108 research outputs found

    Valero Juan, Eva. Ercilla y La Araucana en dos tiempos. Del Siglo de Oro a la posteridad. Sevilla: Renacimiento, 2016. 194 pgs. ISBN: 9788416981007

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    Ressenya del llibre: Valero Juan, Eva. Ercilla y La Araucana en dos tiempos. Del Siglo de Oro a la posteridad. Sevilla: Renacimiento, 2016.Book review: Valero Juan, Eva. Ercilla y La Araucana en dos tiempos. Del Siglo de Oro a la posteridad. Sevilla: Renacimiento, 2016.Reseña del libro: Valero Juan, Eva. Ercilla y La Araucana en dos tiempos. Del Siglo de Oro a la posteridad. Sevilla: Renacimiento, 2016.Reseña del libro: Valero Juan, Eva. Ercilla y La Araucana en dos tiempos. Del Siglo de Oro a la posteridad. Sevilla: Renacimiento, 2016

    Sor Juana and Proba: A Model of Translation

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    The female Roman writer Betitia Proba wrote several works in which she tried to provide a cultural bridge between Pagan and Christian letters. For it, she received the criticism of Saint Jerome, among others. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, a Mexican nun and writer used the example of Proba in many of her writings. This article contends that Sor Juana claimed a second Proba in the Mexican literary milieu of the 17th century in order to defend her rights as a female intellectual

    Sor Isabel de Villena : de la religio amoris al amor religionis

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    La Vita Christi de Sor Isabel de Villena se escribió para las monjas del Monasterio de la Trinidad de Valencia. Las lectoras femeninas hubieran sentido una afinidad inmediata con algunos de los personajes femeninos de la obra (Virgen María, María Magdalena). Estos personajes y su amor por Cristo se presentan con técnicas y énfasis recipiendarios de los de otras narrativas de amore del mismo periodo. Aunque diversas en contendio e intención, estas obras comparaten la nueva relevancia dada a la afectividad en materia amorosa, ayudando así a borrar los límites entre la religio amoris y el amor religionis.The Vita Christi by Sor Isabel de Villena was written for the nuns of the Monasterio de la Trinidad in Valencia. The female readership would have felt an immediate affinity with some of the female characters in this work (Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalen). These characters and their love for Christ are presented with a technique and emphasis that imitates that of other love narratives from the same period. Although diverse in context and intention, all these works share a new relevance given to affectivity when dealing with love as a theme, thus helping blur the boundaries between religio amoris and amor religionis

    Sor Juana y Proba : un modelo de translatio

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    A mulher e escritora romana Betitia Proba escreveu várias obras nas quais tentou estabelecer uma ponte cultural entre as letras pagãs e cristãs. Por isso, ela recebeu críticas de São Jerônimo, além de outros. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, freira e escritora mexicana, usou o exemplo de Proba em muitos de seus escritos. Esse artigo defende que Sor Juana reivindicou ser uma segunda Proba no meio literário mexicano do século XVII, a fim de defender seus direitos como uma intelectual feminina.The female Roman writer Betitia Proba wrote several works in which she tried to provide a cultural bridge between Pagan and Christian letters. For it, she received the criticism of Saint Jerome, among others. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, a Mexican nun and writer used the example of Proba in many of her writings. This article contends that Sor Juana claimed a second Proba in the Mexican literary milieu of the 17th century in order to defend her rights as a female intellectual

    Leriano y Llull: de amantes y caballeros.

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    Resumen: En sus ultimas palabras con Tifeo antes de cometer suicidio por amor en la Carcel de Amor, Leriano tiene una oportunidad perfecta para atacar a su desdeñosa dame sans merci, Laureola. Pero Leriano está a la altura de las circunstancias y hace una exposición de amore ante su amigo, que debe mucho al Libro de la orden de la caballeria de Llull, un libro destinado a tener importancia capital en la época tardomedieval y del primer Renacimiento.Abstract: In his last words with Tifeo before committing suicide in Carcel de Amor, Leriano has a perfect opportunity to attack his disdainful dame sans merci, Laureola. But Leriano raises above the circumstances and makes and exposition de amore to his friend which in greatly indebted to Llull's Book of the Order of Chivalry, a book that was destined to acquire paramount importance in late medieval and early modern Europe.

    La Orden de Venus en el "Comentario" de Hernán Núñez. Dignidad humana y conducta amorosa

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    This paper analyzes Hernán Núñez de Toledo’s Comentario (1499, 1505), a humanist analysis of Juan de Mena’s Laberinto de Fortuna. In particular, the author focuses on Núñez de Toledo ‘sideas on love in the context of Humanism’s construction of a philosophy of the subject (both as a pyschological construct and as a member of the political and social community).Este trabajo presenta un análisis del Comentario (1499, 1505) de Hernán Núñez de Toledo al Laberinto de Fortuna de Juan de Mena. En particular, se analiza el concepto humanista del amor en el contexto de la construcción de un sujeto individual, miembro de la comunidad política y social

    Margarita Moreira y Antonia Núñez. Inquisición y grupos criptojudíos en México, 1646-1647

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    Este artículo analiza dos documentos inquisitoriales desconocidos provenientes de la Bancroft Library (Berkeley) relativos al procesamiento en México por judaizantes de Margarita Moreira y Antonia Núñez, en 1646 y 1647 respectivamente.This article analyzes two previously-unkown documents from The Bancroft Library (UC Berkeley). These documents refer to the accusation made by the Mexican Inquisition against Margarita Moreira and Antonia Núñez in 1646 and 1647 respectiveley. Both women were accused of practicing Judaism

    Amores humanos, amores divinos. La Vita Christi de sor Isabel de Villena

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    La Vita Christi de Sor Isabel de Villena es un textos de enorme relevancia escrito en la Edad Media. Basado en la Vita Christi de Ludolfo de Sajonia, el Cartujano, puede en realidad interpretarse como una Vita Mariae, pues en él se presta atención particular al papel de la Virgen en la vida de Cristo. Este artículo analiza los paralelos entre esta obra y las prosas mitológicas de Joan Roís de Corella. En los dos puede verse un interés en temas amorosos y en la descripción de los afectos y el mundo interior emocional de los personajes

    Llull's A Contemporary Life: Narratio vera or Auto-hagiographic Account?

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    Summary: The Vita coaetanea is a mesmerizing autobiographical account of Ramon Llull’s life dictated by himself to a monk at the monastery of Vauvert in Paris in 1311. The philosopher was then 79 years old and was making preparations to attend the Council of Vienne that same year. Throughout the Vita Llull imagines himself as a combination of sinner, pilgrim, hermit, teacher, preacher and spiritual knight (miles Christi). The Vita closely follows the model of hagiographic accounts and has as its point of departure Llull’s so-called conversion to penitence. Llull’s ulterior life is understood by him as an act of self-effacement and love for Christ and his neighbor. In a previous book, the Book of the Order of Chivalry, written decades before, Llull had defended a new moral definition of knights as embodiments of man’s effort in his attempt to achieve everlasting rest with his Creator, a mission that has spiritual as well as temporal connotations. The two works, separated by some thirty-five years, insist on the need to reach the Muslim population through a crusading effort which is both military and spiritual. The The Book of the Order of Chivalry gives way in the Vita to an autobiography conceived of as an exemplum of the chivalric endeavors which the first book extolls and calls for. Keywords: Ramon Llull, Vita coaetanea, autobiography, Miles Christi, The Book of the Order of Chivalr
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