295 research outputs found

    Amenaza de la eu-ets sobre la estabilidad del sector de transporte aéreo mundial

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    La ETS fue creada como una reacción al bajo nivel de acción por parte de la OACI sobre generar soluciones basadas en las medidas de criterio de mercado. Esta es una voz de alerta para la organización toda vez que ella es la llamada a brindar las guías y pautas de acción respondiendo positiva y proactivamente al liderazgo que la comunidad aérea le reconoce

    Never retreat, never surrender: The bargaining power of commitment in the Hawk-Dove game

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    This paper studies experimentally the conditions that improve bargaining power using threats in a negotiation process. Following Schelling’s (1960) ideas we choose the hawk-dove game because is the simplest negotiation environment with inequity distribution in equilibrium. The analysis is focused on three essential elements of commitment: the possibility of a player to announce his own actions, the credibility of these messages and the experience acquired in the negotiation process. The empirical evidence shows that, in the first period, subjects do not realize the bargaining power of commitment. When the game is repeated and experience increases, subjects gradually understand the advantages of a threat, turning the payoffs into their favor. Credibility is also relevant for the relation, if subjects can choose their message, it is common to find strategic liars, and their rivals punish this behavior.Credible threats, negotiation, experiments

    Social Interactions and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from Latin America

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    In this paper, we seek to examine the effect of comparisons and social capital on subjective well-being. Furthermore, we test if, through social influence and exposure, social capital is either an enhancer or appeaser of the comparison effect. Using the Latinobarómetro Survey (2007) we find that in contrast to most previous studies, the comparison effect on well-being is positive; that is, the better others perform, the happier the individual is. We also find that social capital is among the strongest correlates of individuals’ subjective well-being in Latin American countries. Furthermore, our findings suggest that social contacts may enhance the comparison effect on individual’s happiness, which is more intense for those who perform worse in their reference group.comparison effect, social capital, subjective well-being, social interactions

    Virulence of malaria is associated with differential expression of Plasmodium falciparum var gene subgroups in a case-control study

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    Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) is a major pathogenicity factor in falciparum malaria that mediates cytoadherence. PfEMP1 is encoded by approximately 60 var genes per haploid genome. Most var genes are grouped into 3 subgroups: A, B, and C. Evidence is emerging that the specific expression of these subgroups has clinical significance. Using field samples from children from Papua New Guinea with severe, mild, and asymptomatic malaria, we compared proportions of transcripts of var groups, as determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. We found a significantly higher proportion of var group B transcripts in children with clinical malaria (mild and severe), whereas a large proportion of var group C transcripts was found in asymptomatic children. These data from naturally infected children clearly show that major differences exist in var gene expression between parasites causing clinical disease and those causing asymptomatic infections. Furthermore, parasites forming rosettes showed a significant up-regulation of var group A transcripts

    Never retreat, never surrender: the bargaining power of commitment in the Hawk-Dove game

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    This paper studies experimentally the conditions that improve bargaining power using threats in a negotiation process. Following Schelling’s (1960) ideas we choose the hawk-dove game because is the simplest negotiation environment with inequity distribution in equilibrium. The analysis is focused on three essential elements of commitment: the possibility of a player to announce his own actions, the credibility of these messages and the experience acquired in the negotiation process. The empirical evidence shows that, in the first period, subjects do not realize the bargaining power of commitment. When the game is repeated and experience increases, subjects gradually understand the advantages of a threat, turning the payoffs into their favor. Credibility is also relevant for the relation, if subjects can choose their message, it is common to find strategic liars, and their rivals punish this behavior

    Diferencias salariales por género en el departamento de Santander - Colombia

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    This paper analyzes the factors that influence hourly wage and their differencesby gender, for the Department of Santander, Colombia, during theyears 2012 to 2014. Specifically, it explores whether the differential is dueor not to a discriminatory factor in labor market of Santander, using datafrom Colombian household survey “Gran Encuesta Integrada de HogaresGEIH”. After the descriptive analysis of the labor market in Santander, wemake econometric estimations using the Blinder Oaxaca methodology toprove the existence of a discriminatory component. Results indicate that,for the total sample in the Santander region, between 25 % and 30 % of thewage differentials by gender are associated to the unexplained discriminatorycomponent.Este trabajo analiza los factores que influyen en el salario por hora y sus diferencias por género para el departamento de Santander durante los años 2012 a 2014. Específicamente, se explora si dicho diferencial obedece o no a un factor discriminatorio en el mercado de trabajo santandereano, utilizando los datos proporcionados por la Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares, GEIH. Luego de presentar un análisis descriptivo del mercado laboral santandereano, se realizan estimaciones econométricas aplicando la metodología Blinder-Oaxaca para evidenciar la existencia de un componente discriminatorio. Los resultados indican que, para el total de la muestra en la región santandereana, entre un 25% y 30% de las diferencias salariales por género se asocian al componente discriminatorio no explicado

    Connecting research, management, education and policy for the conservation of armadillos in the Orinoco Llanos of Colombia

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    Successful conservation actions require strategies that combine research, policy formulation and enforcement, practical interventions and education. Here we review the Armadillo Conservation Programme, which was initiated in 2012 as a pioneering multidisciplinary programme for the conservation and management of five armadillo species in the Orinoco Llanos of Colombia. It is led by a multi-institutional alliance that ensures active participation of stakeholders during all stages of the programme. Six main threats affecting armadillo populations in the Llanos were identified, and these were addressed in the first joint action plan of two Colombian environmental authorities. Scientific research facilitated an increase in the knowledge available about the armadillos of the Llanos, and the recategorization of the northern long-nosed armadillo Dasypus sabanicola on the IUCN Red List. Threat evaluation and mitigation included the assessment of illegal bushmeat trade and consumption in local restaurants and the establishment of a certification label for restaurants that do not sell wild meat. Multiple strategies were used to raise awareness about armadillos and position them as flagship species for the Llanos, including education programmes in schools, travelling exhibitions, talks at universities, and the publication of several books. The local communities were actively involved through a network of private reserves committed to the conservation of armadillos, in which armadillos are protected from poaching and monitored by farmers. Breeding and rehabilitation facilities were established that can host confiscated armadillos and raise awareness among the local communities. This case study shows that conservation programmes targeted at inconspicuous and poorly known species can be successful.Fil: Superina, Mariella. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Cortés Duarte, Alexandra. Fundación Omacha; ColombiaFil: Trujillo, Fernando. Fundación Omacha; Colombi

    El espantapájaros de las matemáticas

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    Esta es una experiencia de aula, trabajada desde la práctica como estudiantes para docentes de matemáticas,en la que se plantea una manera distinta de ver la matemática, y quitarles el miedo a los estudiantes de poder experimentar y aprender conocimientos que serán útiles en su futuro. El espantapájaros de las matemáticas, como su nombre lo dice, cumple la misma función que un espantapájaros de maíz: alejar a los pájaros, en este caso, el miedo y el rechazo que existe hacia las matemáticas, planteando al espantapájaros como un ser que también siente y desde su representación siempre está dispuesto a dar abrazos, al igual que las matemáticas siempre están dispuestas para quien quiera aprenderlas

    Documentación del sistema de gestión de calidad bajo la norma ISO 9001:2015 en la distribuidora Bombicol SAS de Pereira

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    El trabajo titulado “DOCUMENTACION DEL SISTEMA DE GESTION DE CALI-DAD BAJO LA NORMA ISO 9001:2015 EN LA DISTRIBUIDORA BOMBICOL SAS DE PEREIRA” es un estudio enfocado en documentar los requisitos necesarios para que la distribuidora BOMBICOL SAS se pueda certificar en la NTC ISO 9001:2015. Toda la información correspondiente se obtuvo por medio de entrevistas, históricos de la organización, análisis de riesgos y definición de cargos, los cuales permitieron obtener la información necesaria para llevar a cabo la documentación la cual está compuesta por el manual de funciones, mapa de procesos, matriz de riesgos y manual de calidad. Este aporte va dirigido a realizar una propuesta de documentación en la NTC ISO 9001:2015 para la distribuidora BOMBICOL SAS

    Guidelines for the development of educational interactive tools for early psychomotor stimulation in children ages 3 to 5 years old, through an experimental prototype

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    Resumen. La industria del software está centrando sus esfuerzos en el sector de edades que comprenden la etapa de educación infantil aprovechando las cualidades multimedia de la tecnología existente. Sin embargo, estas cualidades tecnológicas no son suficientes. Para que un software sea de calidad y cumpla con el objetivo de educar debe ajustarse a características específicas de los usuarios finales. De esta manera, con el fin de hallar estas características específicas se realizó una exploración de diferentes herramientas educativas para niños de la primera infancia a través de un estudio cuasi-experimental. A partir de los resultados se generaron lineamientos a tener en cuenta en el desarrollo de herramientas educativas interactivas para el desarrollo psicomotriz en niños de 3 a 5 años de edad, los cuales fueron validados a través de un prototipo experimental llamado “Jugueteando en mis primeros pasos.” Los productos de la investigación pretenden aportar buenas prácticas para los desarrolladores de software que tienen como objetivo este tipo de usuarios, además de presentar una herramienta potencial de apoyo pedagógico en los procesos de estimulación para el desarrollo psicomotriz. Abstract. The Software Industry is focusing its efforts on age groups which involve childhood education, leveraging the multimedia capabilities of current technology. However, these technological qualities are not enough. In order to create quality software with education objectives, it has to adjust to specific characteristics of the final user. Hence, with the purpose of finding these specific characteristics, different educative tools for children in early childhood were explored through a quasi-experimental study. Based on these results some guidelines were generated for the development process of educative interactive tools for psychomotor development of children between 3 and 5 years old, which where validated through an experimental prototype called “Playing whilst taking my first steps”. The products of this research are intended to provide best practices for software developers who target those types of users, and to present a potential tool for pedagogic support in stimulation process for psychomotor development