679 research outputs found

    Pseudoartrosis de escafoides carpiano tratadas mediante la técnica de Matti-Russe: estudio retrospectivo de 36 casos

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    Presentamos un estudio retrospectivo de una serie de 36 pacientes con pseudoartrosis de escafoides operados mediante la técnica de Matti-Russe entre 1985 y 1991. Utilizamos injerto córtico esponjoso obtenido del radio (50%), cresta ilíaca (42%) y cúbito (8%) sin diferencias en la incorporación. La tasa de curación fue mayor en las pseudoartrosis medias y distales (80%) que en las de localización proximal (54%). El 80% de los fracasos de curación en la localización media y distal eran pseudoartrosis de más de 30 meses de evolución. Los cambios degenerativos en el carpo de las pseudoartrosis no curadas fueron significativamente mayores (p< 0,001) que en las que se obtuvo la consolidación. La localización y la antiguedad de la pseudoartrosis parecen ser dos importantes factores pronósticos. La técnica de Matti-Russe presenta limitaciones en la pseudoartrosis de localización proximal y en los carpos muy degenerados.We reported a retrospective study of 36 patients with a pseudoarthrosis of the carpal scaphoid bone treated by the Matti-Russe operation from 1985 to 1991. We used radial (50%), iliac (42%) or ulnar (8%) autogenous grafts without any difference in the rate of incorporation. The rate of healing of the pseudoarthrosis was higher in mid and distal location (80%) than in proximal location (54%). In 80% of cases, healing failures in the mid and distal location occurred in old pseudoarthrosis ( >3 0 months evolution). Carpal degenerative changes were significantly higher (p < 0,01) in patients with not healed pseudoarthrosis. The location and the age of the pseudoarthrosis appear to be important prognostic factors. The Matti-Russe technique has limitations when is performed either in proximal pseudoarthrosis or in the presence of advanced radiocarpal osteoarthritis

    Predicting Thermal Adaptation by Looking Into Populations’ Genomic Past

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    Molecular evolution offers an insightful theory to interpret the genomic consequences of thermal adaptation to previous events of climate change beyond range shifts. However, disentangling often mixed footprints of selective and demographic processes from those due to lineage sorting, recombination rate variation, and genomic constrains is not trivial. Therefore, here we condense current and historical population genomic tools to study thermal adaptation and outline key developments (genomic prediction, machine learning) that might assist their utilization for improving forecasts of populations’ responses to thermal variation. We start by summarizing how recent thermal-driven selective and demographic responses can be inferred by coalescent methods and in turn how quantitative genetic theory offers suitable multi-trait predictions over a few generations via the breeder’s equation. We later assume that enough generations have passed as to display genomic signatures of divergent selection to thermal variation and describe how these footprints can be reconstructed using genome-wide association and selection scans or, alternatively, may be used for forward prediction over multiple generations under an infinitesimal genomic prediction model. Finally, we move deeper in time to comprehend the genomic consequences of thermal shifts at an evolutionary time scale by relying on phylogeographic approaches that allow for reticulate evolution and ecological parapatric speciation, and end by envisioning the potential of modern machine learning techniques to better inform long-term predictions. We conclude that foreseeing future thermal adaptive responses requires bridging the multiple spatial scales of historical and predictive environmental change research under modern cohesive approaches such as genomic prediction and machine learning frameworks

    Performance of the \u3ci\u3eLeucaena leucocephala\u3c/i\u3e–\u3ci\u3eMegathyrsus maximus\u3c/i\u3e cv Mombasa System and Local Range Grazed by Pelibuey Ewe-Lambs

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    Mombasa grass and leucaena have shown an excellent agronomic performance grown in tropical semi-arid ranges, the objective of this study was to compare the agronomic performance of Leucaena-Mombasa grown as a silvopastoral system at two leucaena plant densities (10000 and 15000 plants ha-1) and of Pelibuey ewe-lambs grazing it against native unimproved tropical semi-arid range of the state of Morelos, México. Experimental design was a completely random with two replications. Unimproved native range was mainly deciduous shrubs and mixed herbaceous plants (Poaceae and Asteraceae). Stocking rate was the same across treatments and grazing lasted all rainy season. Of the agronomic variables determined, both Leucaena-Mombasa systems showed the same (p\u3e 0.05) forage on-offer total and expressed as herbage-allowance but 29 and 15% higher (p≤ 0.05) respectively than the unimproved native range. Leucaena-Mombasa at the highest leucaena density showed the highest harvest rate, 22 and 50% higher (p≤ 0.05) than the registered at the lower density and unimproved native range, respectively. Unimproved native range herbaceous layer showed 40% higher (p≤ 0.05) crude protein content than the layer at both Leucaena-Mombasa systems; tree fodder was only different (p\u3c 0.05) in in vitro dry matter digestibility, tree fodder from both Leucaena-Mombasa systems was 32% higher (p≤ 0.05) than that of unimproved native range. Ewe-lambs grazing any of the Leucaena-Mombasa systems showed a daily weight gain 1.5 times higher (p\u3c 0.05) than those grazing the unimproved native range. It was concluded that Leucaena-Mombasa system is an option to improve agronomic and animal performances compare to unimproved tropical native range


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    Material científico de alta importancia para la práctica clínica especializada en Ortodoncia, puesto que brinda información relevante para la recementación de anclajes ortodóncicos.Objetivo: Evaluar la resistencia al recementado de brackets metálicos descementados utilizando adhesivos autograbables y adhesivos convencionales. Material y Métodos: Estudio experimental, transversal, comparativo, diseño in-vitro. Realizado en el C.I.E.A.O. de la UAEMex. Muestra: 90 premolares íntegros extraídos por razones ortodóncicas, sin caries, fracturas o lesiones, divididos aleatoriamente en tres grupos(n=30). Grupo I: se utilizó adhesivo autograbante y brackets metálicos nuevos; Grupo II: brackets descementados arenados/ácido fosfórico 37%; Grupo III: brackets descementados arenados/ácido fosfórico 37%/adhesivo en la malla del bracket y diente. Se utilizó una máquina de ensayos universales para medir la resistencia al recementado, la prueba estadística utilizada fue: ANOVA-un factor p < 0.05, la carga se midió en MPa y se registró la cantidad de adhesivo remanente (ARI). Resultados: La resistencia al descementado mostró que el valor medio del grupo III (19.4 ± 4.7 MPa) presentó diferencias significativas en comparación con los grupos I (p= 0.0001, 9.5 ± 4.3 MPa) y II (p= 0.0001, 14.4 ± 4.7 MPa). Asimismo elgrupo II (p=0.0001, 14.4 ± 4.7 MPa) presentó diferencias significativas con el grupo III (p= 0.0001, 19.4 ± 4.74 MPa). Los resultados del ARI mediante la prueba X2 (21.61) revelaron que los grupos son significativamente diferentes (p=0.001). Conclusiones: Los brackets metálicos recementados pueden ser adheridos exitosamente con cualquiera de estos sistemas. El prerrevestimiento con adhesivo sobre la malla del bracket previamente arenado, incrementa la resistencia al descementado

    EM Parametric Study of Length Matching Elements Exploiting an ANSYS HFSS Matlab-Python Driver

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    This work presents a Python-based driver for ANSYS HFSS for length matching elements (LME) implemented in Matlab. The driver allows full-wave EM parametric simulation of length matching elements, whose S-parameters are inserted in other circuit simulators, such as ADS, for a complete interconnect validation. Three different LME (i.e., trapezoidal, triangular, and rectangular) are analyzed using the driver in a common high-speed routing scenario. The driver proposed in this work allows verifying that the three LME considered have a similar performance up to 5 GHz, indicating that these LME can be used as mismatch (phase skew) compensation structures in some interfaces within this frequency band, such as USB 3.0, PCIe Gen3 or 1 GBASE Ethernet. On the other hand, the trapezoidal LME shows the best performance for frequencies higher than 5 GHz, with a low impact in the electromagnetic interference (EMI), making it the most recommended for high-speed interfaces with operating frequencies higher than 5 GHz

    Psychometric evaluation and cultural adaptation of the Spanish version of the “Scale for End-of Life Caregiving Appraisal”

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    Objective: To translate, culturally adapt and psychometrically evaluate the Spanish version of the ‘Scale for End-of Life Caregiving Appraisal’ (SEOLCAS). Methods: Observational cross-sectional study. Convenience sample of 201 informal end-of-life caregivers recruited in a southern Spanish hospital. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed through its internal consistency (Cronbach’s α) and temporal stability (Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) between test-retest). The content validity index of the items (I-CVI) and the scale (S-CVI/Ave) was calculated. Its criterion validity was explored through performing a linear regression analysis to evaluate the SEOLCAS’ predictive validity. Exploratory factor analysis was used to examine its construct validity. Results: The SEOLCAS’s reliability was very high (Cronbach’s α=0.92). Its content validity was excellent (all items’ content validity index=0.8–1; scale’s validity index=0.88). Evidence of the SEOLCAS’ criterion validity showed that the participants’ scores on the SEOLCAS explained approximately 79.3% of the between-subject variation of their results on the Zarit Burden Interview. Exploratory factor analysis provided evidence of the SEOLCAS’ construct validity. This analysis revealed that two factors (‘internal contingencies’ and ‘external contingencies’) explained 53.77% of the total variance found and reflected the stoic Hispanic attitude towards adversity. Significance of the results: The Spanish version of the ‘Scale for End-of Life Caregiving Appraisal’ has shown to be an easily-applicable, valid, reliable and culturally-appropriate tool to measure the impact of end-of-life care provision on Hispanic informal caregivers. This tool offers healthcare professionals the opportunity to easily explore Hispanic informal end-of-life caregivers’ experiences and discover the type of support they may need (instrumental or emotional) even when there are communicational and organisational constraints

    Promoting dignified end-of-life care in the emergency department: a qualitative study

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    Background: Preservation of a dying person’s dignity in the emergency department (ED) is fundamental for the patient, his/her relatives and healthcare professionals. The aim of this study was to explore and interpret physicians’ and nurses’ experiences regarding conservation of dignity in end-of-life care in dying patients in the ED. Methods: A qualitative study based on the hermeneutic phenomenological approach, was carried out in the emergency department of two general hospitals. A total of 16 nurses and 10 physicians participated in the study. Data collection included 12 individual in-depth interviews and 2 focus groups. Results: The findings revealed that two themes represent the practices and proposals for the conservation of dignity in the emergency department: dignified care in hostile surroundings and the design of a system focused on the person’s dignity. Conclusion: Dignifying treatment, redesigning environmental conditions, and reorienting the healthcare system can contribute to maintaining dignity in end-of-life care in the ED

    Ewe Daily-Weight Gain Grazing \u3ci\u3eLeucaena leucocephala-Megathyrsus maximus\u3c/i\u3e CV Mombasa Silvopastoral System and Tropical Native Unimproved Range

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    Silvopastoral systems are a viable option to increase livestock productivity, The silvopastoral arrangement of Leucaena leucocephala associated with Megathyrsus maximus CV Mombasa (LMS) is successfully cultivated in tropical environments.. The objective of the study was to determine ewe daily-weight gain grazing LMS and a tropical unimproved native range. Two LMS were tested: high and low leucaena densities, 4700 and 2383 plants/ha, respectively. Grazing was rotational, lasted 150 d (rainy season) at equivalent stocking rate of 59 ewes/ha/150 d. Experimental design was a completely random design with three replications, the experimental unit was a 192 m2 plot. Variables measured on plots were amount (dry matter basis), in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), and crude protein (CP) of forage on-offer, from mixed samples herbaceous and tree fodder. Weight and serum concentrations of Ca, P, K, Mg, Na, Zn, Cu, and Fe were measured in ewes, daily weight gain was calculated. On average forage on-offer and IVDMD concentration were 50 and 15% higher (p \u3c 0.05) in LMS than in native range, respectively, with no difference between LMS. CP concentration was 25% higher (p \u3c 0.05) in native range than both LMS, with no difference between them. LMS’s showed no difference (p \u3e 0.05) between them on ewe daily weight gain, on average 59.2 g, and were higher than native range where ewes showed a mean daily weight loss of 14.8 g. Serum concentrations of the 8 minerals measured were similar (p \u3e 0.05) across all ewes regardless the treatments. It was concluded that the Leucaena leucocephala-Megathyrsus maximus CV Mombasa silvopastoral system is an option to improve livestock productivity compared with unimproved native range due to higher forage on-offer

    Ewe Daily-Weight Gain Grazing \u3ci\u3eLeucaena leucocephala-Megathyrsus maximus\u3c/i\u3e CV Mombasa Silvopastoral System and Tropical Native Unimproved Range

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    Silvopastoral systems are a viable option to increase livestock productivity, The silvopastoral arrangement of Leucaena leucocephala associated with Megathyrsus maximus CV Mombasa (LMS) is successfully cultivated in tropical environments.. The objective of the study was to determine ewe daily-weight gain grazing LMS and a tropical unimproved native range. Two LMS were tested: high and low leucaena densities, 4700 and 2383 plants/ha, respectively. Grazing was rotational, lasted 150 d (rainy season) at equivalent stocking rate of 59 ewes/ha/150 d. Experimental design was a completely random design with three replications, the experimental unit was a 192 m2 plot. Variables measured on plots were amount (dry matter basis), in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), and crude protein (CP) of forage on-offer, from mixed samples herbaceous and tree fodder. Weight and serum concentrations of Ca, P, K, Mg, Na, Zn, Cu, and Fe were measured in ewes, daily weight gain was calculated. On average forage on-offer and IVDMD concentration were 50 and 15% higher (p \u3c 0.05) in LMS than in native range, respectively, with no difference between LMS. CP concentration was 25% higher (p \u3c 0.05) in native range than both LMS, with no difference between them. LMS’s showed no difference (p \u3e 0.05) between them on ewe daily weight gain, on average 59.2 g, and were higher than native range where ewes showed a mean daily weight loss of 14.8 g. Serum concentrations of the 8 minerals measured were similar (p \u3e 0.05) across all ewes regardless the treatments. It was concluded that the Leucaena leucocephala-Megathyrsus maximus CV Mombasa silvopastoral system is an option to improve livestock productivity compared with unimproved native range due to higher forage on-offer