973 research outputs found

    Chapter 7 Integrating Lifespan Development Theories

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    "Research on age(ing) and work often draws upon lifespan development perspectives to explain how adults “age successfully,” managing developmental gains and losses and maintaining well-being and functioning over time. There are a multitude of similar theories to consider to this end, which is both a blessing and a curse for researchers. In this chapter, we introduce a conceptual integration of predominant lifespan theories used in work and aging research, organized in terms of overlapping mechanisms, predictions, and guiding principles. Then, we present the specific aspects and core characteristics of commonly used lifespan development theories, particularly those related to our integration. We conclude with recommendations for applying our integration to new research areas and approaches in the work context, highlighting the ways in which more synthesis and codification can mutually improve the study of age(ing) and work.

    La l?dica como estrategia fundamental para fortalecer la psicomotricidad en los ni?os y ni?as del nivel preescolar de la instituci?n educativa San Francisco

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    107 P?ginasTomando como base los lineamientos dados por el Programa de Licenciatura en Pedagog?a Infantil de la Universidad del Tolima, el presente documento sistematiza el desarrollo del proceso de investigaci?n formativa desarrollado en la Instituci?n Educativa San Francisco, Sede Cural La Tigrera del municipio de Ibagu?. A trav?s de un proceso de investigaci?n formativa y aplicando la metodolog?a cualitativa de corte etnogr?fico, se realiz? la caracterizaci?n de los discursos y pr?cticas pedag?gicas que circulan en la instituci?n, que reflejaron la realidad de la educaci?n impartida a los ni?os del nivel preescolar de la Instituci?n Educativa San Francisco, sede Cural la Tigrera. En este proceso se utilizaron t?cnicas e instrumentos inherentes a la investigaci?n cualitativa, como es la observaci?n (participante y no participante), entrevistas (no estructuradas), Diario de Campo, revisiones documentales (PEI, Leyes y Decretos Reglamentarios) e interacci?n con los diferentes miembros de la comunidad educativa. Mediante la ejecuci?n de este proceso se logr? reconocer la importancia de implementar la l?dica como estrategia para el fortalecimiento de la formaci?n psicomotriz en la educaci?n inicial y de la responsabilidad compartida entre familia y escuela, dirigida a favorecer el desarrollo de los ni?os menores de siete a?os. Lo anterior teniendo en cuenta que el desarrollo psicomotriz influye directamente en el fortalecimiento de todas las dimensiones del ser humano. El proyecto pretende ofrecer alternativas pedag?gicas para el desarrollo psicomotriz de los ni?os preescolares, como un trabajo conjunto entre la escuela y la familia.ABSTRACT. Based on the guidelines given by the Bachelor Programme in Infant Education at the University of Tolima The present document systematizes the development of formative research process developed at the Educational Institution San Francisco, Cural the Tigrera of Ibague headquarters. Through a process of formative research and applying qualitative ethnographic methodology, was performed characterization of the discourses and pedagogical practices that circulate in the institution that reflected the reality of the education provided to children at the preschool level of the institution educational San Francisco,Cural the Tigrera headquarters In this process were used inherent technical and instruments as is the observation (participant and non-participant), interviews(unstructured), Journal of Field, document reviews (PEI Law and Regulatory Decrees) and interaction with different members of the educational community. By executing this process was achieved to recognize the importance of implementing the ludic as a strategy for the strengthening of the psychomotor formation initial educationand shared responsibility between home and school, aimed at promoting the integraldevelopment of children under seven years. This takes into account that the psychomotor development directly influences the strengthening of all human dimensions. The project aims to provide alternatives pedagogical for psychomotor development of preschool children as a joint work between school and family.INTRODUCCI?N 12 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 15 1.1 DESCRIPCI?N DEL PROBLEMA 15 1.2 FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 18 2. OBJETIVOS 19 2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 19 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 19 3. JUSTIFICACI?N 20 4. MARCO REFERENCIAL 22 4.1 ANTECEDENTES 22 4.2 MARCO TE?RICO 24 4.2.1 La Psicomotricidad. 25 4.2.2 La Psicomotricidad y el Aprendizaje. 26 4.2.3 Aspectos que Trabaja la Psicomotricidad. 28 El esquema corporal. 28 Actividad t?nica. 28 Equilibrio. 29 Lateralidad. 29 Estructuraci?n espacial. 29 Tiempo y ritmo. 30 Coordinaci?n. 30 Motricidad. 31 4.2.4 La Actividad L?dica. 31 4.2.5 La Formaci?n Integral. 32 4.3 MARCO CONTEXTUAL 33 4.4 MARCO LEGAL 36 4.4.1 A Nivel Internacional. 37 4.4.2 A Nivel Nacional. 38 4.4.3 A Nivel Local Institucional. 40 5. METODOLOG?A 42 5.1 ESTRUCTURA METODOL?GICA 42 5.2 DISE?O METOD?LOGICO 44 5.2.1 Descripci?n del Proceso de Investigaci?n. 44 5.2.2 T?cnicas e Instrumentos para la Recolecci?n de la Informaci?n. 45 5.3 FASES DEL PROYECTO 46 5.3.1 Descripci?n Fase I. 46 5.3.2 Descripci?n Fase II. 48 5.4 AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 51 5.4.1 Validez Interna. 51 5.4.2 Validez Externa. 52 5.4.3 Confiabilidad 53 5.5 EVALUACI?N Y SEGUIMIENTO 53 5.5.1 Fase 1: Caracterizaci?n de las pr?cticas que se ejercen y de los discursos que circulan sobre la educaci?n de los ni?os y ni?as menores de siete a?os 54 5.3.2 Fase 2: Los sentidos Pedag?gicos de los Proyectos de Intervenci?n 56 6. EL PROYECTO DE INTERVENCI?N 60 6.1 ESQUEMA GENERAL 61 6.2 ACTIVIDADES INTEGRADORAS DEL PPA 62 6.2.1 Actividades Integradoras para Directivos y Docentes 62 6.2.2 Actividades Integradoras para Padres de Familia 64 6.2.3 Actividades Integradoras para Ni?os 65 6.3 EXPERIENCIA PEDAGOGICA 69 7. CONCLUSIONES 72 RECOMENDACIONES 74 REFERENCIAS 7

    Polyvector Super-Poincare Algebras

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    A class of Z_2-graded Lie algebra and Lie superalgebra extensions of the pseudo-orthogonal algebra of a spacetime of arbitrary dimension and signature is investigated. They have the form g = g_0 + g_1, with g_0 = so(V) + W_0 and g_1 = W_1, where the algebra of generalized translations W = W_0 + W_1 is the maximal solvable ideal of g, W_0 is generated by W_1 and commutes with W. Choosing W_1 to be a spinorial so(V)-module (a sum of an arbitrary number of spinors and semispinors), we prove that W_0 consists of polyvectors, i.e. all the irreducible so(V)-submodules of W_0 are submodules of \Lambda V. We provide a classification of such Lie (super)algebras for all dimensions and signatures. The problem reduces to the classification of so(V)-invariant \Lambda^k V-valued bilinear forms on the spinor module S.Comment: 41 pages, minor correction

    Percepciones y concepciones sobre cultura institucional en los actores de la Instituci?n Educativa Fundadores Ram?n Bueno y Jos? Triana en Girardot

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    78 P?ginasLa presente publicaci?n evidencia los resultados de una investigaci?n que determin? e interpret? las percepciones y concepciones sobre Cultura Institucional de los directivos docentes, los docentes y los estudiantes de la Instituci?n Educativa Fundadores Ram?n Bueno y Jos? Triana de Girardot en el a?o 2012,dentro de un estudio de tipo mixto que busc? identificar todos los rasgos culturales que ha generado la Instituci?n como ente social aportando elementos te?ricos y metodol?gicos al estudio de la Cultura Organizacional. Para ello, se tuvieron en cuenta tres categor?as que respondieron a cinco ejes: la concepci?n de los valores, las percepci?n de los valores en la realidad, la correspondencia de la misi?n y la visi?n, los rituales en la Instituci?n y las tradiciones, mitos y leyendas en la Instituci?n. Para tal fin se tuvieron en cuenta dos momentos; primero, se realiz? un estudio de Redes Sem?nticas Naturales que utiliz? los cinco ejes como est?mulos generadores; por otra parte, se utiliz? la entrevista para corroborar el estudio cuantitativo tomando como punto de partida las tres categor?as planteadas. Se encontr? que el respeto es el valor que mejor desarrolla la manera de ser de las personas seg?n la concepci?n de los actores de la Instituci?n Educativa, pero en la realidad es el que m?s se infringe por lo que el precepto y la realidad tienen un significado opuesto. Por otro lado, se evidenci? heterogeneidad en la percepci?n de los docentes, directivos docentes y estudiantes frente al impacto que genera la misi?n y la visi?n de la instituci?n. Finalmente, se interpretaron los rituales, tradiciones, mitos y leyendas que ofrecieron una identidad propia del plantel con el fin de fortalecer los que contribuyen a su buen funcionamiento cultural y transformar la concepci?n de las acciones consideradas como negativas. This publication evidences the results of a study that determined and interpreted perceptions and conceptions about institutional culture of school administrators, teachers and students of Institucion Educativa Fundadores Ram?n Bueno y Jos? Triana of Girardot in 2012, within a mixed type study sought to identify all cultural features generated by the institution as a social entity providing theoretical and methodological elements to the study of organizational culture. To this purpose, three categories were considered responding to five axes: the conception of values, the values perceived in reality, the correspondence of the mission and vision, the rituals in the Institution, and traditions, myths and legends in the Institution. To this end, two moments were considered: first, a study of natural semantic networks that used the five axes as stimuli generators, on the other hand, the interview was used to corroborate the quantitative study taking as its starting point the three categories proposed. It was found that respect is the value that best develops the way of being of the people according to the conception of the actors of the educational institution, but in reality it is the most widely violated so the precept and reality have meaning opposite. On the other hand, it was made evident heterogeneity in the perception of teachers, school administrators and students against the impact that generates the mission and vision of the institution. Finally, it was interpreted the rituals, traditions, myths and legends that offered a campus identity in order to strengthen those who contribute to its best cultural operation and transforming conception of the actions considered as negatives.1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 14 1.1 CONTEXTUALIZACION DEL PROBLEMA 14 1.2 DESCRIPCI?N DEL PROBLEMA 14 1.3 FORMULACION DEL PROBLEMA 16 1.3.1 Pregunta Principal 16 1.3.2 PREGUNTAS SECUNDARIAS 16 2. JUSTIFICACION 17 3. OBJETIVOS 18 3.1. OBJETIVO GENERAL 18 3.2. OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 18 4. MARCO TEORICO Y CONCEPTUAL 19 4.1 ANTECENDENTES 19 4.2 HACIA EL CONCEPTO DE CULTURA INSTITUCIONAL 20 4.2.1 Concepciones sobre cultura institucional 22 4.2.2 Enfoques o perspectivas de la cultura Institucional 22 4.3 LA CULTURA INSTITUCIONAL HECHA VALORES Y PRINCIPIOS 26 4.4 LA MISI?N Y LA VISI?N EN EL MARCO DE LA CULTURA INSTITUCIONAL 28 4.5 TRADICIONES, MITOS, RITOS Y CREENCIAS EN LA ESCUELA.29 5. METODOLOGIA 33 5.1 TIPO DE INVESTIGACI?N 33 5.2 T?CNICAS E INSTRUMENTOS. 33 5.3 PARTICIPANTES 33 5.4 PROCEDIMIENTOS 34 5.5 LA ENCUESTA 36 5.6 T?CNICAS Y PROCEDIMIENTOS DE AN?LISIS DE LA INFORMACI?N 36 6. RESULTADOS 37 6.1 RESULTADOS PARA LA PALABRA EST?MULO: CONCEPTO DE VALOR 37 6.2 RESULTADOS PARA LA PALABRA EST?MULO: VALORES Y PRINCIPIOS EN LA REALIDAD 42 6.3 RESULTADOS PARA LAS PALABRAS EST?MULO: MISI?N Y VISI?N COMO IMPACTO 48 6.4 RESULTADOS PARA LAS PALABRAS EST?MULO: TRADICIONES, MITOS Y LEYENDAS EN LA CULTURA DE LA I.E. 56 6.5 RESULTADOS PARA LAS PALABRAS EST?MULO: RITUALES EN LA CULTURA DE LA I.E. 62 7. CONCLUSIONES70 REFERENCIAS 7

    Project in Entrepreneurship Tintaya Spirit

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    The present project evaluates the potential of the business idea; the possibility of creating an Eco-hotel on Lobitos Beach, located in the northern coast of Peru; more precisely in the province of Talara, near to Piura city; ideal place with sandy beaches to practice water sports, mainly surfing. And where, despite the presence of some hotels, there is none that stands out for a differentiation in their accommodation and services. Also analyzes its relationship with current industry, the needs of the target market, the ability of entrepreneurs to establish and manage the business, as well as the financial needs of the project. The development of the business idea we want to combine the passion for share our best with people, nature, culture and activities related to the sea, with our knowledge and experience in the field of business administration. Our goal goes beyond creating a profitable and lasting business over time, we also want to highlight the Peruvian culture related to the region, generate a positive impact on all the stakeholders, especially on the environment and the inhabitants of the area

    Employee Green Behavior: A Meta-Analysis

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    Due to climate change, the need to protect biodiversity and reduce pollution, and governmental regulations, many organizations are aiming to become more environmentally sustainable. In this context, researchers and practitioners are increasingly interested in the construct of employee green behavior (EGB). EGB has been considered by numerous empirical studies over the last two decades and its associations with demographic characteristics, individual differences, workrelated perceptions, and job attitudes. To systematically synthesize the rapidly growing literature on EGB, we conducted a meta-analysis (k = 135 independent samples; total N = 47,442 employees). Results showed positive associations between EGB and, for example, proenvironmental attitudes, corporate social responsibility, and green psychological climate. We further report the results of a meta-analytic path model based on the theory of planned behavior, which showed that pro-environmental attitude, norms, perceived behavioral control, and intentions positively predicted EGB

    El cuento infantil como estrategia did?ctica para fortalecer los procesos socioafectivos en los estudiantes de preescolar de la instituci?n educativa el vergel, sede la Bandera, municipio de Ortega, Tolima

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    54 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl cuento infantil como estrategia did?ctica para fortalecer los procesos socio afectivos en los estudiantes de preescolar de la Instituci?n Educativa el vergel, sede la bandera en Ortega, Tolima; no deja de ser un pretexto para pensar la gerencia de las instituciones educativas, no desde el ?mbito meramente administrativo, sino desde el aula y la relaci?n directa entre docentes y estudiantes. Es decir, tejer relaciones en el proceso de ense?anza y aprendizaje teniendo como foco las estrategias, las planeaciones y gestiones que pueden proyectar desde el aula otras posibilidades de concebir y dimensionar un gesto pedag?gico y did?ctico. Es por ello que la literatura infantil y espec?ficamente el cuento, obtiene una relevancia mayor, ya que, es la manera de acercarse a los ni?os y dilucidarles otros elementos para su formaci?n que puedan configurar otros lugares de relaci?n, donde los procesos de socioafectividad causen un mayor impacto y formen sujetos con caracter?sticas espec?ficas. De ese modo, la gerencia es una piedra angular que posibilidad y dialoga con esos otros lentes desde los cuales tambi?n, se ve la educaci?n. Palabras Claves: Socio-afectividad, cuento infantil, gerencia en el aula, estrategias did?cticas, literatura infantil.The children's story as a didactic strategy to strengthen the socio-affective processes in the pre-school students of the Educational Institution el vergel, the flagship in Ortega, Tolima; is no longer a pretext to think the management of educational institutions, not from the purely administrative sphere, but from the classroom and the direct relationship between teachers and students. That is, weaving relationships in the teaching and learning process focusing on strategies, planning and management that can project from the classroom other possibilities of conceiving and dimensioning a pedagogical and didactic gesture. That is why children's literature and specifically the story, is more relevant, since it is the way to approach children and elucidate other elements for their formation that can configure other places of relationship, where the processes of socio-affectivity cause a greater impact and form subjects with specific characteristics. In this way, management is a cornerstone that possibility and dialogue with those other lenses from which also, education is seen Keywords: Socio-affectivity, children's story, classroom management, didactic strategies, children's literature

    Limitations on the ability to negotiate justice: Attorney perspectives on guilt, innocence, and legal advice in the current plea system

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis via the DOI in this recordIn the American criminal justice system the vast majority of criminal convictions occur as the result of guilty pleas, often made as a result of plea bargains, rather than jury trials. The incentives offered in exchange for guilty pleas mean that both innocent and guilty defendants plead guilty. We investigate the role of attorneys in this context, through interviews with criminal defense attorneys. We examine defense attorney perspectives on the extent to which innocent defendants are (and should be) pleading guilty in the current legal framework and their views of their own role in this complex system. We also use a hypothetical case to probe the ways in which defense attorneys consider guilt or innocence when providing advice on pleas. Results indicate that attorney advice is influenced by guilt or innocence, but also that attorneys are limited in the extent to which they can negotiate justice for their clients in a system in which uncertainty and large discrepancies between outcomes of guilty pleas and conviction at trial can make it a sensible option to plead guilty even when innocent. Results also suggest conflicting opinions over the role of the attorney in the plea-bargaining process