76 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Abdominal pregnancy is defined as the implantation and development of one or several segmented ova or embryos in the peritoneal cavity. Although this has been reported in several species, it is considered as a low incidence process. It is classified as a primary abdominal pregnancy, if there is no evidence of uterine rupture, with presumed regurgitation of early embryos from the uterine tube and as a secondary abdominal pregnancy, when there is evidence of uterine rupture. During a necropsy study of 550 adult fertile female New Zealand white rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) from two rabbit farms in Valencia (Spain), the main causes of elimination were studied. Twenty-eight abdominal pregnancies were diagnosed. Seven animals showed no lesions in their reproductive tract. The remaining twenty-one animals showed acute or chronic lesions in the reproductive tract. The classification as a primary or secondary condition is discussed. It may be concluded therefore that extrauterine pregnancies would not be such an unusual finding in rabbits (7.8% in one of the studied), and that this premise should be considered in the diagnostic approach when assessing rabbit doe pathology. New husbandry systems in rabbits such as artificial insemination are factors to be considered

    Early deviations in performance, metabolic and immunological indicators affect stayability in rabbit females

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    [EN] The main purpose of this study was to find several early factors affecting stayability in rabbit females. To reach this goal, 203 females were used from their first artificial insemination to their sixth parturition. Throughout that period, 48 traits were recorded, considered to be performance, metabolic and immunological indicators. These traits were initially recorded in females' first reproductive cycle. Later, removed females due to death or culling and those that were non-removed were identified. A first analysis was used to explore whether it was possible to classify females between those reaching and those not reaching up to the mean lifespan of a rabbit female (the fifth reproductive) cycle using information from the first reproductive cycle. The analysis results showed that 97% of the non-removed females were classified correctly, whereas only 60% of the removed females were classified as animals to be removed. The reason for this difference lies in the model's characteristics, which was designed using early traits and was able to classify only the cases in which females would be removed due to performance, metabolic or immunologic imbalances in their early lives. Our results suggest that the model defines the necessary conditions, but not the sufficient ones, for females to remain alive in the herd. The aim of a second analysis was to find out the main early differences between the non-removed and removed females. The live weights records taken in the first cycle indicated that the females removed in their first cycle were lighter, while those removed in their second cycle were heavier with longer stayability (-203 and +202 g on average, respectively; P < 0.05). Non-removed females showed higher glucose and lower beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations in the first cycle than the removed females (+4.8 and -10.7%, respectively; P < 0.05). The average lymphocytes B counts in the first cycle were 22.7% higher in the non-removed females group (P < 0.05). The females removed in the first reproductive cycle presented a higher granulocytes/lymphocytes ratio in this cycle than those that at least reached the second cycle (4.81 v. 1.66; P < 0.001). Consequently, non-removed females at sixth parturition offered adequate body development and energy levels, less immunological stress and a more mature immune function in the first reproductive cycle. The females that deviated from this pattern were at higher risk of being removed from the herd.This study was supported by the Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology (CICYT) of the Spanish Government (AGL2014-53405-C2-1-P, AGL2014-53405C2-2-P and AGL2017-85162-C2-1-R). The grants awarded to Mariola Penades and Alberto Arnau from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (AP2010-3907 and BES-2012-052345, respectively) are also gratefully acknowledged.Penadés, M.; Arnau-Bonachera, A.; Selva, L.; Viana, D.; Larsen, T.; Corpa, JM.; Pascual Amorós, JJ.... (2020). Early deviations in performance, metabolic and immunological indicators affect stayability in rabbit females. Animal. 14(4):780-789. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731119002489S780789144Baselga M 2004. Genetic improvement of meat rabbits. Programmes and diffusion. In Proceedings of the 8th World Rabbit Congress, 7–10 September 2004, Puebla, Mexico, pp. 1–13.Bauman, D. E., & Bruce Currie, W. (1980). Partitioning of Nutrients During Pregnancy and Lactation: A Review of Mechanisms Involving Homeostasis and Homeorhesis. Journal of Dairy Science, 63(9), 1514-1529. doi:10.3168/jds.s0022-0302(80)83111-0Davis, A. K., Maney, D. L., & Maerz, J. C. (2008). The use of leukocyte profiles to measure stress in vertebrates: a review for ecologists. Functional Ecology, 22(5), 760-772. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2435.2008.01467.xDavis, W. C., & Hamilton, M. J. (2008). Use of flow cytometry to develop and characterize a set of monoclonal antibodies specific for rabbit leukocyte differentiation molecules. Journal of Veterinary Science, 9(1), 51. doi:10.4142/jvs.2008.9.1.51Dufort F 2012. Contribution of glucose metabolism to the B lymphocyte responses. PhD thesis, Boston College, Boston, MA, USA.Friggens, N. C., Brun-Lafleur, L., Faverdin, P., Sauvant, D., & Martin, O. (2013). Advances in predicting nutrient partitioning in the dairy cow: recognizing the central role of genotype and its expression through time. Animal, 7, 89-101. doi:10.1017/s1751731111001820García-Quirós, A., Arnau-Bonachera, A., Penadés, M., Cervera, C., Martínez-Paredes, E., Ródenas, L., … Pascual, J. J. (2014). A robust rabbit line increases leucocyte counts at weaning and reduces mortality by digestive disorder during fattening. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 161(3-4), 123-131. doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2014.07.005Gross, W. B., & Siegel, H. S. (1983). Evaluation of the Heterophil/Lymphocyte Ratio as a Measure of Stress in Chickens. Avian Diseases, 27(4), 972. doi:10.2307/1590198Guerrero, I., Ferrian, S., Blas, E., Pascual, J. J., Cano, J. L., & Corpa, J. M. (2011). Evolution of the peripheral blood lymphocyte populations in multiparous rabbit does with two reproductive management rhythms. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 140(1-2), 75-81. doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2010.11.017Harano, Y., Ohtsuki, M., Ida, M., Kojima, H., Harada, M., Okanishi, T., … Shigeta, Y. (1985). Direct automated assay method for serum or urine levels of ketone bodies. Clinica Chimica Acta, 151(2), 177-183. doi:10.1016/0009-8981(85)90321-3Jacobsen, C. N., Aasted, B., Broe, M. K., & Petersen, J. L. (1993). Reactivities of 20 anti-human monoclonal antibodies with leucocytes from ten different animal species. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 39(4), 461-466. doi:10.1016/0165-2427(93)90075-fJasper, P. J., Zhai, S.-K., Kalis, S. L., Kingzette, M., & Knight, K. L. (2003). B Lymphocyte Development in Rabbit: Progenitor B Cells and Waning of B Lymphopoiesis. The Journal of Immunology, 171(12), 6372-6380. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.171.12.6372Jeklova, E., Leva, L., & Faldyna, M. (2007). Lymphoid organ development in rabbits: Major lymphocyte subsets. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 31(6), 632-644. doi:10.1016/j.dci.2006.10.002Jeklova, E., Leva, L., Knotigova, P., & Faldyna, M. (2009). Age-related changes in selected haematology parameters in rabbits. Research in Veterinary Science, 86(3), 525-528. doi:10.1016/j.rvsc.2008.10.007Jeklova, E., Leva, L., Kudlackova, H., & Faldyna, M. (2007). Functional development of immune response in rabbits. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 118(3-4), 221-228. doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2007.05.003Kotani, M., Yamamura, Y., Tamatani, T., Kitamura, F., & Miyasaka, M. (1993). Generation and characterization of monoclomal antibodies against rabbit CD4, CD5 and CD11a antigens. Journal of Immunological Methods, 157(1-2), 241-252. doi:10.1016/0022-1759(93)90093-mKotani, M., Yamamura, Y., Tsudo, M., Tamatani, T., Kitamura, F., & Miyasaka, M. (1993). Generation of Monoclonal Antibodies to the Rabbit Interleukin-2 ReceptoraChain (CD25) and Its Distribution in HTLV-1-transformed Rabbit T Cells. Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, 84(7), 770-775. doi:10.1111/j.1349-7006.1993.tb02042.xMartin, O., & Sauvant, D. (2010). A teleonomic model describing performance (body, milk and intake) during growth and over repeated reproductive cycles throughout the lifespan of dairy cattle. 2. Voluntary intake and energy partitioning. Animal, 4(12), 2048-2056. doi:10.1017/s1751731110001369Martínez-Paredes, E., Ródenas, L., Pascual, J. J., & Savietto, D. (2018). Early development and reproductive lifespan of rabbit females: implications of growth rate, rearing diet and body condition at first mating. Animal, 12(11), 2347-2355. doi:10.1017/s1751731118000162Mehrzad, J., & Zhao, X. (2008). T lymphocyte proliferative capacity and CD4+/CD8+ ratio in primiparous and pluriparous lactating cows. Journal of Dairy Research, 75(4), 457-465. doi:10.1017/s0022029908003439MILLER, J., & CANCRO, M. (2007). B cells and aging: Balancing the homeostatic equation. Experimental Gerontology, 42(5), 396-399. doi:10.1016/j.exger.2007.01.010Neeteson-van Nieuwenhoven, A.-M., Knap, P., & Avendaño, S. (2013). The role of sustainable commercial pig and poultry breeding for food security. Animal Frontiers, 3(1), 52-57. doi:10.2527/af.2013-0008O’Dowd, S., Hoste, S., Mercer, J. T., Fowler, V. R., & Edwards, S. A. (1997). Nutritional modification of body composition and the consequences for reproductive performance and longevity in genetically lean sows. Livestock Production Science, 52(2), 155-165. doi:10.1016/s0301-6226(97)00131-0Pascual, J. J., Castella, F., Cervera, C., Blas, E., & Fernández-Carmona, J. (2000). The use of ultrasound measurement of perirenal fat thickness to estimate changes in body condition of young female rabbits. Animal Science, 70(3), 435-442. doi:10.1017/s135772980005178xPascual, J. J., Cervera, C., Blas, E., & Fernandez-Carmona, J. (1998). Effect of high fat diets on the performance and food intake of primiparous and multiparous rabbit does. Animal Science, 66(2), 491-499. doi:10.1017/s1357729800009668Piles, M., Garreau, H., Rafel, O., Larzul, C., Ramon, J., & Ducrocq, V. (2006). Survival analysis in two lines of rabbits selected for reproductive traits1. Journal of Animal Science, 84(7), 1658-1665. doi:10.2527/jas.2005-678Quevedo, F., Cervera, C., Blas, E., Baselga, M., & Pascual, J. J. (2006). Long-term effect of selection for litter size and feeding programme on the performance of reproductive rabbit does 2. Lactation and growing period. Animal Science, 82(5), 751-762. doi:10.1079/asc200688Rosell, J. M., & de la Fuente, L. F. (2009). Culling and mortality in breeding rabbits. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 88(2), 120-127. doi:10.1016/j.prevetmed.2008.08.003Savietto, D., Cervera, C., Blas, E., Baselga, M., Larsen, T., Friggens, N. C., & Pascual, J. J. (2013). Environmental sensitivity differs between rabbit lines selected for reproductive intensity and longevity. Animal, 7(12), 1969-1977. doi:10.1017/s175173111300178xTarrés, J., Tibau, J., Piedrafita, J., Fàbrega, E., & Reixach, J. (2006). Factors affecting longevity in maternal Duroc swine lines. Livestock Science, 100(2-3), 121-131. doi:10.1016/j.livprodsci.2005.08.007Ten Napel, J., van der Veen, A. A., Oosting, S. J., & Koerkamp, P. W. G. G. (2011). A conceptual approach to design livestock production systems for robustness to enhance sustainability. Livestock Science, 139(1-2), 150-160. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2011.03.007Theilgaard, P., Sánchez, J. P., Pascual, J. J., Friggens, N. C., & Baselga, M. (2006). Effect of body fatness and selection for prolificacy on survival of rabbit does assessed using a cryopreserved control population. Livestock Science, 103(1-2), 65-73. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2006.01.007Xiccato G 1996. Nutrition of lactation does. In Proceedings of the 6th World Rabbit Congress, 9–12 July 1996, Toulouse, France, pp. 29–47

    Effect of different housing systems (single and group penning) on the health and welfare of commercial female rabbits

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    [EN] In recent decades, concern about rabbit welfare and sustainability has increased. The housing system is a very important factor for animal welfare. However, information about how different available housing types for female rabbits affect their health status is scarce, but this is an important factor for their welfare. Hence, the objective of this study was to evaluate the health status of female rabbits in five common housing systems: three different single-housing systems with distinct available surfaces and heights; a single-housing system with a platform; a collective system. Female rabbits in the collective and platform cages had greater cortisol concentrations in hair than those in the single-housing system with no platform. Haptoglobin concentrations and kit mortality rates during lactation were greater for the collective-cage female rabbits. The collective group had more culled females and more lesions than in the other groups. The main reasons for culling in all the groups were reproduction problems and presence of abscesses, and the collective group of females was the most affected. In conclusion, it appears that keeping females together in collective systems negatively affects their health status and welfare, while single-housing systems imply lower kit mortality rates during lactation and cortisol concentrations, and fewer lesions in female rabbits.This study was supported by the INIA-INTERCUN Project (CUN2014-00001-00-00) and by Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera (INDI16/07, INDI17/07, INDI18/08). Grants for Sara Perez Fuentes, Asuncion Munoz Silvestre and Elena Moreno Grua from Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera, and also for Sara Perez Fuentes from Generalitat Valenciana and FSE (ACIF/2016/085), and for Elena Moreno Grua from Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte (FPU17/02708) are also gratefully acknowledged.Pérez-Fuentes, S.; Muñoz-Silvestre, A.; Moreno Grua, E.; Martinez-Paredes, E.; Viana, D.; Selva, L.; Villagrá, A.... (2020). Effect of different housing systems (single and group penning) on the health and welfare of commercial female rabbits. Animal. 14(6):1270-1277. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731119003379S12701277146Archetti I, Tittarelli C, Cerioli M, Brivio R, Grilli G and Lavazza A 2008. Serum chemistry and hematology values in commercial rabbits: preliminary data from industrial farms in northern Italy. In Proceedings of the 9th World Rabbit Congress, 10–13 June 2008, Verone, Italy, pp. 1147–1152.Argente, M.-J., García, M. de la L., Birlanga, V., & Muelas, R. (2014). Relationship between cortisol and acute phase protein concentrations in female rabbits. The Veterinary Journal, 202(1), 172-175. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2014.07.020Cervera C, Martínez-Paredes E, Machado L and Villagrá A 2017. Producción de conejas en sistemas de alojamiento individual o colectivo en semigrupo. In Proceedings of the XLII Symposium de Cunicultura de ASESCU, 11–12 May 2017, Murcia, Spain, pp. 107–110.Dal Bosco, A., Mugnai, C., Martino, M., Szendrő, Z., Mattioli, S., Cambiotti, V., … Castellini, C. (2019). Housing Rabbit Does in a Combi System with Removable Walls: Effect on Behaviour and Reproductive Performance. Animals, 9(8), 528. doi:10.3390/ani9080528Dalle Zotte, A., Princz, Z., Matics, Z., Gerencsér, Z., Metzger, S., & Szendrő, Z. (2009). Rabbit preference for cages and pens with or without mirrors. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 116(2-4), 273-278. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2008.08.011Machado L, Cervera C, Martínez-Paredes E, Paragliola F and Cano C 2016. Comportamiento y manejo de conejas en sistemas de cría colectiva. In Proceedings of the XLI Symposium de Cunicultura de ASESCU, 12–13 May 2016, Hondarribia, Spain, pp. 134–137.Maertens L and Buijs S 2016. Impact of housing system (cage vs. part-time housing) and floor type on rabbit doe welfare. In Proceedings of the 11th World Rabbit Congress, 15–18 June 2016, Qingdao, China, pp. 707–710.Marai, I. F. ., Habeeb, A. A. ., & Gad, A. . (2002). Rabbits’ productive, reproductive and physiological performance traits as affected by heat stress: a review. Livestock Production Science, 78(2), 71-90. doi:10.1016/s0301-6226(02)00091-xMarcato PS and Rosmini R 1986. Mammary glands. In Pathology of the rabbit and hare (eds. PS Marcato and R Rosmini ), pp. 179–186. Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna, Italy.Masthoff, T., & Hoy, S. (2019). Investigations on the Influence of Floor Design on Dirtiness and Foot Pad Lesions in Growing Rabbits. Animals, 9(6), 354. doi:10.3390/ani9060354Mugnai, C., Dal Bosco, A., & Castellini, C. (2009). Effect of different rearing systems and pre-kindling handling on behaviour and performance of rabbit does. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 118(1-2), 91-100. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2009.02.007Petersen, H. H., Nielsen, J. P., & Heegaard, P. M. H. (2004). Application of acute phase protein measurements in veterinary clinical chemistry. Veterinary Research, 35(2), 163-187. doi:10.1051/vetres:2004002Rödel, H. G., Starkloff, A., Bautista, A., Friedrich, A.-C., & Von Holst, D. (2008). Infanticide and Maternal Offspring Defence in European Rabbits under Natural Breeding Conditions. Ethology, 114(1), 22-31. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0310.2007.01447.xRödel, H. G., Starkloff, A., Seltmann, M. W., Prager, G., & von Holst, D. (2009). Causes and predictors of nest mortality in a European rabbit population. Mammalian Biology, 74(3), 198-209. doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2008.04.003Rommers, J. M., Boiti, C., De Jong, I., & Brecchia, G. (2006). Performance and behaviour of rabbit does in a group-housing system with natural mating or artificial insemination. Reproduction Nutrition Development, 46(6), 677-687. doi:10.1051/rnd:2006038Rommers, J., & De Greef, K. H. (2018). Are combi parks just as useful as regular parks for fatteners for part-time group housing of rabbit does? World Rabbit Science, 26(4), 299. doi:10.4995/wrs.2018.9587Rosell J and De La Fuente L 2008. Health and body condition of rabbit does on commercial farms. In Proceedings of the 9th World Rabbit Congress, 10–13 June 2008, Verone, Italy, pp. 1065–1069.Rosell, J., & de la Fuente, L. (2013). Assessing Ulcerative Pododermatitis of Breeding Rabbits. Animals, 3(2), 318-326. doi:10.3390/ani3020318Sánchez, J. P., de la Fuente, L. F., & Rosell, J. M. (2012). Health and body condition of lactating females on rabbit farms1. Journal of Animal Science, 90(7), 2353-2361. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4065Segura, P., Martinez, J., Peris, B., Selva, L., Viana, D., Penades, J. R., & Corpa, J. M. (2007). Staphylococcal infections in rabbit does on two industrial farms. Veterinary Record, 160(25), 869-872. doi:10.1136/vr.160.25.869Siemsen DW, Malachowa N, Schepetkin IA, Whitney AR, Kirpotina LN, Lei B, DeLeo FR and Quinn MT 2014. Neutrophil isolation from nonhuman species. In Neutrophil methods and protocols (eds. MT Quinn and FR De Leo ), pp. 19–37. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USASzendrő, Z., & McNitt, J. I. (2012). Housing of rabbit does: Group and individual systems: A review. Livestock Science, 150(1-3), 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2012.09.017Szendrő, Z., Mikó, A., Odermatt, M., Gerencsér, Z., Radnai, I., Dezséry, B., … Matics, Z. (2013). Comparison of performance and welfare of single-caged and group-housed rabbit does. Animal, 7(3), 463-468. doi:10.1017/s1751731112001760Szendrő, Z., Trocino, A., Hoy, S., Xiccato, G., Villagrá, A., & Maertens, L. (2019). A review of recent research outcomes on the housing of farmed domestic rabbits: reproducing does. World Rabbit Science, 27(1), 1. doi:10.4995/wrs.2019.10599Tallo-Parra, O., Manteca, X., Sabes-Alsina, M., Carbajal, A., & Lopez-Bejar, M. (2015). Hair cortisol detection in dairy cattle by using EIA: protocol validation and correlation with faecal cortisol metabolites. Animal, 9(6), 1059-1064. doi:10.1017/s1751731115000294Viana, D., Selva, L., Segura, P., Penadés, J. R., & Corpa, J. M. (2007). Genotypic characterization of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from rabbit lesions. Veterinary Microbiology, 121(3-4), 288-298. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2006.12.003Zomeño, C., Birolo, M., Gratta, F., Zuffellato, A., Xiccato, G., & Trocino, A. (2018). Effects of group housing system, pen floor type, and lactation management on performance and behaviour in rabbit does. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 203, 55-63. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2018.03.00

    Evolution of the peripheral blood lymphocyte populations in multiparous rabbit does with two reproductive management rhythms

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    The emergence of epizootic rabbit enteropathy is leading to changes in weaning protocols in commercial rabbitries. Traditional weaning protocols are being replaced with late weaning, beyond 35 days postpartum (dpp). The main objectives of this study were to compare the peripheral blood lymphocyte populations of multiparous rabbit does under two reproductive rhythms (insemination at 11 dpp and weaning at 28 dpp, insemination at 25 dpp and weaning at 42 dpp), and to assess the influence on those of kits. Samples of peripheral blood were taken in 22 adult females and 44 of their kits at different critical times, and several lymphocytic populations were evaluated by flow cytometry. Additionally, the perirenal fat thickness of does was also measured at partum and weaning to observe if body condition correlates with lymphocyte populations. During whole lactation, counts of total, CD5 +, CD4 + and CD8 + lymphocytes of females were generally lower with weaning at 42 dpp compared to 28 dpp. Moreover, counts of total, B and CD5 + lymphocytes in rabbit does weaned at 42 dpp correlated to their body condition (+0.60 to 0.82; P<0.05), contrary to that observed in rabbit does weaned at 28 dpp. Some correlations between lymphocyte counts in both groups of does and weaning rabbits were observed. At weaning, those young rabbits weaned at 42 dpp had a significantly lower number of CD4 + lymphocytes than those weaned at 28 dpp (P<0.01). In conclusion, the 42 ddp rabbit does presented a lower number of total lymphocytes and lymphocytic subpopulations during lactation and at weaning, as well as lesser capacity of adjustment during the gestation-lactation cycle. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.This study has been supported by grants from the CEU-Cardenal Herrera University (Banco Santander/CEU-UCH: Copernicus Program (PRCEU-UCH/COOP 01/08), Generalitat Valenciana (ACOMP/2009/207 and ACOMP/2010/062) and the Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (AGL2008-00273/GAN). Grants for Selena Ferrian and Irene Guerrero from Generalitat Valenciana (the Santiago Grisolia programme) and from the CEU-Cardenal Herrera University, respectively, are gratefully acknowledged.Guerrero, I.; Ferrian, S.; Blas Ferrer, E.; Pascual Amorós, JJ.; Cano, JL.; Corpa, JM. (2011). Evolution of the peripheral blood lymphocyte populations in multiparous rabbit does with two reproductive management rhythms. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 140(1-2):75-81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetimm.2010.11.017S75811401-

    How selection for reproduction or foundation for longevity could have affected blood lymphocyte populations of rabbit does under conventional and heat stress conditions

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    [EN] The present work characterises how selection for reproduction (by comparing two generations - 16th and 36th - of the V line selected for litter size at weaning) or foundation for reproductive longevity (the LP line) can affect the blood lymphocytes populations of reproductive rabbit does under normal [conventional housing, average daily minimum and maximum temperatures of 14 degrees C and 20 degrees C, respectively] and heat stress conditions [climatic chamber, 25 degrees C and 36 degrees C] from the first to the second parturition. Housing under heat stress conditions significantly reduced the B lymphocytes counts in female rabbits (-34 x 10(6)/L; P < 0.05). The highest lymphocytes population value in blood (total, T CD5(+), CD4(+) and CD8(+)) was noted at the first parturition, while the B lymphocytes count was significantly lower at the second parturition (-61 x 10(6)/L; P < 0.05). Selection for litter size at weaning (V females) reduced the average counts of total and B lymphocytes in blood (-502 and -60 x 10(6)/L, respectively; P < 0.01), mainly because these populations in V36 females continuously lowered from the first to the second parturition under normal housing conditions. Thus, more selected females (V36) at the second parturition showed significantly lower counts in blood for total, T CD5(+) and CD25(+) lymphocytes (-1303, -446 and -33 x 10(6)/L, respectively; P < 0.05). The main differences in blood counts between V36 and V16 females disappeared when housed under heat stress conditions, except for T CD5(+) and CD25(+), which significantly increased (T CD5(+): +428 x 10(6)/L; CD25(+): +41 x 10(6)/L; P < 0.01) in the V16 vs. V36 females on day 10 post-partum. Under normal conditions, no differences between LP and V36 females were found for most lymphocyte populations; only higher counts were noted in CD25(+) (+20 x 10(6)/L; P < 0.05) for LP females. However, the lymphocytes counts [especially total (+1327 x 10(6)/L; P < 0.01) and T CD5(+) (+376 x 10(6)/L; P < 0.10)] of LP females increased under heat vs. normal conditions when lymphocytes populations presented the lowest values (second parturition), while V36 females' counts remained invariable. Positive correlations were found between feed intake (r = +0.51; P < 0.001) and females' perirenal fat thickness (r = +0.40; P < 0.001) with B lymphocytes counts in the blood of primiparous rabbit females in the week 2 of lactation. These results indicate that selection for litter size at weaning might diminish their immune system's response and adaptation capacity, while the foundation for reproductive longevity criteria leads to more robust rabbit females as they present greater modulation under heat stress conditions when the immune system is affected. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This study has been supported by grants from the CEU-Cardenal Herrera University (Banco Santander/CEU-UCH: Copernicus Program), Generalitat Valenciana (ACOMP/2009/207 and ACOMP/2010/062) and the Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (AGL2008-00273/GAN, AGL2008-03274/GAN and AGL2011-30170-CO2-02). Grants for Selena Ferrian and Irene Guerrero from Generalitat Valenciana (the Santiago Grisolia programme) and from the Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera, respectively, are also gratefully acknowledged.Ferrian, S.; Guerrero, I.; Blas Ferrer, E.; García Diego, FJ.; Viana, D.; Pascual Amorós, JJ.; Corpa, JM. (2012). How selection for reproduction or foundation for longevity could have affected blood lymphocyte populations of rabbit does under conventional and heat stress conditions. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 150(1-2):53-60. doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2012.08.007S53601501-

    Effect of different housing systems (single and group penning) on the health and welfare of commercial female rabbits

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    In recent decades, concern about rabbit welfare and sustainability has increased. The housing system is a very important factor for animal welfare. However, information about how different available housing types for female rabbits affect their health status is scarce, but this is an important factor for their welfare. Hence, the objective of this study was to evaluate the health status of female rabbits in five common housing systems: three different single-housing systems with distinct available surfaces and heights; a single-housing system with a platform; a collective system. Female rabbits in the collective and platform cages had greater cortisol concentrations in hair than those in the single-housing system with no platform. Haptoglobin concentrations and kit mortality rates during lactation were greater for the collective-cage female rabbits. The collective group had more culled females and more lesions than in the other groups. The main reasons for culling in all the groups were reproduction problems and presence of abscesses, and the collective group of females was the most affected. In conclusion, it appears that keeping females together in collective systems negatively affects their health status and welfare, while single-housing systems imply lower kit mortality rates during lactation and cortisol concentrations, and fewer lesions in female rabbits

    Ectopic Pregnancy as a Model to Identify Endometrial Genes and Signaling Pathways Important in Decidualization and Regulated by Local Trophoblast

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    The endometrium in early pregnancy undergoes decidualization and functional changes induced by local trophoblast, which are not fully understood. We hypothesized that endometrium from tubal ectopic pregnancy (EP) could be interrogated to identify novel genes and pathways involved in these processes. Gestation-matched endometrium was collected from women with EP (n = 11) and intrauterine pregnancies (IUP) (n = 13). RNA was extracted from the tissue. In addition, tissues were prepared for histological analysis for degree of decidualization. We compared a) the samples from EP that were decidualized (n = 6) with non-decidualized samples (n = 5), and b) the decidualized EP (n = 6) with decidualization-matched IUP (n = 6) samples using an Affymetrix gene array platform, with Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, combined with quantitative RT-PCR. Expression of PRL and IGFBP1 was used to confirm the degree of decidualization in each group. There were no differences in PRL or IGFBP1 expression in the decidualization-matched samples but a marked reduction (P<0.001) in the non-decidualized samples. Decidualization was associated with increased expression of 428 genes including SCARA5 (181-fold), DKK1 (71-fold) and PROK1 (32-fold), and decreased expression of 230 genes including MMP-7 (35-fold) and SFRP4 (21-fold). The top canonical pathways associated with these differentially expressed genes were Natural Killer Cell and Wnt/b-Catenin signaling. Local trophoblast was associated with much less alteration of endometrial gene expression with an increase in 56 genes, including CSH1 (8-fold), and a reduction in 29 genes including CRISP3 (8-fold). The top associated canonical pathway was Antigen Presentation. The study of endometrium from tubal EP may promote novel insights into genes involved in decidualization and those influenced by factors from neighboring trophoblast. This has afforded unique information not highlighted by previous studies and adds to our understanding of the endometrium in early pregnancy

    A Novel Multi-Antigen Virally Vectored Vaccine against Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis

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    BACKGROUND: Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis causes systemic infection and chronic intestinal inflammation in many species including primates. Humans are exposed through milk and from sources of environmental contamination. Hitherto, the only vaccines available against Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis have been limited to veterinary use and comprised attenuated or killed organisms. METHODS: We developed a vaccine comprising a fusion construct designated HAV, containing components of two secreted and two cell surface Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis proteins. HAV was transformed into DNA, human Adenovirus 5 (Ad5) and Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) delivery vectors. Full length expression of the predicted 95 kDa fusion protein was confirmed. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Vaccination of naïve and Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infected C57BL/6 mice using DNA-prime/MVA-boost or Ad5-prime/MVA-boost protocols was highly immunogenic resulting in significant IFN-gamma ELISPOT responses by splenocytes against recombinant vaccine antigens and a range of HAV specific peptides. This included strong recognition of a T-cell epitope GFAEINPIA located near the C-terminus of the fusion protein. Antibody responses to recombinant vaccine antigens and HAV specific peptides but not GFAEINPIA, also occurred. No immune recognition of vaccine antigens occurred in any sham vaccinated Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infected mice. Vaccination using either protocol significantly attenuated pre-existing Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection measured by qPCR in spleen and liver and the Ad5-prime/MVA-boost protocol also conferred some protection against subsequent challenge. No adverse effects of vaccination occurred in any of the mice. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: A range of modern veterinary and clinical vaccines for the treatment and prevention of disease caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis are needed. The present vaccine proved to be highly immunogenic without adverse effect in mice and both attenuated pre-existing Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection and conferred protection against subsequent challenge. Further studies of the present vaccine in naturally infected animals and humans are indicated

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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