7,362 research outputs found

    Interference effects in two-photon ATI by multiple orders high harmonics with random or locked phases

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    We numerically study 2-photon processes using a set of harmonics from a Ti:Sapphire laser and in particular interference effects in the Above Threshold Ionization spectra. We compare the situation where the harmonic phases are assumed locked to the case where they have a random distribution. Suggestions for possible experiments, using realistic parameters are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, LaTe

    A Comparison of Synthetic Seismograms for 2D Structures: Semianalytical versus Numerical

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    Teleseismic wave fields occasionally exhibit rapid changes in travel times and waveforms over distances less than several great-circle degrees when observed at broadband arrays. These rapid changes in wave field suggest the existence of significant structural transitions occurring over scales of several hundred kilometers or less in the mid- and deep mantle. Although approximate analytical methods based on raytracing can be readily adapted to structures having arbitrarily small scale lengths, it is important to validate their accuracy against the predictions of numerical methods. Here we compare synthetics from an approximate ray-based method WKBJ modified (WKM) against the pseudospectral method for a 2D model of the S-velocity anomaly associated with the South African plume. This model consists of a uniform 3% decrease in S velocity over a broad (>10°) region of the mid- and deep mantle beneath South Africa, contiguous at its bottom with a thin (100- to 200-km-thick) zone of low velocity extending 30° westward toward South America along the core-mantle boundary. Transitions between anomalous and radially symmetric structures of the test model are sharp, occurring over l0 km or less. SV and SH wave fields synthesized by the WKM and pseudospectral methods in this model generally agree with each other well. Slight mismatches in the two methods can be understood as the result of either differences in model parameterization or the effects of asymptotic approximations in the ray-based WKM method

    Overestimation of the 25OHD serum concentration with the automated IDS EIA kit.

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    We have recently observed an increasing number of patients presenting very high serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] (> 150 ng/mL), which, in all cases, had been measured with the IDS EIA kit adapted on different "open" automated platforms. We performed a comparison between the IDS EIA kit adapted on two different "open"automated platforms and the DiaSorin RIA. We found a systematic bias (higher levels with the IDS EIA kit) for concentrations more than 50-60 ng/mL that was less obvious when the IDS EIA was used in its manual procedure. We thus suggest to use the IDS EIA kit in its manual procedure rather than to adapt it on an automated platform, and to interpret cautiously a 25(OH)D greater than 100 ng/mL with this kit

    Structure and dynamics of Oxide Melts and Glasses : a view from multinuclear and high temperature NMR

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    Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) experiments allow characterizing the local structure and dynamics of oxide glasses and melts. Thanks to the development of new experiments, it now becomes possible to evidence not only the details of the coordination state of the network formers of glasses but also to characterize the nature of polyatomic molecular motifs extending over several chemical bonds. We present results involving 31P homonuclear experiments that allow description of groups of up to three phosphate units and 27Al/17O heteronuclear that allows evidencing μ3 oxygen bridges in aluminate glasses and rediscussion of the structure of high temperature melts.Comment: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (2007) in press; Also available online at: http://crmht.cnrs-orleans.fr/Intranet/Publications/?id=207

    Adrenomedullin gene expression is developmentally regulated and induced by hypoxia in rat ventricular cardiac myocytes

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    Adrenomedullin is a recently discovered hypotensive peptide that is expressed in a variety of cell and tissue types. Using the technique of differential display, the adrenomedullin gene was observed to be differentially expressed in developing rat heart. Reverse transcription- polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed that the level of adrenomedullin mRNA was significantly higher in adult ventricular cardiac muscle as compared with embryonic day 17 ventricular cardiac muscle. Adrenomedullin receptor mRNA was constitutively expressed throughout development of the ventricular heart. Two potential hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) consensus binding sites were identified in the mouse adrenomedullin promoter at -1095 and -770 nucleotides from the transcription start site. Exposure of cultured adult rat ventricular cardiac myocytes to hypoxia (1% O2) resulted in a significant, time-dependent increase in adrenomedullin mRNA levels. Transfection studies revealed that the 5\u27-flanking sequence of adrenomedullin was capable of mediating a hypoxia-inducible increase in transcription. Mutation of the putative HIF-1 consensus binding sites revealed that the major regulatory sequence that mediates the hypoxia-inducible transcriptional response is located at -1095. These data demonstrate that the adrenomedullin gene is developmentally regulated in ventricular cardiomyocytes, that adrenomedullin transcription can be induced by hypoxia, and that this response is primarily mediated by HIF-1 consensus sites in the adrenomedullin promoter

    Physical conditions in the gas phases of the giant HII region LMC-N11 unveiled by Herschel - I. Diffuse [CII] and [OIII] emission in LMC-N11B

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    (Abridged) The Magellanic Clouds provide a nearby laboratory for metal-poor dwarf galaxies. The low dust abundance enhances the penetration of UV photons into the interstellar medium (ISM), resulting in a relatively larger filling factor of the ionized gas. Furthermore, there is likely a hidden molecular gas reservoir probed by the [CII]157um line. We present Herschel/PACS maps in several tracers, [CII], [OI]63um,145um, [NII]122um, [NIII]57um, and [OIII]88um in the HII region N11B in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Halpha and [OIII]5007A images were used as complementary data to investigate the effect of dust extinction. Observations were interpreted with photoionization models to infer the gas conditions and estimate the ionized gas contribution to the [CII] emission. Photodissociation regions (PDRs) are probed through polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). We first study the distribution and properties of the ionized gas. We then constrain the origin of [CII]157um by comparing to tracers of the low-excitation ionized gas and of PDRs. [OIII] is dominated by extended emission from the high-excitation diffuse ionized gas; it is the brightest far-infrared line, ~4 times brighter than [CII]. The extent of the [OIII] emission suggests that the medium is rather fragmented, allowing far-UV photons to permeate into the ISM to scales of >30pc. Furthermore, by comparing [CII] with [NII], we find that 95% of [CII] arises in PDRs, except toward the stellar cluster for which as much as 15% could arise in the ionized gas. We find a remarkable correlation between [CII]+[OI] and PAH emission, with [CII] dominating the cooling in diffuse PDRs and [OI] dominating in the densest PDRs. The combination of [CII] and [OI] provides a proxy for the total gas cooling in PDRs. Our results suggest that PAH emission describes better the PDR gas heating as compared to the total infrared emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Fixed inverted line ratio in Sect. 5.

    A milestone toward understanding PDR properties in the extreme environment of LMC-30Dor

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    More complete knowledge of galaxy evolution requires understanding the process of star formation and interaction between the interstellar radiation field and the interstellar medium in galactic environments traversing a wide range of physical parameter space. Here we focus on the impact of massive star formation on the surrounding low metallicity ISM in 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud. A low metal abundance, as is the case of some galaxies of the early universe, results in less ultra-violet shielding for the formation of the molecular gas necessary for star formation to proceed. The half-solar metallicity gas in this region is strongly irradiated by the super star cluster R136, making it an ideal laboratory to study the structure of the ISM in an extreme environment. Our spatially resolved study investigates the gas heating and cooling mechanisms, particularly in the photo-dissociation regions where the chemistry and thermal balance are regulated by far-ultraviolet photons (6 eV< h\nu <13.6 eV). We present Herschel observations of far-infrared fine-structure lines obtained with PACS and SPIRE/FTS. We have combined atomic fine-structure lines from Herschel and Spitzer observations with ground-based CO data to provide diagnostics on the properties and the structure of the gas by modeling it with the Meudon PDR code. We derive the spatial distribution of the radiation field, the pressure, the size, and the filling factor of the photodissociated gas and molecular clouds. We find a range of pressure of ~ 10^5 - 1.7x10^6 cm^{-3} K and a range of incident radiation field G_UV ~ 10^2 - 2.5x10^4 through PDR modeling. Assuming a plane-parallel geometry and a uniform medium, we find a total extinction of 1-3 mag , which correspond to a PDR cloud size of 0.2 to 3pc, with small CO depth scale of 0.06 to 0.5pc. We also determine the three dimensional structure of the gas. (Abridged)Comment: 20 pages, 23 figures, accepted in A&