4,222 research outputs found

    Variables Affecting Impregnation during Kraft Pulping

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    Introduction The purpose of this report was twofold. First, a pulping aid was evaluated for its effects on pulp properties. Then, the pulping aid was used in conjunction with a reduction in the times to temperature for several cooks, to see if the pulping aid could be used to reduce the total cooking time for kraft cooks. To gain some background as to how the pulping aid might affect the cook, variables affecting impregnation are presented and discussed

    Tests of a Novel Design of Resistive Plate Chambers

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    A novel design of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs), using only a single resistive plate, is being proposed. Based on this design, two large size prototype chambers were constructed and were tested with cosmic rays and in particle beams. The tests confirmed the viability of this new approach. In addition to showing an improved single-particle response compared to the traditional 2-plate design, the novel chambers also prove to be suitable for calorimetric applications

    Measurements of the Rate Capability of Various Resistive Plate Chambers

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    Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) exhibit a significant loss of efficiency for the detection of particles, when subjected to high particle fluxes. This rate limitation is related to the usually high resistivity of the resistive plates used in their construction. This paper reports on measurements of the performance of three different glass RPC designs featuring a different total resistance of the resistive plates. The measurements were performed with 120 GeV protons at varying beam intensitie

    Culture et maladie mentale chez les Inuit du Nunavik

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    Bien que l'on retrouve dans la population Inuit du Grand Nord du Québec (Nunavik) les troubles psychiatriques majeurs décrits dans la nosologie psychiatrique actuelle, la culture influence de manière importante la symptomatologie et l'évolution de ces troubles ainsi que les réactions qu'ils suscitent. Une revue de la littérature, les réflexions que nous inspire une expérience de consultation psychiatrique en milieu Inuit et les premières données d'une recherche ethnographique, indiquent que le développement de services mieux adaptés et sensibles à la réalité de la culture Inuit doit reposer sur l'étude de l'ethnopsychologie Inuit et des attitudes actuelles envers les malades mentaux.While the major psychiatric disorders described in current nosology can be found among the Inuit of Northern Québec (Nunavik), there are important cultural influences on the symptomatology, social response and course of these disorders. A literature review, consideration of experiences with psychiatric consultation among the Inuit and the preliminary results of ongoing ethnographic research underscore the importance of the study of Inuit ethnopsychology and current attitudes toward the mentally ill in developing culturally sensitive psychiatric care

    Effect of Carelink, an Internet-Based Insulin Pump Monitoring System, on Glycemic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Objective : To determine whether use of the internet-based Carelink system improved glycemic control in children on insulin pump therapy. Research Design and Methods - We reviewed records of 146 children treated with insulin pump therapy between the years 2004-2007, and compared glycemic control and diabetes self-care measures associated with Carelink use. Forty percent of the patients resided one hour or more from our clinic. Results: Patients who used the Carelink software and website showed significant improvement in HbA1c levels following use (8.0 ± 0.1 (SE) vs 7.7 ± 0.1 (SE), p=0.002). They uploaded data from their pump and glucometer 2.2 ± 1.8 times per month over 0.8 ± 0.4 (SD) years. Patients who had no access to Carelink software and were followed in a conventional manner showed no change in HbA1c ( 8.0 ± 0.1 (SE) vs 8.1 ± 0.1 (SE), p=0.27) during the study period. These patients did not differ significantly from Carelink users in diabetes self care behaviors. Patients who had Carelink access but did not use it had a higher HbA1c level at the onset and did not change over the study period (HbA1c 8.9 ± 0.2 (SE) vs 8.9 ± 0.3 (SE), p=0.76). These patients differed significantly from Carelink users in self-care behaviors, but not in the frequency of blood glucose monitoring. Patients in a rural location benefited equally as compared to patients who lived within one hour of our clinic. Conclusions: The Carelink software program is a powerful tool that can be used by diabetes care providers and parents to manage insulin pump therapy in children and to improve glycemic control, especially in states with a large rural population

    Does the majority always know best? Young children's flexible trust in majority opinion

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    Copying the majority is generally an adaptive social learning strategy but the majority does not always know best. Previous work has demonstrated young children's selective uptake of information from a consensus over a lone dissenter. The current study examined children's flexibility in following the majority: do they overextend their reliance on this heuristic to situations where the dissenting individual has privileged knowledge and should be trusted instead? Four- to six- year-olds (N = 103) heard conflicting claims about the identity of hidden drawings from a majority and a dissenter in two between-subject conditions: in one, the dissenter had privileged knowledge over the majority (he drew the pictures); in the other he did not (they were drawn by an absent third party). Overall, children were less likely to trust the majority in the Privileged Dissenter condition. Moreover, 5- and 6- year-olds made majority-based inferences when the dissenter had no privileged knowledge but systematically endorsed the dissenter when he drew the pictures. The current findings suggest that by 5 years, children are able to make an epistemic-based judgment to decide whether or not to follow the majority rather than automatically following the most common view

    Epistemic trust: modeling children's reasoning about others' knowledge and intent

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    A core assumption of many theories of development is that children can learn indirectly from other people. However, indirect experience (or testimony) is not constrained to provide veridical information. As a result, if children are to capitalize on this source of knowledge, they must be able to infer who is trustworthy and who is not. How might a learner make such inferences while at the same time learning about the world? What biases, if any, might children bring to this problem? We address these questions with a computational model of epistemic trust in which learners reason about the helpfulness and knowledgeability of an informant. We show that the model captures the competencies shown by young children in four areas: (1) using informants’ accuracy to infer how much to trust them; (2) using informants’ recent accuracy to overcome effects of familiarity; (3) inferring trust based on consensus among informants; and (4) using information about mal-intent to decide not to trust. The model also explains developmental changes in performance between 3 and 4 years of age as a result of changing default assumptions about the helpfulness of other people.Patrick Shafto, Baxter Eaves, Daniel J. Navarro and Amy Perfor

    Investigating the autonomic nervous system and cognitive functions as potential mediators of an association between cardiovascular disease and driving performance

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    Abstract: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) impacts the autonomic nervous system and cognitive functions related to activities of daily living, including driving an automobile. Although CVD has been linked to unsafe driving, mechanisms underlying this relationship remain elusive. The aim of this study was to examine the role of cognitive functions and the autonomic nervous system as potential mediators of driving performance. Nineteen individuals having recently suffered a cardiac event and sixteen individuals with no history of CVD completed a simulated drive using a STISIM simulator to assess driving performance. Heart rate was recorded throughout testing using a Polar RS800CX heart rate monitor and measures of executive, orienting and alerting functions were obtained through the Attention Network Test. We used the Baron and Kenny analysis method to assess potential mediating effects of the relationship between CVD and driving performance. Executive function was the only potential mediator investigated to be associated with driving (p < 0.01) and CVD (p < 0.05), however, it did not appear to play a mediating role (p = 0.28). These results suggest that individuals with CVD exhibit decrements in complex cognitive tasks such as driving and that further research is needed to better understand the mechanisms underlying this relationship
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