146 research outputs found

    Biotic indicators for ecological state change in Amazonian floodplains

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    Riverine floodplains are biologically diverse and productive ecosystems. Although tropical floodplains remain relatively conserved and ecologically functional compared to those at higher latitudes, they face accelerated hydropower development, climate change, and deforestation. Alterations to the flood pulse could act synergistically with other drivers of change to promote profound ecological state change at a large spatial scale. State change occurs when an ecosystem reaches a critical threshold or tipping point, which leads to an alternative qualitative state for the ecosystem. Visualizing an alternative state for Amazonian floodplains is not straightforward. Yet, it is critical to recognize that changes to the flood pulse could push tropical floodplain ecosystems over a tipping point with cascading adverse effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services. We characterize the Amazonian flood pulse regime, summarize evidence of flood pulse change, assess potential ecological repercussions, and provide a monitoring framework for tracking flood pulse change and detecting biotic responses

    Antiretroviral therapy initiation alters the redox system of asymptomatic HIV-Infected individuals

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    Background. The combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) increases the oxidative stress in HIV-infected people, which in turn favors the onset and aggravation of non-AIDS comorbidities, a common situation affecting these individuals. We aimed to evaluate the influence of cART initiation on oxidative stress parameters. This is a longitudinal study including 30 asymptomatic patients divided according to their CD4+ T cell count (G1: 500 cell/mL) before (M0) and after (M1) cART initiation. We analyzed total antioxidant capacity (TAC), fat-soluble vitamins, malondialdehyde, 8-isoprostane, and DNA damage. Results. Results showed a decrease in TAC, retinol, \u3b1-tocopherol, and some carotenoids, in addition to a significant increase in DNA damage at M1. These changes were more evident in G2 subjects. Moreover, there was a significant 8-isoprostane increase at M1 in individuals belonging to G1. Conclusion. The results indicate that cART interfered in the redox system, mainly by reducing the antioxidant defenses. In addition, patients who had CD4+ T counts higher than 500 cells/mm3 showed more susceptibility to genotoxicity, while patients with less CD4+ T counts displayed more damage triggered by lipoperoxidation. Considering the early beginning of cART, its chronic use, and its capacity to alter the redox status, further long-term studies on larger cohorts are needed to define the best time to initiate therapy and to investigate new strategies to delay the development of non-AIDS diseases

    The initial months of antiretroviral therapy and its influence on AGEs, HMGB1, and sRAGE levels in asymptomatic HIV-infected individuals

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    The development of the typical comorbidities of aging which currently affects people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) can be partially ascribed to the persistent immune activation and chronic inflammation characterizing these individuals. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect exerted by combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) administration on plasma levels of HMGB1 (high mobility group box protein-1), AGEs (advanced glycation end products), their soluble receptor sRAGE, cytokines, C-reactive protein (CRP), and some metabolic markers in asymptomatic PLWHA. Analyses were performed longitudinally in 30 PLWHA, before and about 6\u201312 months after cART initiation. We observed that lower levels of AGEs in post-cART group were accompanied by an increase of CRP and triglyceride levels already in the early months of therapy. Because of the current ever-earlier recommendations to start cART and its prolonged use, these and other markers should be investigated in order to monitor and postpone the appearance of non-AIDS comorbidities in PLWHA

    Abdômen agudo em equídeos no semiárido da região nordeste do Brasil

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    Foram revisados os casos de abdômen agudo de origem gastrintestinal em equídeos atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, em Patos, Paraíba. No período de janeiro de 2001 a dezembro de 2010. Setenta (4,5%) do total de 1542 equídeos atendidos no período apresentaram quadro clínico de cólica, sendo 60 equinos, cinco muares e cinco asininos. A compactação de cólon maior foi a causa mais frequente de cólica, diagnosticada em 37,14% dos casos, seguida por compactação de cólon menor (10%) e corpo estranho de cólon menor (7,14%). Em quatro casos as cólicas foram causadas pela presença de fitobezoares no intestino grosso, sendo dois deles associados ao consumo de vagens de Prosopis juliflora. Em cinco casos foi observada a presença de corpos estranhos no cólon menor e em um caso os corposestranhos foram encontrados no cólon maior, sendo principalmente sacos plásticos. As lesões estrangulantes do intestino delgado foram observadas em quatro casos. Outras causas foram cólica espasmódica (dois casos por parasitose e dois por ingestão de resíduos domiciliares), sobrecarga gástrica (três casos) e deslocamento de cólon maior que foi diagnosticado em dois animais. Laceração de cólon menor, torção de ceco, compactação de ceco e timpanismo por consumo de Manihot esculenta foram diagnosticados em uma única ocasião. O principal fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de cólicas foi o consumo de Pennisetum purpureum, Brachiaria decumbens, Sorghum spp. ou Echinochloa polystachya picados manualmente ou em picotadeira ou triturados em forrageira (OR=4,03; P=0,007). Como resultado da baixa qualidade dos alimentos ingeridos, a frequência dos atendimentos de equídeos portadores de cólica foi significativamente maior no segundo semestre (época da seca na região estudada) (OR=2,61; P<0,01). Concluiu-se que a oferta de volumoso de baixa qualidade na seca contribui para a alta frequência de casos de cólica e que o manejo alimentar tem um papel importante na ocorrência da doença e, por isso, a sua melhoria pode influenciar positivamente na redução do número de casos de cólica em equídeos no semiárido nordestino