar de los años. Cuando se compararon con otros estudios, los resultados de la presente investigación mostraron mayor nivel de rendimiento en las pruebas de velocidad y fuerza explosiva. Sin embargo, no se encontraron estudios que permitieran comparar las pruebas físicas de flexibilidad y el Yo-Yo Endurance test nivel 1.La edad cronológica contribuye significativamente en la variación y el rendimiento físico en pruebas como la velocidad, flexibilidad, fuerza explosiva y potencia aeróbica de futbolistas hasta los 13-14 años, y posteriormente se mantiene relativamente estable hasta los 18 años.CataluñaUniversidad Pública de Navarra. Biblioteca; Campus de Arrosadía; 31006 Pamplona; Tel. +34948169060; Fax +34948169069; [email protected]