114 research outputs found

    Estudio in vitro de la resistencia adhesiva a dentina de dos resinas fluidas para restauración

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    El propósito del estudio fue hacer una comparación in-vitro de la resistencia adhesiva a dentina de dos resinas fluidas para restauración. La investigación se realizó en el laboratorio, el diseño de la investi­gación fue no experimental, comparativo y prospectivo. Se utilizó 24 premolares recientemente extraídos por indicación ortodoncica, los cuales fueron seccionados longitudinalmente para obtener en cada uno de ellos, dos trozos similares de Dentina. En una de estas mitades se les adhirió resina compuesta en un área de 2.5 x 5.5 mm y de 5 mm. de grosor aplicado por incrementos, utilizando la técnica adhesiva de graba­do total, mientras que en la otra mitad de las mismas dimensiones se aplicó la resina autograbante; luego se fraccionan estos especímenes en una caja tensional. Los resultados fueron analizados utilizando T de students para muestras apareadas. Se obtuvo una media para la resina DYAD FLOW de 5,8350 ± 2.06496 MPa. y para la resina FILTEK Z350 XT una media de 11,0562 ± 2.54877, hubo una diferencia estadística­mente significativa, siendo mayor la media que presenta la resina FILTEK Z350 XT. Se concluye que la resistencia adhesiva que presento FILTEK Z 350 XT que usa protocolo de grabado total presentó significa­tivamente mayor fuerza de adhesión a dentina que la resina DYAD FLOW que usa protocolo autoadhesivo.Palabras clave: Adhesión, dentina, resinas, grabado ácido y autograbado.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21503/CienciayDesarrollo.2016.v19i2.0

    Programa de educación para la salud dirigido a familiares cuidadores de personas con esquizofrenia tras primer brote psicótico

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    Introducción: La esquizofrenia es el trastorno psicótico más frecuente entre el síndrome psicótico no afectivo. Afecta a más de 21 millones de personas en todo el mundo y se inicia frecuentemente al final de la adolescencia o principio de la edad adulta causando un deterioro funcional progresivo. El abordaje terapéutico debe integrar todos los aspectos que están implicados en esta patología (biológica, psicológica, familiar, social). Es una de las enfermedades mentales que más carga genera en el cuidador primario. La enfermería cobra importancia en esta enfermedad puesto que a través de una intervención enfermera directa sobre los cuidadores principales, capacitándoles para afrontar los problemas, mejoran significativamente su estado de salud y su sobrecarga familiar. Objetivo: Diseñar un programa de Educación para la Salud dirigido a familiares cuidadores de personas con esquizofrenia tras un primer episodio psicótico. Metodología: Se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica sobre la esquizofrenia y la psicoeducación familiar en diferentes bases de datos, páginas web y libros. Con esta información, se ha diseñado un programa de Educación para la Salud con la finalidad de proporcionar a los familiares conocimientos sobre la esquizofrenia y estrategias de afrontamiento ante este trastorno. Conclusión: Con la implantación de un Programa de Educación para la Salud dirigido a los familiares tras el primer brote psicótico se conseguirá un mayor nivel de conocimientos y una mejora en el manejo de la enfermedad, las estrategias de afrontamiento y la dinámica familiar favoreciendo así la evolución del paciente y la calidad de vida del entorno familiar.<br /

    Characterization of T Lymphocytes in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    A new study adds to the mounting evidence implicating T cells as an important component of the inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseas

    Current challenges of mining investment in Peru: Interview with Dr. Luis Carlos Rodrigo Prado

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    En la presente entrevista, nuestro invitado responde a temas vigentes y controvertidos, relativosa materia ambiental y del sector minero. En primer lugar, él habla sobre la cuestión referida a la variabilidad de las cifras de inversión en exploración minera en nuestro país durante los últimos periodos. Asimismo, se analiza el reticente problema de los conflictos sociales, temas tributarios y la conocida «permisología», así como sus correspondientes impactos en el sector. Del mismo modo, e inevitablemente, se comenta sobre la extensión del uso de los Contratos de Estabilidad Tributaria y las nuevas medidas de fiscalización ambiental, adoptadas por la recientemente promulgada y polémica Ley N° 30230 – Ley que establece Medidas Tributarias, Simplificación de Procedimientos y Permisos para la promoción y dinamización de la Inversión en el País, llamada también «Paquetazo Castilla». Siguiendo la misma línea, se analiza lo correspondiente a los EIA y la reciente creación del SENACE, como organismo adscrito al Ministerio de Ambiente. Por último, nuestro entrevistado no deja de opinar sobre el discutido «aporte por regulación» al OEFA y el procedimiento sancionador.In this interview, our guest responds to current and controversial issues related to environmental matters and the mining sector. First, the author talks about the variability of numbers for investment in mineral exploration in our country along recent periods. Also, the problem of social unrests, tax issues, permits and licenses, known as «permisología» and their impact on the sector. Similarly, and inevitably, some comment on the widespread use of Contracts Tax Stability and new measures of environmental control, taken by the recently enacted and controversial Law N° 30230 – Law Establishing Tax Measures, Simplification of Procedures and permits for promotion and revitalization of investment in the country, also called «Paquetazo Castilla». Furthermore, about the EIA and the recent creation of SENACE, as part of the Ministry of Environment Agency is analyzed. Finally, our interviewee continues to review the controversial «contribution by regulation» to OEFA and disciplinary proceedings

    Do Circulating Extracellular Vesicles Strictly Reflect Bronchoalveolar Lavage Extracellular Vesicles in COPD?

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    Cell-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) found in the circulation and body fluids contain biomolecules that could be used as biomarkers for lung and other diseases. EVs from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) might be more informative of lung abnormalities than EVs from blood, where informa- tion might be diluted. To compare EVs’ characteristics in BAL and blood in smokers with and without COPD. Same-day BAL and blood samples were obtained in 9 nonsmokers (NS), 11 smokers w/o COPD (S), and 9 with COPD (SCOPD) (FEV1: 59 ± 3% pred). After differential centrifugation, EVs (200–500 nm diameter) were identified by flow cytometry and labeled with cell-type specific antigens: CD14 for macrophage-derived EVs, CD326 for epithelial-derived EVs, CD146 for endothelial-derived EVs, and CD62E for activated-endothelial-derived EVs. In BAL, CD14-EVs were increased in S compared to NS [384 (56–567) vs. 172 (115–282) events/μL; p = 0.007] and further increased in SCOPD [619 (224–888)] compared to both S (p = 0.04) and NS (p &lt; 0.001). CD326-EVs were increased in S [760 (48–2856) events/μL, p &lt; 0.001] and in SCOPD [1055 (194–11,491), p &lt; 0.001] when compared to NS [15 (0–68)]. CD146-EVs and CD62E-EVs were similar in the three groups. In BAL, significant differences in macrophage and epithelial-derived EVs can be clearly detected between NS, S and SCOPD, while these differences were not found in plasma. This suggests that BAL is a better medium than blood to study EVs in lung diseases

    Multiple pulmonary nodules presenting a difficult diagnostic challenge

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    We describe the case of a 56 years-old man with a subacute onset of symptoms mimicking a granulomatosis with polyangiitis. He was admitted to our hospital with acute respiratory failure requiring oxygen therapy, fever and crusted rhinitis. Despite initial improvement in radiological and clinical features with a steroids therapy, his condition worsened rapidly and he was re admitted to our department with ARDS. Despite antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal therapy, an endotracheal intubation was necessary and ultimately the patient passed away. Only a histological examination on autopsy had shown the presence of a diffuse Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL), a rare type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) originated from mature post-thymic T cells. It represents 1–3% of NHL. Different subtypes have been described: Kinase (ALK)-negative ALCL, ALK-positive ALCL and breast implantassociated ALCL. ALK-negative ALCL affects mainly old males and has the worst prognosis

    Extracellular Vesicles in Pulmonary Hypertension: A Dangerous Liaison?

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    The term pulmonary hypertension (PH) refers to different conditions, all characterized by increased pressure and resistance in the pulmonary arterial bed. PH has a wide range of causes (essentially, cardiovascular, pulmonary, or connective tissue disorders); however, idiopathic (i.e., without a clear cause) PH exists. This chronic, progressive, and sometimes devastating disease can finally lead to right heart failure and eventually death, through pulmonary vascular remodeling and dysfunction. The exact nature of PH pathophysiology is sometimes still unclear. Extracellular vesicles (EVs), previously known as apoptotic bodies, microvesicles, and exosomes, are small membrane-bound vesicles that are generated by almost all cell types and can be detected in a variety of physiological fluids. EVs are involved in intercellular communication, thus influencing immunological response, inflammation, embryogenesis, aging, and regenerative processes. Indeed, they transport chemokines, cytokines, lipids, RNA and miRNA, and other biologically active molecules. Although the precise functions of EVs are still not fully known, there is mounting evidence that they can play a significant role in the pathophysiology of PH. In this review, after briefly recapping the key stages of PH pathogenesis, we discuss the current evidence on the functions of EVs both as PH biomarkers and potential participants in the distinct pathways of disease progression

    Pretreatment rate of decay in forced vital capacity predicts long-term response to pirfenidone in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

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    Pirfenidone reduces functional decline and disease progression in patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). However, response to treatment is highly heterogeneous. In this study, we evaluated whether response to pirfenidone is influenced by the pre-treatment rate of forced vital capacity (FVC) decline. Fifty-seven IPF patients were categorized as rapid (RP) or slow progressors (SP) based on whether their FVC decline in the year preceding pirfenidone treatment was > or <10% predicted. Patients were followed-up every 6 months and up to 24 months following institution of pirfenidone treatment. In the entire population, pirfenidone reduced significantly the rate of FVC decline from 222 ml/yr to 68 ml/yr at 12 month (p<0.01) and 86 ml/yr at 24 month (p=0.04) follow-up. In RP, the reduction of FVC decline was evident at 6 months (706 ml/yr pre-treatment vs 35 ml/yr; p<0.01) and maintained, though to a lesser degree, at 12 (105 ml/yr; p< 0.01) and 24 months (125 ml/yr; p<0.02). Conversely, among SP the reduction in FVC decline was not significant at any of the time points analyzed. Pirfenidone reduces significantly the rate of FVC decline in patients with IPF. However, the beneficial effect is more pronounced and long-lasting in patients with rapidly progressive disease

    Dual polarization of human alveolar macrophages progressively increases with smoking and COPD severity

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    BACKGROUND: It is known that tissue macrophages derive not only from blood monocytes but also from yolk sac or fetal liver, and the tissue of residence guides their function. When isolated, they lose tissue specific signatures, hence studies of human macrophages should be ideally done directly in the tissue. The aim of this study was to investigate directly in human lung tissue the polarization of alveolar macrophage (AM), classic (M1) or alternative (M2), in health and disease, using COPD as a model. METHODS: Surgical lungs from 53 subjects were studied: 36 smokers whose FEV(1) varied from normal to severe COPD, 11 non-smokers and 6 normal donors. iNOS and CD206 immunohistochemistry was used to quantify the percentage of AM polarized as M1 or M2 in lung sections. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The percentage of M1 and M2 increased progressively with smoking and COPD severity, from 26% to 84% for M1 and from 7% to 78% for M2. In donors 74% of AM were negative for M1 and 93% for M2. Confocal microscopy showed co-localization of M1 and M2 in the same AM in severe COPD. CONCLUSION: In normal lungs alveolar macrophages were mostly non-polarized. With smoking and COPD severity, M1 and M2 polarization increased significantly and so did the co-expression of M1 and M2 in the same alveolar macrophage. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12931-017-0522-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users