3,168 research outputs found

    Advances in Calibration and Imaging Techniques in Radio Interferometry

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    This paper summarizes some of the major calibration and image reconstruction techniques used in radio interferometry and describes them in a common mathematical framework. The use of this framework has a number of benefits, ranging from clarification of the fundamentals, use of standard numerical optimization techniques, and generalization or specialization to new algorithms

    An Experimental Investigation of the Processes and Techniques Employed in the Woodcut, Etching, and Aquatint

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    A combination of the etching and aquatint techniques were superimposed over relief color-printing giving this linear medium a painterly effect. The above process was also used with the woodcut producing a most pleasing effect. In both the woodcut and etching techniques, the relief process was found to be preferable for color-printing, while the intaglio process was employed exclusively to produce the linear quality. Line and artistic, compositional design treatment are definite functional characteristics of both media

    Optimal Image Reconstruction in Radio Interferometry

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    We introduce a method for analyzing radio interferometry data which produces maps which are optimal in the Bayesian sense of maximum posterior probability density, given certain prior assumptions. It is similar to maximum entropy techniques, but with an exact accounting of the multiplicity instead of the usual approximation involving Stirling's formula. It also incorporates an Occam factor, automatically limiting the effective amount of detail in the map to that justified by the data. We use Gibbs sampling to determine, to any desired degree of accuracy, the multi-dimensional posterior density distribution. From this we can construct a mean posterior map and other measures of the posterior density, including confidence limits on any well-defined function of the posterior map.Comment: 41 pages, 11 figures. High resolution figures 8 and 9 available at http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/~bwandelt/SuttonWandelt200

    Mosaicking with cosmic microwave background interferometers

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    Measurements of cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies by interferometers offer several advantages over single-dish observations. The formalism for analyzing interferometer CMB data is well developed in the flat-sky approximation, valid for small fields of view. As the area of sky is increased to obtain finer spectral resolution, this approximation needs to be relaxed. We extend the formalism for CMB interferometry, including both temperature and polarization, to mosaics of observations covering arbitrarily large areas of the sky, with each individual pointing lying within the flat-sky approximation. We present a method for computing the correlation between visibilities with arbitrary pointing centers and baselines and illustrate the effects of sky curvature on the l-space resolution that can be obtained from a mosaic.Comment: 9 pages; submitted to Ap

    Entangling characterization of (SWAP)1/m and Controlled unitary gates

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    We study the entangling power and perfect entangler nature of (SWAP)1/m, for m>=1, and controlled unitary (CU) gates. It is shown that (SWAP)1/2 is the only perfect entangler in the family. On the other hand, a subset of CU which is locally equivalent to CNOT is identified. It is shown that the subset, which is a perfect entangler, must necessarily possess the maximum entangling power.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, One more paragraph added in Introductio

    Density matrix numerical renormalization group for non-Abelian symmetries

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    We generalize the spectral sum rule preserving density matrix numerical renormalization group (DM-NRG) method in such a way that it can make use of an arbitrary number of not necessarily Abelian, local symmetries present in the quantum impurity system. We illustrate the benefits of using non-Abelian symmetries by the example of calculations for the T-matrix of the two-channel Kondo model in the presence of magnetic field, for which conventional NRG methods produce large errors and/or take a long run-time.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, PRB forma

    Displacement- and Timing-Noise Free Gravitational-Wave Detection

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    Motivated by a recently-invented scheme of displacement-noise-free gravitational-wave detection, we demonstrate the existence of gravitational-wave detection schemes insusceptible to both displacement and timing (laser) noises, and are thus realizable by shot-noise-limited laser interferometry. This is possible due to two reasons: first, gravitational waves and displacement disturbances contribute to light propagation times in different manners; second, for an N-detector system, the number of signal channels is of the order O(N^2), while the total number of timing- and displacement-noise channels is of the order O(N).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; mistake correcte

    Implications of Qudit Superselection rules for the Theory of Decoherence-free Subsystems

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    The use of d-state systems, or qudits, in quantum information processing is discussed. Three-state and higher dimensional quantum systems are known to have very different properties from two-state systems, i.e., qubits. In particular there exist qudit states which are not equivalent under local unitary transformations unless a selection rule is violated. This observation is shown to be an important factor in the theory of decoherence-free, or noiseless, subsystems. Experimentally observable consequences and methods for distinguishing these states are also provided, including the explicit construction of new decoherence-free or noiseless subsystems from qutrits. Implications for simulating quantum systems with quantum systems are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figures, Version 2: Typos corrected, references fixed and new ones added, also includes referees suggested changes and a new exampl

    The Standing Wave Phenomenon in Radio Telescopes; Frequency Modulation of the WSRT Primary Beam

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    Inadequacies in the knowledge of the primary beam response of current interferometric arrays often form a limitation to the image fidelity. We hope to overcome these limitations by constructing a frequency-resolved, full-polarization empirical model for the primary beam of the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT). Holographic observations, sampling angular scales between about 5 arcmin and 11 degrees, were obtained of a bright compact source (3C147). These permitted measurement of voltage response patterns for seven of the fourteen telescopes in the array and allowed calculation of the mean cross-correlated power beam. Good sampling of the main-lobe, near-in, and far-side-lobes out to a radius of more than 5 degrees was obtained. A robust empirical beam model was detemined in all polarization products and at frequencies between 1322 and 1457 MHz with 1 MHz resolution. Substantial departures from axi-symmetry are apparent in the main-lobe as well as systematic differences between the polarization properties. Surprisingly, many beam properties are modulated at the 5 to 10% level with changing frequency. These include: (1) the main beam area, (2) the side-lobe to main-lobe power ratio, and (3) the effective telescope aperture. These semi-sinusoidsal modulations have a basic period of about 17 MHz, consistent with the natural 'standing wave' period of a 8.75 m focal distance. The deduced frequency modulations of the beam pattern were verified in an independent long duration observation using compact continuum sources at very large off-axis distances. Application of our frequency-resolved beam model should enable higher dynamic range and improved image fidelity for interferometric observations in complex fields. (abridged)Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A, figures compressed to low resolution; high-resolution version available at: http://www.astro.rug.nl/~popping/wsrtbeam.pd

    Parameter Estimation with Mixed-State Quantum Computation

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    We present a quantum algorithm to estimate parameters at the quantum metrology limit using deterministic quantum computation with one bit. When the interactions occurring in a quantum system are described by a Hamiltonian H=θH0H= \theta H_0, we estimate θ\theta by zooming in on previous estimations and by implementing an adaptive Bayesian procedure. The final result of the algorithm is an updated estimation of θ\theta whose variance has been decreased in proportion to the time of evolution under H. For the problem of estimating several parameters, we implement dynamical-decoupling techniques and use the results of single parameter estimation. The cases of discrete-time evolution and reference-frame alignment are also discussed within the adaptive approach.Comment: 12 pages. Improved introduction and technical details moved to Appendi
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