2,903 research outputs found

    4D gravity on a brane from bulk higher-curvature terms

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    We study a gravity model where a tensionful codimension-one three-brane is embedded on a bulk with infinite transverse length. We find that 4D gravity is induced on the brane already at the classical level if we include higher-curvature (Gauss-Bonnet) terms in the bulk. Consistency conditions appear to require a negative brane tension as well as a negative coupling for the higher-curvature terms.Comment: 10 pages, no figures; a minor change in wording (to appear in MPLA

    Fragile to strong crossover coupled to liquid-liquid transition in hydrophobic solutions

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    Using discrete molecular dynamics simulations we study the relation between the thermodynamic and diffusive behaviors of a primitive model of aqueous solutions of hydrophobic solutes consisting of hard spheres in the Jagla particles solvent, close to the liquid-liquid critical point of the solvent. We find that the fragile-to-strong dynamic transition in the diffusive behavior is always coupled to the low-density/high-density liquid transition. Above the liquid-liquid critical pressure, the diffusivity crossover occurs at the Widom line, the line along which the thermodynamic response functions show maxima. Below the liquid-liquid critical pressure, the diffusivity crossover occurs when the limit of mechanical stability lines are crossed, as indicated by the hysteresis observed when going from high to low temperature and vice versa. These findings show that the strong connection between dynamics and thermodynamics found in bulk water persists in hydrophobic solutions for concentrations from low to moderate, indicating that experiments measuring the relaxation time in aqueous solutions represent a viable route for solving the open questions in the field of supercooled water.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication on Physical Review

    Effect of hydrophobic solutes on the liquid-liquid critical point

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    Jagla ramp particles, interacting through a ramp potential with two characteristic length scales, are known to show in their bulk phase thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies, similar to what is found in water. Jagla particles also exhibit a line of phase transitions separating a low density liquid phase and a high density liquid phase, terminating in a liquid-liquid critical point in a region of the phase diagram that can be studied by simulations. Employing molecular dynamics computer simulations, we study the thermodynamics and the dynamics of solutions of hard spheres (HS) in a solvent formed by Jagla ramp particles. We consider the cases of HS mole fraction x = 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20, and also the case x = 0.50 (a 1:1 mixture of HS and Jagla particles). We find a liquid-liquid critical point, up to the highest HS mole fraction; its position shifts to higher pressures and lower temperatures upon increasing x. We also find that the diffusion coefficient anomalies appear to be preserved for all the mole fractions studied.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. In press (Phys. Rev. E

    The comprehensive environmental management model in post-Covid19 era

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    To restrict the adverse impact of Green House Gas there is a need of rapid action for transformation of the current situation to achieve the targets mentioned by the United Nations Programme. The coronavirus crisis generated additional challenges but also generated a provision for companies to develop a sustainable model in the recovery period by incorporating the non-financial aspect of green environment in their business model. In this paper, we identify some of the main problems of the existing projects related to Green House Gas control and propose the Dragon Value System with a potentiality of overcoming the drawbacks of the existing models. We find a comprehensive environmental management model that will be opportunity driven, based on certain financial assets associated with wide spectrum of stakeholders and applicable by company of any size. The findings of the paper will contribute to the academic literature related to environmental management and SDG 7. The proposed model will assist the investors to identify a comprehensive model to invest and could generate new public-private partnership to apply highly beneficial and comprehensive environmental management model

    Robustness of a bisimulation-type faster-than preorder

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    TACS is an extension of CCS where upper time bounds for delays can be specified. Luettgen and Vogler defined three variants of bismulation-type faster-than relations and showed that they all three lead to the same preorder, demonstrating the robustness of their approach. In the present paper, the operational semantics of TACS is extended; it is shown that two of the variants still give the same preorder as before, underlining robustness. An explanation is given why this result fails for the third variant. It is also shown that another variant, which mixes old and new operational semantics, can lead to smaller relations that prove the same preorder.Comment: Express Worksho

    On the definition of parallel independence in the algebraic approaches to graph transformation

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    Parallel independence between transformation steps is a basic and well-understood notion of the algebraic approaches to graph transformation, and typically guarantees that the two steps can be applied in any order obtaining the same resulting graph, up to isomorphism. The concept has been redefined for several algebraic approaches as variations of a classical “algebraic” condition, requiring that each matching morphism factorizes through the context graphs of the other transformation step. However, looking at some classical papers on the double-pushout approach, one finds that the original definition of parallel independence was formulated in set-theoretical terms, requiring that the intersection of the images of the two left-hand sides in the host graph is contained in the intersection of the two interface graphs. The relationship between this definition and the standard algebraic one is discussed in this position paper, both in the case of left-linear and non-left-linear rules

    Retiolites angustidens Elles & Wood, 1908 (Graptholitina) from the Silurian of Mt. Cocco (Carnic Alps, Italy)

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    Retiolites angustidens, trovato in un blocco isolato di calcare a Orthoceras nell’area di Monte Cocco in associazione con Monograptus cf. priodon, viene qui descritto e figugurato per la prima volta nelle Alpi Carniche: in precedenza la sua presenza, infatti, era stata segnalata, ma mai documentata. Dato che tutti i graptoliti rinvenuti hanno un limitato valore stratigrafico, l’età precisa dell’associazione studiata è attribuita alla Biozona a Pterospathodus am. amorphognathoides (Llandovery sup.) in base ai conodonti.Retiolites angustidens is described and figured for the first time from the Carnic Alps, from a loose block collected from Mt. Cocco area. ! e association includes also Monograptus cf. priodon: this species, in fact, was previously reported, but never documented, from this area. Since all the graptolites found have a limited stratigraphic value, the precise age of the studied association is determined by conodonts as belonging to the latest Llandovery (Pterospathodus am. amorphognathoides conodont Zone)

    Smooth tensionful higher-codimensional brane worlds with bulk and brane form fields

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    Completely regular tensionful codimension-n brane world solutions are discussed, where the core of the brane is chosen to be a thin codimension-(n-1) shell in an infinite volume flat bulk, and an Einstein-Hilbert term localized on the brane is included (Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati models). In order to support such localized sources we enrich the vacuum structure of the brane by the inclusion of localized form fields. We find that phenomenological constraints on the size of the internal core seem to impose an upper bound to the brane tension. Finite transverse-volume smooth solutions are also discussed.Comment: 1+14 pages, 2 figures; section 2.3 improved, typos corrected and references added. Published versio

    Retrieval of SO2 from thermal infrared satellite measurements: correction procedures for the effects of volcanic ash

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    The simultaneous presence of SO2 and ash in a volcanic plume can lead to a significant error in the SO2 column abundance retrieval when multispectral Thermal InfraRed (TIR) data are used. The ash particles within the plume with effective radii from 1 to 10ÎĽm reduce the Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) radiance in the entire TIR spectral range, including the channels used for SO2 retrieval. The net effect is a significant SO2 overestimation. In this work the interference of ash is discussed and two correction procedures for satellite SO2 volcanic plume retrieval in the TIR spectral range are developed to achieve an higher computational speed and a better accuracy. The ash correction can be applied when the sensor spectral range includes the 7.3 and/or 8.7ÎĽm SO2 absorption bands, and the split window bands centered around 11 and 12ÎĽm required for ash retrieval. This allows the possibility of simultaneous estimation of both volcanic SO2 and ash in the same data set. The proposed ash correction procedures have been applied to the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the Spin Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) measurements. Data collected during the 24 November 2006 Mt. Etna eruption have been used to illustrate the technique. The SO2 and ash estimation is carried out by using a best weighted least squares fit method and the Brightness Temperature Difference (BTD) procedures, respectively. The simulated TOA radiance Look-Up Table (LUT) needed for the SO2 column abundance and the ash retrievals have been computed using the MODTRAN 4 Radiative Transfer Model. The results show the importance of the ash correction on SO2 retrievals at 8.7ÎĽm, where the corrected SO2 column abundance values are less than 50% of the uncorrected values. The ash correction on SO2 retrieval at 7.3ÎĽm is much less important and only significant for low SO2 column abundances. Results also show that the simplified and faster correction procedure underestimates the ash correction compared with the more time consuming but more accurate correction procedure. Such underestimation is greater for instruments having better ground pixel resolution, i.e. greater for MODIS than for SEVIRI
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