622 research outputs found

    Buena conjugación entre danza y teatro

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    Sobre Andrea, de Marina Otero. Dirigida por Mariana Otero. Con Mariana Otero. En Apacheta Sala Estudio

    Characterization of left and right atrial function in healthy volunteers by cardiovascular magnetic resonance.

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    BACKGROUND: Left and right atrial function show a different pattern in advanced age in order to maintain adequate ventricular filling. It has been shown that left atrial (LA) function has a prognostic value in a number of heart conditions. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) provides high quality images of the left and right atria using high temporal resolution steady state free precession (SSFP) cine sequences. We used SSFP cines to characterize atrial function in healthy, normotensive, volunteers. METHODS: We measured maximum, preatrial contraction and minimum left and right atrial volumes in 120 healthy subjects after careful exclusion of cardiovascular abnormality (60 men, 60 women; 20 subjects per age decile from 20 to 80 years). Data were generated from 3-dimensional modeling, including tracking of the atrioventricular ring motion and time-volume curves analysis. With those measurements, all the usual parameters for left and right atrial function were calculated. RESULTS: Gender had significant influence on some parameters of left and right atrial conduit and booster pump function. Age significantly influenced the majority of parameters of both left and right atrial function, with typically lower reservoir and conduit functions and higher booster pump function, both in males and females belonging to older age groups. CMR normal ranges were modelled for clinical use with normalization, where appropriate, for body surface area and gender, displaying parameters with respect to age. CONCLUSIONS: CMR normal reference ranges for components of left and right atrial function are provided for males and females for a wide age range

    El patio del Centro Educativo Palma, un espacio de oportunidades

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    [ES] El trabajo tiene por objeto realizar una propuesta de actuación para la transformación del patio del Centro Educativo Palma, en el municipio de Valencia. Se parte de un estudio teórico sobre patios coeducativos o inclusivos para su posterior aplicación práctica. Con el fin de adaptar las soluciones al caso en concreto, se trabaja conjuntamente tanto con el alumnado como con el profesorado. A partir de este estudio teórico, se realiza un análisis del espacio en cuestión así como de la utilización de éste. Para ello, se proponen distintas actividades participativas a toda la comunidad educativa -alumnado, profesorado y familias- para conocer tanto sus experiencias como sus opiniones e ideas. Una vez recogida toda la información y obtenidos los resultados de ésta, se definen estrategias de actuación y se elabora la propuesta de transformación del patio.[EN] The aim of the work is to make a proposal for action to transform the playground of the Palma Educational Center, in the town of Valencia. It starts from a theoretical study on coeducational or inclusive patios for its subsequent practical application. In order to adapt the solutions to the specific case, we work together with students and teachers. From this theoretical study, an analysis of the space in question as well as its use is made. For this, different participatory activities are proposed to the entire educational community - students, teachers and families - to learn about their experiences as well as their opinions and ideas. Once all the information has been collected and the results obtained, action strategies are defined and the proposal for transforming the patio is drawn up.[CA] El treball té per objecte realitzar una porposta d’actuació per a la transofrmació del pati del Centre Educatiu Palma, en el municipi de Valencia. Es parteix d’un estudi teòric sobre patis coeducatius o inclusius per a la seua posterior aplicació pràctica. Amb el fi d’adaptar les sol·lucions al cas en concret, es treballa conjuntament tant amb l’alumnat com amb el professorat. A partir d’aquest estudi teòric, es realitza un anàlisi de l’espai en questió així com de la utilització d’aquest. Per a això es proposen diferents activitats participatives a tota la comunitat educativa -alumnat, professorat i famílies- per conèixer tant les seues experiències com les seues opinions i idees. Una vegada recollida tota la informació i obtinguts els resultats d’aquesta, es defineixen estratègies d’actuació i s’elabora la proposta de transformació del pati.Cosin Bau, A. (2020). El patio del Centro Educativo Palma, un espacio de oportunidades. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/162060TFG

    Uso de MQTT para el control de dispositivos de IoT

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    [ES] A lo largo de este proyecto se estudiará la comunicación de distintos dispositivos mediante Wifi utilizando el protocolo MQTT para poder diferenciar entre distintos dispositivos. Para poder facilitar la visualización de los datos obtenidos también se va a desarrollar una pequeña aplicación web que será capaz de recibir los datos de los dispositivos externos y representarlos de forma intuitiva. Como cliente MQTT se utilizará una placa Lopy, la cual tiene sensores variados para obtener información del ambiente. En la parte del servidor se utilizarán aplicaciones como Home Assistant o Grafana para la representación de datos. Cabe destacar que todo el desarrollo se realiza teniendo en cuenta la privacidad del usuario y la mantenibilidad del código desarrollado.[EN] Throughout this project we will study the communication of different devices through Wifi using the MQTT protocol in order to differentiate between each device. In order to allow the visualization of the obtained data, a small web application will be developed to receive the data from the external devices and represent them in an intuitive way. As MQTT client a Lopy board will be used, which has various sensors to obtain information from the environment. On the server side, applications such as Home Assistant or Grafana will be used for data representation. It should be noted that all the development is done considering the user's privacy and the maintainability of the developed code.Lliso Cosin, A. (2021). Uso de MQTT para el control de dispositivos de IoT. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/173841TFG

    Mood Influences the Concordance of Subjective and Objective Measures of Sleep Duration in Older Adults

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    Objective/Background: Sleep plays a central role in maintaining health and cognition. In most epidemiologic studies, sleep is evaluated by self-report questionnaires but several reports suggest that these evaluations might be less accurate than objective measures such as polysomnography or actigraphy. Determinants of the discrepancy between objective and subjective measures remain to be investigated. The aim of this pilot-study was to examine the role of mood states in determining the discrepancy observed between objective and subjective measures of sleep duration in older adults.Patients/Methods: Objective sleep quantity and quality were recorded by actigraphy in a sample of 45 elderly subjects over at least three consecutive nights. Subjective sleep duration and supplementary data, such as mood status and memory, were evaluated using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA).Results: A significant discrepancy was observed between EMA and actigraphic measures of sleep duration (p<0.001). The magnitude of this difference was explained by the patient’s mood status (p=0.020). No association was found between the magnitude of this discrepancy and age, sex, sleep quality or memory performance.Conclusion: The discrepancy classically observed between objective and subjective measures of sleep duration can be explained by mood status at the time of awakening. These results have potential implications for epidemiologic and clinical studies examining sleep as a risk factor for morbidity or mortality

    Cálculo de momentos de inercia mediante el teorema de Steiner. Aplicación a la superficie de un triángulo rectángulo

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    Mediante la resolución de un caso práctico se propone una guía para la determinación de momentos de inercia de superficies planas básicas aplicando el teorema de Steiner.Gasque Albalate, MC.; Llopis Cosin, JV. (2018). Cálculo de momentos de inercia mediante el teorema de Steiner. Aplicación a la superficie de un triángulo rectángulo. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/101489DE

    Geometry and Topology of some overdetermined elliptic problems

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    We study necessary conditions on the geometry and the topology of domains in R2\mathbb{R}^2 that support a positive solution to a classical overdetermined elliptic problem. The ideas and tools we use come from constant mean curvature surface theory. In particular, we obtain a partial answer to a question posed by H. Berestycki, L. Caffarelli and L. Nirenberg in 1997. We investigate also some boundedness properties of the solution uu. Some of our results generalize to higher dimensions

    Particularización de la teoría de la cinemática del sólido rígido al estudio del movimiento plano. Aplicación a un caso práctico

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    Se resuelve un caso práctico de cinemática del sólido rígido en el que se estudia el modelo de un mecanismo. La resolución del problema implica la particularización a un sistema con movimiento plano.Gasque Albalate, MC.; Llopis Cosin, JV. (2020). Particularización de la teoría de la cinemática del sólido rígido al estudio del movimiento plano. Aplicación a un caso práctico. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/142184DE

    Outcomes and predictive value of the 2MACE score in patients with atrial fibrillation treated with rivaroxaban in a prospective, multicenter observational study: The EMIR study

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    atrial fibrillation (AF) treated with rivaroxaban and to improve the accuracy of 2MACE. Methods: This was a post-authorization and observational study of AF adults treated with rivaroxaban for ≥ 6 months. The primary endpoint was any of the major adverse cardiac events (MACE), namely, cardiovas cular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, and myocardial revascularization. The area under the curve (AUC) was calculated to evaluate the performance of 2MACE, and a new score, 2MACER to predict MACE. Results: A total of 1433 patients were included (74.2 ± 9.7 years, CHA2DS2-VASc 3.5 ± 1.5, 26.9% 2MACE ≥ 3). The annual event rates (follow-up 2.5 years) were 1.07% for MACE, 0.66% for throm boembolic events and 1.04% for major bleeding. Patients with 2MACE ≥ 3 (vs. < 3) had higher risk of stroke/systemic embolism/transient ischemic attack (odds ratio [OR] 5.270; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.216–12.532), major bleeding (OR 4.624; 95% CI 2.163–9.882), MACE (OR 3.202; 95% CI 1.548–6.626) and cardiovascular death (OR 3.395; 95% CI 1.396–8.259). 2MACE was recalcu lated giving 1 more point to patients with baseline a glomerular filtration rate < 50 mL/min/1.73 m2 (2MACER); (2MACER vs. 2MACE: IDI 0.1%, p = 0.126; NRI 23.9%, p = 0.125; AUC: 0.651 [95% CI 0.547–0.755] vs. 0.638 [95% CI 0.534–0.742], respectively; p = 0.361). Conclusions: In clinical practice, AF patients anticoagulated with rivaroxaban exhibit a low risk of events. 2MACE score acts as a modest predictor of a higher risk of adverse outcomes in this population. 2MACER did not significantly increase the ability of 2MACE to predict MACE. (Cardiol J 2022; 29, 4: 601–609