Using Concept Maps to More Efficiently Create Intelligence Information Models


Information models are a critical tool that enables intelligence customers to quickly and accurately comprehend U.S. intelligence agency products. The Knowledge Pre-positioning System (KPS) is the standard repository for information models at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC). The current approach used by NASIC to build a KPS information model is laborious and costly. Intelligence analysts design an information model using a manual, butcher-paper-based process. The output of their work is then entered into KPS by either a single NASIC KPS database modeler or a contractor (at a cost of roughly 100Ktotheorganization).ThisthesisproposesatoolsupportedapproachthatallowsintelligenceanalyststocreateinformationmodelsforNASICwithalmostnodatabasemodelerorcontractorsupport.Theapproachallowsanalyststoexpressaninformationmodelasaconceptmap,ananalystunderstandablemodelofanintelligencedomain.Anexistingtool,CmapTools,supportstheanalystintheloopprocessofconceptmapcreation.AcompletedconceptmapisautomaticallyconvertedintoKPSbyaprototypetoolcalledCmapConversionforKPS,whichwascreatedaspartofthiswork.Theyrestrict,toareasonabledegree,howanalystsexpressconceptmapswithinCmapToolstoensurethatautomaticconversionispossible.TheauthorsvalidatedtheirapproachusingarepresentativeNASICprovidedKPSinformationmodel:performanceoffixedwingaircraft.Usingthesetools,anewinformationmodelwasconstructedin4hoursand20minutes,an89100K to the organization). This thesis proposes a tool-supported approach that allows intelligence analysts to create information models for NASIC with almost no database modeler or contractor support. The approach allows analysts to express an information model as a concept map, an analyst-understandable model of an intelligence domain. An existing tool, CmapTools, supports the analyst-in-the-loop process of concept map creation. A completed concept map is automatically converted into KPS by a prototype tool called Cmap Conversion for KPS, which was created as part of this work. They restrict, to a reasonable degree, how analysts express concept maps within CmapTools to ensure that automatic conversion is possible. The authors validated their approach using a representative NASIC-provided KPS information model: performance of fixed-wing aircraft. Using these tools, a new information model was constructed in 4 hours and 20 minutes, an 89% improvement over the 40 hours estimated by NASIC to complete the same task using their existing approach. For this representative information model, NASIC estimates this approach would save them roughly 200K

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