16 research outputs found

    Onatge en temps real proper a la costa

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    Actualment, l’augment del nivell del mar i un increment en la intensitat i freqüència de tempestes a conseqüència de canvi climàtic, fan que sigui cada vegada més necessari la creació de sistemes de detecció o previsió de fenòmens destructius en les costes. Avui en dia ja existeixen models de propagació d’onatge, però requereixen un temps de creació i computació elevat. L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és la confecció d’un sistema i metodologia capaç d’obtenir resultats de l’onatge en una platja tenint les dades d’una boia en aigües profundes o intermèdies de forma ràpida i fiable. En particular, el sistema realitzat ha esta creat per la costa de Badalona. Per aquest motiu, és necessària l’obtenció d’una base de dades d’onatge extensa que hagi estat generada prèviament per un model de propagació d’onatge. Donades les condicions del projecte, es va utilitzar el model de tercera generació SWAN per l’obtenció de la base de dades que propaga l’onatge al llarg del domini en funció d’unes condicions de contorn que se l’imposen. D’aquesta manera, disposant i generant aquest conjunt de dades i a través d’un seguit de processos d’interpolació, es va idear un sistema capaç d’obtenir valors de l’onatge en qualsevol punt del domini de forma molt ràpida i sense la necessitat d’idear un model en específic per cadascun dels casos.Actualmente, el aumento del nivel del mar y un incremento en la intensidad y frecuencia de tormentas a consecuencia del cambio climático, hacen que sea cada vez más necesario la creación de sistemas de detección o previsión de fenómenos destructivos en las costas. Hoy en día ya existen modelos de propagación de oleaje, pero requieren de un tiempo de creación y computación elevado. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es la confección de un sistema y metodología capaz de obtener resultados del oleaje en una playa teniendo los datos de una boya en aguas profundas o intermedias de forma rápida y fiable. En particular, el sistema realizado ha sido creado por la costa de Badalona. Por este motivo, es necesaria la obtención de una base de datos de oleaje extensa que haya sido generada previamente por un modelo de propagación de oleaje. Dadas las condiciones del proyecto, se utilizó el modelo de tercera generación SWAN para la obtención de la base de datos que propaga el oleaje a lo largo del dominio en función de unas condiciones de contorno que se le imponen. De este modo, disponiendo y generando este conjunto de datos y a través de una serie de procesos de interpolación, se ideó un sistema capaz de obtener valores del oleaje en cualquier punto del dominio de forma muy rápida y sin la necesidad de idear un modelo en específico para cada uno de los casos.Currently, sea level rise and an increase in the intensity and frequency of storms because of climate change, makes necessary the creation of systems for detecting or predicting destructive phenomena on the coasts. Wave propagation models already exist today, but require a long time to create and compute. The main objective of this project is to create a system and methodology capable of obtaining results from the waves on a beach quickly and reliably with the buoy data on deep or intermediate waters. In particular, the system has been set up along the coast of Badalona. For this reason, it is necessary to obtain a sufficiently extensive and previously generated wave database from a wave propagation model. Given the conditions of the project, the third generation SWAN model was used to obtain the database that propagates the wave across the domain based on the boundary conditions that are imposed on it. In this way, having and generating this set of data and through a series of interpolation processes, a system capable of obtaining wave values at any point in the domain very quickly was devised, and without the need to create a specific model for each of the cases

    Sudden psychotic episode probably due to meningoencephalitis and Chlamydia pneumoniae acute infection

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    BACKGROUND: Since 9% to 20% of all cases of acute psychosis presenting to an Emergency Department (ED) are due to a general medical condition, cautious medical workup should be mandatory in such patients. Differential diagnosis must consider conditions as diverse as renal failure or CNS infection. Acute Chlamydia pneumoniae infection usually causes a self-limited respiratory syndrome. Rarely, acute neurological complications occur, with acute meningoencephalitis most frequently reported. Diagnosis requires a high level of suspicion and is difficult to confirm. CASE REPORT: We describe a 22 year-old female Caucasian who, three days after a mild pharingitis, developed an acute psychosis with exuberant symptoms interspersed with periods of lucidity, in a background of normal consciousness and orientation. Initial medical and imagiological workup were inconclusive. After 20 days of unsuccessful treatment with antipsychotics she developed a high fever and was re-evaluated medically. Lumbar puncture revealed an inflammatory cerebrospinal fluid. MRI showed irregular thickening and nodularity of the lateral ventricles' lining. An anti-Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM antibody titter of 85 IU/ml was detected. All symptoms cleared after treatment with antibiotics and corticosteroids. CONCLUSION: This is, to our knowledge, the first reported case of acute CP-associated meningoencephalitis manifesting as an acute psychotic episode. It illustrates the principle that non-organic psychiatric syndromes must remain a diagnosis of exclusion in first-time acute psychosis

    III Seminari Lligams: Paisatges i fortificacions

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    Ponència/Visita 1: El poblat ibèric d'Ullastret. Una fortalesa de l'antiguitat. Conferència 2: La fortificació moderna, tot un "paisatge" estratègic. Visita guiada 3: El castell de Bellaguarda

    Visualized multiprobe electrical impedance measurements with STM tips using shear force feedback control

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    Here we devise a multiprobe electrical measurement system based on quartz tuning forks (QTFs) and metallic tips capable of having full 3D control over the position of the probes. The system is based on the use of bent tungsten tips that are placed in mechanical contact (glue-free solution) with a QTF sensor. Shear forces acting in the probe are measured to control the tip-sample distance in the Z direction. Moreover, the tilting of the tip allows the visualization of the experiment under the optical microscope, allowing the coordination of the probes in X and Y directions. Meanwhile, the metallic tips are connected to a current-voltage amplifier circuit to measure the currents and thus the impedance of the studied samples. We discuss here the different aspects that must be addressedwhenconductingthesemultiprobeexperiments,suchastheamplitudeofoscillation,shear force distance control, and wire tilting. Different results obtained in the measurement of calibration samples and microparticles are presented. They demonstrate the feasibility of the system to measure the impedance of the samples with a full 3D control on the position of the nanotips

    Nou institut al Parc de la Sagrera: infraestructura flexible per equipaments

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    Nou edifici de docència (IES) al Parc de La Sagrera, concretament a l'espai conegut com a Triangle Ferroviari. La proposta inclou una mirada més enllà del propi edifici amb una proposta d'una gran infraestructura flexible per construir equipaments

    Visualized Multiprobe Electrical Impedance Measurements with STM Tips Using Shear Force Feedback Control

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    Here we devise a multiprobe electrical measurement system based on quartz tuning forks (QTFs) and metallic tips capable of having full 3D control over the position of the probes. The system is based on the use of bent tungsten tips that are placed in mechanical contact (glue-free solution) with a QTF sensor. Shear forces acting in the probe are measured to control the tip-sample distance in the Z direction. Moreover, the tilting of the tip allows the visualization of the experiment under the optical microscope, allowing the coordination of the probes in X and Y directions. Meanwhile, the metallic tips are connected to a current–voltage amplifier circuit to measure the currents and thus the impedance of the studied samples. We discuss here the different aspects that must be addressed when conducting these multiprobe experiments, such as the amplitude of oscillation, shear force distance control, and wire tilting. Different results obtained in the measurement of calibration samples and microparticles are presented. They demonstrate the feasibility of the system to measure the impedance of the samples with a full 3D control on the position of the nanotips

    Visualized multiprobe electrical impedance measurements with STM tips using shear force feedback control

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    Here we devise a multiprobe electrical measurement system based on quartz tuning forks (QTFs) and metallic tips capable of having full 3D control over the position of the probes. The system is based on the use of bent tungsten tips that are placed in mechanical contact (glue-free solution) with a QTF sensor. Shear forces acting in the probe are measured to control the tip-sample distance in the Z direction. Moreover, the tilting of the tip allows the visualization of the experiment under the optical microscope, allowing the coordination of the probes in X and Y directions. Meanwhile, the metallic tips are connected to a current-voltage amplifier circuit to measure the currents and thus the impedance of the studied samples. We discuss here the different aspects that must be addressedwhenconductingthesemultiprobeexperiments,suchastheamplitudeofoscillation,shear force distance control, and wire tilting. Different results obtained in the measurement of calibration samples and microparticles are presented. They demonstrate the feasibility of the system to measure the impedance of the samples with a full 3D control on the position of the nanotips

    Magdaleniense en la cueva de la Arbreda (Serinyà, Pla de l'Estany, Cataluña)

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    [EN] Recent fieldworks in the Abreda cave have made it possible to reinterpret the data available on level A, the last from the Pleistocene, deposited before a wide red clay stratum with Neolithic ceramics, which closes the sequence in that site. Level A displays extreme archaeological poverty, and until now we described is simply as Post Solutrean. Now for the first time we rcan attribute it, at least in good part, to the Middle Magdalenian because of stratigraphic and typological reasons. A radiocarbon dating of 14C AMS 13,704 += 41 uncal BP confirms this attribution. Until now, the Magdalenian was only known in Serinyà in the Bora Gran d'En Carreras, as it was missing in all the sites in the Reclau area.[ES] Las últimas campañas de excavación en la cueva de la Arbreda han permitido reinterpretar los antiguos datos disponibles sobre el nivel A, el último de edad pleistocena, que precede un potente estrato de arcillas rojkas con cerámicas y restos neolíticos que sella el yacimiento. Es de una extrema pobreza arqueológica y hasta ahora lo calificábamos simplemente como postsolutrense. Ahora por primera vez podemos atribuirlo, por lo menos en buena parte, al Magdaleniense Medio, por razones estratigráficas y tipológicas, Una datación 14C AMS 13.704 += uncal BP confirma esta atribución. Hasta ahora el Magdaleniense solo era conocido en Serinyà en la Bora Gran d'En Carreras, pues faltaba en todos los yacimientos del paraje del Reclau.Peer reviewe