108 research outputs found


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    The aim of the present paper is to assess the effect of new technologies on the whole aircraft product including its costs, reliability and maintainability characteristics. Several studies have been conducted dealing with the preliminary evaluation of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) of conventional aircraft. They provide a very effective method to preliminary estimate RAMS characteristics but their employment is not completely suitable for the analysis of unconventional configurations adopting new technologies. This paper aims at evaluating how the aircraft costs and RAMS characteristics are affected by new structures material, natural laminar flow wing technology and unconventional actuator system (electro-hydrostatic actuators), hence an update of the state of the art models is needed. This evaluation is performed by means of a setup and execution of a Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) workflow. The MDAO environment includes the aircraft conceptual design, aircraft performance, structure design, engine design, on-board systems design, RAMS and maintenance cost modules. The RAMS module is used to obtain the failure rates and maintenance effort (in terms of maintenance man hour per flight hour) at subsystem level. The cost module is based on a new maintenance cost model able to estimate the operating cost of the different aircraft variants. The selected new technologies are applied to a regional jet developed within the framework of AGILE research project. For each technology, a different variant of this aircraft is analyzed. Results show that some important saves are reached both in terms of maintenance and fuel cost when new technologies are applied

    Formation of citrazinic acid ions and their contribution to optical and magnetic features of carbon nanodots: A combined experimental and computational approach

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    The molecular model is one of the most appealing to explain the peculiar optical properties of Carbon nanodots (CNDs) and was proven to be successful for the bottom up synthesis, where a few molecules were recognized. Among the others, citrazinic acid is relevant for the synthesis of citric acid-based CNDs. Here we report a combined experimental and computational approach to discuss the formation of different protonated and deprotonated species of citrazinic acid and their contribution to vibrational and magnetic spectra. By computing the free energy formation in water solution, we selected the most favoured species and we retrieved their presence in the experimental surface enhanced Raman spectra. As well, the chemical shifts are discussed in terms of tautomers and rotamers of most favoured species. The expected formation of protonated and de-protonated citrazinic acid ions under extreme pH conditions was proven by evaluating specific interactions with H2 SO4 and NaOH molecules. The reported results confirm that the presence of citrazinic acid and its ionic forms should be considered in the interpretation of the spectroscopic features of CNDs

    Cyclic vomiting syndrome in children: a nationwide survey of current practice on behalf of the Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP) and Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology (SINP)

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    Background: Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) is a rare functional gastrointestinal disorder, which has a considerable burden on quality of life of both children and their family. Aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic modalities and therapeutic approach to CVS among Italian tertiary care centers and the differences according to subspecialties, as well as to explore whether potential predictive factors associated with either a poor outcome or a response to a specific treatment. Methods: Cross-sectional multicenter web-based survey involving members of the Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP) and Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology (SINP). Results: A total of 67 responses were received and analyzed. Most of the respondent units cared for less than 20 patients. More than half of the patients were referred after 3 to 5 episodes, and a quarter after 5 attacks. We report different diagnostic approaches among Italian clinicians, which was particularly evident when comparing gastroenterologists and neurologists. Moreover, our survey demonstrated a predilection of certain drugs during emetic phase according to specific clinic, which reflects the cultural background of physicians. Conclusion: In conclusion, our survey highlights poor consensus amongst clinicians in our country in the diagnosis and the management of children with CVS, raising the need for a national consensus guideline in order to standardize the practice

    Post-Optimality Pareto-Robustness Analysis of an Earth-Observation Satellite Mission

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    In this paper a methodology for post-optimality studies to assess the robustness of the Pareto-optimal solutions, computed with a multi-objective optimization algorithm, is presented. The proposed Pareto-Robust Optimization Approach (PROA) is based on factorial design for sampling the design region in the neighborhood of the Pareto-optimal solutions. It allows for estimating a metric for the Pareto-Robustness and contributes to improving convergence of the known Pareto-front towards the true Pareto-front. Further, the sensitivity of the performance (the objectives of the analysis) to the dispersion of the design variables is analyzed using variance decomposition techniques. The shape of the design space is studied using the response surfaces method without additional computational cost. The proposed approach is applied to three validation test cases and to the design of a satellite Earth-observation mission for disaster monitoring. The results show that PROA can correctly detect Pareto-robust solutions on the Pareto front and that it provides additional Pareto-optimal solutions at the same time, eventually improving the original known Pareto front. Further, PROA shows its potentialities in effectively narrowing the search-space to only one limited portion. In the case of the Earth-observation mission, the study demonstrates the possibility to enable and promote trade-offs amongst the engineering-team members to obtain an effective decision-making process. The solution identified as the most Pareto-robust one can be considered quite uncommon, but still very reasonable due to the assumptions, presenting a satellite in a non sun-synchronous Medium Earth Orbi

    Projekt wstępny podsystemów w ramach optymalizacji multidyscyplinarnej

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    The aircraft design is a complex subject since several and completely different design disciplines are involved in the project. Many efforts are made to harmonize and optimize the design trying to combine all disciplines together at the same level of detail. Within the ongoing AGILE (Horizon 2020) research, an aircraft MDO (Multidisciplinary Design Optimization) process is setting up connecting several design tools and competences together. Each tool covers a different design discipline such as aerodynamics, structure, propulsion and systems. This paper focuses on the integration of the sub-system design discipline with the others in order to obtain a complete and optimized aircraft preliminary design. All design parameters used to integrate the sub-system branch with the others are discussed as for their redefinition within the different detail level of the design.Projektowanie samolotówjest tematem złożonym i z jednym z powodów, dla których istnieje kilka zupełnie różnych dyscyplin dizajnerskich zaangażowanych w ten projekt. Czynionych jest wiele prób w celu optymalizacji tego projektu próbującego rozważyć wszystkie dyscypliny razem na tym samym poziomie uszczegółowienia. Wraz ze zbliżającym się badaniem H2020 AGILE, proces MDO (Mulidyscyplinarnej Optymalizacji Projektowania) będzie zaczęty i połączy on kilka narzędzi projektowych i kompetencji razem. Każde narzędzie obejmuje inną dziedzinę projektowania taką jak: aerodynamika, struktura, napędy i systemy. The artykuł koncentruje się na integracji podsystemów dyscyplin projektowych z innymi celem uzyskania completnych i zoptymalizowanych wstępnych projektów samolotów. Wszystkie parametry projektowania użyte do zintegrowania podsystemowych gałęzi z innymi są przedyskutowane jako ich redefinicja z różnymi poziomami detalu projektu

    Modeling of orbital and attitude dynamics of nanosatellites controlled via active electrostatic charging

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    The large-scale exploration of airless bodies, such as asteroids and moons, is gaining interest, however it is limited by mobility issues: the lack of atmosphere, low gravity, and unknown soil properties pose difficult challenges for many forms of traditional locomotion. The environment in proximity of these bodies is also electrically charged due to interactions with solar wind and UV radiation. The EGlider (Electrostatic Glider) concept would be able to overcome these mobility issues by leveraging the natural environment, allowing operations in close proximity of the surface, while enabling long duration missions by minimizing propellant consumption. The EGlider is an advanced concept for small satellite mobility and propulsion, which relies on the electric fields naturally present around airless bodies in order to generate forces and torques useful for maneuvering. It does so by extending electrically charged appendages, which enable it to electrostatically soar above the surface. By differentially charging its electrodes it can also produce torques to control its attitude. The charges are maintained by continuous active ion or electron emission from the spacecraft, in order to cancel out the neutralizing influx of charges from surrounding plasma. An investigation of the spacecraft-plasma interaction was carried out. This included studying the effect of electrode geometry and calculating the charge-to-mass ratios required to enable several mission scenarios. Long, thin wire electrodes were identified to be the most power-efficient and would allow power-to-weight ratios achievable with current nanosatellite technologies. High electrode potential represents the main limiting factor for the system design. In order to test the feasibility of active control by means of differential charging, a simple 2D interaction model was developed, and a feedback controller to stabilize the vehicle was tested in a simulation environment. The results confirmed that good performance could be obtained for both position and attitude control. Finally, a dedicated software was developed for future simulation and testing of control strategies for the EGlider. This software allows to study the trajectory and attitude of an arbitrarily configured spacecraft in the proximity of an arbitrarily defined main airless body. The spacecraft can be assembled from basic parts, each with specified electrical, mass and optical properties. Efficient models allow to calculate gravitational and electrical interactions with the rotating main body and the local plasma field, as well as solar radiation pressure effects. Control models can be implemented as simple plug-in functions and easily tested. The preliminary validation campaign showed good matching with the reference cases that have been analyzed