2,338 research outputs found

    A structural interpretation of the acidity of groups associated with the hemes of hemoglobin and hemoglobin derivatives

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    Since the discovery by Bohr and coworkers in 1904 of the effect of acidity on the oxygen equilibrium of hemoglobin, there have been a large number of investigations directed towards clarification of the physicochemical relationships of acid groups with the hemes in hemoglobin and its derivatives. It is the purpose of this paper to analyze modern quantitative data, including those for ferrihemoglobin (methemoglobin), in order to throw new light on the general problem, to establish the ionization constant of an acid group in ferrihemoglobin previously unrecognized, and to give a structural interpretation of shifts in the pK of groups caused by changing chemical environment

    Crater deflection studies

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    Deflection of model lunar surface wheeled vehicle by lunar crater

    Vigo County Share the Road Campaign

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    How Well Do Students Perform on A Five-Paragraph Analysis Essay When Writing Digitally Versus Handwritten?

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    Technology use in the secondary education setting has been increasing since the early 2000s, but with the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, when students learned remotely, technology use exponentially increased. Many districts provided devices for their students to continue their schoolwork. As we return to the classroom, should assignments remain technology-based or return to handwritten assignments? In this study, the researcher focused on identifying whether handwritten work or typing is more effective when developing a five-paragraph analysis essay in a ninth-grade classroom. Students were given the same curriculum throughout the study, but one group was given the curriculum through worksheets to focus on handwritten work, while the other group was given their assignments digitally and was able to type the information. The results are shown using an independent Mann-Whitney U test to compare the students’ five-paragraph analysis essay scores

    Soil Survey of Vermillion County

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    Partisanship and Special Interest Influence on Environmental Policy as Illustrated through Statewide Plastic Bag Policies

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    Prior to its advent in 1869, the world had zero plastic. In 1907, when a fully synthetic version of the polymer we now call plastic was invented, humans reveled in the idea that they were no longer constrained by the limits of what natural resources could provide. Through World War II, the uses for plastic grew exponentially, continuing post-war as a seemingly endless number of plastic products became available to the public (Science History Institute). Demand for this material has not subsided since, and it is now estimated that 300 million tons of plastic are created annually (Paco, 2017). Much of this ends up in the ocean, where an estimated garbage truck load of plastic enters the ocean every minute. By 2050, that number will quadruple, and there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish (Caverly, 2019). When plastic makes it to a landfill, it takes hundreds of years to decompose (State Legislature, 2007). Many cling to the concept of recycling as a means of managing this waste stream. However, only nine percent of plastic waste is recycled (Caverly, 2019), and this number is going down. Recycling is not a solution to plastic waste, and not only because people are not choosing to recycle. There is more plastic waste that is captured with the intention of recycling it than can actually be recycled. Up until 2017, China was receiving 45 percent of the world’s plastic waste (106 million metric tons since 1992). However, this resulted in China polluting the air so severely that they enacted their National Sword policy and halted acceptance of nearly all plastic from other nations due to human health and pollution concerns. The United States was one of the top exporters of plastic to China and now must send its cargo ships filled with plastic to other countries, none of which can take on the amount China had been accepting, resulting in even more plastic entering landfills (Watson, 2018)

    Confederate Daughters: Coming of Age During the Civil War

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    Gender and the Confederacy At the beginning of the best-known rendition of a Southern belle, Gone with the Wind, Scarlett O\u27Hara declares to her visitors, the Tarleton twins, that if they don\u27t stop going on and on about the impending war, she will go into the house and leave the...

    The Evolution of a Humanistic Teacher

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    This paper traces my growth in becoming a humanistic teacher. It is essentially an introspective study high­ lighting the teaching and learning experiences I have had over the last few years and how those experiences have affected my current teaching. This paper is divided into six chapters: an Introduction, My Teaching History, The Evolution Intensifies, My Teaching Intensifies, a Conclusion, and lastly, an Addendum

    Grant and Twain: The Story of a Friendship that Changed America

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    Nurses and Little Women A novel of Barton and Alcott Patricia O\u27Brien follows up her study on real women\u27s friendships in I Know Just What You Mean with this close examination of a 19th-century fictional friendship in a new novel, The Glory Cloak. O\u27Brien places ...

    Using Concept Maps to More Efficiently Create Intelligence Information Models

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    Information models are a critical tool that enables intelligence customers to quickly and accurately comprehend U.S. intelligence agency products. The Knowledge Pre-positioning System (KPS) is the standard repository for information models at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC). The current approach used by NASIC to build a KPS information model is laborious and costly. Intelligence analysts design an information model using a manual, butcher-paper-based process. The output of their work is then entered into KPS by either a single NASIC KPS database modeler or a contractor (at a cost of roughly 100Ktotheorganization).Thisthesisproposesatool−supportedapproachthatallowsintelligenceanalyststocreateinformationmodelsforNASICwithalmostnodatabasemodelerorcontractorsupport.Theapproachallowsanalyststoexpressaninformationmodelasaconceptmap,ananalyst−understandablemodelofanintelligencedomain.Anexistingtool,CmapTools,supportstheanalyst−in−the−loopprocessofconceptmapcreation.AcompletedconceptmapisautomaticallyconvertedintoKPSbyaprototypetoolcalledCmapConversionforKPS,whichwascreatedaspartofthiswork.Theyrestrict,toareasonabledegree,howanalystsexpressconceptmapswithinCmapToolstoensurethatautomaticconversionispossible.TheauthorsvalidatedtheirapproachusingarepresentativeNASIC−providedKPSinformationmodel:performanceoffixed−wingaircraft.Usingthesetools,anewinformationmodelwasconstructedin4hoursand20minutes,an89100K to the organization). This thesis proposes a tool-supported approach that allows intelligence analysts to create information models for NASIC with almost no database modeler or contractor support. The approach allows analysts to express an information model as a concept map, an analyst-understandable model of an intelligence domain. An existing tool, CmapTools, supports the analyst-in-the-loop process of concept map creation. A completed concept map is automatically converted into KPS by a prototype tool called Cmap Conversion for KPS, which was created as part of this work. They restrict, to a reasonable degree, how analysts express concept maps within CmapTools to ensure that automatic conversion is possible. The authors validated their approach using a representative NASIC-provided KPS information model: performance of fixed-wing aircraft. Using these tools, a new information model was constructed in 4 hours and 20 minutes, an 89% improvement over the 40 hours estimated by NASIC to complete the same task using their existing approach. For this representative information model, NASIC estimates this approach would save them roughly 200K
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