2,383 research outputs found

    Multi-agent simulations for emergency situations in an airport scenario

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    This paper presents a multi-agent framework using Net- Logo to simulate humanand collective behaviors during emergency evacuations. Emergency situationappears when an unexpected event occurs. In indoor emergency situation, evacuation plans defined by facility manager explain procedure and safety ways tofollow in an emergency situation. A critical and public scenario is an airportwhere there is an everyday transit of thousands of people. In this scenario theimportance is related with incidents statistics regarding overcrowding andcrushing in public buildings. Simulation has the objective of evaluating buildinglayouts considering several possible configurations. Agents could be based onreactive behavior like avoid danger or follow other agent, or in deliberative behaviorbased on BDI model. This tool provides decision support in a real emergencyscenario like an airport, analyzing alternative solutions to the evacuationprocess.Publicad

    Long-snouted seahorse, Hippocampus guttulatus, under global warming

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    The earth’s climate system and the global ocean have been warming up, since the mid-twentieth century and it is expected that the global and ocean´s temperature will rise in the next years even more [1,2,13,25,28]. For ectotherms, such as fish, temperature is a determinant cue for several behavioural [29], physiological [24], and metabolic processes [6]. Seahorses’ particular life history makes them vulnerable to human or natural disturbances [17]. The long snout seahorse, Hippocampus guttulatus, is one of the two species that inhabit the coastal areas of Portugal [23]. The present study aims to assess the effects of ocean warming on growth, feed intake and behavior patterns of adult H. guttulatus. Results provide clear evidence of detrimental effects of exposure to warming on this species. Under extreme temperatures (24ºC), the increased food ingestion was not enough for fish to support growth (weighted less), which suggests that fish were spending energy to counterbalance the thermal stress they were exposed to. Fish under both elevated temperature treatments (20 and 24ºC) were also spending more energy in active behaviours. Altogether, these data may indicate that ocean warming will have a drastic effect on seahorse populations currently inhabiting the Sado estuary.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring the benefits of using a mixed methods approach in destination image studies

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    This study aims to demonstrate that mixed-methods are suitable when assessing the image of a tourism destination. Depict the image attributes that influence a lake destination area and conceptualize lake tourism are the goals of this study. Lake tourism is a growing academic field of tourism studies. However, little attention has been given to tourism images. The case is the newly-formed Alqueva Lake, Portugal, the biggest man-made lake in Europe. A mixed-design method was adopted, particularly a complementarity approach. The data were first collected in the qualitative stage, then analysed. Results were used to develop a follow-up questionnaire. A set of image attributes that best describe Alqueva Lake was obtained and validated. The advantages of adopting mixed-methods to studies about destination image are discussed

    Comportamento acústico de salas para o ensino musical no Algarve. A perspetiva dos professores

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    Rooms for music education have specific requirements, in particular, from the point of view of its acoustic behavior. However, Regulation of Acoustic Requirements of Buildings establishes requirements for school buildings but does not consider the specificity of music schools buildings. Furthermore, there are music schools in buildings that were not constructed for such purpose and it is necessary to rehabilitate acoustically these buildings. The present communication aims to present the diagnosis of specific problems in buildings for music education in Algarve and it is presented the point of view of their teachers. The aim is thus to contribute to solving these problems. Thus we want to contribute to improve the teaching-learning process in existing music schools and simultaneously to contribute to avoid the repetition of problematic situations in the future

    A Multiplex PCR Assay for Detection of Salmonella sp., Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter sp., Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli

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    Contaminated food and water are usual vehicles for bacterial pathogens transmission. According to EFSA they promote foodborne illness. Salmonella sp., Campylobacter sp., Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus are the most foodborne pathogens reported. Bacterial contamination levels remain at high level, particularly in Europe, despite regulatory efforts to address the situation. The need of new diagnostic tools is crucial. Ideally, tests easy to perform, enough accurate and low cost. The present work talk about optimization of a multiplex PCR (mPCR) test used to detect 5 foodborne contaminants: Salmonella sp., Campylobacter sp., L. monocytogenes, E. coli and S. aureus. For specificity evaluation, 5 PCR amplification reference DNA were used respectively: 103bp, 174bp, 151bp, 121bp and 136bp. No amplification was observed when primers and DNA from mismatching species were subject to PCR amplification. Furthermore, the sensitivity of this assay was evaluated by using serial dilutions of DNA extracted from clean 1CFU culture of each pathogen. This assay will be optimized by using Real-Time PCR and DNA plasmids containing a single copy of each gene, towards a new and rapid test for food and food manipulated surfaces control. Results are promising and allow us to postulate the design of an accurate and useful assay for bacterial control

    Shintani descent for standard supercharacters of algebra groups

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    Let A(q)\mathcal{A}(q) be a finite-dimensional nilpotent algebra over a finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_{q} with qq elements, and let G(q)=1+A(q)G(q) = 1+\mathcal{A}(q). On the other hand, let k\Bbbk denote the algebraic closure of Fq\mathbb{F}_{q}, and let A=A(q)Fqk\mathcal{A} = \mathcal{A}(q) \otimes_{\mathbb{F}_{q}} \Bbbk. Then G=1+AG = 1+\mathcal{A} is an algebraic group over k\Bbbk equipped with an Fq\mathbb{F}_{q}-rational structure given by the usual Frobenius map F:GGF:G\to G, and G(q)G(q) can be regarded as the fixed point subgroup GFG^{F}. For every nNn \in \mathbb{N}, the nnth power Fn:GGF^{n}:G\to G is also a Frobenius map, and GFnG^{F^{n}} identifies with G(qn)=1+A(qn)G(q^{n}) = 1 + \mathcal{A}(q^{n}). The Frobenius map restricts to a group automorphism F:G(qn)G(qn)F:G(q^{n})\to G(q^{n}), and hence it acts on the set of irreducible characters of G(qn)G(q^{n}). Shintani descent provides a method to compare FF-invariant irreducible characters of G(qn)G(q^{n}) and irreducible characters of G(q)G(q). In this paper, we show that it also provides a uniform way of studying supercharacters of G(qn)G(q^{n}) for nNn \in \mathbb{N}. These groups form an inductive system with respect to the inclusion maps G(qm)G(qn)G(q^{m}) \to G(q^{n}) whenever mnm \mid n, and this fact allows us to study all supercharacter theories simultaneously, to establish connections between them, and to relate them to the algebraic group GG. Indeed, we show that Shintani descent permits the definition of a certain ``superdual algebra'' which encodes information about the supercharacters of G(qn)G(q^{n}) for nNn \in \mathbb{N}

    Genomic Template Stability assessed in almond trees of cv. ‘Vairo’ treated with biostimulants and boron-based fertilizers

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    Almond is highly produced in the NE of Portugal, where late frosts during flowering, low precipitation, and high temperature in summer affect productivity and quality. In addition to late-flowering cultivars, plant biostimulants (PBs) and boron-based fertilizers have been used to improve cell division, vegetative growth, photoassimilates rate, and nutritional status of almond trees. Despite the wide use of PBs in multiple food crops, the scientific evaluation of their effects is scarce. Our team previously analyzed the effects of PBs and boron-based fertilizers in the mitotic cell cycle of almonds and verified the intensification of cell division without significant anomalies. This work focused on the molecular characterization of three-years-old almond trees of cv. ‘Vairo’ was treated with two PBs (based on seaweed extract and free amino acids) and two boron-based fertilizers (applied on soil and leaves) in a rainfed orchard (NE Portugal) using leaf samples collected through the summer of 2019 in treated trees. Three monthly applications of individual PBs based on seaweed extract (AN), amino acids (AA), and boron ethanolamine (BE) and a unique application of boron on the soil (BS) were made. The molecular stability was assayed by comparing with untreated trees using ISSR, RAPD, IRAP, REMAP, and iPBS markers. The molecular data achieved in ‘Vairo,’ under the edaphoclimatic conditions where it was studied, revealed that AA, BE, or BS treatments induced higher molecular stability, corroborating our previous cytogenetic results.This work was supported by National Funds by the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project UIDB/04033/2020. Author AC thanks to the FCT and UTAD for her contract as a researcher under the scope of D.L. no. 57/2016 of 29 August and Law no. 57/2017 of 19 July.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The impact of Quercus pubescens wood chips on chemical and sensory characteristics of a Serbian Kadarka red wine during aging: A comparison with other oak species (Q. petraea, Q. alba, and Q. pyrenaica)

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    'Kadarka' (Vitis vinifera L.) is a red grape variety considered native for the countries on the lower reaches of the Danube River (east of Europe). However, there is very limited knowledge about the evolution of the wines produced from this variety during aging in contact with oak wood. Thus, the aim of this work was to investigate under laboratory conditions the changes in phenolic, volatile, and sensory profile of a Kadarka wine during 180 days in contact with 4 different oak chip species: Q. petraea (French and Hungarian origin), Q. alba, Q. pyrenaica and Q. pubescens. In addition, there is a scarce knowledge about the use of Q. pubescens species in enology. So, another objective was to assess its impact on wine composition. Independently of the oak chip species used, the results obtained demonstrated a decrease of anthocyanin content and an increase of gallic, caffeic and p-coumaric acids during 180 aging days for all wines with oak chips contact. Significantly higher amounts of vanillin in wines aged in contact with Q. petraea from France and Q. alba chips was detected, while wine aged in contact with Q. pubescens chips showed significantly higher amounts of furan derivatives, trans-β-methyl-γ-octalactone and eugenol. From a sensorial point of view, a tendency for higher scores for overall appreciation was obtained for wines aged in contact with Q. petraea chips. The outcomes of this work improved the knowledge of the Kardaka wine characteristics and their evolution in contact with different oak chips and also expanded the knowledge about the use of Q. pubescens in enology

    Cytogenetic and molecular characterization of almond trees treated with plant biostimulants or boron-based fertilizers

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    Almond is highly produced in the NE of Portugal, where late frosts during flowering, low precipitation, and high tempera- ture in summer affect productivity and quality. Despite the use of late-flowering cultivars, plant biostimulants (PBs) and boron-based fertilizers can also be used to improve cell division, vegetative growth, photoassimilates rate, and nutritional status. PBs are widely used in some food crops, but the evaluation of their effects is still scarce. We treated three-year- old almond trees of cv. ‘Vairo,’ growing in a rainfed orchard in the NE of Portugal, with four individual treatments: two PBs (based on seaweed extract and free amino acids) and two boron-based fertilizers (applied on soil and leaves). Three monthly applications of seaweed extract (AN), free amino acids (AA), and boron ethanolamine (BE) were made. A single application of boron on the soil (BS) was made. Leaf samples were collected in treated and untreated (control) trees in cytogenetic and molecular analyses through the summer of 2019. The mitotic cell cycle analysis was performed to prepare mesophyll dividing cells stained with silver nitrate, and the molecular stability was assessed with five marker systems. This work aimed to extrapolate which individual treatment conferred higher mitotic cell cycle regularity and molecular stability. The cytogenetic and molecular data achieved in the cv. ‘Vairo,’ under the edaphoclimatic conditions studied, revealed that the individual treatments AA, BE, or BS induced higher leaf mitotic indexes, regular mitosis, and molecular stability, which might increase the photosynthetic area and production.This research was funded by national funds provided by the FCT/MCTES (“Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/ Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior”) to the research units CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) and CITAB (UIDB/04033/2020). The research was integrated in the activities of the Operational Group “EGIS: Estratégias para uma gestão integrada do solo e da água em espécies produtoras de frutos secos”, funded by PT2020 and EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Peptide-Phospholipid Cross-Linking Reactions: Identification of Leucine Enkephalin-Alka(e)nal-Glycerophosphatidylcholine Adducts by Tandem Mass Spectrometry

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    The covalent interactions between peptides and lipid oxidation products, with formation of Schiff and Michael adducts, are known to occur during free radical oxidative damage. In this study, leucine-enkephalin-glycerophosphatidylcholine alka(e)nal adducts were analyzed by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Upon collision-induced dissociation of the Leucine enkephalin-2-(9-oxo-nonanoyl)-1-palmitoyl-3-glycerophosphatidylcholine, an alkanal Schiff adduct observed at m/z 1187.7, the main product ions were attributed to the phosphocholine polar head and loss of the peptide. Also, product ions resulting from characteristic losses of phosphatidylcholines and cleavages of the peptide chain (mainly b-type) were observed. Additional product ions formed by combined peptide and phosphatidylcholine fragmentations were identified. The fragmentation pattern of the leucine enkephalin-alkanal Schiff adduct and the leucine enkephalin-alkenal phosphatidylcholine Schiff and Michael adducts were similar, although the loss of the peptide for the Michael adduct should occur through a distinct mechanism. These fragmentation pathways differ greatly from those described for peptide-lipid Schiff and Michael adducts, in which only peptide chain cleavages are reported, probably due to charge retention in the glycerophosphatidylcholine polar head in peptide-glycerophosphatidylcholine adducts