10 research outputs found

    Euronet Lab, A Cloud V-Lab Enviroment

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    In this paper we present a proposal for the creation of a European V-labs web space. In its essence it would result in an open online laboratory, with a primarily practical nature. In this laboratory students will have the opportunity to develop skills in the “know-how-to-do” area, enabling them to conduct a series of practical experiences in “try-out” philosophy that will substantiate and consolidate all knowledge that the students acquired in lectures. It is quite possible that these resources aren’t available in all universities and institutions, specifically in the university where the student is. This environment provides substance to the Directive stated in the declarations of Bologna and Prague that expresses “the teaching process is therefore student-centered”, strengthening the final pedagogical aim of “learning to learn”, as lifelong learning is assumed as an indispensable stage. What we propose is the creation of a virtual environment for e-learning where a series of virtual labs in many areas of electronics, automation and robotics are available, in this environment it will do possible for any student of any of these universities to scheduling of experience in any institution that belongs to this cloud, and thus can perform is work for anytime that will be available and with technical resources available or not available in its own university.Com o apoio RAADRI

    The use of an ontology as support of a virtual lab and remote labs network Euronet - Lab

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    Our propose is to build a network of virtual laboratories, based in a Virtual Closet that will contain all the elements and parts that are needed to build the various experiences available in a v-labs network (that we call Euronet-Lab). To build this complex network we need to find a system that supports effectively this structure. This probably will be a enormous database of v-labs and independent elements, where will be possible sometimes to “recycle” some of the elements. This means “re-use” the same element several times in many experiences. To do this is necessary to have a structure that allows us to have several instances of the same element. It’s important that in our structure and virtual environment we can create several “images” of the same reality and this images can be used simultaneously in different circuits/experiments. This means that we can create several instances of the same element, to be used in different experiences and exercises.Com o apoio RAADRI

    Ontology: a support structure for a V-Labs Network, the Euronet - Lab

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    This paper presents work on the establishment of a virtual laboratories network, based on the concept of Virtual Closet that will contain all the elements and parts required to build the different experiences available in a vlabs network (that we call Euronet-Lab). To build this complex network it is necessary to find an adequate support. The large database of v-labs and independent elements that can integrate this structure allows the “recycling” of elements for purposes diverse from those they were originally created. This means to “re-use” the same element several times in different scenarios. In order to do this, it is necessary to have a structure that allows multiple instances of the same component. This paper will discuss the ontology essential to the establishment of such a network in order to standardize concepts and create uniform components description that supports the interaction between heterogeneous systems using shared parts or circuits.Com o apoio RAADRI

    The use of an ontology as support of a virtual lab and remote labs network Euronet - Lab

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    Our propose is to build a network of virtual laboratories, based in a Virtual Closet that will contain all the elements and parts that are needed to build the various experiences available in a v-labs network (that we call Euronet-Lab). To build this complex network we need to find a system that supports effectively this structure. This probably will be a enormous database of v-labs and independent elements, where will be possible sometimes to “recycle” some of the elements. This means “re-use” the same element several times in many experiences. To do this is necessary to have a structure that allows us to have several instances of the same element. It’s important that in our structure and virtual environment we can create several “images” of the same reality and this images can be used simultaneously in different circuits/experiments. This means that we can create several instances of the same element, to be used in different experiences and exercises.Com o apoio RAADRI

    A Network and Repository for Online Laboratory based on Ontology

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    Our propose is to build a network of virtual laboratories and also use it as a global repository of online laboratory’s and experiences. This set of virtual and online laboratories can be “stored” in an “virtual closet”, and also the system will allow us to build new experiences and online laboratories, and store them is this “virtual closet”. With the drawing of this new standard we pretend define methods for storing and retrieving learning objects for remote laboratories. The objective of this standard is also define methods for linking learning objects to design and implement smart learning environments for remote online laboratories. The objects defined by this standard are, for example, interfaces for devices connected to user computers over computers networks and the devices themselves. They are also learning scenarios or collaboration tools for communications necessary to conduct an activity of practical online laboratory work, they will allow to design and implement mechanisms that make smart learning environment formed by the ad hoc aggregation of learning objects taking always into account the pedagogical context for their use. This will allow to easy design and implement the pedagogically driven remote laboratory environment and experiments as also is learning environments. The experiences and laboratories are build using the parts and separate components that we have in a separate “virtual closet” with parts, components, and already build experiences. To build this complex network we need to find a system that supports effectively this structure. This probably will be a enormous database of v-labs and independent elements, where will be possible sometimes to “recycle” some of the elements. For this structure we propose an Ontology because it allows to “re-use” the same element several times in many experiences, and provide a very detailed description of each kind of element through is classes and sub-classes.Com o apoio RAADRI

    Modelo de Evolução dos Laboratórios Remotos e Virtuais

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    Nesta dissertação propĂ”e-se um modelo que descreve e prevĂȘ a evolução dos sistemas e redes de laboratĂłrios remotos e virtuais. Este modelo tem como base a Teoria Geral de Sistemas proposta por Ludwig Von Bertalanffy e o conceito de acoplamento estrutural proposto por JoĂŁo Bosco de Mota Alves no seu livro Teoria Geral de Sistemas. O autor introduz neste modelo o novo conceito de acoplamento energĂ©tico, baseado na vontade e dinĂąmica de quem constrĂłi e mantĂ©m os sistemas de laboratĂłrios remotos e virtuais. Pretende-se mostrar assim atravĂ©s do modelo proposto que atendendo aos conceitos de acoplamento energĂ©tico e acoplamento estrutural, os sistemas e redes de laboratĂłrios remotos e virtuais seguem as premissas e postulados definidos por Charles Darwin na sua obra The Origin of Species. Para conseguir este fim colocaram-se as seguintes questĂ”es centrais de pesquisa, sendo a primeira a principal e as duas seguintes complementares: “É possĂ­vel explicar e predizer a evolução de um sistema de laboratĂłrios remotos e virtuais analisando a sua histĂłria de desenvolvimento e as razĂ”es (acoplamentos estruturais e energĂ©ticos) que estĂŁo por detrĂĄs da sua adaptação ao ambiente envolvente?” “SerĂĄ que a evolução dos laboratĂłrios remotos e virtuais tambĂ©m segue as leis da natureza?” “Os laboratĂłrios remotos e virtuais conseguem eles prĂłprios adaptar-se ao ambiente envolvente?” Para responder a estas questĂ”es, construir e desenvolver, validar e verificar o modelo apresentado, realizaram-se as seguintes etapas de trabalho: estudo da teoria da evolução das espĂ©cies de Darwin, assim como todos os seus fundamentos e conceitos; estudo da General Systems Theory de Ludwig van Bertalanffi e do livro Teoria Geral de Sistemas de JoĂŁo Bosco; definição do conceito de “Acoplamento EnergĂ©tico” como uma extensĂŁo dos conceitos do livro General Systems Theory baseado no conceito de “acoplamento estrutural” desenvolvido por JoĂŁo Bosco no livro Teoria Geral de Sistemas; consolidação do conceito de “laboratĂłrio remoto” ou “laboratĂłrio virtual”, como um sistema com “acoplamento estrutural” e “acoplamento energĂ©tico”; anĂĄlise das origens dos laboratĂłrios remotos; produção de uma linha temporal que retracta a histĂłria dos laboratĂłrios remotos e virtuais desde o seu inĂ­cio atĂ© aos nossos dias; anĂĄlise das diferentes linhas de desenvolvimento dos laboratĂłrios remotos e virtuais e consequente apresentação do estado-de-arte; proposta do modelo e sua validação e verificação, considerando o “passado remoto” e o “passado recente”, para fazer uma projecção sobre a evolução futura em cada uma das linhas de desenvolvimento que estĂŁo “vivas” hoje; e, finalmente, apresentação das conclusĂ”es do estudo e previsĂŁo da evolução de linhas de desenvolvimento. Do estudo desenvolvido, e da validação e verificação do modelo proposto, concluiu-se que Ă© possĂ­vel explicar e predizer a evolução de um sistema de laboratĂłrios remotos e virtuais analisando a sua histĂłria de desenvolvimento, os seus acoplamentos estruturais e energĂ©ticos, e a sua interação com o meio ambiente. Estas dimensĂ”es traduzem sempre uma adaptação do sistema ao meio envolvente, que aumenta as suas possibilidades de sobrevivĂȘncia, confirmando-se assim a hipĂłtese de que que os sistemas de laboratĂłrios remotos e virtuais seguem as leis da evolução Darwianiana, decorrente do desenvolvimento dum acoplamento energĂ©tico real e funcional com as pessoas que os criaram e os mantĂ©m em funcionamento

    Introduction to LabVIEW and Implementation of ISA Architecture

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    Com o apoio RAADRI.Apresentação PowerPoint de comunicação em conferĂȘncia

    Euronet lab a cloud based laboratory environment

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    A large number of virtual and remote labs connected to the internet is already available nowadays. However, they usually are isolated and independent systems, unable to cooperate and complement each other. This lack of interconnection and interoperability leads, consequently, to the duplication of efforts in order to develop what could be easily shared and reused. Therefore, the integration of different platforms can speed up the development of virtual labs and downsize the barriers of using complementary systems that would represent an unachievable development task. In this paper one presents a proposal for the implementation of an open system that will be able to integrate different virtual lab platforms and components by interconnecting them and establishing communication mechanisms that will support understanding and agreement between heterogeneous systems. When one tries to interconnect systems developed on geographically distant places, often using different languages and different cultures, obstacles may arise. In this paper we present a proposal for a new system that allows users to do exactly this; to interconnect several virtual and remote labs through the internet, and to perform tests using components of several of these systems even if they are physically separated from each other.Com o apoio RAADRI

    Addressing influenza’s underestimated burden – Iberian experts call to action

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    Abstract Having a proper understanding of the impact of influenza is a fundamental step towards improved preventive action. This paper reviews findings from the Burden of Acute Respiratory Infections study on the burden of influenza in Iberia, and its potential underestimation, and proposes specific measures to lessen influenza’s impact

    NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics

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    Xenarthrans—anteaters, sloths, and armadillos—have essential functions for ecosystem maintenance, such as insect control and nutrient cycling, playing key roles as ecosystem engineers. Because of habitat loss and fragmentation, hunting pressure, and conflicts with domestic dogs, these species have been threatened locally, regionally, or even across their full distribution ranges. The Neotropics harbor 21 species of armadillos, 10 anteaters, and 6 sloths. Our data set includes the families Chlamyphoridae (13), Dasypodidae (7), Myrmecophagidae (3), Bradypodidae (4), and Megalonychidae (2). We have no occurrence data on Dasypus pilosus (Dasypodidae). Regarding Cyclopedidae, until recently, only one species was recognized, but new genetic studies have revealed that the group is represented by seven species. In this data paper, we compiled a total of 42,528 records of 31 species, represented by occurrence and quantitative data, totaling 24,847 unique georeferenced records. The geographic range is from the southern United States, Mexico, and Caribbean countries at the northern portion of the Neotropics, to the austral distribution in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay. Regarding anteaters, Myrmecophaga tridactyla has the most records (n = 5,941), and Cyclopes sp. have the fewest (n = 240). The armadillo species with the most data is Dasypus novemcinctus (n = 11,588), and the fewest data are recorded for Calyptophractus retusus (n = 33). With regard to sloth species, Bradypus variegatus has the most records (n = 962), and Bradypus pygmaeus has the fewest (n = 12). Our main objective with Neotropical Xenarthrans is to make occurrence and quantitative data available to facilitate more ecological research, particularly if we integrate the xenarthran data with other data sets of Neotropical Series that will become available very soon (i.e., Neotropical Carnivores, Neotropical Invasive Mammals, and Neotropical Hunters and Dogs). Therefore, studies on trophic cascades, hunting pressure, habitat loss, fragmentation effects, species invasion, and climate change effects will be possible with the Neotropical Xenarthrans data set. Please cite this data paper when using its data in publications. We also request that researchers and teachers inform us of how they are using these data