4,246 research outputs found

    Page composer to translate binary electrical data to optical form

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    Composer converts binary data to optical form for storage as hologram. Device consists of an array of deformable metal membranes controlled by MOSFET's. Device is fast, produces high contrast ratios, does not degrade with extended use, and can be addressed from diverse angles

    Epidemiology and clinical aspect of mushroom poisonings in South Sardinia: A 10-year retrospective analysis (2011-2021)

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    Mushroom poisoning is a severe problem of public health, however, information about its epidemiology and management is still limited. This is the first study focused on Sardinia that investigates data about mushroom poisoning describing epidemiology, clinical presentation, seasonality, and the most common involved species. In this retrospective study, we analyzed data recovered from the database of Mycological Inspectorates during a 10-year period (2011-2021). Overall, 164 cases of mushroom poisoning have been identified, with significant peaks in autumn. The highest number of episodes of intoxication were recorded in Cagliari (64), followed by Carbonia (55) and Sanluri (45), although the annual distribution of cases among the provinces varied considerably in the study period. Thanks to the expertise of the Mycological Inspectorate service, the implicated species have been identified in 162 cases (98.78%); 81 cases were caused by toxic species, 60 by edible, and 45 by not edible species. Omphalotus olearius and Agaricus xanthodermus were the most represented toxic species (22% and 18%, respectively); Boletus aereus (18%) was the most frequent edible species, while Boletaceae were the prevalent not edible mushrooms. The data collected in South Sardinia over a period of 10-years demonstrate how a correct and rapid recognition of mushroom poisoning is important to improve the prognosis of patients, however, there are still problems of lack of knowledge, on the part of the population, on the existence of the consultancy services. Because most illnesses from poisonous mushroom ingestion are preventable, increased public awareness about the potential dangers of mushroom poisoning is mandatory

    Metachronal wave and hydrodynamic interaction for deterministic switching rowers

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    We employ a model system, called rowers, as a generic physical framework to define the problem of the coordinated motion of cilia (the metachronal wave) as a far from equilibrium process. Rowers are active (two-state) oscillators interacting solely through forces of hydrodynamic origin. In this work, we consider the case of fully deterministic dynamics, find analytical solutions of the equation of motion in the long wavelength (continuum) limit, and investigate numerically the short wavelength limit. We prove the existence of metachronal waves below a characteristic wavelength. Such waves are unstable and become stable only if the sign of the coupling is reversed. We also find that with normal hydrodynamic interaction the metachronal pattern has the form of stable trains of traveling wave packets sustained by the onset of anti-coordinated beating of consecutive rowers.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Unethical practices within medical research and publication – An exploratory study

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    The data produced by the scientific community impacts on academia, clinicians, and the general public; therefore, the scientific community and other regulatory bodies have been focussing on ethical codes of conduct. Despite the measures taken by several research councils, unethical research, publishing and/or reviewing behaviours still take place. This exploratory study considers some of the current unethical practices and the reasons behind them and explores the ways to discourage these within research and other professional disciplinary bodies. These interviews/discussions with PhD students, technicians, and academics/principal investigators (PIs) (N=110) were conducted mostly in European higher education institutions including UK, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic and Netherlands. Through collegiate discussions, sharing experiences and by examining previously published/reported information, authors have identified several less reported behaviours. Some of these practices are mainly influenced either by the undue institutional expectations of research esteem or by changes in the journal review process. These malpractices can be divided in two categories relating to (a) methodological malpractices including data management, and (b) those that contravene publishing ethics. The former is mostly related to “committed bias”, by which the author selectively uses the data to suit their own hypothesis, methodological malpractice relates to selection of out-dated protocols that are not suited to the intended work. Although these are usually unintentional, incidences of intentional manipulations have been reported to authors of this study. For example, carrying out investigations without positive (or negative) controls; but including these from a previous study. Other methodological malpractices include unfair repetitions to gain statistical significance, or retrospective ethical approvals. In contrast, the publication related malpractices such as authorship malpractices, ethical clearance irregularities have also been reported. The findings also suggest a globalised approach with clear punitive measures for offenders is needed to tackle this problem

    Long-rising Type II supernovae resembling supernova 1987A -- I. A comparative study through scaling relations

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    With the aim of improving our knowledge about their nature, we conduct a comparative study on a sample of long-rising Type II supernovae (SNe) resembling SN 1987A. To do so, we deduce various scaling relations from different analytic models of H-rich SNe, discussing their robustness and feasibility. Then we use the best relations in terms of accuracy to infer the SN progenitor's physical properties at the explosion for the selected sample of SN 1987A-like objects, deriving energies of 0.5\sim 0.5-1515 foe, radii of 0.2\sim 0.2-100×1012100 \times 10^{12} cm, and ejected masses of 15\sim 15-5555\msun. Although the sample may be too small to draw any final conclusion, these results suggest that (a) SN 1987A-like objects have parameters at explosion covering a wide range of values; (b) the main parameter determining their distribution is the explosion energy; (c) a high-mass (30\gtrsim 30\,\Msun), high-energy (10\gtrsim 10\,foe) tail of events, linked to extended progenitors with radii at explosion 1013\sim 10^{13}-101410^{14}\,cm, challenge standard theories of neutrino-driven core-collapse and stellar evolution. We also find a correlation between the amount of 56^{56}Ni in the ejecta of the SN 1987A-like objects and the spectrophotometric features of the SN at maximum, that may represent a tool for estimating the amount of 56^{56}Ni in the SN ejecta whitout having information on the tail luminosity.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, and 2 appendices, accepted for publication on MNRA

    From Geophysics to Microgeophysics for Engineering and Cultural Heritage

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    The methodologies of microgeophysics have been derived from the geophysical ones, for the sake of solving specific diagnostic and/or monitoring problems regarding civil engineering and cultural heritage studies. Generally, the investigations are carried out using different 2D and 3D tomographic approaches as well as different energy sources: sonic and ultrasonic waves, electromagnetic (inductive and impulsive) sources, electric potential fields, and infrared emission. Many efforts have been made to modify instruments and procedures in order to improve the resolution of the surveys as well as to significantly reduce the time of the measurements without any loss of information. This last point has been achieved by using multichannel systems. Finally, some applications are presented, and the results seem to be very promising and promote this new branch of geophysics. Therefore, these methodologies can be used even more to diagnose, monitor, and safeguard not only engineering buildings and/or large structures, but also ancient monuments and cultural artifacts, such as pottery, statues, and so forth