128 research outputs found

    Tentativas de SuicĂ­dio em Adolescentes Internados na Unidade de Internamento de Pedopsiquiatria do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central.

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    Os Comportamentos Auto-Destrutivos (CAD) designam todos os comportamentos que pĂ”em em causa a integridade fĂ­sica de um indivĂ­duo. Quando associados a uma intenção de morrer fala-se de Tentativa de SuicĂ­dio (TS), sendo esta o factor preditor mais importante de risco de suicĂ­dio, que nos EUA Ă© a 3ÂȘ causa de morte entre os adolescentes. Na adolescĂȘncia, as TS sĂŁo mais frequentes no gĂ©nero feminino e os suicĂ­dios no masculino, concorrendo para tal uma sĂ©rie de factores biopsicossociais. O presente estudo retrospectivo observacional pretende, assim, caracterizar a população de adolescentes internados no Internamento de Pedopsiquiatria do CHCL por TS, entre Janeiro de 2006 e Fevereiro de 2009, atravĂ©s da recolha de dados demogrĂĄficos, clĂ­nicos e psicopatolĂłgicos presentes nos processos clĂ­nicos

    Resilience in Institutionalized Children and Adolescents

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    Introdução: O conceito de resiliĂȘncia refere-se Ă  possibilidade de os indivĂ­duos se desenvolverem favoravelmente quando expostos a situaçÔes de adversidade ou stress. Trata-se de um processo complexo que envolve a interacção entre factores de vulnerabilidade/risco e factores de protecção. A investigação em resiliĂȘncia apenas tem interesse quando aplicada a contextos que pressuponham a existĂȘncia de uma população considerada de risco, mas que apresente tambĂ©m caracterĂ­sticas adaptativas como Ă© o caso das instituiçÔes de acolhimento de criançase adolescentes. Torna-se cada vez mais necessĂĄria a realização de estudos que permitam melhorar o conhecimento do funcionamento mental destas populaçÔes, para que possam ser criados programas de prevenção e promoção de saĂșde adequados. Objectivos: Identificar factores de resiliĂȘncia e a sua associação com a presença de psicopatologia em crianças/adolescentes (C/A) de trĂȘs InstituiçÔes de Acolhimento da ĂĄrea da Grande Lisboa. Metodologia: Escolhemos, por amostragem de conveniĂȘncia, trĂȘs instituiçÔes de acolhimento residencial de crianças/adolescentes da ĂĄrea da Grande Lisboa. SeleccionĂĄmos uma amostra de crianças/adolescentes de idades entre os 6 e os 18 anos (inclusivĂ©), com um perĂ­odo de institucionalização igual ou superior a 1 ano e com consentimento informado assinado pelos seus representantes legais. Foram excluĂ­dos as crianças/adolescentes com diagnĂłstico de Perturbação Global do Desenvolvimento (DSM-IV-TR). Os instrumentos de avaliação utilizados (Check-list para Caracterização da Criança/Adolescente, Instituição e Comunidade, e Child Behavior Checklist) foram preenchidos pelo prestador de cuidados que melhor conhecia a crianças/ adolescentes. Resultados e ConclusĂ”es: Na amostra estudada, hĂĄ factores de resiliĂȘncia que estĂŁo ausentes nas crianças/ adolescentes que tĂȘm psicopatologia e estĂŁo presentes nas crianças/adolescentes sem problemas psicopatolĂłgicos. IdentificĂĄmos factores de resiliĂȘncia que parecem ter maior preponderĂąncia para a protecção da crianças/adolescentes, tais como “auto-estima positiva”, “ter talentos reconhecidos pelos outros” e “competĂȘncias cognitivas”. O sexo masculino apresenta mais psicopatologia, a par da existĂȘncia de um menor nĂșmero de factores de resiliĂȘncia, relativamente ao sexo feminino

    Correlates of children's physical activity during the COVID-19 confinement in Portugal

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to understand the role of household variables on the percentage of physical activity (%PA) during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) confinement in Portugal. Study design: A cross-sectional study design using an anonymous online survey was launched to assess how Portuguese families with children aged younger than 13 years adjusted their daily routines to the confinement. Methods: Separate analyses of variance were performed to investigate how factors such as the number of children, age, sex, the housing characteristics, and the adults' job situation can affect the percentage of time for PA (%PA). Results: Findings, based on data from 2159 children, indicate that (1) boys and girls did not differ in the %PA on any of the age-groups; (2) children with an outdoor space and who had other children in the household were significantly more active (P < .001); (3) children from families with all adults working from home showed lower levels of %PA; and (4) being younger, having a big outdoor space, having other children in the household, and having at least one adult free from working from home were significant positive predictors of children's %PA, explaining 21% of the overall variance. Conclusion: Time allocated for PA during this period is reduced compared with what is usually reported on normal days. It is necessary to find strategies to increase children's PA, especially in families in which both parents are working and have no outdoor space.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo RodriguesN/

    Learning to cycle: from training wheels to balance bike

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    Background: Learning to cycle is an important milestone in a child’s life, so it is important to allow them to explore cycling as soon as possible. The use of a bicycle with training wheels (BTW) for learning to cycling is an old approach practiced worldwide. Most recently, a new approach using the balance bike (BB) has received increased attention, and several entities believe that this could be most efficient. Drawing on the work of Bronfenbrenner (1995) and Newel (1986), this study aimed to analyse the effect of BB’s use on the learning process of cycling independently. Methods: Data were collected in Portugal from an online structured survey between November 2019 and June 2020. Results: A total of 2005 responses were obtained for adults and children (parental response). Results revealed that when the BB’s approach was used, learning age (LA) occurred earlier (M = 4.16 ± 1.34 years) than with the BTW’s approach (M = 5.97 ± 2.16 years) (p < 0.001); or than when there was only the single use of the traditional bicycle (M =7.27 ± 3.74 years) (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Children who used the BB as the first bike had a significantly lower LA than children who did not use it (p < 0.001). To maximize its effects, the BB should be used in the beginning of the learning process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Atrazine bound residues formation and dissipation in subtropical soil under swine wastewater application

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    The effects of swine wastewater on atrazine dissipation and formation of bound residues in subtropical clay soil were investigated in this study. The experiment was carried out in laboratory, under room conditions, where samples of Rhodic Hapludox soil received 168.61 mg kg-1 of atrazine and were incubated for 60 days in the following treatments: T1 (sterilized soil + swine wastewater), T2 (sterilized soil + distilled water), T3 (Non sterilized soil + swine wastewater) and T4 (Non sterilized soil + distilled water). The extractable residues and bound residues of atrazine were extracted and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. The results showed no effect of swine wastewater on atrazine dissipation. However, the addition of swine wastewater favored the increase of bound residues, which can increase the persistence of atrazine in the environment and reduce its bioavailabilityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is irrigation water an overlooked source of nitrogen in agriculture?

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    The increase of agricultural nitrogen (N) inputs since the 1960s is a key driver in surface- and groundwater nitrate pollution. The water abstracted from these sources can input substantial amounts of reactive nitrogen (NIrrig) if used for crop irrigation. This input is often not included in N related agricultural policies and studies, which are likely underestimating the magnitude of N pollution hotspots and overestimating the N use efficiency. In this study, we provided prima facie evidence that NIrrig is a neglected source of N in irrigated systems. The NIrrig was computed for 278 municipalities in mainland Portugal along the period 1995–2019 based on the gross irrigation requirements and nitrate concentration in ground- and surface water sources. The former was derived using two complementary approaches, using the AquaCrop and GlobWat models, while the latter were computed following spatially explicit approaches. NIrrig showed annual large fluctuations (6–11 Gg N yr-1), of which 91% was from groundwater sources. Results show that NIrrig averaged 14 ( ± 11) kg N ha-1 yr-1, which is equivalent to 3 ( ± 4) % of the N in synthetic fertilisers. This input was higher in the municipalities that simultaneously present high irrigation demand and the nitrate-contaminated groundwater as an irrigation source. In these cases, located in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones, NIrrig reached up to 95 kg N ha-1 yr-1 and more than 80% of the N in synthetic fertilizers. This study highlights the importance of linking water and nutrient policies to better gain insight on NIrrig, for which the current study provided for a simple modelling framework.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
