96 research outputs found

    Stakeholder engagement via facebook. An analysis of world’s most popular museums

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    Over the last few years, social media (SM) have been emphasised as a means for organisations to foster stakeholder relationship with particular stress on their potential to promote community building and dialogic engagement with online audiences. These potential benefits of SM have been claimed also with respect to cultural organisations. However, the available research evidence on SM and museums suggests that museums still struggle to exploit these tools to their full potential. This paper adds further evidence on this issue by empirically investigating whether museums are using Facebook to promote follower engagement using a sample of top-attended museums worldwide. Results suggest that the frequency and content type of posts correlate to some extent with the degree of follower reactions. Nevertheless, sample museums predominantly use SM to publish promotional contents and as a result fail to achieve a true ‘dialogic’ follower engagement

    Development of critical and creative thinking through the elaboration of action-research projects in the chair of Epistemology and Research Methodology. Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, UMaza

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    Los proyectos de investigación-acción consisten en la implementación de la serie de pasos de la metodología de la investigación incluyendo acciones de compromiso social destinadas a la realidad estudiada. Se plantea el método de la investigación-acción en un doble sentido: por un lado, en el rol del docente y por otro, en el trabajo de investigación del estudiante. En cuanto al papel del docente, implica definir a los profesores como investigadores, como profesionales que reflexionan sobre sus propias prácticas en sus lugares de trabajo y las mejoran. En cuanto al rol del estudiante, la propuesta involucra dos etapas: por un lado, que éste realice una autorreflexión acerca de su proceso de aprendizaje (mediante instrumentos brindados por las docentes); y por otro, cuando desarrolle dicho proyecto, logre la experiencia de investigar y de brindar solución a problemas de la realidad estudiada o al menos concientizar a la población sobre problemáticas que nos aquejan y que en muchos casos tienen solución o se pueden prevenir

    RF-powered UHF-RFID analog sensors platform

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    An RF powered UHF-RFID passive sensors platform was realized using discrete components and printed antennas designed to resonate at 868 MHz, used both for energy harvesting and data transmission. The tests demonstrate the possibility for the system to operate autonomously within the reading range of a standard RFID reader, that acts both as the RF power source and the receiver of the data stored in the tag user memory. The microcontroller can be interfaced on the same substrate with a sensor made of polymeric materials, sensible to physical parameters or chemical agents. RF-powered UHF-RFID analog sensors platform (PDF Download Available). Available from: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/279193365_RF-powered_UHF-RFID_analog_sensors_platform [accessed Sep 14, 2015]

    Políticas econômicas incrementais: o caso do tripé macroeconômico na Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil e México

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    A análise das políticas econômicas na América Latina, após 1998, indica a prevalência de algum grau de convergência, sobretudo pela utilização do chamado tripé macroeconômico. Neste artigo discutimos o papel da política econômica aplicada em diferentes países da região, respeitando o enfoque histórico-comparativo, no intuito de demonstrar que o incrementalismo em políticas públicas exerceu influência nas políticas econômicas. O artigo foi dividido em duas partes (além da introdução e das considerações finais). Na primeira, analisamos os aspectos históricos relacionados ao surgimento do tripé macroeconômico no bojo do Novo Consenso Macroeconômico (NCM) e suas relações com o incrementalismo em políticas públicas. Na parte que segue apresentamos as experiências latino-americanas no uso do tripé macroeconômico. A questão que norteou a pesquisa foi: as políticas econômicas aplicadas na América Latina, após 1998, foram convergentes

    Mental Health Impact and Burnout in Critical Care Staff During Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak

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    Objective: The coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak exposed intensive care unit health care workers to a psychological burden. The aim of the study was to assess burnout, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress symptoms in the intensive care unit staff during the pandemic period and to focus on the factors that contributed to psychological discomfort by using validated psychometric tools.Methods: This was a monocentric study developed at the end of the first emergency crisis period (May 2020). We used a custom-designed survey using SurveyMonkey. The first part of the online survey included 27 general questions (sociodemographic information, the professional role, and possible changes assigned in job tasks and duties), the second part included validated psychometric tools: Maslach Burnout Inventory, General Health Questionnaire-12 Items, Impact of Event Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory, and Beck Depression Inventory-II. Factors independently associated with reported symptoms of mental health disorders were identified.Results: The response rate was 88%, with 95 respondents. Depressive and mild-moderate anxiety symptoms were reported in 20% and in 12% of health care workers, respectively, and half of the sample experienced moderate or severe post-traumatic stress symptoms. In total, 64% of health care workers reported high levels of burnout. General mental health problems were more frequently reported by women (P =.3), by those who were tested negative for the coronavirus disease 2019 buffer (P <.02), and by those who changed their family habits (P =.02) as a consequence of the pandemic. Being single or divorced (P =.04) was associated with the presence of depressive symptoms; vice versa, cohabiting with a partner or being married was associated with lower levels of depression. Anxious symptoms were reported in health care workers with no previous working experience in the intensive care unit.Conclusions: Health care workers experience high levels of psychological burden during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Knowing the risk factors can aid to develop strategies of observation and prevention and also strengthen the ability to be resilient to stressful situations

    Relation between prolonged mechanical ventilation and muscular strength upon admission to a rehabilitation clinic

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    Los pacientes internados en Terapia Intensiva (UTI) con conexión a Ventilación Mecánica (VM) y sometidos a sedación e inmovilidad prolongada, presentan debilidad muscular con pérdida de fuerza, disfunción y atrofia por desuso, con cambios fisiológicos en las primeras 24hs de conexión a la VM. Las consecuencias de esta debilidad adquirida dificultan y retrasan el destete. Estas situaciones se asocian a más días de VM, estancia hospitalaria, discapacidad funcional e incremento en los costos sanitario

    Marcadores inflamatorios y riesgo, gravedad y prevalencia del cáncer de próstata

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    La proteína C reactiva (PCR) es un marcador utilizado en la bioquímica clínica para detectar y controlar la respuesta inflamatoria sistémica. Desde hace 10 años se ha asociado con algunas enfermedades graves como cardiovasculares y cáncer. El nexo que asocia la PCR con el cáncer es el papel de la respuesta inflamatoria en el desarrollo de dicha patología. La inflamación favorece la tumorogénosis suministrando al tumor un microambiente adecuado en el cual están incluidas moléculas como: •Factores de crecimiento. •Factores que brindan señales de supervivencia al tu-mor. •Moléculas proangiogénicas. •Enzimas que modifican de la matriz extracelular favoreciendo: angiogénesis, invasión y metástasis

    Sex differences in LDL-C control in a primary care population: the PORTRAIT-DYS study

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    © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by- nc-nd/4.0/).Background and aims: Cardiovascular (CV) diseases show clear differences in clinical manifestation and treatment outcomes between men and women. To reduce sex disparities in achieving lipid-lowering therapy (LLT) goals, a sex-focused assessment is essential and more studies are needed to bring new evidence to clinicians. This study aims to assess the role of sex in attaining low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) goals, after correction for age, CV risk category, LLT intensity, and presence of mental health disorder and social deprivation. Methods: A retrospective cohort analysis of patients aged 40-85, followed in 1 hospital and 14 primary care centers in Portugal, using electronic health records from 1/1/2012 to 31/12/2020, was performed. The analysis considered an episode-based design, where exposure consists of any time when LLT was started or intensity changed. The likelihood of reaching the LDL-C goal according to contemporary ESC/EAS guidelines was modeled using multivariate Cox regression. LDL-C goal achievement at 180 days was defined as the outcome. The analysis was repeated at 30-day follow-up intervals up to 360 days, and also stratified by CV risk category. Results: We identified 40,032 exposure episodes (LLT initiation or intensity change) in 30,323 distinct patients. Male sex, older age, lower CV risk and increasing LLT intensity were associated with improved LDL-C control. Women were 22% less likely to reach the LDL-C goal than men (HR = 0.78, 95% CI:0.73, 0.82) independently of covariates. Conclusions: Women have a lower likelihood of attaining LDL-C goals than men after adjustment for LLT intensity, age, CV risk category, presence of mental health disorder and social deprivation. This finding underscores the need for further investigation and tailoring of LLT management strategies in women.This study was funded by Daiichi Sankyo Europeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The difficulties of informal caregivers in providing care to the elderly

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    Introducción: Teniendo en cuenta el envejecimiento de la población y el consiguiente aumento en los niveles de dependencia, cada vez se hace necesaria la intervención de los cuidadores informales. Para evaluar las dificultades de los cuidadores no profesionales de personas mayores dependientes y para identificar y analizar los determinantes de estas dificultades. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, correlacional, cuantitativo y transversal, estudiando una accesibilidad muestra no probabilística que consta de 52 cuidadores. Se utiliza un cuestionario para describir los cuidadores, los ancianos y la atención, el índice de Barthel y el índice de evaluación de las dificultades del cuidador (CADI). Resultados y Discusión: Los cuidadores informales percepcionan mayores dificultades en las dimensiones: demandas físicas, las reacciones a los cuidados y las limitaciones de su vida social. Ellos fueron identificados y analizados, los determinantes de las dificultades percepcionadas, a saber: que los CI (edad, estado civil, nivel educativo, ingresos de los hogares), la mayor dependiente (edad, sexo, nivel de dependencia) y caracterización de provisión será circunstancial atención (parentesco, la convivencia, el tiempo transcurrido en horas de cuidado). Conclusión: Los resultados de este estudio muestran la necesidad de profesionales de la salud que basen su acción para promover las capacidades y habilidades de los cuidadores no profesionales, cerrando las dificultades percepcionadas, minimizando así el impacto negativo asociado con el cuidado.Introduction: Given the aging of the population and consequent increased levels of dependency, it becomes increasingly necessary the intervention of informal caregivers. Objectives: To assess the difficulties of informal caregivers of dependent elderly and identify and analyze the factors that determine these difficulties. Methodology: Descriptive, correlational, quantitative, cross-sectional study we opted for a non-probabilistic sample accessibility consists of 52 caregivers. Used a questionnaire to describe the caregivers, the elderly and care, the Barthel index and the index of the Caregiver Assessment of Difficulties (CADI). Results and discussion: informal caregivers perceive greatest difficulties in dimensions: physical requirements of the order, the reactions to the care and restrictions on their social life. Will provide the informal caregiver (age, marital status, educational attainment, household income), the dependent elderly (gender, age, level of dependency) and circumstantial characterization: We identified and analyzed the determinants of perceive greatest difficulties, particularly care (kinship, cohabitation, time spent in hours of care). Conclusion: The results of this study show the need for health professionals direct their action to enhance skills and competencies of informal caregivers by bridging the perceive greatest difficulties, thus minimizing the negative impact associated with the provision of care.Introdução: Face ao acentuado envelhecimento da população e consequente aumento dos níveis de dependência, torna-se cada vez mais necessário a intervenção dos cuidadores informais. Objetivos: Avaliar as dificuldades dos cuidadores informais de idosos dependentes e identificar e analisar os fatores determinantes dessas dificuldades. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo, correlacional, quantitativo e transversal, recorrendo.se a uma amostra não probabilística por acessibilidade constituída por 52 cuidadores. Utilizado um questionário para caracterização do cuidador, do idoso e da prestação de cuidados, o índice de Barthel e o índice de Avaliação das Dificuldades do Cuidador (CADI). Resultados e discussão: os cuidadores informais percecionam maiores dificuldades nas dimensões: exigências de ordem física, nas reações à prestação de cuidados e nas restrições da sua vida social. Foram identificados e analisados os fatores determinantes das dificuldades percecionadas, nomeadamente: no cuidador informal (idade, estado civil, habilitações literárias, rendimento do agregado familiar), no idoso dependente (sexo, idade, nível de dependência) e na caracterização circunstancial á prestação de cuidados (grau de parentesco, coabitação, tempo despendido em horas de prestação de cuidados). Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo mostram a necessidade dos profissionais de saúde orientarem a sua ação para a promoção das capacidades e competências dos cuidadores informais, colmatando as dificuldades percecionadas, minimizando assim o impacto negativo associado à prestação de cuidados.peerReviewe