1,277 research outputs found

    The MUCHFUSS photometric campaign

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    Hot subdwarfs (sdO/Bs) are the helium-burning cores of red giants, which lost almost all of their hydrogen envelopes. This mass loss is often triggered by common envelope interactions with close stellar or even substellar companions. Cool companions like late-type stars or brown dwarfs are detectable via characteristic light curve variations like reflection effects and often also eclipses. To search for such objects we obtained multi-band light curves of 26 close sdO/B binary candidates from the MUCHFUSS project with the BUSCA instrument. We discovered a new eclipsing reflection effect system (P=0.168938P=0.168938~d) with a low-mass M dwarf companion (0.116M0.116 M_{\rm \odot}). Three more reflection effect binaries found in the course of the campaign were already published, two of them are eclipsing systems, in one system only showing the reflection effect but no eclipses the sdB primary is found to be pulsating. Amongst the targets without reflection effect a new long-period sdB pulsator was discovered and irregular light variations were found in two sdO stars. The found light variations allowed us to constrain the fraction of reflection effect binaries and the substellar companion fraction around sdB stars. The minimum fraction of reflection effect systems amongst the close sdB binaries might be greater than 15\% and the fraction of close substellar companions in sdB binaries might be as high as 8.0%8.0\%. This would result in a close substellar companion fraction to sdB stars of about 3\%. This fraction is much higher than the fraction of brown dwarfs around possible progenitor systems, which are solar-type stars with substellar companions around 1 AU, as well as close binary white dwarfs with brown dwarf companions. This might be a hint that common envelope interactions with substellar objects are preferentially followed by a hot subdwarf phase.Comment: accepted for A&

    Observations of microglitches in HartRAO radio pulsars

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    A detailed observation of microglitch phenomenon in relatively slow radio pulsars is presented. Our analyses for these small amplitude jumps in pulse rotation frequency (ν\nu) and/or spin down rate (ν˙\dot{\nu}) combine the traditional manual detection method (which hinges on careful visual inspections of the residuals of pulse phase residuals) and a new, and perhaps more objective, automated search technique (which exploits the power of the computer, rather than the eyes, for resolving discrete events in pulsar spin parameters). The results of the analyses of a sample of 26 radio pulsars reveal that: (i) only 20 pulsars exhibit significant fluctuations in their arrival times to be considered suitable for meaningful microglitch analyses; (ii) a phenomenal 299 microglitch events were identified in ν\nu and/or ν˙\dot{\nu}: 266 of these events were found to be simultaneously significant in ν\nu and ν˙\dot{\nu}, while 19 and 14 were noticeable only in ν\nu and ν˙\dot{\nu}, respectively; (iii) irrespective of sign, the microglitches have fractional sizes which cover about 3 orders of magnitude in ν\nu and ν˙\dot{\nu} (1011<Δν/ν<2.0×10810^{-11} < |\Delta{\nu}/\nu| < 2.0\times10^{-8} and 5.0×105<Δν˙/ν˙<2.0×1025.0\times10^{-5} < |\Delta{\dot{\nu}}/\dot{\nu}| < 2.0\times10^{-2}) with median values as 0.78×1090.78\times10^{-9} and 0.36×1030.36\times10^{-3}, respectively.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 2 Tables. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journa

    GaBoDS: The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey -- II. Confirmation of EIS cluster candidates by weak gravitational lensing

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    We report the first confirmation of colour-selected galaxy cluster candidates by means of weak gravitational lensing. Significant lensing signals were identified in the course of the shear-selection programme of dark matter haloes in the Garching-Bonn Deep Survey, which currently covers 20 square degrees of deep, high-quality imaging data on the southern sky. The detection was made in a field that was previously covered by the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) in 1997. A highly significant shear-selected mass-concentration perfectly coincides with the richest EIS cluster candidate at z~0.2, thus confirming its cluster nature. Several other shear patterns in the field can also be identified with cluster candidates, one of which could possibly be part of a filament at z~0.45.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to A&A Letter

    GaBoDS: The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey - III. Lyman-Break Galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field South

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    We present first results of our search for high-redshift galaxies in deep CCD mosaic images. As a pilot study for a larger survey, very deep images of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS), taken withWFI@MPG/ESO2.2m, are used to select large samples of 1070 U-band and 565 B-band dropouts with the Lyman-break method. The data of these Lyman-break galaxies are made public as an electronic table. These objects are good candidates for galaxies at z~3 and z~4 which is supported by their photometric redshifts. The distributions of apparent magnitudes and the clustering properties of the two populations are analysed, and they show good agreement to earlier studies. We see no evolution in the comoving clustering scale length from z~3 to z~4. The techniques presented here will be applied to a much larger sample of U-dropouts from the whole survey in near future.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, replaced with version accepted by A&A. Minor changes and tabular appendix with LBG catalogues. Version with full resolution figures available at http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~hendrik/2544.pd

    Multi-wavelength photometric variation of PG1605+072

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    In a large coordinated attempt to further our understanding of the pp-mode pulsating sdB star PG1605+072, the Multi-Site Spectroscopic Telescope (MSST) collaboration has obtained simultaneous time-resolved spectroscopic and photometric observations. The photometry was extended by additional WET data which increased the time base. This contribution outlines the analysis of the MSST photometric light curve, including the four-colour BUSCA data from which chromatic amplitudes have been derived, as well as supplementary FUV spectra and light curves from two different epochs. These results have the potential to complement the interpretation of the published spectroscopic information.Comment: 6 pages, to be published in "Interpretation of asteroseismic data", proceedings of the HELAS NA5 Workshop, eds. W. Dziembowski, M. Breger and M. Thompson, Communications in Asteroseismology, 15

    Non-Douglas-Kazakov phase transition of two-dimensional generalized Yang-Mills theories

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    In two-dimensional Yang-Mills and generalized Yang-Mills theories for large gauge groups, there is a dominant representation determining the thermodynamic limit of the system. This representation is characterized by a density the value of which should everywhere be between zero and one. This density itself is determined through a saddle-point analysis. For some values of the parameter space, this density exceeds one in some places. So one should modify it to obtain an acceptable density. This leads to the well-known Douglas-Kazakov phase transition. In generalized Yang-Mills theories, there are also regions in the parameter space where somewhere this density becomes negative. Here too, one should modify the density so that it remains nonnegative. This leads to another phase transition, different from the Douglas-Kazakov one. Here the general structure of this phase transition is studied, and it is shown that the order of this transition is typically three. Using carefully-chosen parameters, however, it is possible to construct models with phase-transition orders not equal to three. A class of these non-typical models are also studied.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Parallax and Kinematics of PSR B0919+06 from VLBA Astrometry and Interstellar Scintillometry

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    Results are presented from a long-term astrometry program on PSR B0919+06 using the NRAO Very Long Baseline Array. With ten observations (seven epochs) between 1994--2000, we measure a proper motion of 18.35 +/- 0.06 mas/yr in RA, 86.56 +/- 0.12 mas/yr in Dec, and a parallax of 0.83 +/- 0.13 mas (68% confidence intervals). This yields a pulsar distance of 1.21 +/- 0.19 kpc, making PSR B0919+06 the farthest pulsar for which a trigonometric parallax has been obtained, and the implied pulsar transverse speed is 505 +/- 80 km/s. Combining the distance estimate with interstellar scintillation data spanning 20 years, we infer the existence of a patchy or clumpy scattering screen along the line of sight in addition to the distributed electron density predicted by models for the Galaxy, and constrain the location of this scattering region to within about 250 parsecs of the Sun. Comparison with the lines of sight towards other pulsars in the same quadrant of the Galaxy permits refinement of our knowledge of the local interstellar matter in this direction.Comment: 12 pages, includes 4 figures and 3 tables, uses AASTeX 5 (included); ApJ submitte

    Detection of X-ray Emission from the Very Old Pulsar J0108-1431

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    PSR J0108-1431 is a nearby, 170 Myr old, very faint radio pulsar near the "pulsar death line" in the P-Pdot diagram. We observed the pulsar field with the Chandra X-ray Observatory and detected a point source (53 counts in a 30 ks exposure, energy flux (9+/-2)\times 10^{-15} ergs cm^{-2} s^{-1} in the 0.3-8 keV band) close to the radio pulsar position. Based on the large X-ray/optical flux ratio at the X-ray source position, we conclude that the source is the X-ray counterpart of PSR J0108-1431.The pulsar spectrum can be described by a power-law model with photon index Gamma \approx 2.2 and luminosity L_{0.3-8 keV} \sim 2\times 10^{28} d_{130}^2 ergs s^{-1}, or by a blackbody model with the temperature kT\approx 0.28 keV and bolometric luminosity L_{bol} \sim 1.3\times 10^{28} d_{130}^2 ergs s^{-1}, for a plausible hydrogen column density NH = 7.3\times 10^{19} cm^{-2} (d_{130}=d/130 pc). The pulsar converts \sim 0.4% of its spin-down power into the X-ray luminosity, i.e., its X-ray efficiency is higher than for most younger pulsars. From the comparison of the X-ray position with the previously measured radio positions, we estimated the pulsar proper motion of 0.2 arcsec yr^{-1} (V_\perp \sim 130 d_{130} km s^{-1}), in the south-southeast direction.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted to ApJ; minor revisions in Sections 2.2 and 3.

    The Frequency Evolution of Interstellar Pulse Broadening from Radio Pulsars

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    In this paper we report multi-frequency measurements of pulse broadening times (tau_d) for nine medium dispersion measure (DM 150400\approx 150-400 pc cm3^{-3}) pulsars observed over a wide frequency range. The low frequency data at 243, 325 and 610 MHz are new observations done with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). The frequency dependence of tau_d for all but one (PSR B1933+16) of our sources is consistent with the Kolmogorov spectrum of electron density fluctuations in a turbulent medium. PSR B1933+16, however, shows a very flat spectrum as previously observed for high DM pulsars. Our observations combined with earlier published results enable us to study the spectral index of tau_d over the whole observed DM range. While the spectral properties are generally consistent with a Kolmogorov spectrum, pulsars seen along line-of-sights towards the inner Galaxy or complex regions often show deviations from this expected behaviour.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    BeppoSAX observation of PSR B1937+21

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    We present the results of a BeppoSAX observation of the fastest rotating pulsar known: PSR B1937+21. The ~200 ks observation (78.5 ks MECS/34 ks LECS on-source time) allowed us to investigate with high statistical significance both the spectral properties and the pulse profile shape. The pulse profile is clearly double peaked at energies > ~4 keV. Peak widths are compatible with the instrumental time resolution and the second pulse lags the main pulse 0.52 in phase, like is the case in the radio. In the 1.3-4 keV band we detect a ~45% DC component; conversely the 4-10 keV pulsed fraction is consistent with 100%. The on-pulse spectrum is fitted with an absorbed power-law of spectral index ~1.2, harder than that of the total flux which is ~1.9. The total unabsorbed (2-10 keV) flux is F_{2-10} = 4.1 10^-13 cgs, implying a luminosity of L_X = 5.0 10^31 \Theta (d/3.6 kpc)^2 erg s^-1 and a X-ray efficiency of \eta = 4.5 10^-5 \Theta, where \Theta is the solid angle spanned by the emission beam. These results are in agreement with those obtained by ASCA and a more recent Rossi-XTE observation. The hydrogen column density N_H ~2 10^22 cm^-2 is ~10 times higher than expected from the radio dispersion measure and average Galactic density of e-. Though it is compatible (within 2\sigma) with the Galactic (HI derived) value of ~1 10^22 cm^-2, inspection of dust extinction maps reveal that the pulsar falls in a highly absorbed region. In addition, 1.4 GHz radio map shows that the nearby (likely unrelated) HII source 4C21.53W is part of a circular emission region ~4' across.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in A&