36 research outputs found

    On Logics for Coalgebraic Simulation

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    AbstractWe investigate logics for coalgebraic simulation from a compositional perspective. Specifically, we show that the expressiveness of an inductively-defined language for coalgebras w.r.t. a given notion of simulation comes as a consequence of an expressivity condition between the language constructor used to define the language for coalgebras, and the relator used to define the notion of simulation. This result can be instantiated to obtain Baltag's logics for coalgebraic simulation, as well as a logic which captures simulation on unlabelled probabilistic transition systems. Moreover, our approach is compositional w.r.t. coalgebraic types. This allows us to derive logics which capture other notions of simulation, including trace inclusion on labelled transition systems, and simulation on discrete Markov processes

    Entire solutions blowing up at infinity for semilinear elliptic systems

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    AbstractWe consider the system Δu=p(x)g(v), Δv=q(x)f(u) in RN, where f,g are positive and non-decreasing functions on (0,∞) satisfying the Keller–Osserman condition and we establish the existence of positive solutions that blow-up at infinity

    Measure-theoretic semantics for quantitative parity automata

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    Quantitative parity automata (QPAs) generalise non-deterministic parity automata (NPAs) by adding weights from a certain semiring to transitions. QPAs run on infinite word/tree-like structures, modelled as coalgebras of a polynomial functor F. They can also arise as certain products between a quantitative model (with branching modelled via the same semiring of quantities, and linear behaviour described by the functor F) and an NPA (modelling a qualitative property of F-coalgebras). We build on recent work on semiring-valued measures to define a way to measure the set of paths through a quantitative branching model which satisfy a qualitative property (captured by an unambiguous NPA running on F-coalgebras). Our main result shows that the notion of extent of a QPA (which generalises non-emptiness of an NPA, and is defined as the solution of a nested system of equations) provides an equivalent characterisation of the measure of the accepting paths through the QPA. This result makes recently-developed methods for computing nested fixpoints available for model checking qualitative, linear-time properties against quantitative branching models

    SARS-CoV-2 infection and pediatric inflammatory bowel disease

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    Universitatea “Lucian Blaga”, Facultatea de Medicină, Sibiu, România, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie “Nicolae Testemițanu”,Departamentul Pediatrie, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaInflammatory Bowel Disease represented by Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis is a condition with immunological and inflammatory pathogenesis the consequence of the action of environmental factors on genetic susceptibility. The recent pandemic caused by the new coronavirus has led to an ongoing global health crisis. The current epidemiological context is related to major challenges for pediatric gastroenterologists. Understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms for COVID-19 provides answers to one of the key questions such as: whether patients with IBD have a particular susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection due to gastrointestinal ACE2 receptor expression. A necessary answer is how to deal immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory therapy and the role of therapy with biological agents in the pediatric IBD patient.Boala inflamatorie intestinală, reprezentată de boala Crohn și colita ulcerativă,este o afecțiune cu patogenie imunologică și inflamatorie, consecința acțiunii factorilor de mediu asupra susceptibilității genetice. Recenta pandemie cauzată de noul coronavirus determină o criză mondialăcontinuă în sistemul de sănătate. Contextul epidemiologic actual este legat şi de provocările majore pentru pediatrigastroenterologi. Înțelegerea mecanismelor fiziopatologice legate de COVID-19 oferă răspunsuri la una din întrebările cheie: dacă pacienții cu BII au susceptibilitate specială la infecțiaSARSCoV-2 datorită expresiei receptorului ACE2 la nivel gastrointestinal. Un răspuns necesar este cum să abordăm terapia imunosupresoareşi imunomodulatoare și rolul terapiei cu agenți biologici la pacientul pediatric cu BII