90 research outputs found

    Perfil de liderança dos gestores municipais de saúde participantes da Associação dos Municípios do Extremo Sul Catarinense

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Araranguá. Fisioterapia.Introdução: O Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) não é apenas uma instituição ou serviço específico, trata-se de um sistema. Portanto, junto com os avanços em prestação de serviços de saúde, desde sua criação, surgiram diversos problemas de ordem gerencial e assistencial. A municipalização da saúde é um processo de descentralização de gestão do SUS que implica no reordenamento dos papéis que cabem a cada uma das instituições político-administrativas e em uma gestão compartilhada. Como o gestor municipal é o principal contato entre o usuário e os serviços de saúde, levanta-se uma discussão sobre o perfil de liderança destes para trabalhar com a equipe de saúde à fim de desenvolver as habilidades do grupo e atingir bons resultados. Objetivo: O objetivo da pesquisa é identificar o perfil de liderança dos gestores municipais de saúde participantes da Associação dos Municípios do Extremo Sul Catarinense – AMESC. Metodologia: Os dados para essa pesquisa serão coletados através de um questionário estruturado respondido pelos participantes, dividido em três partes: caracterização sociodemográfica, caracterização profissional e perfil de liderança. Resultados esperados: Espera-se, através desse estudo, compreender melhor as ações dos secretários municipais de saúde, bem como, seu perfil técnico, profissional e de liderança levando a melhores resultados das ações da equipe de saúde. O estudo também visa auxiliar em melhorias nas aplicações de política públicas de saúde através dos dados obtidos

    Esperança e desespero: reflexões sobre o acesso na Atenção Primaria à Saúde

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    Objective: to reflect on access in Primary Health Care (PHC) through analogies of two Brazilian television shows. Method: this is a theoretical reflection based on elements of Brazilian popular television culture, based on the shows: the door of hope and the door of the desperate. Results: the access to health within the scope of PHC can be analyzed from the perspective of three doors: hope, in the solution of their needs; despair, aimed at those who cannot find solutions to their demands; and the priority, based on the attributions that constitute it and the right to health. Conclusion: PHC needs to overcome the typology of the door of hope and of the desperate for the achievement of its ordering attribution of the health care network.Objetivo: reflexionar sobre el acceso en la Atención Primaria de Salud (APS) a través de analogías entre dos programas de televisión brasileños. Método: se trata de una reflexión teórica a partir de elementos de la cultura popular televisiva brasileña, a partir de los programas: la puerta de la esperanza y la puerta de los desesperados. Resultados: el acceso a la salud en el ámbito de la APS puede analizarse desde la perspectiva de tres puertas: la esperanza, en la solución de sus necesidades; la desesperación, dirigida a quienes no encuentran solución a sus demandas; y la prelación, con base en las atribuciones que la constituyen y el derecho a la salud. Conclusión: la APS necesita superar la tipología de la puerta de la esperanza y del desesperado para cumplir su tarea de organización de la red de atención a la salud.Objetivo: refletir sobre o acesso na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) através de analogias entre dois programas televisivos brasileiros. Método: trata-se de uma reflexão teórica sustentada em elementos da cultura televisiva popular brasileira, a partir dos programas: a porta da esperança e a porta dos desesperados. Resultados: o acesso à saúde no âmbito da APS pode ser analisado na perspectiva de três portas: esperança, na solução de suas necessidades; desespero, voltada aqueles que não conseguem encontrar soluções as suas demandas; e a prioritária, pautada nas atribuições que lhe constitui e no direito à saúde. Conclusão: a APS precisa superar a tipologia de porta da esperança e dos desesperados para efetivação da sua atribuição ordenadora da rede de atenção à saúde

    Beyond Accessibility: The Belonging and Participation of Deaf Subjects in the Art Museum of Rio (MAR)

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    Based on a Gramscian perspective on accessibility and inclusion, this article aims to analyze the actions carried out by the Art Museum of Rio (Museu de Arte do Rio, MAR, in Portuguese) that provide for the participation and belonging of deaf subjects who use the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) in their institutional space. MAR, one of the newest museums in Rio de Janeiro, planned and implemented in the context of the revitalization process of the city’s Port Zone, stands out in the Brazilian museum scene with a management that consolidates actions aimed at guaranteeing deaf people’s linguistic rights through Libras


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    Is the combination of depression symptoms and multimorbidity associated with the increase of the prevalence of functional disabilities in Brazilian older adults? A cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Functional disabilities are more prevalent in older adults with multimorbidity and depression. However, few studies have investigated the combination of multimorbidity and depression with functional disability. This study aims to verify whether symptoms of depression and multimorbidity combined increase the prevalence of functional disability in Brazilian older adults. / Material and methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted with data from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSI-Brazil) baseline examination in 2015-2016 in adults aged 50 years and older. The variables included were basic (BADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), depressive symptoms, multimorbidity (≥2 chronic diseases), sociodemographic variables, and lifestyle. Logistic regression was performed to estimate crude and adjusted odds ratios. / Results: A total of 7,842 participants over 50 years of age were included. Of these, 53.5% were women and 50.5% were between 50 and 59 years old, 33.5% reported ≥4 depressive symptoms, 51.4% had multimorbidity, 13.5% reported difficulty in performing at least one BADL, and 45.1% reported difficulty in performing the IADL. In the adjusted analysis, the prevalence of difficulty on BADL was 6.52 (95% CI: 5.14; 8.27) and on IADL was 2.34 (95% CI: 2.15; 2.55), higher for those with depression and multimorbidity combined when compared with those without these conditions. / Conclusion: The combination of symptoms of depression and multimorbidity may increase functional impairments in the BADL and IADL of Brazilian older adults, impairing self-efficacy, independence, and autonomy. Early detection of these factors benefits the person, their family, and the healthcare system for health promotion and disease prevention

    Socioemotional Factors and Cardiovascular Risk: What Is the Relationship in Brazilian Older Adults?

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Cardiovascular risk is composed of several modifiable factors that cannot be explained only at the individual level. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between socioemotional factors and cardiovascular risk in older adults. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study with data from The Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde dos Idosos Brasileiros, ELSI-Brazil), population based with data collected between 2015 and 2016. Cardiovascular risk-the study outcome-was assessed using the WHO/ISH Cardiovascular Risk Prediction Charts. The exposure variables were perceived social support from those who would receive help in situations and productive and leisurely social participation carried out in the last 12 months. We used crude and adjusted logistic regression for socioeconomic conditions, health conditions, and lifestyle habits to estimate odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the occurrence of the outcome. RESULTS: There were 6,005 participants between 50 and 74 years old with complete data. Of these, 18.7% (95% CI: 16.9-20.6) had high cardiovascular risk. Being in the highest tertile of greater social participation is associated with a lower prevalence of high cardiovascular risk (OR: 0.69; 95% CI: 0.50-0.95), adjusted for all variables, when compared to the lowest tertile. Furthermore, the absence of perceived social support is associated with a higher prevalence in different models. Perceived social support from close family members (son/daughter, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law) for material issues is associated with a higher prevalence, whereas having support from friends for affective resources is associated with a lower prevalence of high cardiovascular risk. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS: Socioemotional factors such as lack of perceived social support and social participation were significantly associated with cardiovascular risk. This suggested that the development of strategies aimed at reducing cardiovascular risk during aging needs to consider socioemotional factors and social relationships

    Fatigue levels among Family Health Strategy professionals in the Brazilian countryside

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    Introduction: This research addresses fatigue within the team of nursing professionals of the Family Health Strategy (FHS). Objectives: To describe the fatigue levels of FHS nursing professionals. Identify the presence of fatigue among nursing professionals. Method: The research has a descriptive-analytical, quantitative character. Questionnaires were applied to a sample of 112 professionals at basic family health units in the city of Uberlândia, Brasil. Simple and applied statistics were used in order to collect the data. Results: The study showed that the sample had a greater predominance of females, aged between 30 and 49 years, with a greater number of nurses and who have only one job. It was identified with the DUFS questionnaire that 20, 8% say that they always need extra energy to handle their daily tasks and that 36.9% of professionals have had the need to rest more. Thus, this research shows the presence of fatigue in 70.8% of professionals. Conclusion: Evaluating the projections of fatigue on the body, this research shows self-reported signs that are already present signs, which can be recognized as symptoms and that translate signs of compromise, at some level, of the well-being of the workers in question, certainly reflecting on daily life, which may also compromise the health of these workers and their performance

    Perfil de sensibilidade de Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp. isolados de brinquedos de brinquedoteca de um hospital de ensino

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    AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the presence of microorganisms of the genus Staphylococcus and Streptococcus on toys in the playroom of a teaching hospital, as well to as analyze the antimicrobial from the isolated strains.MethodsSamples were collected from 60 toys, using wet swabs, soon after being used by the children. The samples were inoculated in enriched and selective agar for isolation and later identification of the microorganisms. Antibiogram testing was performed by agar diffusion technique.ResultsThe genus Staphylococcus was present in 87.0% (52/60) of the toys. Seventythree strains were isolated, with 29.0% (21/73) coagulase-positive and 71.0% (52/73) coagulase-negative. Among the coagulase-negative strains, 90.4% were resistant to penicillin, 65.4% to oxacillin, 28.8% to clarithromycin, 61.5% to clindamycin, and none to vancomycin. Among the coagulase-positive strains, 76.2% were resistant to penicillin, 23.8% to oxacillin, 23.8% to clarithromycin, 47.6% to clindamycin, and none to vancomycin. The genus Streptococcus was not detected in any of the evaluated toys.ConclusionsToys can be contaminated with potentially pathogenic bacteria with antimicrobial resistance, representing a possible source of nosocomial infection for patients who are already debilitated