1,026 research outputs found

    Propuesta de estrategias literarias para desarrollar los valores de solidaridad y respeto a través de cuentos, en los niños y niñas de 4 años de educación inicial de la I.E.P "Newton Kids" 2016

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    El Programa de Estrategias Literarias basado en el cuento para mejorar el desarrollo de los valores de respeto y solidaridad, se aplicó a niños y niñas de 4 años de educación inicial de la I.E.P. ""Newton Kids"" - 2016; el objetivo de la investigación fue determinar el impacto de las estrategias literarias, a través de cuentos, en el desarrollo de los valores de solidaridad y respeto, en los niños y niñas de 4 años del nivel inicial, siendo la hipótesis de trabajo: si aplicamos una propuesta de estrategias literarias, entonces, se desarrollará significativamente los valores de solidaridad y respeto en los niños y niñas de 4 años de educación inicial de la IEP “Newton Kids”, 2016. El diseño de investigación utilizado es el pre experimental de un solo grupo y, tanto la población como la muestra han sido 15 estudiantes. El estudio nos permitió señalar que se logró mejorar el nivel de desarrollo de los valores de respeto y solidaridad en los niños y niñas de 4 años de educación inicial de la I.E.P. ""Newton Kids"", confirmándose la hipótesis de investigación.Program Literary Strategies based on the story to enhance the development of the values of respect and solidarity was applied in children 4 years of initial education I.E.P. ""Newton Kids"" - 2016 in which respective coordination were made the Director tor the analysis of the context of intervention instruments such as questionnaires on literary strategies, context of the school, school classroom context and interview teachers were applied, everything related to pupils aged 4 and 5 years of initial and their educational needs, the collection of Information was very useful to describe the context in which various characteristics of the intervention group detail. After having identified and hierarchical educational needs specifically in the development of values A questionnaire was used to measure the level of use of the values of respect and solidarity, after performing the analysis and interpretation of results in which it is evident that a group student had difficulties in strategy, considering its shortcomings were selected 15 students to integrate the intervention group, characterizing the dimensions of the variables. To meet the requirements presented in this specific area was designed and implemented a program for students in order to apply literary strategies for better development of the values of respect and solidarity.Tesi

    Incidencias de la Responsabilidad Social de Empresas del Sector Industrial de Mamonal en la Sostenibilidad de la Localidad Industrial y de la Bahía

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    El propósito fundamental del Trabajo, es analizar las incidencias de los procesos de RSE de Empresas de Mamonal, para el logro de la Sostenibilidad territorial de la Localidad Industrial y de la Bahía de Cartagena. Sobre el tema de R.S.E. se ha investigado mucho, pero faltan estudios sobre sus implicaciones para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida del Entorno y la forma de mitigar el Impacto ambiental y el consiguiente estado de pobreza y marginalidad. Teniendo en cuenta este contexto, y para el aporte a futuros estudios que mejoren las condiciones de Sostenibilidad del territorio, se construyó esta Investigación cualitativa a través de un estudio Exploratorio, tomando como referente los Programas de R.S.E. de la Fundación Mamonal. En principio se efectuó una Revisión documental completa de las teorías y sustentos temáticos, luego se le implementa como Estudio de caso. La aplicación de Técnicas de recolección confiables, arrojó como resultado la percepción de los Grupos de interés, que los Programas de R.S.E., no constituyen Estrategia corporativa fundamental para las Industrias, por lo tanto, no habrían cumplido los propósitos mínimos para la Sostenibilidad de la Localidad, porque cada vez se incrementa la contaminación del medio, la pobreza 27%, y la indigencia 6%

    Inferring Mood-While-Eating with Smartphone Sensing and Community-Based Model Personalization

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    The interplay between mood and eating has been the subject of extensive research within the fields of nutrition and behavioral science, indicating a strong connection between the two. Further, phone sensor data have been used to characterize both eating behavior and mood, independently, in the context of mobile food diaries and mobile health applications. However, limitations within the current body of literature include: i) the lack of investigation around the generalization of mood inference models trained with passive sensor data from a range of everyday life situations, to specific contexts such as eating, ii) no prior studies that use sensor data to study the intersection of mood and eating, and iii) the inadequate examination of model personalization techniques within limited label settings, as we commonly experience in mood inference. In this study, we sought to examine everyday eating behavior and mood using two datasets of college students in Mexico (N_mex = 84, 1843 mood-while-eating reports) and eight countries (N_mul = 678, 329K mood reports incl. 24K mood-while-eating reports), containing both passive smartphone sensing and self-report data. Our results indicate that generic mood inference models decline in performance in certain contexts, such as when eating. Additionally, we found that population-level (non-personalized) and hybrid (partially personalized) modeling techniques were inadequate for the commonly used three-class mood inference task (positive, neutral, negative). Furthermore, we found that user-level modeling was challenging for the majority of participants due to a lack of sufficient labels and data from the negative class. To address these limitations, we employed a novel community-based approach for personalization by building models with data from a set of similar users to a target user

    Prognostic factors in non-Hodgkin lymphomas

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    CONTEXT: In Hodgkin's disease, each clinical or pathologic stage can be related to the extent of the area involved and predicts the next anatomical region at risk for tumor dissemination. OBJECTIVE: To determine the best prognostic factors that could predict survival in non-Hodgkin lymphoma cases. DESIGN: A retrospective study. LOCATION: Department of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) - Escola Paulista de Medicina. PARTICIPANTS: 142 patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosed between February 1988 and March 1993. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Histological subset, Sex, Age, Race, B symptoms, Performance status, Stage, Extranodal disease, Bulk disease, Mediastinal disease, CNS involvement, BM infiltration, Level of DHL, Immunophenotype. RESULTS: In the first study (113 patients), the following variables had a worse influence on survival: yellow race (P<0.1); ECOG II, III e IV (P<0.1) and extranodal disease (P<0.1) for high grade lymphomas; constitutional symptoms (P<0.1), ECOG II, III e IV (P<0.1) and involvement of CNS (P<0.1) for intermediate grade and the subtype lymphoplasmocytoid (P=0.0186) for low grade lymphomas. In the second survey (93 patients), when treatment was included, the variables related to NHL survival were: CNS involvement (P<0.1) for high grade lymphomas, constitutional symptoms (P<0.1), ECOG II, III, IV (P=0.0185) and also CNS involvement (P<0.1) for the intermediate group. There were no variables related to the survival for low-grade lymphomas. CONCLUSIONS: The intermediate grade lymphomas were more compatible with data found in the literature, probably because of the larger number of patients. In this specific case, the treatment did not have an influence on the survival.CONTEXTO: Na doença de Hodgkin, cada estágio clínico ou patológico pode ser relacionado com a extensão da área envolvida e predizer a próxima região anatômica de risco para disseminação. OBJETIVO: Estabelecer os fatores prognósticos que melhor predizem sobrevida em LNH. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Estudo retrospectivo LOCAL: Disciplina de Hematologia e Hemoterapia, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) - Escola Paulista de Medicina. PARTICIPANTES: 142 pacientes com LNH diagnosticados entre fevereiro de 1988 e março de 1993. VARIÁVEIS ESTUDADAS: Tipo histológico, sexo, idade, raça, sintomas, sitação performance, estágio, doença extranodal, desenvolvimento de Bulk, comprometimento mediastinal, envolvimento do SNC, infiltração da medúla óssea, nível de desidrogenose láctica, fenótipo imune. RESULTADOS: Ao primeiro estudo (113 pacientes), as seguintes variáveis tiveram uma pior influência na sobrevida: raça amarela (P<0.1); ECOG II, III e IV (P<0.1) e doença extranodal (P<0.1) para os linfomas de alto grau; sintomas constitucionais (P<0.1), ECOG II, III e IV (P<0.1) e envolvimento de SNC (P<0.1) para os linfomas de grau intermediário e o subtipo linfoplasmocitóide (P=0.0186) para os linfomas de baixo grau. Ao segundo estudo (93 pacientes), quando inclui-se o tratamento, as variáveis relacionadas a sobrevida foram : envolvimento de SNC (P<0.1) para o linfomas de alto grau; sintomas constitucionais (P<0.1), ECOG II, III, IV (P=0.0185) e envolvimento de SNC (P<0.1) para o grupo intermediário. Nenhuma variável relacionou-se com a sobrevida para os linfomas de baixo grau. CONCLUSÕES: Os linfomas de grau intermediário, provavelmente devido ao maior número de pacientes, foram mais compatíveis com os dados encontrados na literatura. Neste caso específico, o tratamento não influenciou a sobrevida.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Insiders and Outsiders: Comparing Urban Impressions between Population Groups

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    There is a growing interest in social and urban computing to employ crowdsourcing as means to gather impressions of urban perception for indoor and outdoor environments. Previous studies have established that reliable estimates of urban perception can be obtained using online crowdsourcing systems, but implicitly assumed that the judgments provided by the crowd are not dependent on the background knowledge of the observer. In this paper, we investigate how the impressions of outdoor urban spaces judged by online crowd annotators, compare with the impressions elicited by the local inhabitants, along six physical and psychological labels. We focus our study in a developing city where understanding and characterization of these socio-urban perceptions is of societal importance. We found statistically significant differences between the two population groups. Locals perceived places to be more dangerous and dirty, when compared with online crowd workers; while online annotators judged places to be more interesting in comparison to locals. Our results highlight the importance of the degree of familiarity with urban spaces and background knowledge while rating urban perceptions, which is lacking in some of the existing work in urban computing

    Control de almacén, en una empresa comercial, Chimbote 2022

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    El motivo de estudio fue analizar el control de almacén de la empresa Grupo empresarial Urquiaga E.I.R.L, Chimbote 2022. Por esta razón se empleó una metodología de tipo descriptiva con un diseño no experimental, además se adaptó de recolección de datos como técnica la encuesta y como instrumento se utilizó el cuestionario; por consiguiente, para medir las respuestas se utilizó la escala de Likert, se contó con expertos para validar el instrumento y una confiabilidad de alfa de crombach (0,7164). Los resultados dados demuestran que existe un control regular de almacén del 70% y deficiente del 30%, del mismo modo, existe un control ingreso de mercadería deficiente del 60% y regular del 40%, un control de almacenamiento de mercadería deficiente del 30% y regular del 70%, para finalizar un control de salida de mercadería regular del 80% y eficiente del 20%. Se concluye que, el desarrollo de control de almacén se realiza de manera regular y no de manera eficiente, lo cual indica que hay un mal manejo de almacén como es el caso de la documentación y el persona

    Diversity and Neocolonialism in Big Data Research. Avoiding extractivism while struggling with paternalism.

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    The extractive logic of Big Data-driven technology and knowledge production has raised serious concerns. While most criticism initially focused on the impacts on Western societies, attention is now increasingly turning to the consequences for communities in the Global South. To date, debates have focused on private-sector activities. In this article, we start from the conviction that publicly funded knowledge and technology production must also be scrutinized for their potential neocolonial entanglements. To this end, we analyze the dynamics of collaboration in an European Union-funded research project that collects data for developing a social platform focused on diversity. The project includes pilot sites in China, Denmark, the United Kingdom, India, Italy, Mexico, Mongolia, and Paraguay. We present the experience at four field sites and reflect on the project’s initial conception, our collaboration, challenges, progress, and results. We then analyze the different experiences in comparison. We conclude that while we have succeeded in finding viable strategies to avoid contributing to the dynamics of unilateral data extraction as one side of the neocolonial circle, it has been infinitely more difficult to break through the much more subtle but no less powerful mechanisms of paternalism that we find to be prevalent in data-driven North–South relations. These mechanisms, however, can be identified as the other side of the neocolonial circle.</p